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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12215373 No.12215373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who aren't studying stem use this board? /pol/tards don't go to school, do research, or work in stem, but they are on here everyday.

>> No.12215382

mosts IFLS, redditors and leftypol neither, they are like 90% of the board and yet it doesnt bother you... i wonder why.....

>> No.12215384

poltard here, I do all of that, fuck you.
Although I might not be considered a full poltard because I don't believe in their revionistic bs

>> No.12215389

they're coping with their unintelligence. going on a science board makes me smart, right? it's just like popsci children.
you mean the people who contribute actual scientific discussion to the board? you seem to be getting them confused with your bogeymen.
i imagine you're getting closer to recovering from their ridiculous propaganda, i commend you and believe that you can get past the teenage mentality that dominates that board.

>> No.12215398

They believe STEM fields are a form of indoctrination and oppression of their God-given freedom to be as stupid as they possibly can.

>> No.12215401

I'm a STEM grad who works in research at a pretty good institution. I rarely visit /pol/ but I hate leftists far more than I hate /pol/fags. How could anyone in academia think that /pol/fags are a bigger threat to progress than leftists? Kikes and cultural marxists control everything from academic thought to the media to the opinions of both republicans and democrats. Don't act like some based schizos a few boards down are anything worth getting your panties in a bunch over. A lot of them are far wiser than the cocky undergrads with no life experience here.

>> No.12215407
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everyone wants to be a scientist, because int heir minds scientists preach the truth. And naturally, every schizo pseud thinks their pet theories are the truth.

They just want to wear the legitimacy of science, stand on a soapbox, and tell everyone what to do.

>> No.12215693

Why is /sci/ the best place to see funny and orignal pepe-wojak?

>> No.12215717

You're brainwashed, and probably don't work in a real STEM field or have been coddled and benefited massively from nepotism.

>> No.12215738

Liar. You're a /pol/tard and you're pretending to work in STEM.

>> No.12215746

Want to know how I know? Because anyone who works in STEM, especially as a researcher, is surrounded by people from every race and nationality. You work with people from all around the world everyday.

>> No.12215781

Why are stemkiddies so gay? I can’t wait for stem to become steam lol

>> No.12215810

the US election cycle and QAnon have funneled people into /pol/ and some of them are curious enough to wander boards. It’s often /x/ because that board uses the same kinds of reasoning they do. some come to /sci/ after they’ve been armed and equipped with rhetorical devices and Dunning Kruger levels of confidence. They’ve been convinced that their perspective is based on the highest standards of facts and logic and think their views on race, intelligence, and environmental sciences warrant scientific discussion.

Once they start posting, they quickly realize that their views are one sided and are not scientific at all. They start seething and vomit the rhetorical devices they were trained to use. Everyone who is skeptical is labeled as a ((( leftist ))). They either change their reasoning based on new information or use take the path that /pol/ has created for them and further dig into scientific conspiracies. They have no concept of the sunk cost fallacy. Some are so deep into conspiracy, that they have an encyclopedic knowledge of one for every scientific consensus that does not fit their views.

>> No.12215818

Why do they waste so much time and energy on nonsense instead of just going to school and learning science?

>> No.12215841

>contribute actual scientific discussion
Just say you're anti-science when it comes to IQ and race. We all know that's your actual complaint and wish you could down vote the truth away like you can on plebbit.

>> No.12215857

>IQ and race
I can't keep arguing with you fucking morons. I'm just going to post this, you're not going to read it, you certainly won't believe it but I don't have time to debunk you morons every time shit flows from your mouth.


>> No.12215860

>You work with people from all around the world everyday.
Those people are not a representative sample of the places from which they arrived from. This is what really messes up so many in academia who think that their lab assistant is a fine fellow so it's a good idea to throw open the borders and give free tuition to every sewer dweller from that same country.

>> No.12215863

i want you all to leave, pol and libtards. ive had enough of race threads and ive had enough of leftists in the same race threads pretending they know shit about science. race is a joke, iq is a joke and all this bullshit belongs on reddit.
ffs sake you cant even have a actual discussion about iq distrubution or genealogy of ethnicities without some retard spouting about europe or some fuck talking about how its racist

>> No.12215867

Because (((science))) refuses to acknowledge variations between races, gender differences, social engineering and meta physics.

>> No.12215869

You sound really sad you can't downvote away conflicting information. It must be terrible for you to have to be exposed to information that doesn't conform to the model of the world you've created in your head.

>> No.12215873

Cry harder make your own intellectual circle you can police

>> No.12215880

I hope a jogger bashes you upside the head

>> No.12215908

>Those people are not a representative sample of the places from which they arrived from.
I know. Most people are retarded (regardless of race).

>> No.12215921

Can I use this board if I work in stem?

>> No.12215923

Actually, Anthropology readily does that but unfortunately, it does not reinforce the kinds of differences /pol/ and popular conservatives want them to acknowledge

>> No.12215929

How do you know since you're not doing science?

>> No.12215935

Anthropology readily does that but unfortunately, it does not reinforce the kinds of differences /pol/ and popular conservatives want them to acknowledge

>> No.12215937

What your little low IQ brain fails to understand is that it doesnt matter if race exists or not, that is all just semantics. Reality persists beyond the words you use, and you know what the data shows, and suddenly drawing different lines between groups is misconduct and you know it.

>> No.12215952

>you have to be xy to know


>> No.12215998

How do you know, though? You don't do science or work in a lab or academia.

>> No.12216004

do you?

>> No.12216013

If we want to get pedantic, no, since I'm an engineer, but yes.

>> No.12216061

As long as it confirms that blacks(and okay maybe not all blacks since some sub Saharan African countries do have different genes from each other) have genes that cause them to be more violent, prone to crime etc etc.

This isn’t because I want them enslaved but because science refuses to acknowledge these differences we cannot get them the help they do deserve. If I have a retard as a child I don’t put him in class with the gifted students. I have to teach him at a different pace or I’m doing him a disservice. Same with joggers, and women.

(((Science))) also supports trannies and chopping your dick off. defend that liberal

>> No.12216072

Would you be happy if your daughter was pregnant and the father was black?

>> No.12216082

You should be banned from posting here if you haven't sent the admins a certificate of your STEM degree.

>> No.12216185

Why are you obsessed with black man being with white women?

>> No.12216231

cool, well I'm enrolled at a top uni in "technology and health"
And what's your point now? Let me make an assumption on your case here, to me it seems like you're projecting insanely. You probably gradually went from neutral(or back in the days just liberal) mostly apolitical guyto full /pol/tard until you repeatedly embarassed yourself in reallife becuase you were making points about things you didn't fully understand. And now you just went the otherway, fully leaving behind the "good" parts of being "/pol/". Not an ounce better than before.

You know one can understand and say the truth without attaching any morality to it, try to separate those two and you will be a true scientist

>> No.12216238

>cool, well I'm enrolled at a top uni in "technology and health"
>/pol/tard is a rowdy undergrad
Lol. Your opinion is totally worthless, shut up and finish your undergrad.

>> No.12216266

I enjoy going through /sci/ because I will occasionally have questions from a layman’s perspective on current events in science or, yes, politics. While those tend to be things bleeding over from /pol/, /k/, and sometimes /g/ or /v/, it’s still enjoyable to come here because posters tend to have more knowledge of events and express themselves more cogently.

The only problem is this board is slow as fuck so I don’t check in as often.

>> No.12216273

I just started my masters you dumb cunt.
and again argumentum ad verecundiam, you don't seem to learn.

>> No.12216275

>The only problem is this board is slow as fuck so I don’t check in as often.
It's slow, but almost always if you come back, someone will give you a good response.

>> No.12216281

You're still a student, you are literally worthless at this point and should not espouse your opinion on anything. Keep your mouth shut until you've actually done some real work.

>> No.12216293

Don’t dodge the question cuck. You know you’d hate it, racism is natural

>> No.12216303

And doing some real work legitimizes what exactly? I could also go on and say you're an engineer, literally worthless you have never done anything scientific, just played around with what was already known. Just a little working drone why would you know anything?

>> No.12216308

also my h-index is 2 already so I am probably already twice as useful as you will ever be

>> No.12216315

I’m sure you are you little worker drone

>> No.12216383

Nobody cares what students think, you need to understand that and stop spewing your opinions.

>> No.12216487

>cultural marxists
Doesn't exist. Way to out yourself lying poltard

>> No.12216599

The founder of BLM openly states that she is one.

>> No.12216612

>The founder of BLM openly states that she is one.
To trigger you

>> No.12216633

Go suck your dad's dick, honky.

>> No.12216639

Source or it never happened

>> No.12216643

the ones you call /pol/tards are the real scientists

>> No.12216648


There is no founder of BLM

>> No.12216653

So you agree it’s a psyop funded by Soros then?

>> No.12216657
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>There is no founder of BLM

>> No.12216691

poltards are a bunch of losers in real life who are insecure about their appearances and lack of any achievements in life. so they come here to feel "smart" and validate their ideas about race and jews who they think are responsible for all their failures.

>> No.12216697

>/pol/ak wonders why he loves other /pol/laks
>but i rarely visit /pol/
nice try, you are one of them. just too much of a pussy to admit that.

>> No.12216703

neat projection

>> No.12216708

He doesn't work anywhere. Don't fall for poltards' baits.

>> No.12216715

>you cant even have a actual discussion about iq distrubution or genealogy of ethnicities
and why do you want to discuss that? cause you are a poltard?

>> No.12216718


>> No.12216720


>> No.12216727

So you are just a poltard who is embarrased being around other poltards so you'd rather lurk here to feel better about yourself.
>too slow
Lol. Yeah, see? You are outing yourself as a poltard. They prefer fast moving threads full of race baits and other garbage.

>> No.12216736

>this guy likes quick responses to things
>he must be a /pol/tard
This sort of reaching is seriously exhausting.

>> No.12216914

stem/pol/ here.
My lab and every other research group in the building are all whites and asians. Different nationalities like Russians and Icelanders but no blacks.

>> No.12217279

Sounds problematic.

>> No.12217283


>> No.12217289

>Why do people who aren't studying stem use this board?
To shitpost, duh!

>> No.12217290


Pity the poor fool who has been taught the wrong things from the start and cannot or does not have the skills or knowledge or experience to make sense of the world without reference to magic, traditions and superstition.

>> No.12217335

"How to make a /pol/ post while pretending the not be a /pol/ post" the post.

>> No.12217339

>Different nationalities like Russians
Based and Russkie pilled.

>> No.12217453

not science remember to report and sage all off topic threads

>> No.12217458

hahaha this is so detailed it can only be projection. leftard truly are mentally unstable fruitckaes

>> No.12217478
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what's funny is this even just projection you also plagiarized it from "poltard". you leftards really are mindless NPC gps incapable of anything original aren't you?

Wana know how I knew you plagiarized your very thoughts moron? Because I made the meme you stole them from wet brained fuck tard

>> No.12217485

Because they think their schizo posting is science. When they are just anti intellectualism retards

>> No.12217513

> I rarely visit /pol/
>> Kikes and cultural marxists control everything from academic thought to the media to the opinions of both republicans and democrats
>>Don't act like some based ...
I don't believe that you when you say you rarely visit /pol/.

>> No.12217520

lol nice popsci source. really show how you're contributing to science. meanwhile:

>> No.12217543
File: 205 KB, 1080x1080, #ShutDownSTEM3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this except for the antisemitism. leftists are the biggest issue in academia and scientific research right now. society as a whole really.

>> No.12217544

Why do people who aren't studying stem use this board? leftist kikes don't go to school, do research, or work in stem, but they are on here everyday.

>> No.12217548

They're just too stupid to make it through higher education, unfortunately

>> No.12217550
File: 134 KB, 471x514, yWnUmHa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean the people who contribute actual scientific discussion to the board? you seem to be getting them confused with your bogeymen.
by pushing 2+2=5? lmao. great contribution.

>> No.12217552

>you mean the people who contribute actual scientific discussion to the board? you seem to be getting them confused with your bogeymen.

You mean the autists reeeeing about man made climate change being real, gender being different from biological sex, IQ not being a valuable metric and insisting IQ HAS TO BE EQUAL among all races contribute to the quality of this board?

I bet you’re one of those demonstrable retards yourself

>> No.12217560
File: 105 KB, 1017x745, liberalgrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really.

>> No.12217562

>people that agree with me are smart
>people that disagree with me are dumb
>goes on to say that people that disagree are arrogant and seething and have to resort to insults

You are so hypocritical my sides are exploding like nuclear bombs

>> No.12217563

>As long as it confirms that blacks ... have genes that cause them to be more violent, prone to crime etc etc.
This is why no-one takes you seriously. You have already made up your mind and are simply trying to find evidence that supports your beliefs while dismissing everything that contradicts them.
That is literally the exact opposite of science.

>> No.12217564
File: 49 KB, 600x304, climate-change-matters-change-in-gdp-per-capita-oct15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

climate change is real. it's just not a problem.

>> No.12217566


If believing in differences of IQ distribution among different races is anti science, then Nobel laureayr James Watson, the guy who first observed DNA, is anti science.

>> No.12217569

If you think race is a joke and doesn’t exist, you’re a libtard yourself and should leave this board

>> No.12217570

funny because research into maoa demonstrates that blacks have the low vntr repeat alleles much more frequently.

>> No.12217577

Isaac Newton, the man who discovered gravity, was also wrong (less accurate and complete than later gravitation models)
That's how science works

>> No.12217583

>That is literally the exact opposite of science.

>> No.12217584

Sounds amazing. Racial homogeneousity increases happiness and quality of life considerably. Look at Japan.

>> No.12217591

Doing STEM is what turned me into a /pol/tard

>> No.12217597


You want Watson to be ‘wrong‘ because it suits your POLITICAL agenda better. Politics have no place in science. You insisting that believing in racial IQ differences is anti science is extremely hypocritical and politically charged, I.e. anti scientific.

There has been ample evidence to support the theory of racial IQ differences, such as the Minnesota TransRacial Adoption Study. If we readily agree with different dog races having different levels of intelligence, then why is acknowledging the same thing about human races so controversial?

>> No.12217611

because long ago (1952) the un made a decree about it and the scientific institutions were made to follow suit. they decided long ago before any research was done that this will be the dogma they push so it's very ironic to see leftists here claiming poltards are the ones who look for things to support their stance while dismissing evidence to the contrary. ronald fisher was the only dissenting voice. no surprise his monument is now defaced by blm.

>> No.12217617
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>leftards sure love science
lmao. biggest lie ever told. in reality they're no better than nazis with deutsch physik.

>> No.12217626
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Is there ANY science that actually supports genders other than male and female? I've always laughed at this type of stuff but recently I've seen more and more of it and I feel like I'm going insane.

>> No.12217627

>everyone who isn't a /pol/nigger is left wing!
Very typical /pol/ rhetorical device.

>> No.12217629

Based. Can /pol/tards fuck off with their political bullshittery?

>> No.12217630

The amount of actual intellectual work it fucking takes to solve the problems presented by /pol/ is fucking retarded. It can be done, but god damn they are fucked up over there. Same with antifa, I guess. Saying you like one more side than the other instantly polarizes you, though.
OP is a fag.

>> No.12217631

Social sciences.

>> No.12217638

>Social sciences
You mean arts

>> No.12217639


>> No.12217643

Are they actually as dumb as /pol/? I feel like I've earned a degree in politics after being there so long. I don't even browse Reddit at all, which at this point I probably should look. Can anyone tell me some good "subreddits" to browse?

>> No.12217659

they're far more retarded. i don't bother with plebbit.

>> No.12217693

Bodhi Mantra here. I went to one of the best unis in the country that is on the US News and World reports top 50 list in the top 10 in fact. I graduated cum laude with multiple prestigious scholarships and academic awards. I worked for a literal rocket scientist at Georgia Tech Advanced technology development center on nano tech fire suppression systems for submarines under a DARPA contract and was a college professor. Nothing you all talk about of any importance was understood before by any of you hacks until I started posting links to my research and work on the topics explaining so even the midwits here could understand it. The only real science you all talk about of any importance, consciousnesses, double slit, EU, mind control, aether, race, real human origins etc etc all came from me. Since I first started posting here 5 years ago explaining the real science behind these things there has been multiple threads every week on most of these topics.

I don't go to /pol/ because I red pilled them long before I ever came here so my job is done there but you morons would still refer to me as a "poltard" because it is just what you call everything you dont really understand because you are redit tier hacks. So knowing all of this I would say this actually my board, I am one of only a handful of people on this board that is an actual scientist with a stellar academic and professional career, with colleagues who know and respect my work hacks like you all can only dream about.

I contributed more actual science and knowledge to this board than any other single person that ever came here and the most important knowledge a man can possess at that. So the real question is what are you redit tier, freshman math posting, pseudo science, relativity fuck wit hacks on my board?

>> No.12217699

Kikes benefit the most from nepotism

>> No.12217701

*doing on my board
phone posting my bad for any typos

>> No.12217704
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>evolution is real
>but it didnt effect humans

>> No.12217708


>> No.12217728

They want to steal our superweapons and colonize merkur with them.

>> No.12217784

Nigger you are crazy

>> No.12217785

Yes. Just as soon as the SJWs accept that race exists, all races are unique in their abilities, and that there are not dozens of genders. Until that day comes, /sci/ will forever seem like it is being invaded by /pol/ (it's not) because it has already been infected with IFLS! SJWs. When that infection is cured, it will no longer seem like /pol/ is here.

>> No.12217798
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>but I don't have time to debunk you morons
yes, pretend to avert your eyes so you don't embarrass yourself further

>> No.12217816

no you are just easily confused because you are stupid. when people talk about things above your ability to process you sperg out like a donkey because you have nothing else to reach for your in your conditioned wet brain to respond with. you don't act, you re-act because you are a pzombie NPC

>> No.12218170

>/pol/tards don't go to school, do research, or work in stem, but they are on here everyday.
Yes they do. Who told you otherwise? I research The Illuminati Globalist Elite Banker Pedophile Satanists and Flat Earth 12 hours a day.

>> No.12218174


>> No.12218185
File: 13 KB, 356x207, e4ce89532b6b1ffb292ccea839d6c866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If /sci/ had this it'd improve the board on an exponential scale.

>> No.12218189

>waaaah why do people with an interest in science use the science board
Go back.

>> No.12218196

>cultural marxists
Retard detected.

>> No.12218199

>Just say you're anti-science when it comes to IQ and race.
There it is. Go back to /pol/, pseud.

>> No.12218202

>we need more autism on /sci/
being autistic doesn't make you a good scientist ruprect. we may use you to crunch the numbers while we do a trial science that requires imagination and foresight not stacking puzzle pieces. you retards have literally ruined most sciences with your autism

>> No.12218203

The crying one looks more like the truth to me.

>> No.12218206


Everyone should be a "trained Marxist" just as everyone should be a "trained Darwinist". It is part of the Western intellectual tradition. Marxism is simply the analysis of a society's social relations in material terms.

>> No.12218208

Holy fuck, stop talking about "racial IQ differences" you fucking autist.

>> No.12218215

Autism is a social communication disorder, retard. It has nothing to do with talent in mathematics and science.

>> No.12218219

You just invented a false quote and attributed it to the OP. Aren't you embarrassed?

>> No.12218239 [DELETED] 
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fuck n*ggers, fuck jannies, fuck k*kes and fuck OP

>> No.12218478

Is this really how you guys do your "research" you go to mainstream websites trying to inform the public to stop being "racist" so that society is more peaceful? Remember when they told you to stop buying masks? This is the same thing, they are disingenuous.

The group that became modern humans left Africa 60,000 years ago, but that does not mean that these Africanoids were not more evolved relative to the groups that diverged from them.

The truth is the human race is actually around 300,000 years old.

So they were evolving for over 200,000 years in Africa to become what they were, there is much genetic diversity in Africa, but only some African groups were intelligent enough to survive outside of Africa. There is already evidence of this in that we found fossils of humans outside of Africa over 100k years ago, but all non-African groups descend from the recent migration of 60k years ago.

This is known as the L3 mtdna group, this group diverged over 100,000 years ago from the L2/L1 haplogroups, the people alive today that fall under this haplogroup are evidently more civilized and more capable of civilization than their peers.

So if you want to argue that the only thing separating us from some Nigerian is 60,000 years, then you are wrong, it's 100,000 years. And if you want to argue it's 60,000 years that separates us from some primtiive people like the Sandawe, you're also wrong, that's 140,000 years.

Learn genetics before you spew emotional horseshit.

If you want to argue 100k years is not a long time, it's 5000 generations you dipshit, people mutate in just 1 generation, evolution happens fast. We're not the same subspecies, we have many subspecies, and that's okay. Race is real, deal with it.

>> No.12218492

I don't believe in ((((science))))

>> No.12218494

You should learn what "outlier" means, and what "cream of the crop" means. Maybe you'll understand that "racism" is not about denying highly intelligent people of any race to prosper, but perhaps not allowing your country to be overrun by third worlders for the sake of economic growth without any care about their genetic quality. If you want to import intelligent Indians, go ahead, I have no issue with selective migration, it's the indiscriminate migration that is a problem.

>> No.12218567
File: 129 KB, 1198x798, 1598881366107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/chad here
Because we don't have any race & IQ board yet. You think it is pleasure for us constantly having to educate delusional Talebfags and race deniers? If janneis opened /hbd/ board I would fuck off gladly.

>> No.12218584

Did you even read it? That article doesn't debunk anything. Or you just googled "race isn't real" and copypasted first link your got?

>> No.12218593

Yes, reddit is truly the main hub of race science on the internet. You do make astute observations, anon.

>> No.12218596
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you are reaching levels of rent free never before seen

>> No.12218599

This doesn't even logically follow

>> No.12218601


>> No.12218604
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>Are they actually as dumb as /pol/
idk, you be the judge

>> No.12218613

OP got BTFO'd

>> No.12218617

Don't be too hard on him, he's an engineer, he probably never even read a paper in his life.

>> No.12218640

The article is correct, retard.

>> No.12218645

Imagine being this ill-informed and retarded.

>> No.12218680

of course, only /pol/fags would say otherwise, duh

>> No.12218696

if you can't even adress a single point that is wrong then maybe you're being disingenous and retarded.

>> No.12218706

>It's time to give up on facts
this was published at Slate.com why would you take it seriously?
The only thing of value there is Stoya telling stupid fags to use more lube.

>> No.12218707

Too much crippling anxiety to go to college, and now I'm stuck in full blown NEETdom. What do you want from me?

>> No.12218712

>The only thing of value there is Stoya telling stupid fags to use more lube.

LOOOOL dumb bitch is just dry from all the unnecessary fucking, sorry no i don't need lube my girl is drenched down there every time I fuck her. Just don't fuck every day like a retarded monkey but intensely every 2-3 days.

>> No.12218723

Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.12218728

Imagine being this unscientific and yet waste everyone's time on this board

>> No.12218732

Only a fool would try to engage with /pol/cels by citing facts or logic. As the article says, /pol/-tier subhumans only respond to emotional manipulation.

>> No.12218751 [DELETED] 

is the answer -49? i haven't done calculus in a quite a bit, sorry

>> No.12218763

go to bed leftypol you got another long day of sitting on your ass spamming chudjaks ahead of you

>> No.12218801
File: 52 KB, 686x525, 1572646164860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i made a calculation error inside the fisrt sin function.... it's 0, but yeah i'm rusty

>> No.12218806

not really because you can always use wolframalpha to cheese it

>> No.12218825

kek /pol/tards come up with studies and leftards come with national geographic articles.

>> No.12218831

chudjak spamming tranny BTFO

>> No.12219154

this larper forgot to take his meds

>> No.12219300


>> No.12219306

Because and unfortunately, this ongoing pandemic has given more visibility to pseudoscience.

Suddenly, a lot of these individuals think that they've become experts in the field of science and technology, while we nerds are humble enough to know that there's always something more to learn about a discipline.

>> No.12219319

wtf anon