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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12222879 No.12222879 [Reply] [Original]

This time we want to discuss methods beyond the stuff that just makes you think faster/better: To be sucessful you need to have high motivation and endurance. How do you make sure to keep those as well as self discipline high at all times? Do you structure and plan your day to make the most out of it? If yes, how? Bullet journals, org-mode, or just thinking about the next day before going to sleep?

Discuss brain improvement and mind enhancement. We had this thread recently and it hit bump limit, so here it is as a general. Let's make this a thing.
Please post science only, snake oil shit is only allowed if you specifically declare it as such.
We already figured out
> good sleep
>physical exercise (HIIT, endurance, lifting, ...)
> different games such as go, chess, dual-n-back, ...
> microdosing shrooms/LSD (not confirmed)
> meditation, hypnosis and similar
> proper diet, such as
> high fat (but only good fats obviously)
> supplement zinc, magnesium, ... (inb4 copper fag starts shitposting about literal pigs)
> if you accept addiction: adderal, caffeine, nicotine, ...
> not touching your dick [citation needed]
> learning languages (preferably ones that differ from your native one)
> probably something else that I forgot already because I didn't take the time to study memory techniques
(pic unrelated)

>> No.12222905

I'm having a hard time when I want to study. My concentration lasts for 2 or 3 minutes and then I feel the urge to do other activities
What can I do /sci/?

>> No.12222927

What are some good games I can play during boring classes to exercise my mind? Currently playing sudoku all the time but I want to try something different.
>inb4 pay attention

>> No.12223034

pay attention

>> No.12223055


>> No.12223079

try harder faggot

>> No.12223106

doing chess riddles on paper is only half the fun and I suck at chess.

>> No.12223156


>> No.12223328

Wrong thread?

>> No.12223583

>I suck at chess.
You're a hopeless case, sorry anon

>> No.12223697


Hey anon, I had the same problem, and I found somewhat of a solution you can try. Allocate a block of time for you to study and clear the room of distraction. Examples include: a clock, computer, screens of any type, phones, to do list, and alarm clocks. This block of time is for studying only, and if you get bored or frustrated, draw pictures on the side of the problem.

>> No.12223933

What's wrong with sudoku?

>> No.12224077

i'm a smoker but i know that nicotine is not good, if my memory is still good, nicotine reduce cerebral plasticity

>> No.12224375

what is better: sleeping only at night or sleeping a few hours at night and a few hours in the afternoon

>> No.12225219

Depends on you

>> No.12225228
File: 395 KB, 2048x1536, 59C20018-0EF2-4AB5-A351-B850611BEBAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am bilingual (Hungarian and English) and Google tells me this means I have a higher theory of mind than monolinguals. Is this true? Am I superior ?

>> No.12225281

Speaking of anguages, would Russian be a good choice for me, a German speaking English and knowing a little Latin?

>> No.12225323

how the fuck would i know bro. the retarded language i know has nothing to do with any other language

>> No.12225343

> >>>/x/ image
Ok, now you're just memeing.
How do you consistantly pick such awful images OP.

>> No.12226261

kek can you post a couple of pics so I have some examples for next thread?

>> No.12226273

Play it on your phone
>I suck at chess.
Have you ever studied chess or just tried playing?

>> No.12226294

hungarian is finno-ugric, right? so similar roots to estonian and finish
i think its a meme
i am fluent in english, russian and estonian and i don't feel like a transcendent ubermensch

> high fat (but only good fats obviously)
/fit/ reporting in
bad fat is PUFA, which is in any seed oil, so good luck avoiding most of processed foods

>> No.12226415

linseed oil is high in omega 3 and generally very healthy

>> No.12226610

What about general problem solving books? Does anyone know anything good?
Also looking for books along the lines of "how to learn" or "how to read a book efficiently", anything is welcome if you have read it and thought it was good.

>> No.12227541

What is PUFA

>> No.12227700
File: 39 KB, 332x499, images_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good sport, so I apologize for being a stink all the time.

I realize its personal preference, but I like the idea of posting cool book covers as the OP.
Good day and stay safe.

>> No.12227742

For me I'm keeping a hair band on my wrist and snapping it eachtime I catch myself slacking.
I also keep distractions in a small box with a note taped on saying it can only be opened at a certain time, like in the evening or not until the weekend.

>> No.12227801

>> if you accept addiction: adderal, caffeine, nicotine, ...
These all lower your baseline when you get addicted. Usibg these substances only get you back to where you were without them. Absolute trash.
>> not touching your dick
Very wrong. Regular sexual activity is important. The actual thing here is to NOT WATCH PORN.
Everything else is good desu.

Add Japanese green tea.

>> No.12229214

>green tea

>> No.12229228


>> No.12229369

>several smaller-scale studies (fewer than 100 participants) have shown increased alpha wave generation and lowered anxiety, along with benefits to sleep quality in people with ADHD.[30][46][47]

>The combination of theanine and caffeine has been shown to promote faster simple reaction time, faster numeric working memory reaction time and improved sentence verification accuracy.[32][34][48][49]

>Theanine has been reported to raise levels of brain serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, with possible improvement in specific memory and learning tasks.[50]

>> No.12229659

Oh you should totes try the Riemann hypothesis game. It's a fun little weekend brain teaser but you being a smart alec anon you could probs knock it out within the span of 1 lecture

>> No.12229717


semen retention is king if you want max benefits.

noporn and no FAP are 2nd place

no porn but fapping isnt even half as good as the other two.

>> No.12230029

Help I did this but now I'm just a slacker and a good artist

>> No.12230073

>semen retention is king if you want max benefits
Only if you call prostate cancer a benefit.
>no FAP
That was a meme years ago pushed to get people to develop prostate cancer.

>> No.12230282

what about self discipline?

>> No.12230289

just don't do what i did and you'll be ok.

>> No.12230474

What do you mean?

>> No.12230569

it trains the self discipline.
And imo being spineless is worse than a small increase of the risk for prostate cancer

>> No.12230602
File: 10 KB, 279x181, womenHateMath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to r*ddit

>> No.12230711


Knowing two words for the same thing is radically arbitrary. If you know how to communicate concepts that one language doesn't know how to convey yet into the other language then you've got some advantage of monolinguals.

But you probably only know a handful of these sorts of examples.

>> No.12230716

Lolwut? PUFAs are omega 3 you fucking fivehead

>> No.12231013

Archive seems to be down for me. What's the consensus on adderall/concerta? Which one would be more effective and at what doses? I was prescribed concerta but it would keep me up and adderall would usually stop being effective after a few hours and more depressed after the effects went down.
XR seems to be okay for now

>> No.12231314
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holy shit this made me laugh too hard hahaha

>> No.12231561

Discipline isn't completely rejecting something, it's learning to moderate. If you completely refrain from ejaculation because you're convinced it would mean that you have no discipline, than ejaculation controls you.

Cool argument bro, I'm totally convinced now.

>> No.12231869


>> No.12232024
File: 67 KB, 711x800, 1602303436419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yess goyim, if you don't jack off you know what happens? YOU DIE.
Jacking off increases dopamine thresholds, meaning its harder to get motivated. You'll end up feeling like a loser (like you are now).

>> No.12233467

>saving this pic

>> No.12233985

>Jacking off increases dopamine thresholds, meaning its harder to get motivated
Bullshit. Unless you're overdoing it.
Fantastic point. I'll consider it.

Is it playtime for retard home already?

>> No.12234542


>> No.12235319

Memespeak replies should result in a ban on /sci/ imo.

>> No.12235783

nigger. Is that memespeak?

>> No.12235813

>Bruh drugs help the brain bro im totally not an addict grasping at straws to feel like my mental illness is validated

>> No.12235862

What? "nigger"? Absolutely.

>> No.12236871

I'm mad as fuck bros, I have 9 months to re-learn all this at an AP level
>Math (calculus)
>Physics (calculus-based)
>Universal History
>History of My country

40 people passed out of 1394
Technically if I had a good routine I would be able to do it, the problem is that I simply get to a point where I just start reading just for the sake of it and I'm unable to understand things.
If it was just discipline and sitting in a chair for 10 hours It wouldn't be a problem.
I just feel sluggish and I can't help it, to a point that I get desperate and angry, like Wanting to fuck but not being able to get an erection; you just can't force things.
I'm not currently lifting (gym closed), I'm eating more fats and carbs because I don't have money for chicken, I'm drinking like 3 cups of coffee
I have my pc and my lamp at full brightness, but my room, in general, is dark

>> No.12236973

Why would you want /need to learn all that stuff at an "AP" level?

>> No.12236986

Because the test kinda requires, also, I feel that I would feel way more confident if I did.

>> No.12237046

I have to relearn 9 years worth of schooling in math,science in 2 yearz before I start taking engineering because I'm shitty in school and partly because my countries shit system is surprisingly enough fucking terrible at teaching kids anything

>> No.12237049

You don't necessarily need discipline. You can do it with curiosity, hunger, passion.
What a strain on energy to force yourself to get out if bed everyday.
Wouldn't you rather enchant yourself into desiring it, being driven by it, passionate about it. Etc.

There are so many methods to motivate and agitate energy. To be a profoundly open person will naturally keep you curious. Sensitivity will help too.
You can utilize desire. You can utilize a story and cinematize your life. You can utilize ego and ubermensch perfection. You can utilize meditation and ritual to hypnotize your focus into singular directions, like if you have 0 input feeds but the thing you are doing, and you hypnotize the motive and desire in, or what have you.

There are many methods. Discipline can be used with ego if you wish, or with purpose. But at this stage it isn't discipline, it is self improvement obsession or it is to fulfill a motive one feels in oneself

For how much we are sold "discipline", I find it is a motive that causes a lot of friction. It's more absent of a flow.
There are many much more effortless measures that will not dissipate your energy.

>> No.12237053


Consider your "distractions", or rather, things that pull you in numerous directions.
I find the way we have setup life is not apt. Perhaps it's just me.
However, I find I go through modes or periods. I gravitate around one thing primarily, and all my efforts, thoughts, opinions, choices, etc. They all gravitate around this thing too.
There are many methods, too. If you wish to develop a fighting discipline, one would say, fight, yes?
However, one can also watch fighting content, write fighting poetry, visualize fighting, imagine fighting people on the street, get into foods that will make you a better fighter, do yoga that will improve fighting.
So now you are able to do many, many different things so you don't become fatigued, but they all still center around the main thing.

I am not going to work on electrical engineering then coming home to play skyrim. There is no symbiosis here.
(One can have periods of gaming or play or what have you)

I personally employ this and I highly recommend. Don't spend 8 hours attuned to one thing then 8 hours attuned to another thing. Attune to one thing and do a few or many things that gravitate around it (as many or little avenues as you wish, but all leading to the same place).

After You feel you have accomplished your goal, have grown sufficiently, or other things beckon you, then begin a new mode.
Though I would recommend a period in nature for a time.

I know this may not be conducive with how we've set things up, but I have found these systems to be the most generative and symbiotic at agitating expansion and growth.

>> No.12237061

Adding more random stuff

-Your body won't process direct minerals, you need them from plant bioavailability.
-steam distill your water, put it in glass (no plastics anywhere), leave the glass in the sunshine for a full day. Drink this.
-i find that aspects of existence are meant to be utilized and wielded, not destroyed, though perhaps muted for a time. Anyway, masturbation can be utilized if you are not objectively masturbating. Not pointing it at porn of the fantasy of a mate. Not "edging", but simply and slowly stimulating this organ of your body, which has immense power to arise energy. Again, this is not about orgasming, though one can program themselves in this manner if they wish. Even towards goals of any kind. To my point, though, this is about arising energy. It's important that you are just feeling your body and arising energy rather than edging or thinking about intercourse. You will find, if utilized properly, this will give you dramatic increases in energy.
-becoming more sensitive will make you more aware of this world you are in, and will also increase your energy. Emotions are energy.

>> No.12237456

When you start feeling unconcentrated do the following
>stans up
>either do some easy and quick HIIT or go for a walk
>brew some tea or coffee or just get some water and go back to studying
>optionally change where you sit, try sitting on the floor or studying while standing/walking
Also try taking short naps when you feel too tired, doesn't work for everyone but it might for you.
Lastly, what kind of crazy test is this? Good luck

>> No.12238029

and omega-6
which you overconsume by a large margin and cuck yourself in the process

>> No.12238174

Are Beta Binaural Beats actually good for studying/working, or are they just a meme?

IE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEHVz5XCmBs&list=FLx9ObcpuZoS9rBLtyebEgEw&index=138&ab_channel=FulLengthBinaurals

>> No.12238285

Try something that can have practical applications like computer hacking, trading stocks, or poker. Other anons mentioned chess which is good but really what separates something from being a game and work?

>> No.12238623

low IQ energy, keep justifying your filthy habits

>> No.12238861

I'm a high achiever, that's more justification than you can handle.

>> No.12238863

I have a serious question. Hear me out.

When saying nofap, this doesn't include having sex, right? Are people who advocate nofap assuming that nobody ever has sex? Because how would they compare the effects if it's not clear whether participants have sex with another human being?

>> No.12239075

Basically your sperm is Viril energy.
When you cum, you're expending potent energy. We don't exactly know what all this is. Minerals and fluid for sure, but there's more.

So having sex and not cumming or edging is feasible, but it will cloud your mind with your sexuality pointed at things like flesh.
Partners also have sex in ways that is more about passion and spiritual connection, which one can utilize, but there's a pretty radical shift in mental state and the perception of sexuality, whereby it is much more about tools for union around spiritual connection, rather than tools for physical gratification.

The Tibetan Buddhists would use sex for all types of things. As I stated earlier, you can turn your sexuality towards your goals, or ways you are wishing to develop.

Right now, for example, I am working on my respiratory system. Thinking about running has started to cause me an erection through some of the sexual conditioning that I've done.
I setup the thing I want, or want to develop, then you can masturbate around it. Not to the point of cumming or edging, just pointing your sexual energy in that direction. This will entice you and motivate you towards that action as it will have a desire connotation attached.

I also do this non-objectively. To simply arise energy. I don't think about anything while I do it but stirring energy.
You can also do it around mental states and moods.

You can also instigate character traits with your partner through things like roleplay.

>> No.12239078

It's literally NO FAP
That means "no masturbation", not "no sex"
And yes, sex isn't counted. It's considered healthy, as opposed to fapping

>> No.12239081


"Sex" as we've generally come to know it, will cloud you unless it is utilized and directed towards your pursuits.
So if I have a partner, either we are objectively utilizing it towards our goals, or we spend time in periods where we are not focused on goals, or less focused, and are more focused on expanding our spiritual connection.

You can use it all for flesh interest and gratification, but it is sort of empty unless it motivates you.
I can't say this or that motive is bad, but a lot of what we chase after as a result of the way we've come to utilize sex is empty. For example, exercising to look attractive. In our culture it can have uses, but consider how this conditions oneself, and what it causes oneself to place value in when it comes to life.

>> No.12239547

none of this shit works I will always be a brainlet

>> No.12239557

is being shit at multiplayer fps games associated with low IQ?

>> No.12239562

No, but being extremely good at them is correlated with high IQ.

>> No.12239567

What's the difference? Men cum either way.

>> No.12239569

>good social life
anons seething

>> No.12240059

Very based take on masturbation. One thing a lot of people don't realize about nofap is it's not just the frequency of porn viewing but also the way you do it, it's a sickness if you get up and need to rub one out while your dick is still soft, trying to get it going. It's another thing entirely to really think about the experience and what is happening and what these feelings are (i.e already inside of you, not projected at you by media/porn). I used to call it meditating one out when I was younger.

>> No.12240123

Hungarian is a God tier language. because of concatenation. I.e Von Nueman was Hungarian

>> No.12240145

Lol you retard. You are 70% drugs/chemicals. The red pill is embracing research chemicals.

Spoiler: mix some turmeric and black pepper and tell me how you feel.

>> No.12240162

Also I could literally give you a list with supplements that will change your life into easy mode but this thread lq af

>> No.12240195

When are you going to discover that you eventually need to transcend drug dependence by embracing the feelings those drugs provide while sober.

>> No.12240236

Transcendence is a very long road. I'm not talking LSD or those fun drugs. There is no high or low just increased efficiency in signal processing

>> No.12240251

you can transcend anything, I used to be hooked on nootropics until I realized the real nootropic was the good habits I made along the way

>> No.12240268

NGMI there exist a chemical or combination of chemicals that rapidly increase in curve. We have reached our current state in intelligence by this process

>> No.12240294

Let me guide you guys on the based path

>> No.12240533

yeah, I do drugs, get addicted to them, kick the addiction and quit, move forward with the best of both worlds

>> No.12240538

Go outside and get sunlight

>> No.12241445

What's the best form of tobacco or nicitine consumption? Patches, pipes, cigars, snus, spray, ...?

>> No.12241449

probably gum. i chew nicorette a lot

>> No.12241516

>Maerth asserted that the eating of brain produces an aphrodisiac effect (presumably due to the vast amount of hormones in it), and that this initially caused apes to become addicted to them, organizing brain hunts wherein the males of another tribe were eaten and the females raped in a frenzy of brain-induced sex and violence.[1] However, this diet also inadvertently increased brain size and intelligence[2] while triggering the loss both of body hair[3] and of our innate psychic abilities.[4] Thus the human gradually came into being, remaining cannibalistic until 50,000 years ago.[5] Modern humans, alienated from their surroundings now that they've no telepathic contact with nature and each other as animals do,[6] suffering from a distorted sexuality resulting from hormonal imbalances,[7] and driven insane from the constant pressure of their unnaturally large brains pressing on the inside of their skulls,[8] are inevitably destroying themselves with pollution, overpopulation,[9] racial integration[10] and ultimately, nuclear war. He foresees a return to cannibalism in the near future,[11] and suggests that the readers should drop out of society,[12] embrace a vegetarian diet, steep themselves in the wisdom of the East[13] and perhaps employ various wooden frames and wire devices to alter the shape of their skulls as some ancient cultures did, thus relieving the pressure on the brain and partially restoring psychic powers.[14]
laughed and thanked god

>> No.12241916


>> No.12242493


>> No.12242592
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yes, I was able to debunk the people debunnking binaural beats