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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 234 KB, 500x702, me-gettino-into-science-me-math-45489343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12238078 No.12238078 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

How good is khan academy for filling in gaps in knowledge? Passed with meh grades, went travelling for a year and now thinking of going into college.

Obviously I want to do as much as I can to succeed.


>> No.12238124

https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/math.html or read basic mathematics by Serge lang.

>> No.12238132

I can't math to save my life and I'm a science PhD candidate. Just pick a less mathsy field.

>> No.12238184

>be me white man
>see attractive woman
>work up the courage to ask her out
>start to walk up to her
>black man stops me
>ayy yo white boi she's made for the bbc
>go home alone and shitpost on 4chan
This happen to anyone else?

>> No.12238191

What're you doing your PhD in?

>> No.12238206

Your sister

>> No.12238209

This board is 18+, consider returning to reddit.

>> No.12238604

Yes. Tfw built for bbc

>> No.12238636

I've always found khan academy to be worthless. The questions/examples/lessons were way to basic/simplistic to help me with my university courses.

>> No.12238829

I found khan academy to be amazing when I was still in high school. I do agree that when you get into university-level mathematics it becomes irrelevant. I would recommend using it to brush up on high school math if you need to buy using another source (like textbooks) for the rest.

>> No.12238901
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish science was more math than bullshit.

>> No.12239021


I think the concepts are what's important. If you were going into college with the expectation they were gonna ask you how old billy was compared to lucy or whatever then you've obviously fucked up. Questions/examples unsurprisingly are easy as fuck because it's made for 18 and younger.

>> No.12239473

mind blowingly based.

>> No.12241403

Give milkers

>> No.12241406

The image comes from that retarded Gillette commercial. The black guy was stopping him from "toxic masculinity"

>> No.12241417

If your opinion is that common core is a good educational standard then by all means use Khan Academy. More like Moron academy

>> No.12241446


>> No.12241664


>> No.12242036

What area specifically? How do you feel about it?

>> No.12242042
File: 54 KB, 600x426, 1602383517565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone stopped me and pushed me, I'd sock them in the face, regardless of their race. Especially touching my stomach and chest area. I might not have had any bad intentions either. " Miss you forgot your wallet." This guy was rude.

>> No.12243599

I figure they're meant to be friends or at least acquaintances. But I get what you mean, I have a cousin who spent time in prison and I put a hand on his shoulder before (while face to face) because he was getting overly excited and he told me something along the lines of (paraphrased) "don't lay hands on me or I'll go off on you". I'm his favourite relative which I think is the only reason I didn't get punched.

>> No.12243632

>Tendency to get violent
>Spent time in prison
Checks out

>> No.12243684

Yeah it's a sad case. He never really learnt to control himself. He was always an ADD kid but he had some freak outs and bad influences (bad women) as an adult which got him sent to prison and he just got worse from there.
I had another cousin other side of the family who also behaved similarly with ADHD as a kid. He grew up into a chilled out hippie (unironically vegan) programmer.
Nature vs nurture I guess.

>> No.12244055

Pretty good anon, it's really good for breadth of topics. I used it along with some review books when studying for the MCAT.

>> No.12244067

I really like the way Sal Khan explains math concepts. Personally, I found it great through the high school level. I've never used the site for any other subjects, some of the other instructors may not be as good.

>> No.12244194

His videos on differential equations are utter garbage! Look for differential equations courses on youtube and look for a textbook for problem sets so u know that you're learning

>> No.12244929


>> No.12245514

Its imperative that as soon as possible you start understanding proof writing as such. Unironically the 4chan math book chart isn't that bad. An alternative is usually universities post a "what do you need to know" prior to entering list, which should help you. The most important things to know are: real number operations, functions, trigonometry, inequalities, quadratic formula, polynomial division, basic linear algebra, basic set theory. Then as soon as you can start Spivak's Calculus.

>> No.12246240

Somebody who's best tool to talk about logarythm is drawing by mouse, shouldn't teach.

>> No.12246356

I tell you a secret, but you must propagate conciusnes, be kind to people because you never know who can help you, deny the harming autority and respect people.

Taking ACID for most benefit is mandatory...

Write down a sheet of toppics you want to fill gaps in.

Have quartere of trips and then google "$toppic cheatsheat" in images.

It works like wonders, if it's not there, create new account on blogspot and upload a picture cheetsheet along with well taged article as picture.

New account and IP for every cheetsheet, if somebody's try to ban education they should've have it hard.

Like if some educational institution with sole content on the toppic ask blogspot for deletion of article and pays for it. If blogspot doesn't work, get some free wordpress hosting, and also pinterest.

Use all with changed font in cheetsheet.

libgen.is for books (libgen.rs)

Welcome to library genesis.

>> No.12246363

Please, look somwhere on internet archive 4chan curriculum.

>> No.12247656

Schizo posting

>> No.12248427
File: 130 KB, 1051x1500, 71hw-xqTdTL._AC_SL1500_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your solution

>> No.12248688

I liked the simplicity when I can do the complex stuff but can't relate it to the basic principles.