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File: 168 KB, 700x900, cat god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1222238 No.1222238 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously cant even begin to understand how someone could be an atheist
Someone explain to me how its possible for all this to be real without the creator.

>> No.1222301


why dont you learn yourself something

>> No.1222323

I seriously cant even begin to understand how someone could be a theist
Someone explain to me how its possible for all this to be real just by the whim choice of a thing named by a bunch of fruitloops as the creator.

>> No.1222326

alright sure but what about the dead sea scrolls?
why dont you lern something?
they prove that Jesus exists and how the world will end

>> No.1222342

fucking picture made me lol, thank you, OP

>> No.1222351

>ignorance of the universe, unanswered questions...
>oh I know, must be a magic man in the sky!!!!

>> No.1222359

nobody doubts that Jesus existed. A lot of people, however, doubt that he had magical powers and was the son of god.

>> No.1222361

your a frootloop
dead sea scrolls people
it wasnt a whim, it was prophecie

>> No.1222362

Under the same line of logic - let's see if the world is going to be oblitarated in 2012, because it's when the Mayan decided it will end.
The same applies for the Y2K bug, a series of failed predictions to the end of the world from all religions and Nostrodamus' scriptures.
You can't predict something that's not scientificlly predictable like the end of the world.

>> No.1222376

the arrogance to assume that one could even comprehend what kind of being DID create it, the reason why and why it would even be concerned with us is astounding.

>> No.1222397

How do they prove Jesus exists? I really have no idea, since I have no clue what is in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Wikipedia is no help and I don't care enough to search any further than that.

>> No.1222412

How does the belief in god accomplish anything? It limits our search for knowledge. "why did that happen?" "god"

I really see no advantage in believing in a god.

>> No.1222418

I think you're a troll. I think you did well.

In my opinion I feel like religion is like your nasty shit. No one wants to hear about it. To each their own.

>> No.1222417

The Mayans decided nothing of the sort. They just made a calendar that rolls over in 2012.

>> No.1222411
File: 16 KB, 210x168, 6828546392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.1222433

If the laws of physics were different in any way, it's probable that no life could have evolved and questioned why they were there.

The cosmos in the eyes of the religious may seem to be intelligent design, but it only appears so because we're here to question it.

>> No.1222435

you dont need an advantage
its just truth
the advantage is eternal happiness in heaven
what you learn in this life doesnt matter

>> No.1222438

>I seriously cant even begin to understand anything

>> No.1222446

If it's the truth then you can prove it. Otherwise, thanks for playing.

>> No.1222464


It's impossible to prove or disprove something like that. That's why we continuously make questions and find answers for it.

>> No.1222466

What the hell, the Dead Sea Scrolls are just well preserved Jewish texts. Impressive, but nothing related to Jesus or prophecy, let alone the existence of a God.

>> No.1222485
File: 80 KB, 1024x522, atheists everywhere'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah listen to your friend
he said you cant disprove it
you can prove it however
the dead sea scrolls prove that what the bible says is real

>> No.1222498

fuck off. Reported

>> No.1222493

Besides the religious people who attack society, why does it matter what someone believes?

>> No.1222527
File: 100 KB, 1000x1939, troll type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
report this beeotch:
thanks for the easy victory /sci/
im out

>> No.1222552

According to Wiki, the Dead Sea Scrolls are just a bunch of religious texts. They don't prove truth any more than the Bible itself, which is to say: not at all. Also, not being able to disprove something is meaningless. You can not disprove any number of things.

>> No.1222569

>The Dead Sea Scrolls prove that the Bible said mostly the same things a few thousand years ago
Fixed that for you.

>> No.1222573

Ok, OP, no need to rage. For some reason I sencearly belive your not trolling. I would be happy to have a civil discusion. Now, more to the point -
A fact: there is no empirical evidence that god exists or that he dosent.
What is empirical evidence you ask?
from wikipedia:
"Data derived by means of observation or experiment"
That is what we scientist belive in - if you cant show it in an experiment or observation then it lacks credability.
Side note: this is why theoretical physics is theoretical - its just a model. We might be very wrong with some of our theorys but they have good foundations in proven science. this is the difrence between a gues and a theory.
Becuase there is no empirical evidence or theory grounded in previous science regarding God, scientists do not belive in God.
I personaly, do not say that there can be no God, its just that we have no reason to belive there is one.
Now, you might say the old testement, new testement, qouran and what not have definite proof that God existed - its written there!
continuation in next post

>> No.1222586

On a personal note:
1. I think that clasic religious texts (the original texts of the many religions of the world) are great storys with great morals and that they have thing to offer, but they should not be taken at face value.
2. I think that almost all modern organized religion is corupted and I do not find it atractive to me.
3. My personal reason for atheism is emotinal, not rational. I see the beuty of science, and much like you see God, It completes me. Science filled a hole in my understanding of the universe that God could never fill.

>> No.1222625

Not OP, but I feel for you. I'm religious but... I don't know exactly what I believe. I'd say I was agnostic but that's not quite it at all. I believe I'm being judged for what I do and say, but there are things I completely disagree with in the bible.

>> No.1222667

I think we all have that feeling of judgment. our morals, how weve been brought up, our life - it all influences us. We judge ourselves by our standards in an attempt to better ourselves as human beings.
And yes, there are things in the bible that are horible
like the story of Elisha and the bears. But then again there are such jems as "Thou shalt not kill". The bible has its ups and downs just like any good book :)

>> No.1222664

God created living beings so he could fatten us up and eat us at his discretion.

>> No.1222722

The worst story in the bible IMO is the one where god was going to murder Moses due to him failing to circumcise his son in time. It took his wife going batshit and cutting the boy's foreskin off with a piece of flint.

What the fuck is this. This is...

>> No.1222738

Yeah, I actualy learned the bible in school and I dont remember this story. Care to source?

>> No.1222758

Exodus 4:18-26
I don't blame you for not knowing it, I've never seen anyone quote it or discuss until I found it on a satirical list detailing other terrible verses.

>> No.1222786


i used to do this but i stopped caring. it's really not that hard to go through the bible and find this kind of thing all over the place. it's really a great trolling book, and it's triple points because it comes straight from the source.

>> No.1222820

Finished reading the verse in the original (yay for hebrew!). yeah its sick, all the more proof people shouldnt take the bible at face balue.

>> No.1222837


basically god is the most epic troll in history.

>> No.1222868

I disagree, but I have to go, so I wont start with it. If the thread is still alie by tomorow, then well see.

>> No.1222980

Until I see another race of alians come down and just happen to have the exact same religion as related to the bible then I might become a believer. Until then I'm staying agnostic. I was grown up in my household as a christian but I hated being ignorant of science and many other things in the world. Although I do have to say that my favorite book of the bible is exodus. I love end of the world stories.

>> No.1223073

Indeed. What I read in that verse wasn't god, it was a psychotic, bloodthirsty monster.