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File: 86 KB, 700x543, inclin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12203918 No.12203918 [Reply] [Original]

>inclined bed therapy
>raw primal diet
>cigarettes extreme health benefits
>urine looping fasting
>moon gazing

>> No.12204293

3/5, chuckled.

>> No.12204568

What about moon grazing?

>> No.12204681

Toothpaste also kills good bacteria, the only way to have truly good dental hygiene is with a low sugar low carb diet that doesnt foster the growth of bad bacteria

Never use toothpaste

>> No.12204696


>> No.12204711

infrared heat lamps

>> No.12204790

Toothpaste on xylitol basis works.

>> No.12204911
File: 15 KB, 225x225, DEECE540-5FC0-40CE-97FF-F3FC11A485D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lunar synced fasting
>Potassium-hydrogen mask
>20/4 Darkness/Direct Sunlight
>Naked rooted sunbathing
>Self cell replication by using own feces as fertilizer to grow own crops
>Microfiber glass exfoliation
>Inclined metal sheet sleeping
>Palpitation-synchronized breathing
>Spinal self-decompression (Archimedes method)
>Primal liberation
>Sporadic procreation
>electromagnetic projecting
>Muscular sensing
>Nutrient sensing

>> No.12204920

>>Lunar synced fasting

>> No.12204981


>> No.12204989

Based, digitpilled, unclampilled, redpilled and sporadic-procreationpilled.

>> No.12205001

Is that even possible, even if you don't eat sugar in it plain form, other foods contain carbs and eventually food stuck between teeth with cause bacteria to grow which then will cause problems like cavities.

>> No.12205016

I never brushed my teeth and they were always white and never smelled bad. Once I was taken to a dentist and they basically nuked my mouth, I got home and within a few hours my breath smelled really bad and for years it was like that. Finally went away and I still rarely ever brush my teeth.

>> No.12205028

>never smelled bad.
You are just used to it and don't smell it/feel it, others are too polite (or just don't care) too tell you that your mouth stinks.

>> No.12205097

>>Sporadic procreation
This kills the incel

>> No.12205581

If you do all this you transcend humanity.

>> No.12205587

What the fuck is that eve supposed to mean? Like spores? Like a fucking fungi?

>> No.12205590

>other foods contain carbs
don't eat carbs
and if you eat enough meat you should never have food stuck in your teeth

>> No.12205605

Redpill me on Brain Clapping.

>> No.12205614

Brain Clamping.

>> No.12205622


>> No.12205635

>mexican sugar dancing

>> No.12205781

Why arent the jannies doing their job? This shitty thread should be deleted and replaced on/x/

>> No.12205844


>> No.12205861

Are you saying I'm not really an incel because I sporadic?!

>> No.12205866


>> No.12205884

The Thad lifestyle

>> No.12205891

Youre just trying to hide the truth about meth immortality

>> No.12206226
File: 24 KB, 366x488, 5B3AC5B5-41AF-45C2-A06B-DF75057224A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sporadic procreation
Teach me the ways, oh enlightened one

>> No.12206383

Err yes, obviously you need to spore all over her. How else do you think procreation works?

You just got promoted to volcel, congrats.

>> No.12206395

You ain't from michigan if you ain't never done this befo!

>> No.12206527

That sounds exactly like what this guy did:
>stay alive and remain human
>Morgan realizes that his living organs are slowly losing any ability to benefit him, and he is producing substitutes for them.
>replacing his dying organs with artificial ones.
>he inserted three tubes into his body: one that transfers food into his stomach and two to drain urine and feces out of it.
>every time he “speaks” an AI system will match the mouth movement and facial expression of the avatar to the content of his words and his emotional state.

>> No.12206684

I did incline bed therapy, I didn't notice much and the sliding got annoying. But this was in a worse state of health, I'm better now so maybe it won't be an uphill struggle this time, but I can't be bothered again, at least until I implement a way to attach my mattress to the bed. I do think the reasoning is sound, and some people do have good results like that old man on the news.

>> No.12206923


>> No.12208397

any evidence for moon gazing

>> No.12209314

Werewolves are buff as fuck

>> No.12209452

Well there is some real science behind having your legs higher then the rest of your body. But none off that pop science you are mentioning OP.

>> No.12209456

>Naked rooted sunbathing
depending on what rooted means i can say i do this and its glorious

>> No.12209460

>Self cell replication by using own feces as fertilizer to grow own crops
before any retard tries this on their neighbor's garden, please know that too much nitrogen burns plants, and your shit has too much nitrogen

>> No.12209465

clap your brain like a fat ass claps

>> No.12209556

Millions of people manage to eat a low carb diet. Eliminating 100% of carbs is difficult but keeping it to under 50g per day is easily doable. That will put a huge dent into the amount of food for oral bacteria to eat.

>> No.12209761

Soda jew fears the kombucha

>> No.12210243

>Breathwork (not meditation but akin to)
>Relational Thinking
>Emotional Thinking as a better predictor of success than IQ

>> No.12210309

fun fact: wiping your ass after shitting removes healthy gut bacteria

>> No.12210324

ITT: >>>/x/

>> No.12210367

>blood tie untying