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12218490 No.12218490 [Reply] [Original]

We aren't going to find jobs, aren't we?

>> No.12218505

I did

>> No.12218510

during this fucking Corona shitshow ??
did it affect US companies like it did with companies in EU?

>> No.12218513

If I hadn’t dropped out for a few years, I would’ve been on track to graduate in fall of 2020. This year has made me glad I waited. Even ignoring the employment aspect, the idea of taking senior level classes online or in some sort of hybrid setup sounds fucking awful.

>> No.12218516

I'm from the UK
I got quite lucky

>> No.12218522

US unemployment was already back down to 8% or something in the most recent numbers. The job market is pretty shit compared to the past 4 years, but it could be a lot worse.

>> No.12218526

there are always jobs for engineers
it might just not be a 6 fig peace of cake tho

>> No.12218536

I made it my personal mission in life to create herculean businesses that, ideally, will only hire autodidacts with no degrees in anything, if they arent available as people that smart are rare, this would be the order of preference or priority:
> perfect autodidact, no degrees at all > homeschooled > private degrees (not gov authenticated) and certifications > reached middle school degree only > reached highschool degree only > reached some semester of STEM undergrad degree only (the earlier the semester he dropped out, if he did drop out, the better, if he did the first semester only its better than until the second semester)
Thats about it, not hiring anything from humanities of course
I would also consider more politically incorrect attributes such as IQ

>> No.12218540

Well I'm about to graduate my MSc of research and normally companies take some students and finance their PhD and the offers start about this time of the year.
This year literally NO campany is publishing any offer, even if they did the competition would be so hard compared to before.

>> No.12218570

>MSc of research
PhD scholarships have always been harder to get than jobs anon. Plus if you put in the extra work to use your connections like its done absolutely everywhere there's no doubt you'll find at least something.

>> No.12218571

I also wouldnt hire people with masters or doctorates or phds, as their intelligence has been destroyed already (you could argue even an undergrad had his intelligence corrupted), they should stay in academia in hopes of making anything usefull to advance the industry instead of trying to get into the free market, where competent people only should reside

>> No.12218592

The only connection I have is one professor who I meet from time to time, and even he is recently not sure of finding some really good offers, the main goal is not just about a Thesis but rather it's about finding who will finance it, it's either :
-scholarship from the ministry of education (almost impossible to get and they pay you 18k€/year)
-scholarship from the region, it's basically a various research labs around the country (the easiest to get and also 18k€)
-scholarship from an R&D company (This one 100% needs connections not just applying, but you get payed more 24k€/year + you get a job as an R&D engineer once you finish PhD)

But Chinese virus really mixed up everything

>> No.12218616
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>graduated in 2018
>have a job a year later but got fucked by health condition so i have to go back to my hometown
>hometown is literally a dead slump when it comes to the job based on my college major
>2020 started, sent out 20+ job applications before corona
>not even a single callback
>corona hits, forced to look for remote job
>50+ applications later
>still no callback
>friend told me his workplace need more worker and might allow remote work since they also do wfh right now
>gave me the manager's contact
>"okay, me and my team will discussed this and respond back asap"
>it's been almost a month and no further response from the manager
>by the end of this year i'll officially be a jobless man for a year full

>> No.12218647

are you black?

>> No.12218653


>> No.12218655

no idea whats that supposed to mean

>> No.12218660

probably a southeast Asian

>> No.12218679

South East Asian, like >>12218660 said

>> No.12218684

Hire a designer, make a t-shirt merchandise, fund a youtube channel that is educating and own paid portal about education on subjects you just learned, they should be in fresh memory so it should be easy.

Then be concurency for university, because as it seems they also lack jobs. Then make a hobby lab somewhere and became vlogger.

>> No.12218691

Have you guys considered some more anarchistic way of obtaining money, like drug manufacture, there are still legal designer drugs or nootropics, you can find how to make even on sci-hub, and if you can deliver quality synthesis or grow, you've got the money and fill the void on the market, it's hell of a easy.

>> No.12218694

even if this was right which I will never do, I will not say my intentions on the internet, because I will never do it

>> No.12218695

Learn how to code, algorythms and datastrucures can take you mostly 3 moths after some basic education, then you can code for your field and also work as code monkey, I know you probably asking about jobs in the field, but only choosen ones get that, because goverment is ruining lives of 50 people to hire 1.

>> No.12218699

What year is it that as engeneer or any other scientist that don't require lab, you cannot work from home?

>> No.12218793

Any idea what a simple web project you could made for portfolio? Maybe something unusual and more related to art instead of the usual like e-commerce website

>> No.12219055

I mean I have a jab as an overnight stocker at walmart, so that's something at least

>> No.12219731

Feels good to be medfag. They will probably rise our salaries after this

>> No.12219761

Too many asians in the workforce sorry bro.
we need diversity.