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12220829 No.12220829 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to find people who accept this reality?

>> No.12221413

because if you dont agree with it you'll be socially ostracized and fired from your job, its nothing to do with science simply self preservation

>> No.12221421

Race is fluid but not a social construct.

>> No.12221434

>gender is not a social construct
what did OP mean by this

>> No.12221441

No but I mean on the internet, on chans and sites like this.

Seems like everyone thinks either "both are completely invented and arbitrary" or "both are ancient unmoving biological facts and white people were around 30,000 years ago"

Basically everyone is retarded

>> No.12221446

>Race is a social construct
whites get sunburn near the equator
blacks get vitamin D deficiency far from the equator

how is that a social construct?

>> No.12221454

where do you draw the line?
you can define characteristics all you want. but at what point does someone in central asia magically morph into asian, or european, or middle eastern?
the whole system is based on arbitrary characteristics. if these characteristics were scientifically valid then race would be different. but as of now it is "whatever I think it should be"

>> No.12221460
File: 2.03 MB, 3880x5184, ho5ayo0434d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is a social construct, because guy in picrel could be Indian or Arab or European or Nafri. Moreover nobody even agrees on which of those or which subdivisions of those constitute a "race". It's literally arbitrary bullshit.

Ancestry is an actual genetic construct but has no relation to race. British people are 40% Middle Eastern by ancestry. This curiously upsets most of the "race realist" people, probably because most race realists tend to be white, and their "realism" comes not from a place of logic/curiosity, but from cope and vicarious living as a means to feel self worth.

>> No.12221465

if race isn't a social construct, then why do the half MENA rapebabies of Italy/Spain/France get called "European" on a daily basis?

>> No.12221477

>where do you draw the line?
biology isnt an exact sicence
the existence of mutts does not disprove the existence of race

>> No.12221479

>trying to impose a hard line on a field that he admits is not exact
maybe now you'll begin to see

>> No.12221482
File: 227 KB, 839x1280, yamnaya-PCA-kanalysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biology isnt an exact sicence
rapebaby cope.
Actual race is a real genetic construct. The shit that white people call "race" is a social coping mechanism.

>> No.12221484

>Indian or Arab or European or Nafri
all those are subgroups of caucasian

>Ancestry is an actual genetic construct but has no relation to race

>British people are 40% Middle Eastern by ancestry
only when you count all the pakis and british

>> No.12221489

>needing a field to be exact to accept that measurable differences are not imaginary

>> No.12221494

I know that there are biological differences between different humans. however, using "race" as this barrier is never going to work, and will just lead to centuries of wars over language

>> No.12221513

>hurr durr, race leads to war

people kill people for whatever reason, you cannot just eliminate the reasons of the past and hope for people to stop killing each other

and noticing differences on race does not automatically mean "I have to kill anyone who is different from me"

think of lions. lions are pretty, people like lions. now, the thing is lions belong on the savannas of africa, not on the streets of our cities. if you see a lion walking in front of your house you call animal control to take it away, because that is safer for the people and for the lion. it doesnt meant that you hate the lion.

>> No.12221526

I've realized everyone is retarded and there is no way to stop it.

>> No.12221529

who is black and who is white. is there a clear line? no. ur cringe.

>> No.12221541

>take red paint
>mix it with blue paint
>it is now purple
>"this is proof that blue and red dont exist!!!"

>> No.12221551

The true reality is that humans have always been, are currently, and will always carry a tribal mindset.
And that's unironically a good thing.

>> No.12221553

this, the selfish gene

>> No.12221694
File: 202 KB, 1660x2384, la creatura europeo brevio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those are subgroups of caucasian
Literally none of those are Caucasian. Caucasians = people of the Caucasus, or their very close relatives (Iranians, Assyrians, Pakistan).

I'm not interested in white cope redefinitions, Cherokee people aren't "Indian"

>only when you count all the pakis and british
Winston Churchill was of 40% Middle Eastern ancestry.

MENA farmers came in and mixed with Euro foragers.
Then Aryans (over half MENA) came in and raped all of them.
The result is the average European is half Mideastern. More in the south, less in the north.

>> No.12221714
File: 309 KB, 1600x600, ADMIXTURE_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point here:

1) race is a real genetic construct, arising from isolation of a population for long enough that it evolves a unique genetic identity.

2) but it has nothing to do with the fairy tale that whites call "race".
White is not a race, white people are mixed race. Chinese people are also mixed race. People like Northern Italians, Greeks, Iberians, are more Middle Eastern than European. These are undisputable facts.

>> No.12221722

No I am 100% nigger

>> No.12222076

Humans automatically classify people they meet into more or less fluid categories. It's built in. We do the same for objects animals etc. Humans automatically construct categories and judge them. For example, you, the race denialist, said that "whites" have bad racial categorization. How stupid do you have to be to not see the irony.

>> No.12222148


>> No.12222248

I, too, am a transnigger

>> No.12222262

pic rel ist 100% türke du cuck

>> No.12222268

selfish genes means something else

>> No.12222468

>because guy in picrel could be Indian or Arab or European or Nafri.
looking at his genes would reveal what he is

>> No.12222485

So, what you're saying is, that race is real according to the definition that literally everyone uses, you're just creating a new definition that literally no one uses in order to shit on White people.

>> No.12222644

>Colour exist on a spectrum and the line between green and blue is debateable therefore colours don't exist

>> No.12222679

Probably because my ancestors were Jews and I have a bit of Native American in me, several generations back, among some other things. We very clearly are not like the rest of you, and despite not being "Jews" for at least 100 years, we still simply do not integrate with the surrounding population. At all.

It's that simple. You believe in race as a social construct if you're the common subset that can't see any core difference between yourself and others (due to environment, stupidity, etc), you believe in race when you've experienced it. While it's true there are all types of people within every geographical location and race, there is a certain core clustering, which I do not beleive is socially patterned or transgenerationally transmitted. The reason why race needs to be a social construct is because it's in the way of globalism.

>> No.12223176

You can also tell that he's likely not a chinese or japanese, or a somali. Just by looking at the woman you can be certain she's not from a remote tribe in africa.

>> No.12223202

No, they are both REAL aspects about humans with socially constructed aspects to them.
If you're too stupid to understand this, then think about showers. Taking a shower to stay clean is a social construct, the need for good hygiene is not.

>> No.12224286

>0 results

>> No.12224446

Both race and gender are on a spectrum

>> No.12224452

>Northern Italians are closer to Iranians than French and German

>> No.12224466

But that makes no sense. The physiological element of race is clearly genetic, it's passed down to children. Culture is a social construct, but race itself has a biological component.

>> No.12224477
File: 368 KB, 699x392, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are called European for the same reason people say race and/or gender is a social construct, social acceptability and general refusal to deal with the consequences of stating the obvious.
Anyone who takes a good look at southern Italians and compares them with the shitskin Muslims invading Europe can clearly see they are more alike than not, to the point that most have trouble telling them apart; but if you say that you have to also acknowledge that if you want to return Europe to it's true form you have to expel not only the invaders but their rape spawn as well, even if that rape-spawn has been living there for over 500 years.

>> No.12224833

There's your problem, stop conflating separate terms.