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12223472 No.12223472 [Reply] [Original]

Infinite budget, make it real, post how would you do it.

>> No.12223492

I'd start with an electromagnet

>> No.12223506

An ideal power supply would be main issue.... Any suggestions on solving that..?

>> No.12223508

Well, you'd need a lot more than one that's for sure

>> No.12223509

Why an electromagnet? You got shit up your heart too

>> No.12223522

If there's a way to do it, I would choose to distribute a lot of energy storages all over the suit, would balance the weight at least and you wouldn't have a chunk of batteries in your chest or back

>> No.12223526

Titanium and lithium ion batteries carbon fiber “internal” exoskeleton and someone else can come up with arms and propulsion

>> No.12223532

And heat dissipation*
It would also be easier probably to build something like the one he used against hulk. Easier to fit everything in.

>> No.12223550

>Buy all the land available in my country
> pay farmers $2 an hour to plant a shit ton of trees
> Build a house a the top of a mountain, a road going down from it and a private cable car for supplies.
>Buy stock from comcast and AT&T since americans are niggers and will always get fucked by internet companies.
That's all.

>> No.12223551

First of all, I would get rid of the hand meme blasters, get two propulsors in the back and keep the ones in the boots just for support. To be honest I think it's imposible to maneuver on a suit like in the movies so I would go for big jumps rather than directly flying. For equipment in the hands in exchange for the lack of meme blasters I would get the forearms tanked.

>> No.12223588

based Dr.Doom

>> No.12223603

Except flight all other stuff is possible....

>> No.12223616


Firstly OPs suit is not the one, you could probably end up with something like that after several decades of advancement and functional, field tested product.

The first one would be something similar to the hulk buster armour, allowing for a composite undersuit. With mounting points for a larger frame and armour plates.

The internal cavities would be ideal for storage of all the things that make it work.

...But that's just captain obvious speaking.. You all thought that anyway.

>> No.12223622

flight is the only possible part retard

>> No.12223641

>palm-sized nuclear reactor
Is this what Thorium makes possible?

>> No.12223672

How would you do it??

I mean we can have advanced weaponry
Good armour
How would you fucking lift all that and control in midair
Would you ask your mama to just fart and make it fly

>> No.12223699

>I mean we can have advanced weaponry
>Good armour
Not in a single, practically skintight, suit we don't.

Getting a dude off the ground is child's play, compared to everything else this suit is said to be able to do.
>it has fucking palm-mounted directed energy weapons, ffs

>> No.12223713
File: 218 KB, 1024x857, 1601821554583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd start buying a 220 ohm resistors, then some dozens houses in each country in the world, thousands of kilometers of land. I'd hire millions of workers/mercenaries, since the budget is unlimited I'd buy the land off from a government and fund my own state from which, with my endless amount of money, I would subvert every other country (pumping their economy with my money so their cash loses value) and I'd enjoy my life as a dictator. Maybe I'll buy a battery before I die.

>> No.12223744
File: 110 KB, 1240x817, 180720-ab_gravity_jetpack-2-al-1210_418ae633e57306b9679c4e1849916a87.fit-1240w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they get serious it could fit in a suit


Could be possible to fit in a suit with research

As for flight you must be taking about pic related.... How long can you fly and how well??

>> No.12223770

Where do you find these pics? Want to know

>> No.12223956
File: 115 KB, 900x700, Kaban Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can easily make something similar but nope
Not to that efficiency
>armor just centimeters thick means that it has to be denser than tungsten which would make it radioactive
>dense metal are great conductors of shock trauma brought by impact collisions
>I can't think of anything that could possibly dampen the shock trauma from Hulk's punch that can destroy buildings
>then comes the energy consumption needed to make it fly and release enough energy to still destroy batalions of tanks
>nuclear power (both fusion and fission) would require extreme radiation shielding. Antimatter is too futuristic to make any logical conclusion as to whether they are possible. Though it would still produce a lot of gamma radiation

You can, however, create a suit that can protect itself via electromagnetic fields, plasma window, and photochromatic shielding (anti-laser). But these too would require huge amounts of power and must always be attached to a damn truck of nuclear battery

>> No.12224208
File: 136 KB, 636x900, 1601821599525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good response desu

>> No.12224348

It could probably be done with something extremely radioactive that kills you after 2 days of wearing it

>> No.12224460

The biggest problem would be keeping that fragile meat body alive.
An unmanned robot is not impossible.

>> No.12224488

The technology does not exist for any price and is beyond our current reach to even develop.
>no compact high-power power source
>no 'repulsor' technology
>no true general AI
..and last but not least:
>no 'magic' tech that allows a full-size suit of powered body armor spring from a ring on your finger

>> No.12224491

1) Stop watching capeshit.
2) Repeat 1) forever.

>> No.12224581

>'repulsor' technology
Electromagnetic force aka Lorrentz force that we use for railguns
You can also do plasma window under the right laser frequency to create temporary wall of explosive air to repulse projectiles

We have the tech just not outside of labs

>> No.12224587

Also, said techs can fry a man

>> No.12224614

I'd either create a virus that eliminates low IQ people or build a mega AI that self propagates through peoples phones and computers, effectively taking over the world with the threat of nuking everyone out of existence if they don't comply. The AI itself will be programmed to advance humanity, no matter the cost.

>> No.12224818
File: 681 KB, 320x225, b730296ad92752604a0a6dd71f6a62c652eaaff5_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the AI be cute anime girl though

>> No.12224862

Fuck off, Bezos.

>> No.12224871

first invent fusion. then shrink fusion down so it can fit in a backpack. spend trillions doing the rest needed ie the assisted movement flying etc. get rid of lasers because thats retarded and use bullets.

>> No.12224901

if you are able to have some sort of fusion reactor in your backpack. It would create so much power you could have a foot of lead to shield you and it wouldn't matter (assuming you can scale the electric engines up with the amount of power created which probably isnt reasonable but with enough money probably possible) now everything else is true. iron man gets smashed by hulk through a skyscrapper and is fine which is basically impossible.

>> No.12224985

Nuclear fuel is 4 Terajoules/kilogram. Just start a reaction and control the reaction rate by increasing/decreasing the number of reflected neutrons

>> No.12224990

I fake it with CGI then embezzle the rest of the money

>> No.12224995

Nuclear creates too much radiation. Even fusion makes fuckloads of X-rays and barring basically magic, fusion makes more neutrons than fission.

>> No.12225011

Nuclear power, but it would need to be highly contained, that sort of material doesn't exist.

>> No.12225019

Don’t think you’d get it smaller than the bunker buster size at all. There wouldn’t be a reason to make it smaller.

>> No.12225045

Just use an electromagnetic radiation mirror and direct it outward to help with thrust

>> No.12225077

neutrons aren't electromagnetic radiation. Can't reflect X-rays bitch!

>> No.12225127

Flawed and dumb. If people believe it to be real or a threat they will attempt to stop it.

If you make the ai intelligent enough to hide it's presence.. it could advance humans secretly over the generations. Though one foul swoop would be great.. it is unlikely to be successful.

>> No.12225137

Get out popscifag

>> No.12225176

>>12223472. OP

I found a method that would most likely fail. But if humans worked in unity.

America for example..

300.million people. Average daily pay for alot of jobs at 11.50 is 92 before taxes. If they can get a slight raise of constant over time. They could earn 100-120 daily. And if the budget well.

The 20 dollars a day they could survive on. So if they split the 100 dollars to 10,000 people daily getting 1 penny from each person (including themselves) with out repeating the same people. 10,000 people would get 3million daily since 300million pennies is 3 million. And if the people who became millionaires continue to work and helped those around them.

366 days a year. 3 years is 1,000 days. So 10million people will be millionaires.
30 years. 100million people will be millionaires. And in 90-120 years. The 300million population plus 100million population growth can all be millionaires.

Repeat the process with the 7billion.

7billion pennies is 70million. Split 22or 23 ways everyone gets the 3million. So up to 220,000-230,000 people become millionaires daily.

And the same 90-120 years a majority or the whole population will be millionaires.

Have another method or two if you enjoyed that. If we consider 60years as generation. Our generation will start the process and struggle. Our second generation will start seeing and potentially reaping the rewards. And the 3rd/4th should be seeing the flaws and be able to optimize and improve the system to near "perfection/utopia"

>> No.12225184

1) K
2) Y 1) S

>> No.12225270

>An ideal power supply would be main issue

Indeed. THIS is the number issue to solve.

A very small and light weight super powerful energy source that does not kill the user with radiation.

>> No.12225355

What the fuck is this?

>> No.12225363

>Most important step is energy device
>Use my infinite money to create ultra mega joule tera flop dynamic quartz carbon titanium chromo reactor, based on these principles, it would be as big as an ant and output multiples of joules
>Use hydronic hyper plasma for propulsion, lightweight and manageable
>Use endo titanium mega corporations for suit, best material in the world
>Keep in mind the synergetic shit between the plasma and the portable reactor nullify matter propagation effects, thus you could travel faster than light
>Use organic dolphin brains for the ai robot guy, most intelligent being on earth after all

>> No.12225369

>humans worked in unity
LOL that's pretty funny. So funny I didn't want to read the rest of your post because I might laugh myself to death if I do.

>> No.12225373

You must be another genius with a fucking huge nose and a master's degree in economics from columbia university

>> No.12226367

Using antimatter stored in the disc of a microscopic black hole sustained by a particle accelerator

>> No.12226841

um scale betavoltaic cells with MEMS controlled moderation so you can cause small cells to go critical at a time when energy is demanded. This will absolutely fuck the PN junction after not very long, so you just build a billion of these cells onto dies and stack them.
The unsolved problem here is how to induce criticality with such little mass of fissile material.