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12231309 No.12231309 [Reply] [Original]


Choose 1.

>> No.12231358


>> No.12231360


>> No.12231377

Wave. Particles don't exist except as field quanta.

>> No.12231388

Fuck you, I'm choosing neither

>> No.12231389


>> No.12231392


>> No.12231405

based wave chads

cringe particle posers

>> No.12231411

Particles are just special cases of waves.

>> No.12231412
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Also Eter is real
fuck kikes, trannies and jannies

>> No.12231421

It's literally just visible EM waves

>> No.12231427

>cringe particle posers
EM threads. Particles themselves are bundles of such threads.

>> No.12231441

It's a manifold that has no classical analogy and shoehorning it into one or the other is retarded.

>> No.12231491

Waves are just special cases of particles

>> No.12231592

only brainlets think this is up for debate.

it's a wave.

>> No.12231602

Neither, waves and particles are abstractions that help analogize and understand properties of propagating light.

>> No.12231645

It's neither a particle nor a wave. There is no word in our language to describe it, except "matterlike" but that's circular. Language is based on what we experience. We see that light exhibits particlelike properties at times and wavelike properties at others. So we say light is a particle and a wave. In reality we just can't describe it any other way since we have no word to.

>> No.12231656

What even is a wave? What is a particle? How can something have no mass, yet cause change in the universe?

>> No.12232115

No, it's really just a wave.

>> No.12232137

A wave is an oscillation in a field. A particle is an excited state of a field. Mass is not a fundamental property of matter, but emerges out of the motion of massless 'particles'.

>> No.12232168
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None of the above

>> No.12232310

Except it's not and you're wrong.

>> No.12232317

Physics disagrees.

>> No.12232368

Everytime we take a closer look at things around us we always find out that they're actually made of smaller shit and lots of empty space.
Just conceptualize how empty atoms really are, how far away electrons gravitate around the nucleus. And yet the only thing we consistently find everywhere are the electromagnetic and gravitational fields, and the waves that distort them.
This doesn't disprove the existence of particle per se, but it makes a convincing argument in favor of the sole existence of fields and waves.

>> No.12232381
