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12222652 No.12222652 [Reply] [Original]

I've already tried magic mushrooms: best experience of my life. I want the opinion of the 4 chan "scientific" section on DMT and magic mushroosms.

>> No.12222775
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well I was hoping to make a psychedelic thread on /x/, this is just as good. also hoping >>12211879 anon shows up, had some more questions I wanted to ask him

from my experiences, psilocybin mushrooms, lsd, and dmt are all very similar. they have some distinct visuals/emotions/etc, but the main difference is that dmt is out of your system in half an hour, so you can essentially OD on it, while taking that much psychoactive mushrooms would just make you throw up. the end result is that you pass out and have a vivid dream, with a lot of people having shared experiences: feeling of reality dissolving away, breaking through into a "higher" plane of existence, amnesia or anamnesia (recovering lost memories, possibly secret ones), feelings that you are no longer human, contact with other beings.

personally, I've had all that stuff between two dmt trips, which makes me think that the chemical triggers something like a eureka moment during your trip. I constantly felt like I was being amazed and rediscovering some incredibly important secrets, to the point where I was desperate to do it again immediately even though it was mildly physically discomforting (I also met some extradimensional operators who told me I had been larping as a human my whole life and had just finally gotten back in contact with them, so I had a narrative reason to want to jump back in)

>> No.12222827
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some of the things I've felt are very interesting if you think about them critically. on sub-breakthrough doses I've had the same experience twice listening to songs that I knew very well. first I heard very clear pitch modulation, like someone had a pitch dial and they were twisting the dial back and forth. I've heard this kind of thing in real life, so I recognized it immediately. the other thing was experiencing time out of order, which when I concentrated hard I could very distinctly hear lyrics that should go 1234 go 1324 instead. the hallucinations at the time was that a harmless but irritating entity was in control of reality, and they were doing these things to fuck with me in order to get me to pay attention to how powerful they were, but anyways the actual things that happened were quite concrete.

I will say, dmt has been the most interesting psychedelic to do with a skeptical attitude. everybody told me LSD would make you do crazy stuff like "see sounds", and I was pretty let down. the kind of stuff I saw on LSD was visuals influenced by music, so a visualizer, not really what I expected. breaking through on DMT I had experiences of visualizing and manipulating my own thoughts in my mind, moving my hand through the inside of my body and into my brain, being able to phase objects in the room in and out of existence, really fun stuff like that.

>> No.12222858


the last thing I'll say as far as the scientific stuff goes, is my one time experience with salvia. that shit is incredibly dangerous and uncomfortable, I basically lobotomized myself but could walk around and open doors without knowing what it meant to be human. what I found interesting though is that I had incredibly limited motor control of my right side, and basically no ability to speak. I know left/right brain stuff is mostly pseudoscience, but it did get me thinking that maybe one of the key effects was to inhibit cross talk between the sides of my brain.

>> No.12222872

I've heard that many people who try DMT shift from being atheist to religious, did that also happen with you?

>> No.12222908

well no, but if anything was going to do it, it would be dmt

I've loved my experiences with psychedelics, but I'm a very strong skeptic. the fun part of shrooms is thinking "what could be happening to my brain to make me hallucinate like this, see these visuals, etc".

having said that, the first time I broke through on dmt I was absolutely completely convinced I was a being from outside of our reality, and I had chosen to live a human life for some reason. some other beings like me were running the universe, and when I got back in contact with them they were worried because they hadn't heard from me in a while (my whole life), and they wanted to make sure I checked in with them more often. I came out of the experience absolutely convinced this was the truth, for at least a few hours/until the next morning. the next day I realized this was kind of the theme of Philip K. Dick's VALIS novels, which I had read a long time ago.

the best cure for this stuff is to do it multiple times. when I experienced some retard trickster fucking with reality to show me who's boss, I realized these experiences are incompatible. there are probably no extradimensional aliens running our universe so we can larp as people, although I'll admit I think about it a lot and wonder "what if"

>> No.12222917

>best experience of my life
could you explain why the best experience? What you felt?

>> No.12222948

>extradimensional operators who told me I had been larping as a human my whole life and had just finally gotten back in contact with them, so I had a narrative reason to want to jump back in)
could you explain this please? Really curious about this

>> No.12222953

Which secrects did you feel you grabbed?

>> No.12223041

sure, the operator stuff is >>12222908 , but I can talk about specifics if you want. in some of the VALIS books (I think the second one?) it's implied that humans (maybe in a perfect form from the future) are experiencing life in our reality as an exercise, but it's a sort of daedalus maze, so complicated we may not even be able to escape once it's built. christ is a kind of failsafe if we forget and get trapped.

this is kind of what I experienced, but without the negative stuff or the christian stuff. I got to "log out" of reality for a second and chat with two people who were monitoring the system to make sure everyone's ok. it was not clear if all people were like me, I could have been the only human like this, but also maybe everyone is like this, don't know. I didn't get to see them or move around in the "real" outer reality, I was still plugged into whatever kind of thing this was, but we could talk, afterwards it reminded me of the movie Source Code (not a great movie). they were friendly, felt like coworkers, mainly just wanted to make sure I was doing ok. they told me to check in more, which I understood meant breaking through on dmt, that was the "secret" way to get out of the maze. I also told them I was concerned for my life back in the world, because realizing who I was would kind of fuck with me mentally, but they told me not to worry, nothing important was going on and I would get used to all this knowledge

>> No.12223063

Heh, it just goes beyond words. What can I say is that the visual hallucinations are just an irrelevant part of the bigger inner experience. You should just try them; btw the effects varies from person to person (I think the more one person is intelligent, the greater the effects on him); in fact my friends said it was just like one big hit of weed, while for me it was a completely different experience.

>> No.12223073
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the secrets were more abstract. on the sub-breakthroughs that I mentioned where a single asshole entity played time out of order for me >>12222827 , one of the points was to "show me" that time could be manipulated, and this was a kind of power and since I was a human who experienced time in one direction I better be a little more careful/respectful

on the operator breakthrough >>12223041 there was a part before I met them where I was being hit so hard by the stuff I had no concept of anything, but I could visualize my thoughts. when I had a thought, it would be repeated back to me endlessly and it took a visual form that I could move around and interact with. I realized that thoughts were objects, and thinking them "slotted" them into spaces in my mind. I could move thoughts and feelings around in these slots in my brain. it made me realize that physical objects like chairs are of the same type of things as thoughts, it's just that they are slotted into spaces in reality, that reality is structured like a mind, and that the endless relations of objects are just how they are slotted together (a chair is on top of a balcony because the chair object has a slot of what is beneath it, the balcony object has slots for what is on top of it, as well as what texture it is, etc)

this sounds totally retarded, but it's how I felt

>> No.12224006

Thank you
you say ''larping as a human''
So it's this life a stupid simulation?

>> No.12224468

I dunno, I'm trying not to sound retarded. what I mean is, it was clear to me that I had "woken up" and realized that I came from outside of our world, whatever that means. the people I was talking to were also there, and they had something to do with managing our reality.

whether our reality "isn't real" or something I don't know, I just know that I came from somewhere else I there was some reason why I was living out my life as this person, but there was some larger context to things. as a part of the process I had forgotten and just started to believe that I was a regular human being, which was not ideal. although as I said, it's possible that all human beings are like this, our minds/souls/whatever just come from somewhere else.

>> No.12224825

I understand your point
It's the same thing people that go trought near death experience say

>> No.12224829

Would you describe those operators as friends?

>> No.12224843

>theme of Philip K. Dick's VALIS novels, which I had read a long time ago.
may be this is the reason of your dream

>> No.12224877

I did mushrooms once. I just became "more me". I was kind of disappointed.

tldr: I guess I'm already S tier.

>> No.12224920

yeah absolutely. they didn't feel otherworldly, they were just like me, we just happened to be outside of the universe in some sense. like I said in >>12223041, they were kind of like coworkers. they were concerned because I hadn't contacted them, but I got the feeling that ultimately everything was fine. even if I never got in touch with them again, they were sort of checking up on me, making sure reality ran ok and nothing really bad happened

yeah that's what I meant to imply. although the experience was very incredible, I definitely understand that I had a dream that was heavily inspired by things I have thought about before.

>> No.12224926

The highest form of existence is only achievable with a healthy mind and sober meditation. Most people aren't able to entertain themselves with their mind so they resort to drugs, because most people have weak minds. The redpill here is that by doing to drugs you may have ruined your ability to achieve true nirvana.

Drugs fuck your brain.

>> No.12224955
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The Prince of Milk has a similar theme to it, likely heavily borrowed from the short story The Egg.

>> No.12225082
File: 24 KB, 380x250, back-to-pol-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me
gtfo pill-popping /pol/itard

>> No.12225100

what's it about? people on /x/ have posted about the egg, don't remember what exactly

based retard

>> No.12226525

This video is an animated narration of The Egg. It's fairly short.
Unless you're asking about the Prince of Milk. It starts with a love triangle between Etherial beings that ends with the three involved falling into our world and being scattered to live out multiple lifetimes across all of human history until the grudge is settled. Turns out sleeping with the Arbiter of Entropy's wife wasn't the brightest idea and things eventually get sci-fi horror-esque when somebody accidentally crashes the insane asylum of cosmic beings into the same plane of existence as the village they end up in on their final Corporeal incarnations.

>> No.12226540

Idiot... It's just a way of saying "inform me on", I'm a libleft you idiot...

>> No.12226926

ah now I remember, somebody on /x/ brought it up because I had a similar idea based on the single electron theory, that if reincarnation is real then perhaps there's a single soul that goes forwards and backwards through time to eventually trace out a huge loop living through everyone's lives.

I actually originally thought of it in the context of some bizarre creatures/amoebas out in space that, because of their abnormal brain chemistry, "consciously" experience time backwards, and the soul has to live in them on it's way back. I had an idea for a short story where their experience of life is horrible and mangled, essentially you can't have consciousness effectively when reversing time, so the soul hates it, and is trying to stop this process of living in the pocket universe, which is the source of our discomfort as humans.

>> No.12227941

Your brain is made up of drugs anon, you think the human brain experiences objective reality? Psychoactive drugs just temporarily change what chemicals and systems communicate with each other.