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12230452 No.12230452 [Reply] [Original]

How are soft sciences especially those often seen as far left like psychology, sociology, and anthropology seen by people in the hard sciences.

>> No.12230516

Hard scientist in academia here. I think soft sciences are interesting, I'll read about them often.

>> No.12230525

Have you ever noticed any antagonism between hard and soft academics.

>> No.12230528

Psychology and Anthropology are based.
Sociology is cringe.

>> No.12230540

Why Sociology in particular

>> No.12230567

I think economics is best among them, because at least econ tries to implant scientific method by using math and stat.

The other any 'social science' things are cringe as fuck. They are just brainwashing tools by SJWs and Leftoids who don't even know single-variable calculus.

I don't claim that only hard science is worth, but using it as rhetoric by Mr. 'I fucking love science' guys to promote their stupid ideology is so annoying.

>> No.12230574

Academia is all left.

>> No.12230576
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I like proper soft science, but usually its corrupted by the usual suspects

>> No.12230583

Soft science is largely uninteresting. Prior to being corrupted by ideologues it was probably fascinating. In any case, it has been overwhelmingly worthless for as long as I've been in academia.

>> No.12230590

Yes but as I understand it Academia in the hard sciences are usually more center and believe in things like higher taxation, universal healthcare and the such. Where as those in soft science are more likely to believe in things like communism, socialism, anarchism. And support more radical ideas like reparations, abolition of private property, the more extreme forms of feminism and banning hate speech.

>> No.12230596

It's difficult to dispute that academia is vastly leftwing. The extreme minority who are rightwing tend to lurk in the shadows to avoid being ostracized. As a result, academia is functionally 99.99% leftwing.

>> No.12230614

Yes but aren't the ones in the soft sciences even further left then the left of the other academics except those in things like literature

>> No.12230626

Absolutely. Anybody who is right of centre in the soft sciences gets filtered out well before they gain stature within the academic hierarchy. As a consequence of no descending opinions, it continues leaning more and more left overtime. It's a positive feedback loop.

This is why regardless of your personal political beliefs, it is crucial to have people who have individuals with some alternative beliefs.

>> No.12230643

Do you see any value in work done by those in the soft sciences.
Do you think they intentionally manipulate data or more subtle stuff like run experiments more often when they get results they don't like or when giving advise on politics interpret data in ways that support their personal positions

>> No.12230656

I believe that is true, but I don't have any evidence that supports it (I haven't searched either, perhaps it's available.) What is certain, is that there is a lack of rigidity or integrity in their methodology. Some topics are off-limits, and in others you mustn't steer away from the mainstream narrative (eg. IQ research).

If you want to listen to a fascinating episode of the JRE, I suggest listening to episode #1191. It features James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian. It illustrates in an entertaining fashion why soft sciences are beyond redemption.

>> No.12230689

Thanks for the suggestion I'll give it a look.

>> No.12230809

Psych academic reporting in. Anthropology is categorically unbased - it’s barely fucking better than sociology.
I’d argue that most sub disciplines in psychology are shit too

>> No.12231409

Agreed. Anybody with vigour in psychology departments transitioned to behavioural neuroscience.

>> No.12231422

depends on the science,
economics, sociology and the clinical wing of psy are pretty questionable

>> No.12231451

Utter nonsense. Academia exists to 'educate' the sons and daughters of the ruling class on the latest apologetics for capitalism and the latest idpol divide and conquer tactics to be applied to the commoners.

>> No.12231552

Stating your nonsense with conviction doesn't mask the fact you have no idea what you're talking about. Please try and refute, in an articulate manner why/how my statement is "utter nonsense".

>> No.12232002

ok I'll try to give my point of view as a chemist
there's some actual science in it, 80% is a meme tho
the only based and scientific part is biologic anthropology and the parts of cultural antropology tied to linguistic studies or archaeology
literal meme field for trannies and communists

>> No.12232006

not in STEM, leftists are too dumb for these fields

>> No.12232045

>I believe that is true, but I don't have any evidence that supports it (I haven't searched either, perhaps it's available.)

>> No.12232047

>cultural and linguistic anthropology
hilariously cringe
>archaeology and biological
unfortunate to be in the same department

>> No.12232052

No, the opposite. STEM is overwhelmingly leftist.

>> No.12232056

You think soft sciences were objective when they thought that blacks were inhuman chimps?

>> No.12232057

>STEM is overwhelmingly leftist.
lmao where?
Not in Europe

>> No.12232061


>> No.12232064
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>thinking europoor scientists are religious capital loving conservatives

>> No.12232069

>thinking not being a leftist automatically makes you religious and conservative

>> No.12232070

Unreliable. Has/had massive potential, then got flooded by 105iq future baristas.
Any real work is delegated to aging fossils and conmen

>> No.12232071

Nobody is talking about STEM workers, retard.

>> No.12232076

>STEM workers were significantly more conservative than other workers

>> No.12232079

>Nobody is talking about STEM workers
wtf are you talking about then? You hypothesize that STEM students differ from graduated STEM workers politically?
I say bullshit.

>> No.12232086

Economics is pure pseudoscience. Pull your head out.

>at least econ tries to implant scientific method by using math and stat
Lmao. It's about as scientific as astrology.

>> No.12232088

Why would scientists vote for a party that is known for denying basic scientific facts?

>> No.12232092

The subject is academia, fuckwit. Learn to read.

>> No.12232104

If they put the same effort into their work as they do into hiding their error margins they might actually do something useful.

>> No.12232131

Which party doesn't do this? Are you suggesting scientists never vote?

>> No.12232236

This is the most brainless interpretation I think I have ever seen on this board.
>Person says they're unsure rather than brazenly making claim w/o support
>Retarded bystander points and laugh at anon's uncertainty
Please go hangout on Reddit

>> No.12232243

>Evidence based rather than unfalsifiable theory based

>> No.12232569
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with sympathy and suspicion

>> No.12232571

>How are soft sciences viewed by hard science people

>> No.12233634

there is basically no difference between STEM academics and STEM workers.

>> No.12233641


>> No.12233837

As a topic for self-study, the (true) soft sciences are fascinating; sometimes they’re even more interesting than the hard sciences. However, as an academic topic, anything past an introductory level course is rife with bias and political opinion, which I assume is why no one takes them seriously anymore.

>> No.12233867

There is a whole lot of science denial from leftists. About nuclear, genetics, agriculture, wind and solar power, economics in particular.

>> No.12233907

Soft science isn't science, just science envy

>> No.12234445

Triple gay. Why would you want a flaccid, soft science when you can instead choose a rock hard science like biology?

>> No.12234481


I'm sick of pseud undergrads here going all "wah, I'm a HARD scientist".

>> No.12234487

WOW you're an idiot

>> No.12234496

They're not

>> No.12234497

Free estate.

>> No.12234510

>Anthropology based

>> No.12234522

>Seething smooth brain soft science cuck

>> No.12234530

Dilate, libfag.

>> No.12234537

>How are soft sciences viewed by hard science people
From above.

>> No.12234558


>> No.12234682

kek based

>> No.12234706

You've obviously never been in a university.
They do not push neoliberal or neoconservative ideology. They are almost universally communists and socialists.

>> No.12234738

>psychology, sociology, and anthropology
literally not science. the soft sciences are biology and chemistry while the hard sciences are math and physics. soft sciences are soft because they are lot less accurate because there are a lot more variables
as a biochem major i think physics and math provide the necessary tools and solutions to do everything but on their own are less important.

>> No.12234750

honestly, most don't seem good at all.
there are some that are exemplary. these include:
>comparative linguistics
the reasom they are good, is because they make an honest attempt to stay connected to hard science, and often feature a lot of hard science in their study. middle tier includes shit like
this is stuff that could be connected to hard sciences if a scholar honestly tried, but its very possible and much easier to not bother at all, and still see success as a 'researcher'.
low-tier shit:
theoretically, if it tried to take itself seriously, could use science in the same way paleoarch could, e.g. coming at human behavior biologically and game-theoretically, but the foundations of both fields generally do not even bother, and are not expected to.

at the very bottom rung, you have the shit that can probably never have science applied to it, e.g.
>political science
>x studies (women, LGBT, feministic, queer, etc)
because even a basic amount of science tends to evaporate its claims

>> No.12235028

not where I live, it's well mixed but the "higher" up the candidate is the more "right" wing, could be due to age though.

>> No.12235044

Imagine this
you take a small part of psychology, take that limited understanding make it gospel, strech it as far as it can go and you got a field of study
Half of the god damn time i dont even know what the hell are they working on

>> No.12235092

"soft science"
The academic excuse for humanities """people""" to not be thorough in their analysis or research of something.
These are also the saltiest of people because they know their research is not very accurate and when you point that out, they will word smith some bullshit or just flat out call you names.
Just because something is "science-like" does not mean you can call it a science. There should be no definition as a "soft-science" or "hard-science". You're either making predictions, testing something and then explaining it, and then having someone else repeat and call you on your b/s or not.
I do think some "soft-sciences" aren't "soft-sciences" like they are claimed to be.

You can distinguish between fields that use more science and other fields that use less. The fields that use more is because it's usually easier to predict and test ACCURATELY, and perhaps with PRECISION (physics).
Psychology is an area that makes predictions about human thought, where it's not really important to accurately and precisely confirm those predictions, as they tend to use generalised information (population statistics).
They can predict trends and human behavior over large populations semi-accurately, but I wouldn't say that they predict individual behavior well.
This is where for individuals, they use a whole heap feelsy human emotion tactics, and prior experience to work out what someone is thinking. Which the only evidence to say that it works, is that it's been tried a heap of times. Which is not science (but you could say it has elements of a scientific method or procedure).

>> No.12235105

Only evo and behavioural psychology are based, sociology and economics are politics trying to larp as science.

>> No.12235136

They are enormously speculative and you can see this by how often they change the core assumptions of their text books. As psychology beings to explore the structure of the brain and the chemical/electrical interactions of the entire human body it will get into the realm of hard science.

>> No.12235236

Did you confuse leftists with right-wingers?

>> No.12235255


>> No.12235297

>They are almost universally communists and socialists.
Only in mathematics departments. Everyone else is liberal.

>> No.12235347

psychology is semi-okay
sociology is trash
anthropology is okay

>> No.12235499

The problem with psychology is human thought is not really quantifiable.
You can measure brain patterns, but it's really hard to assume that the exact pattern applies to every other human.

>> No.12235512

>Seen as far left
Actual leftists are materialists, they reject pseudoscience, supersticions, and religion

>> No.12235522

Participants of academia are often left wing, true. However the international academic institution is ruled by greedy capitalists, which look to maximize the number of articles published and lock them behind paywalls. This has caused a decadent enviroment, where retarded papers are published constantly and theres no freedom of information

>> No.12235543

>About nuclear, genetics, agriculture, wind and solar power.

Are you retarded? The eastern bloc brought great advances in all those fields, even when Lysenkism was on its peak, the accesibility of education and lack of religion allowed great breakthroughs for science, which only improved after Stalin's death.

Your liberal art isnt science retard

>> No.12235545


>> No.12235555

Anthropology is like Freudian sociology. Still though, Anthropology actually studies real societies as opposed to the schizo ramblings of psychologists, what a load of bullshit in that field.

>> No.12235558

Are you retarded? Besides the fact that Idpol is a neoliberal spook, you only get leftist profesors in retarded courses, like gender studies