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12203453 No.12203453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is causing all of these incels?

>> No.12203456
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>> No.12203460
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>> No.12203464

Artificial scarcity of vagina

>> No.12203470

>>12203453 open and teenage testosterone spike ? I for one am happy this episode of my life is over. But well as long as the leftist narrative is that sex doesn't exist they are never going to understand.

>> No.12203526

A lot of men are being socially ostracized due to being unable to express their feelings in a society that pushes them to bottle up everything that doesn't fit the standard mold of Masculinity.
You think the Male Suicide rate is something that's just natural? No, it's a direct product of the masculine ideal being the worst possible thing to ever happen to men.

>> No.12203536

>Sex doesn't exist
>Leftist narrative

The fear mongering against Sex is strictly a fashy/reactionary characteristic

>> No.12203549

Feeling threatened.

>> No.12203554

Porn and vidya

>> No.12203559

Incel in the making.
If you reproduce, your male offspring will be incels guaranteed.

>> No.12203571
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it is a response to the rejection, “fine, don’t want to take my offspring? Ok, i will prevent you from replicating, because you’re evil” or someshit.

>> No.12203573

there's always been excess males.

>> No.12203575

The internet. Or rather it's bubble self-assuring mechanics.
1. Be frustrated teenager because no gf
2. Go online to converse with like-minded people
3. It's not you it's them bro
4. Become one of them
5. Become the incel

>> No.12203582

>unable to express their feelings in a society that pushes them to bottle up everything that doesn't fit the standard mold of Masculinity.
Maybe 40 years ago. Wtf are you smoking?

>> No.12203589

Society is openly hostile to men. Incels are the backlash against it

>> No.12203614

It depends on where you live.
In the us, 90% of the land is dedicated to hating you if you're not a clinically insane reactionary

>> No.12203668

Funny enough the same reason muslim countries will always have incels, hypergamy from rich men taking all the good wives because they can afford. The West hypergamy is from social media so it will only get worst.

Historically this happened a lot to after countries were invaded or droughts they usually became nomadic raping war parties. Incels are a sign of unstable society basically.

>> No.12203675

>Social Media kills ooga boots

If you truly believed that you wouldn't be here

>> No.12203834
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Society is failing to meet people's basic needs.
Under these conditions an individual cannot stabilize, it is not possible for anyone to have these needs unmet.
People who's needs are persistently unmet will flee society, commit suicide or rebel, a man will risk his only food if he has no water.

Social planners have failed to provide a safety net which needs people's needs; and have placed hard barriers which stop people doing for themselves.
the phrase "life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness' is a more rhetorical expression of this.

>> No.12203851

Women are the ones causing this. If you aren't a masculine Chad, then you are unattractive to 80% of women until it's time for them to marry a beta cuck to use as a human ATM machine

>> No.12203961

No anon. This is demonstrable nonsense, and the best way to ensure you will always be alone is by continuing to convince yourself it's true, thus transforming yourself into a hateful little prick that not even a mother could love.
I am not a Chad. I lost my virginity at 25. Now I've been in a loving relationship with the same woman for a decade. I'm no ATM for her; she earned more than me for most of our relationship.
Women are people too, lad. They're varied and complex, and capable of the same emotions as you.

>> No.12203970

No big wars. They are meant to die fighting other incels.

>> No.12203979

Why is he an incel? Guy has an ok face, go to the gym, build some muscle, lose some fat, get a good maybe military buzz or crew haircut, stop masturbating to get some life back into his eyes.

>> No.12203998

This. And the reason you see so much shilling against "incels" is because they realize that once a sizable amount of men wake up, there will be a revolution.
>unattractive to 80% of women
>"no that's nonsense because of an anecdotal example."
I don't think you understand how percentages work.

>> No.12204001

It wasn't the case 40 years ago either. History is written by the winners and you've swallowed it whole.

>> No.12204006

Men are causing this by being unloveable failures

>> No.12204009
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>> No.12204078

These stupid childrens cartoons only work on psycologically vulnerable teenagers looking for an easy explanation for why they aren't happy (other people). Showing them to people who have their lives in order just makes you look pathetic

>> No.12204091

Then why do people cry when those aspects of masculinity are called out as toxic masculinity?

>> No.12204092

I think it's pretty obvious that sex, in the west, is social currency.
For example nearly every popular song is about sexual promiscuity.

>> No.12204101

>socially isolated young guys playing video games and spending all time on the internet thinking society is in any way hostile to men

>> No.12204108

This. The government needs to make pussy a public good.

>> No.12204109


>> No.12204111

Cell phones and online dating apps.

>> No.12204115

Hit a little too close to home, huh.

>> No.12204118

Why do black people complain when things caused by anti-black racism are described as being caused by "toxic black culture"?

>> No.12204156

>thinking society is in any way hostile to men
so what do the suicide numbers look like?

>> No.12204160

maslow was a coomer simp
you dont need reproduction to live, though most people agree with him, since theyre all the same