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12214513 No.12214513 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why are female voices so much less comfortable to listen to for long periods in lectures or videos than male voices?

>> No.12214522

Because only woman, with unpleasant voice got on the positions so they can give you a lectures.

It's more pleasurable to listen to soft female voice over lecture, but teachers mostly doesn't know what soft means.

Soft are the best, it's best voice, and woman can have troubles speaking it, before they aren't femine enought, so we must leave it for software female voice.

>> No.12214525

too hard to focus with the massive erection, heavy eyelids, and salivary response

>> No.12214609

But is this phenomenon unique to males, or do females experience it too?

>> No.12214620

Because scientifically men want to fuck females, not listen to their lecturing them.

>> No.12214643

High pitched whining noises that never stop have always been annoying.

>> No.12215198

I find female voices very pleasing actually.
But since I'm not gay I could be the minority here.

>> No.12215236

Something that perplexes me is that women always sound like they don't know what they're talking about, even when what they're saying is correct. I don't know if it's their high voice or delivery, but it just screams "BULLSHIT" to me every time and muddles the message, if there actually was one to be had at all.

>> No.12215266


I think Chris D'Elia describes it well. Some women have this really annoying "MIYOP AHP" to their voices. I think it has to do with tamber. If a woman happens to have a bright tonality to their voice, combined with the higher pitch the MIYAAHHP AHHHHP just grates on your ears.

>> No.12215274

their smaller skulls and narrower trachea generate higher pitched resonant overtones, which result in a bad experience overall, fuck women.

>> No.12215309

I am lucky to study mechanical engineering. We don't have a single female professor out of like 20.

>> No.12215354

that's because men who trusted women all died off long ago and now only men who distrust women are left

>> No.12215370

It's similar to listening to a retarded classmate trying to explain a concept to you. You're almost certain they don't know what their talking about, and thus, the longer they speak, the more time they're wasting, and the more aggravated you become.
It's intuitive. Why would you want to listen to some affirmative action prof, when you could likely find superior resources for learning the content?