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File: 227 KB, 1599x1061, Gang Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12237501 No.12237501 [Reply] [Original]

Any Eng Chads here found a job after undgrad WITHOUT doing a 1 year internship during undergrad?

>> No.12237505

No :(

>> No.12237508

How many jobs have you applied to

>> No.12237612

I did 1 year internship yet I am not getting any interviews.

>> No.12237662

What did you do your internship on? And what's your degree?

>> No.12238005

By Chad eng you mean someone who is in engineering and has basic understanding of normal human interaction.

>> No.12238203

No, I mean Eng Chads (tall, good looking, big dick, slaying tons of pussy).

>> No.12238480

Yes, with a undergrad eeng degree and a 2 day working at heights certification I went straight into trainee electrician assistant for a warehouse complex in Boise. Literally just scheduled diagnostics on high voltage outlets and replacing overhead lighting tubes in any of the 6 buildings when they fail.
I do about 5 hours of work in every 10 hour shift and make $41k, $46k after 18 months.
I do have to work in all weathers but that almost never comes up. 14 months in and loving it.

>> No.12238515

>I went straight into trainee electrician assistant for a warehouse complex in Boise.
People in my country become electricians without a degree

>> No.12238522

I graduated with business administration and somehow got a job in a civil engineering firm so I'm based

>> No.12238528

But it helps

>> No.12238866

How do I become an engineering Giga Chad like Gang Chen?

>> No.12240040


>> No.12240674

Yes I did. I managed to find a small company that worked my ass off and I learned a very valuable lesson about life.

>> No.12240736


>> No.12240777

>someone who is in engineering and has basic understanding of normal human interaction
if you have these two things you are virtually guaranteed a good paying job. it blows my mind that people can get an eng degree and not find a job.

>> No.12240790

why didn't they tell me that chemical engineering isn't cool chemistry, it's just operating plastic bag factories

>> No.12240802

Go into consulting.

T. ChemE consultant

>> No.12240809

How do I get a jabbbb as a mech eng guy.
Do I need an Msc?

>> No.12240812

No just do internships and look into industry organizations. I got my job through the AIST

>> No.12240814
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, GENKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 100k starting mech eng chad

>> No.12240817

Getting an internship is really fucking hard especially now with the meme virus

>> No.12240819

>ChemE consultant
>without loads of experience
the boomers have taken the cool jobs.
i did an internship at dow last year and i'm thinking of changing my major honestly. it turns out they don't put refineries in san francisco, they're out in the middle of nowhere. what i had in mind was just different than what it is, i guess.

>> No.12240820

What sort of company pays 100k US starting?

>> No.12240824

100k CAD lol, but Mining & Metals sector

>> No.12240828

Git gud

>> No.12240832

The only Chem E jobs you'll get in a city is water treatment industry

>> No.12240833

Where are you working now frend?

Nice, do you work in a mine in the north of Canada? They say the pay is very good but work conditions are shit.

>> No.12240841

>Git gud

>> No.12240850

No, I work for a steel mill in southern Ontario

>> No.12240857

>No, I work for a steel mill in southern Ontario

>> No.12240859

east texas. i mean don't get me wrong there's a lot of petrochem work here and in louisiana. it's not like i'd be out of work if i stuck with it or anything, job prospects are good. i'm just not likely to be doing biotech work or other neat stuff, likely plastics or refining or whatever. it just feels kinda lame. i was doing a biomolecular concentration, and it's neat like doing protein work and stuff is very cool, but there's just not a ton of jobs doing that, and a lot of the work force is older. i've been talking to my advisor about swapping to computer science but it feels like a bit of an ego hit, like i wasted my time doing the wrong stuff.
and yeah comp sci isn't biochem work either, but i figure there's a better chance i could do something i would enjoy with that degree, considering there are so many more jobs available.
idk i just feel sorta lost. it's been kind of disheartening talking to friends that graduated before me, and to people who have actually been in industry for 20 or 30 years.

>> No.12240862


>> No.12240893

Honestly we're actually hiring a lot right now, we're having trouble getting good Process Analysts and we also need more Automation specialists. It's hard to find people who have both a software background and manufacturing background.

>> No.12240895

Sorry to hear. Sadly, as far as I know, biotech is still in it's infancy as an industry. Some pharmas and ethanol producers use biochemistry but not many others, and they mainly just repeat the same proven recipe. I think going into research, maybe at an uni as a professor, may be something you would prefer.

>> No.12240898

yes i found a job just fine with no connections. I did however have a summer internship but i do not believe that contributed to me getting a job.

>> No.12240905

No real tips. I got lucky and found the job on some other job posting site that wasn't indeed or linkedin. I was the second and last applicant which also was doubly lucky.

I might have some ideas which are probably all terrible. You could send resumes and cover letters to machine shops if you want to get some direct experience with metal or google maps some engineering firms and send resumes over to their contact email if you want to build houses or some crap like that.

>> No.12241355

mfw physics degree now making 550k/yr at a quant fund, god why bother even continuing in stem, just co out and make millions in finances its so fucking easy

>> No.12242034

Wouldn't necessarily consider myself an "Eng Chad" but I did go straight from undergrad (chemical engineering) into a full time industry role (automation and controls)

Would be happy to answer any questions that anons have.

I did have multiple undergraduate research positions, which I was able to use to demonstrate work ethic and interest in relevant topics. Though industry recruiters normally turn their nose at people whose sole background is research, it's still significantly better positioned than someone who does not have any work experience during college.

You need to be willing to apply to literally hundreds of jobs but it is absolutely possible. There are additional steps you can take such as
>having a LinkedIn with established connections (no matter how much of a meme it is and how much people seethe over it, LinkedIn is inarguably a factor)
>writing cover letters, even if it's 3 fucking sentences explaining that you're interested despite lack of experience. just write the damn thing

If you're the type of person who has /sci/entific hobbies, do your best to demonstrate that in your resume, applications, interviews, etc.
Knowledge gained in through hobby experimentation has landed me way more points with recruiters than classroom knowledge ever has.

>> No.12242068


When I graduated I got half a dozen job offers, but that was back in the 70s. A time when they paid YOU to go to university and didn't charge fees. A time when universities taught degrees which were worth something. A time when only the top 5% went to university and they didn't have to waste time teaching remedial classes. A time when universities were run by academics not administrators from the 'Women's and Diversity Studies' department.

>> No.12242103


>> No.12242494

I did, but it took something like 250 applications and 7 different interviews. Ended up doing medical research. Pay was pretty poor, but it was a good springboard for grad school.

>> No.12243608

>Knowledge gained in through hobby experimentation has landed me way more points with recruiters than classroom knowledge ever has.
definitely. every graduate has the same sort of education. it doesn't matter that you took calculus 3 and linear algebra and thermodynamics-- that's what everyone else took too. but if you're EE and you built an antenna for your amateur radio setup, or if your ChE and you made biodiesel over the summer; that stands out and looks really good on a resume. even if it's actually really trivial, you can ham it up, and it's better than having zero relevant hobby projects.

>> No.12244153


Yes, as a Chem E. It took 6 months and it was shitty cell culture/fermentation job that payed $20/hour. I worked there a year and bullshited on my resume to get a real biotech job. The key is your foot in the door on the ground level somewhere,.

>> No.12244243

how old are you? what are you doing now?

>> No.12244255

>it’s another engineering brainlets bragging about making 50-100k/yr within 5-10 years out of uni thread

>> No.12244403
File: 29 KB, 640x355, 683048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChemE here. Got a job right after my BS and only had a 3 month internship at another company working on similar project.

>> No.12244421

Anon, ...? There is a ton of cool chemistry in ChemE: recyclable polymers, sensitive/responsive materials, ecosystem bioreactors, etc. You're that one that chose to make bags.

>> No.12244493

i'm just afraid of choosing the wrong thing honestly. the nightmare is i wake up in 10 years time and i've wasted my time doing what i thought i wanted to do. petrochem cannot be sustainable at current levels. so much of the stuff i learn in class feels like it would be trivial to automate away.
idk. i've talked to a lot of people about this and it's like, there is no answer that would satisfy me. how is someone supposed to tell me what i want to do, when i don't know what i want to do? i used to think i wanted to go to med school and be a doctor. i don't even know what i want to have for breakfast tomorrow. i envy those who have "always wanted to be a veterinarian" or whatever.
i'm just venting really. i went with ChE because it's so broad that i figured i could find something i wanted. i mean fuck i could go to med school with chem E. i could do lab work and many chemistry jobs. it leads into a lot of stuff for grad school. it's just really hard to predict the future. what i wanted when i finished high school is not what i want now.

>> No.12245460

I'm 25. Since I quit the cell culture job, I've been as a process engineer at biopharmaceutical company in California. I work on the fill/finish end - we use pilot plant machines to transfer drugs in development from the lab to GMP manufacturing. We also use the lab to assess new technologies they might want to put on the line. Its got some biochem, but most of its general Chem E plus some Mech E. Its pretty interesting work and gives you a lot of insight into the different parts of drug development. Pay is $60,000/yr and its a contract position (they're really common in biotech) so its not like "chad engineer making money hand over fist" but its enough to live comfortably if you can skimp on rent. I specifically decided I wanted to go into biotech because I didn't want to live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so I took a lot biochem electives and used them to pad my resume.

I put out maybe a thousand applications before I got the cell culture job. Then maybe another 300 more before I got a better one. I think the best thing I did was pay a company to write my resume. Before I was barely getting any hits, but after I was getting a phone interview offer every few weeks. It was honestly a miserable experience and I'm scared to go job hunting again.

>> No.12245461

i'm embarrassed for you
t. cs gigachad

>> No.12245699

>ChemE, 24
>3 month internship after graduation (tried and failed multiple times over my 4 years in school to get on professors' research teams or get a co-op b/c of GPA requirements and interviewing skills)
>Parking garage attendant 4 months
>$17/hr temp job in a chemical factory as a tech running tests for stressed out production engineers who yell at you over the phone to hurry up
>Cost Analyst
>Fired after one year during pandemic b/c of 'rona

FUCK. I've applied to 34 jobs in 2 weeks, I hope it doesn't take me 1000. I'm doing cover letters and what not. Shit's miserable. Also trying to study for the FE. I basically wanna be in your position... process engineer or production engineer.

>> No.12246187

Found job at 16 or 17, mom locked me up on psychitry and said I cannot work trought internet, that it's and illusion.

>> No.12247306

EE here, I had a shit GPA, no internships, and I waited over a year after graduation to start applying to jobs. Got an interview in my desired field after applying to about 30 positions and got the job. It was the only job interview I've ever had in my life. Now I "work" from home. I have no advice to give, I think maybe God really felt bad about making me a manlet and a dicklet idk.