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12217810 No.12217810 [Reply] [Original]

"Personality" and "looks" correlate linearly. Therefore, if you have a fantastic personality, people will rate your "looks" higher than they would otherwise.

>> No.12217814

whats a "fantastic personality" you blubbering retard.

>> No.12217830

I can induce from your response that a fantastic personality is something you lack.

>> No.12217842

If you look good then people will say you have a better personality.

>The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about their character.

>> No.12218333

Don't avoid the question.

>> No.12218343

not him but there may not be one universally agreed "fantastic/perfect personality", but people can generally agree that some some personalities are good and others bad
denying this is silly and you know it

>> No.12218369

correlation =/= causation

>> No.12218423

Flawed experiment, people ware asked to rate somebody by personality whom looks they knew, therefore they selected for looks.

Ugly people often doesn't know how to communicate well, or be nice, because their inner jealousy or something...

It always works that people with great peronality looks the best. You can see personality on body and face.

>> No.12218452


There literally isn't a surprise here. The "looks" variable heavily outweighs the "personality" variable since more information about "looks" is provided via photographs, someone's "personality" however is dependent on a vague 180 character description of a person's identity, thus the "looks" variable dominates received information and appears to be correlated with "personality" when it really isn't.

>> No.12218575

I tell you, you rate good looking persons of which personalities you think are attractive.

>> No.12218682

This isn't science related. Fuck off.

>> No.12218772

Maybe people with great personality are like this because they are good looking, and therefore not shunned as much by society, allowing them to learn social skills better than ugly people

>> No.12218810

or maybe the other way around

>> No.12218820
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>> No.12218832

>Therefore, if you have a fantastic personality, people will rate your "looks" higher than they would otherwise
>the mutable (personality) is supposed to influence the immutable (looks) instead the othe way around
based retard bait poster