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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 264 KB, 938x1200, penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12203008 No.12203008 [Reply] [Original]

Twistor edition
Talk maths
Antecedent >>12190956

>> No.12203017

A twistor is like a spinor in momentum space. Something like that, I forget the exact transformation.

>> No.12203019

what's a tensor?

>> No.12203022

they said you died or got arrested. took remains unspookable.

>> No.12203028
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Not only did they say I died, they entered my name into the NatSec table of deceased individuals and have been selling insurance to people with the absolute guarantee that I am a dead man.

>> No.12203037
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>> No.12203038

A tensor is an object that obeys the tensor transformation law. If you were wondering about a spinor maybe, then a spinor is an object that obeys the the spinor equation.

>> No.12203046

I can't recommend working on this one, mathematics is not ready for such problems. Consider triple integrals instead.

>> No.12203113

very nice
anyone who says a tensor is a matrix is instantly discarded into the pit of dumb

>> No.12203132

wtf? did these claims go through? isn't someone with authority supposed to file that?

>> No.12203137

Piss off schizos

>> No.12203147
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Some papers that might be of interest to somebody:
>Zeta functions of Lie [math]\mathbb{F}_p[/math]-algebras and finite [math]p[/math]-groups
>Group-like Small Cancellation Theory for Rings
(This one looks like a whole book!)
>The Steenrod algebra from the group theoretical viewpoint
>Wick polynomials in non-commutative probability

>> No.12203181

Cheers, lad.

>> No.12203182
File: 44 KB, 1051x332, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studying the GRE practice exam. how does C imply invertibility?

>> No.12203235
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Expand it and you will get [math]I - A + A^2 - \cdots + (-1)^k A^k = 0 \Leftrightarrow I = A - A^2 + \cdots -(-1)^k A^k = A(I - A + A^2 - \cdots -(-1)^k A^{k-1})[/math]. The stuff inside the parentheses is now the inverse of [math]A[/math]. Warning: I may have made a mistake with the signs, but the idea is the same, nevertheless.

>> No.12203238

Lads, please help me: I would be grateful if you could point me in any direction where I can find the (most) information regarding any one graduate school. In a sense, a list of grad schools, their tuition, admission and field of study (analysis, algebra...) etc etc

It's tiring spending a good chunk of my day sifting through university websites trying to find information.

And I'm not talking about master portals, they just give USA, UK and the Netherlands mostly.

Arigato ^___^

>> No.12203241

wack. never seen that before
honestly learning a lot just going through these and finding gaps in my learning, though I suppose that's the point. I should probably stop and run through this exam style properly rather than continue as I am

>> No.12203256
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I just realised I forgot all the coefficients in the expansion. Remember to get some sleep or else you will do similar mistakes. I knew something was off, but I thought it was the signs. The idea is still the same, as the correct version provides a matrix B such that AB = I = BA. Sorry about that.

>> No.12203297

got anything on stochastics?

>> No.12203302

any guides on induction for recursive sequences?
I cant seem to grasp that shit

>> No.12203391

>Arigato ^___^
is this nigga serious?

>> No.12203417

>I may have made a mistake with the signs
You need binomial coefficients too right? The idea still works though obviously.

>> No.12203418

Oops >>12203256
This is why I should read the thread before posting.

>> No.12203425

Can someone explain why [math] C\rtimes D \cong C*D / \{dcd^{-1}\}_{d\in D, c\in C} [/math]?

>> No.12203717

Another way is to notice that no invertible <=> A has 0 as an eigenvalue.
If Ax = 0 then (I-A)x = x so (I-A)^k x = x so (I-A)^k is not 0.

>> No.12203730

Whats the best book/website for maths problems of all kinds to solve?
I was never one of the "maths people" in highschool; I was above average so I'm looking to better myself now before I start my compsci degree

>> No.12203734

Khanacademy for you.

>> No.12203747

Really? I was expecting some crusty old book lol
thanks I guess
Which course should I stay with? Algebra basics?

>> No.12203757

start* with

>> No.12203761
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based Sir Roger. awareness of this technique was very useful for me.

>> No.12203858
File: 68 KB, 960x960, lorenz_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a line, or the slope of a line, has the property of 'steepness', what is the term for the corresponding property of curves and derivatives? 'Intensity' seems close but wrong.

For example, how would I describe, in language, the difference between the yellow curve and the red? I could say one is 'flatter' than the other, but that seems to include other properties than what I want.

>> No.12203888

How do I prove [math]\exists \varepsilon>0 [/math] such that [math]\ mypeepee > \varepsilon[/math]?
I'm worried I'm going to have to use imaginary numbers to prove this.

>> No.12203891

If I keep studying mathematics, will I also pick things up about physics along the way?
I'm thinking that I might get a textbook or something with physics problems and see if I can use that to learn more.
I don't want to study physics because I don't really want to work in physics but I still like learning about it, as I find applications for it everywhere.

>> No.12203897

You're not funny, you're not smart, and the trips have been wasted on you. Go back to r*ddit.
I hope you get in a car crash and die.

>> No.12203907
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Nope, sorry. I took those from my email.

We were both a bit silly, I guess.

Nice one.

>> No.12203919

Curvature is what you're looking for. It's a well researched concept.

>> No.12203934

Perfect, thanks!

>> No.12203943

Would it be weird to enter a zoom/whatever else conference if I'm in another country?

>> No.12203950

No, as long as you're white.

>> No.12203958
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Why would it be? I attended some German conferences like that.

>> No.12203988

Mr. Moore pls

>> No.12204008
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>It's 2020 and we still don't know how many real numbers there are
This is getting stupid... At what point do you just give up and admit they're not real?

>> No.12204027
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Is there any exercises / problem solving book or website that you really enjoyed going through?
Something with actual hard exercises in anything (analysis, algebra, number theory, combinatorics, probability, even algorithms if it's good)..
please recc

I only know Project Euler, but you guys may know something better for mathchads.

>> No.12204030
File: 191 KB, 732x732, tapiiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out "Linear Algebra Problem Book" by Paul Halmos.

>> No.12204034
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>> No.12204086
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>Racism has become the only issue for many Millennials. Even as they ignore how deeply human it is to categorize some fellow humans as the "other", they are doing it themselves to those they believe are racists. They have become totally intolerant of those whom they see as lacking sufficient tolerance.
wtf I didn't know Mumford was based.

>> No.12204110

You can afford to be based when you've got tenure and you're too old to care anyway
I remember he wrote some pretty interesting blogs in the past too.

>> No.12204167

Third option: put your hands on your ears and pretend it never happened.

>> No.12204202
File: 2 KB, 102x51, FractionalIndices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, can someone help me understand fractional indices?

How do I work out the value of something like pic related?

>> No.12204206

FUCK OFF with your kindergarten questions. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE

>> No.12204213

What do you love about math? Was there a moment in your life when you realised something that made you love it?

>> No.12204218

Where am I suppose to go?

>> No.12204219

always been good at it, grew to love it more as I did more and more with it

>> No.12204220


>> No.12204226

Damn, I guess you got filtered by kindergarden math if you can't answer it, lol

>> No.12204242
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>> No.12204273

Is there a concrete guide for math olympiad prep? Or it's stuff well hidden from commoners?

>> No.12204292

the best people get their prep from teachers who are into highschool olympiads

>> No.12204297


All Mr Filtered

>> No.12204310

>Is there a concrete guide for math olympiad prep?
step 1, ignore olympiad shit
step 2, study actual math

>> No.12204316

The problem with this reasoning is that to become "best", you have to get an adequate prep first.

>> No.12204322

will check it out, thanks

>> No.12204326

If you can't solve olympiad problems, then you are wasting time by doing math.

>> No.12204329

By that logic like half the number theorists in Australia should have their tenure revoked.

>> No.12204352

>if you dont have 3 dozen different identities memorized from areas of math you dont work in, then you are wasting time by doing math
when was the last time you did a geo problem outside of a fucking olympiad

>> No.12204358

I do some basic geometry when I teach calculus I guess.

>> No.12204442

Ask this a physicist or an engineer.

>> No.12204477
File: 91 KB, 1078x530, GET IN THE CAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Oh geeze whats going on?
>>Oh geeze I was having a sleep, I was having a little Tao sleep, working on the Schrö-
>>ohhhh why?
>>oh geeze...

>> No.12204493

Olympiad Geometry, not analytical geometry
im talking about similar triangle bullshit
theyre not even related to the geo that physicists or engiees do
fucks sake, its obvious from context what kind of geo im talking about

>> No.12204497

Khan has a lot. Brilliant gets shilled a lot but is apparently quality.

>> No.12204501

I tried a free trial by them once, but it seems to me as if their lessons are aimed at the lowest common denominator, is this incorrect?

>> No.12204602

You are just a kind of person who haven't dealt with mathematical problems, otherwise you'd know that translating everything into coordinates is not always the best way to go.

>> No.12204625

>otherwise you'd know that translating everything into coordinates is not always the best way to go.
wow cool, its almost like thats not what we're talking about
you mean hasn't ESL retard

>> No.12204680

>there's no similar triangle bullshit in calc classes

>> No.12204692

There's nothing wrong with being an ESL.

>> No.12204722

I watched vsauce

>> No.12204784

I went blind into math because engineering seemed boring. I didn't even liked it until third semester when I had a cool teacher for Linear Algebra I.

>> No.12204809

I went into math. Linear algebra was fucking terrible for me, an absolute slog through boring material. Abstract algebra and its secondary grad level classes were my favorite classes during my entire undergrad.

>> No.12204868

When I had my first class about modular arithmetics in high school, and had to make proofs for the first time.
Before that I wanted to become a doctor, but I decided I just wanted to learn more maths instead

>> No.12204928

The n-th root of x is another way of writing x to the power 1/n. From there you should be able to find out to use them, it follows standard rules.

>> No.12205077

anyone else got any suggestions?

>> No.12205134
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Thank me later.

>> No.12205147

x = nth root of y means x=y^(1/n) which means x is the solution of the equation x^n-y=0, which can be solved numerically by algorithms like newton-raphson, bisection, regula falsi, and the Illinois algorithm.

>> No.12205181

is that really an exercise book? seems like a good read nevertheless.

>> No.12205228

Not strictly, but it has lots of good problems in it.

>> No.12205629

Anyone who says anything but a multilinear map of the elements of the vector spaces and their duals is is instantly discarded into the pit of dumb.

>> No.12205744
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>expand it
What do you mean expand it?
[math]\frac{1}{1 - x} = \sum _{k = 0}^{\infty} x^ k[/math]. By the same token, [math]\frac{I}{A} = \frac{I}{I - (I-A)} = \sum _{k = 0}^{\infty} (I-A)^ k[/math]. The sum terms eventually zero, so the series converges and you get an inverse.

>> No.12205796
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Anyone know some good math books for soft reading? I was looking at, "Mathematics and Its History" for example.

>> No.12205827

I need help with alg
Given a [math]k[/math]-cycle in [math]S_n,\ \sigma[/math], with [math]2\leq k\leq n-2[/math] I want to show that the centralizer [math]C(\sigma)[/math] is the product of two nontrivial groups.
The obvious isomorphism is [math]C(\sigma) \cong \langle\sigma\rangle \times S_{n-k}[/math], given by the normal composition where [math]S_{n-k}[/math] is the collection of permutations disjoint to [math]\sigma[/math]. but I'm stuck on the final part of showing it's iso. I need help showing that every element of the centralizer is a product of a power of [math]\sigma[/math] and something disjoint to [math]\sigma[/math].
Any ideas?

>> No.12205984

If [math]g: A\to B[/math] is a continuous open map such that [math] B[/math] is Hausdorff and connected, why is [math]g[/math] surjective? It's clear that [math]g(X)[/math] is open. It's not clear to me that [math]g(X)[/math] is closed.

>> No.12206046

wouldn't [math]g:A\rightarrow B[/math] being surjective imply [math]g(A)[/math] is open and closed and not necessarily [math]g(X), X\subset A[/math] being open and closed?
[math]g(A)[/math] being open and closed seems intuitive at least, so if that's how it works there you go.

>> No.12206055

Oops I made a mistake. I meant to say [math]g(A)[/math] instead of [math]g(X)[/math]. Anyways, the point being that I want to prove that [math]g(A)[/math] is both open and closed which would then prove that [math]g(A)[/math] is surjective as the only subsets of a connected space that are open and closed are the space itself and the empty set. Proving that [math]g(A)[/math] is open is really easy. I'm stuck on trying to prove that [math]g(A)[/math] is a closed set.

>> No.12206065

>elements of the vector spaces
But anon what about [math]R[/math]-algebra tensors?

>> No.12206331

The transformation law meme is a complete brainlet take for physicists.

>> No.12206334

Algebras over a ring have underlying modules, of which you can take tensor products.

>> No.12206336

Doesn't that whole arrangement imply [math]A[/math] is connected as well?
[math]g^{-1}(B)=\text{clopen}[/math] and [math]g^{-1}(\emptyset)=\text{clopen}[/math] follow from the closed and open definitions of continuity? Then [math]A[/math] and [math]\emptyset[/math] are the only clopen subsets of [math]A[/math] and [math]g(A)[/math] is one of [math]\emptyset[/math] or [math]B[/math] and therefore has an open complement.
Been a while since I skimmed a topology book but is that right?

>> No.12206442

If I'm interested in the universal property (cofibred product) as ring algebra tensors then I have to do a fair bit of work to get there from a definition of tensors of [math]R[/math]-modules. It turns out there are multiple useful descriptions!

>> No.12206564

Based mumford

>> No.12206568

Question is "Find 3 subset A, B, C to set E such that A, B, C, A∩B"

How do you even read A, B, C, A∩B? What do the commas represent? Thank you /sci/

>> No.12206631

The answer is (E) right? Because even if Av_i is not zero, it could map all three vectors to a proper subspace of R^3? Just want to make sure I haven't forgotten my linear algebra.

>> No.12206640

anyone who doesn't mumble something about monoidal categories is instantly discarded in the pit of dumb

>> No.12206808

yeah, it's E

>> No.12206846

In Ontatio, Canada we have a 90 credit BSc./BA. degree and a 120 credit Honours BSc./BA. degree. I'm currently in the 90 credit BSc. Applie Math degree. A 120 Hons. BSc/BA is required for grad school. For anyone familiar with this distinctiin, what are my job optics if I stick with the 90 credit degree?

>> No.12206851

kings honor friend

>> No.12206857


>> No.12206864

There is a few factors I would consider.

Do you have the capital to sustain yourself and go to school and get the honors degree as compared to the regular one? Also, are you young? I would say the honors program will probably lead to an increased career outlook, as a rule, but if you can't afford it or are too old it may not be worth it.

>> No.12206939


>> No.12206942

Is it a public mailing list? Can I add my email?

>> No.12206954
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>What do you mean expand it?

Follow these instructions. https://arxiv.org/help/subscribe

>> No.12206988

Did you guys figure this out just now, or have you seen something similar before?

>> No.12206994

Figured it out when I posted it. Haven't seen it before (third one you're replying it).

>> No.12206996
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I'm specialised in algebra stuff, so I sometimes do similar tricks to get inverses.

>> No.12207004
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>It's October 8, year of our Lord 2020, and we still don't know how many real numbers there are

>> No.12207042

The long ray is comprised of an uncountable number of [0,1) segments laid end to end.

Does it have a first segment? Does it have a second segment? If so, why aren't the segments countable?

>> No.12207045


>> No.12207051

Oh wow you gave a letter to the size. Now what?

>> No.12207055

>Does it have a first segment? Does it have a second segment?
Yes, yes.
>If so, why aren't the segments countable?
Because you defined it so they aren't. (uncountable number of [0,1))

>> No.12207056

[math]\infty[/math] times two, duh.
one for the positives, one for the negatives.

>> No.12207058

It can be bounded.
[math]|\mathbb{N} |\leq \mathfrak{c} \leq \aleph_{1} [/math]

>> No.12207062

Then the definition is inconsistent and the long ray doesn't exist.

>> No.12207063

Sorry, the first [math]\leq[/math] should just be <

>> No.12207064

We know c is bigger that |N|, so you're saying that c= aleph_1.
Where can I find a proof of this?
>Then the definition is inconsistent
How so?

>> No.12207073

If the long ray exists you can use the same construction on the number of digits in decimal representations of numbers to construct an uncountably irrational number with uncountably many digits.
No such number exists, as all decimal representations are countable.

>> No.12207076

I'm not saying that [math]\mathfrak{c} = \aleph_{1}[/math], I'm saying that [math]\mathfrak{c} \leq \aleph_{1}[/math].

>> No.12207080

>If the long ray exists you can use the same construction on the number of digits in decimal representations of numbers to construct an uncountably irrational number with uncountably many digits.
How? What is the construction?

>> No.12207088

but aleph_1 is the smallest uncountable cardinal

>> No.12207090

Take a segment [0,1). Append another [0,1) to the right hand side. Do this such that the numbers of segments is in bijection with [math]ω_1[/math].
Substitute segments with digit places.

>> No.12207094

Oh. I'm retarded.
Should be [math]\aleph_{1} \leq \mathfrak{c}[/math]

>> No.12207097

>Do this such that the numbers of segments is in bijection with ω1ω1.
I'm not sure you know what you mean by that. This is not a rigorous construction.
>Substitute segments with digit places.
Lol what?

>> No.12207099

I hate this fucking board.

>> No.12207104

What don't you like about it?

>> No.12207176

Did the subgroup poster started a competition for the stupidedt question asked in the history of /mg/?

>> No.12207182

Certainly looks like it.

>> No.12207206
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[math]\forall C: A\cap B[/math] viva la involucion!

>> No.12207237

>made no progress so far the entire week
>feel like absolute shit
>have to meet my advisor tomorrow
What the fuck do I tell her, /mg/

>> No.12207242
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Same but 3 weeks. I tell mine of all the stupid ideas I had and was unable to take to the end or turned out to be stupid after checking the details.

>> No.12207247
File: 335 KB, 500x744, 1600197706488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, I will do that as well. I knew it was a good idea to consult /mg/

>> No.12207530


>> No.12207608

Is the empty set a member of the complement of the empty set?

>> No.12207611

No. The complement of the empty set is not a set.

>> No.12207619
File: 22 KB, 1039x787, redard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain to me how picking contours in the complex plane somehow magically allows us to solve real integrals

>> No.12207623

Right, it's also
[math]\aleph_0 ^{\aleph_0} = 3^{\aleph_0 }= 1000^{\aleph_0 }=\aleph_0 ^ {\aleph_0 \times \aleph_0 }[/math]
There are infinitely many ways to express it. That doesn't tell you how big it is.
The question is for which k, [math]\aleph_k = 2^{\aleph_0}[/math]

>> No.12207626


>> No.12207630

Aleph_k is only defined for ordinal values of k. What do you mean by aleph_2.3?

>> No.12207631
File: 367 KB, 750x698, Picturememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What area of math is the most poggers?

>> No.12207632

Specify a universe before taking complements, heathen. It's like you don't even know about restricted comprehension.

>> No.12207639

Bro it's perfectly fine to form general sets {x: P(x)} as long as P(X) does not involve x containing itself (or logically reducible to x containing itself)

>> No.12207642


>> No.12207648

That's provably impossible because by definition Aleph_3 is the smallest cardinal that's bigger than Aleph_2.

>> No.12207649

The integral over the big semicircle is basically zero.

>> No.12207653

Sorry, spend a few more decades studying, then you might get to the level where you can understand this

>> No.12207655

Ok thanks for the help bro

>> No.12207657

yeah no worries bro

>> No.12207658

No it's not, just take P(x) to be any statement which is always true, like 1=1.

>> No.12207676

>Twistor edition

One comment about twistors that's vaguely right, the rest are shit posts about basic math. This sums up everything that's wrong about /sci.

>> No.12207695

So you get the set of everything.

>> No.12207715

Set theory fag here, for any uncountable ordinal [math]\alpha[/math], it is consistent with ZFC that [math]\aleph_{\alpha}=2^{\aleph_0}[/math]. This is called Easton's theorem.

>> No.12207726

And the vaguely right thing was some schizo mindlessly repeating something he heard on a YouTube video. At least there's no race bait yet.

>> No.12207733

Woops, I had a brainfart, I meant to say it is consistent with ZFC that [math]\aleph_{\alpha}=2^{\aleph_0}[/math], where [\math]\aleph_{\alpha}[/math] has uncountable cofinality. In particular the continuum cannot be [math]\aleph_{\alpha}[/math], where the cofinality of [math]\alpha[/math] is countable.

>> No.12207735

There is no such thing. Its existence would contradict Cantor's theorem.

>> No.12207872


>> No.12207933

how do I learn proofs by induction?
I kinda slacked off in my uni course and the learning curve got very steep very fast and I have no idea what's happening and how to approach the problems

>> No.12207958

First you learn a basic proof, then you imagine that you've learned the first n proofs in the class. If you can use that to learn the (n+1)st proof in the class you've learned proofs by induction.

>> No.12207975

Prove Laplace expansion and Cauchy's integral formula by induction.

>> No.12207989
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Do you understand the basic idea? You have a claim that is somehow related to the natural numbers. First you show it is true in the case where n is the smallest allowed natural number. Then you want to show that if it holds for some k, then it will hold for k+1. This is done by assuming that it is true for k, and this assumption is the induction hypothesis. Once you have done these two, you will get it for all (allowed naturals), as being true for the smallest OK number implies truth for the next one, and that will then imply truth for the one after itself etc. And what I mean by allowed/OK is that you don't necessarily start from 0, for example [math]n! > 2^n[/math] is true for [math]n \ge 4[/math].

>> No.12208022

I know the idea but I can never come up with the solutions on my own because there doesn't appear to be a consistent way, it feels like you have to guess or come up with bullshit ideas

>> No.12208043
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Can you do babby's first induction proof, that is [math]\sum\limits_{i=0}^n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}[/math]? If not, show us (or me) where you get stuck. Otherwise, give some other problem you are stuck with and point out where you get stuck.

>> No.12208050

Lol induction is such a weird way to prove that.

>> No.12208059

It's the best way to do it.

>> No.12208060

>it is consistent with ZFC that
Means we need more axioms.

>> No.12208072

[math]\frac{(n+1)(n+2)}{2}=\frac{n^2 + 3n + 2}{2}=\frac{n^2+n+2n+2}{2}=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}+(n+1)[/math]
is this what i was supposed to do?

>> No.12208071

1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n +
n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 =
(n+1) + (n+1) + .. + (n+1) =

>> No.12208107
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It's also the usual first induction problem in your HS book/uni intro course, at least judging by what I have seen.

If you would actually follow the steps you claimed to know, you would first say it is true for 0 because the sum of the first 0 naturals is 0, and on the other side of the sign you would have 0/2 = 0. Then you would assume it holds for some k and do [math]\sum\limits_{i=0}^{k+1} i = \sum\limits_{i=0}^k i + (k+1) = \frac{k(k+1)}{2} + k+1 = \cdots = \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}[/math], where the skipped part is what you did but backwards. Your thing doesn't prove the claim because it is not related to anything. You are not connecting [math]\frac{n(n+1)}{2}[/math] to the sum in any way, only showing that you can write the leftmost term like you have on the far right. Write more!

>> No.12208112

Power set axiom only holds for small sets.

>> No.12208122

I want to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.12208128

yeah I omitted the first step because it seemed obvious and not needed
I have a problem which I have no idea how to approach though, it follows:
Prove by induction that all numbers greater or equal to 8 can be expressed as a sum of 3s and/or 5s. E.g. 8 = 3 + 5, 9 = 3+3+3

>> No.12208141

>yeah I omitted the first step because it seemed obvious and not needed
Get in the habit of writing out your proofs in full.
Doesn't matter that you find certain steps obvious. Writing them out in full will make your learning process much faster and let you think more clearly.

>> No.12208172

I will do that. Do you have any clues for that problem?

>> No.12208182

That's not a healthy way to live.

>> No.12208200

>The sum terms eventually zero, so the series converges
not how convergence works
also not what they're looking for, it needs to terminate after finite [math]k[/math] and never does it say you get to sum the [math](I-A)^k[/math]. there needs to be a [math]k[/math] such that [math](I-A)^k=0[/math], that's it

>> No.12208460

Idk if this is a correct type of approach, but what do you think of this observation?

Consider a particular sum of 3s and/or 5s.
If the sum has at least two 3s in it, then you can replace the two 3s with a 5 and effectively subtract 1.
If it has at least two 5s, you can replace the two 5s with three 3s and subtract 1.
After either operation, the result will still be a sum of 3s and 5s.
Any (integer) sum of 3s and 5s greater than 8 will also itself have at least two 3s or two 5s.
So you can get to any particular number >=8 by just picking some greater number that is a sum of 3s and 5s, and counting downward in this manner until you reach the desired number.
So for any integer of the form 5a+3b, you can prove by induction that all smaller integers >=8 must also be representable in that form.
You can also count upward if you prefer, maybe most simply by just adding one three and then decrementing twice.

>> No.12208510

Yes. 1 = 2(3)-5. So if n can be expressed as a sum with at least one 5, you can express n+1 with 2 more 3s and 1 less 5.
If there are no 5s in n, then assuming n>=10 you can replace 5*2 with 2*5. Voila.

>> No.12208542

Geometry and imagination by Hilbert. Great book.

>> No.12208548

Sometimes I think of instead of pursuing a PhD at a university, I NEET with my parents at home and try to study and achieve results on my own.

>> No.12208589

The whole program of relative consistency proofs are predicated on the assumption that the base theory is consistent. All we are do to prove Easton's theorem is show that if ZFC has a model, then ZFC+ Easton's theorem has a model. This is one of the finer points of forcing. Kunen gives a great explanation on this.

>> No.12208614
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Maybe some day but not now, sorry. Unless you kill my bf to claim me first, but he is a big engineering chad with military training.

When you begin with proofs, you should basically write a novel every time you prove something. When you get the so called maturity, you can drop the more obvious parts and make more fancy proofs.

>> No.12208750
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This book is fantastic

>Leo Corry - Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures


[math]f(x)-c\cdot f'(x) = g(x)[/math]

So clearly
[math] \implies f(x) = \dfrac{1}{1-c\cdot \frac{d}{dx}}g(x) = g(x) + \sum_{n=1}^\infty c^n \left(\frac{d}{dx}\right)^n g(x)[/math]

You can make some of it also work with [math] \dfrac{1}{1-c\cdot \int^x dt}[/math]

>> No.12208778
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Could someone explain to me what rule is used when the excluded third party law is set?
The related pic is the formal proof of the absorption law, but I don't understand why Q can be removed from the material implication.

>> No.12208832

You can introduce assumptions, but you can introduce tautologies, and LEM is a tautology (classically).

>> No.12208878

An integral of an analytic function over a closed contour in C is zero. If the function is analytic except for at finitely many points then the residues at those points are the only contribution to the integral. Combine this with analytic continuation on exp(x) to exp(z) and you're 90% there.

>> No.12208892

p a r t y

As that other anon said, step 3 doesn't follow from 2 but is introduced here in axiomatic fashion

>> No.12208903

Thanks for your answers, I did not remember that the excluded third was an axiom and confused it with a rule of inference.

>> No.12208930
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You are welcome. I remember trying to do deductions like that back in the days and forgetting all the introduction and elimination rules. It was painful.

>> No.12208989

how do you get a chad engineering bf?

>> No.12209072

Is there a better theorem in CA?

>> No.12209146

Not him but sounds neat

>> No.12209230
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Talk to nice guys online and maybe you will find one.

>> No.12209279

If A is a subset of B and C is a subset of B then are A and B subsets of each other?

>> No.12209312

Based average /mg/ poster

>> No.12209327

no C is a normal subgroup of A X B

>> No.12209417

Very nice, went the idempotent route

>> No.12209421

Hello fellow based Gabu poster

>> No.12209489 [DELETED] 
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If [math]a[math] divides [math]b[math] and [math]c[math] divides [math]b[math], do [math]a[math] and [math]c[math] divide eachother?

>> No.12209490

Cheers, lad.

>> No.12209494
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If [math]a[/math] divides [math]b[/math] and [math]c[/math] divides [math]b[/math], do [math]a[/math] and [math]c[/math] divide eachother?

>> No.12209563
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>> No.12209566


>> No.12209576

>i-is this bait

Counterexample: any prime factorization

>> No.12209601


>> No.12209689

Then why does Woodin think CH has a definite value? Is he not aware of Easton's theorem?

>> No.12209696
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>> No.12209744

Easton's theorem just classifies what cardinals the continuum can be over ZFC. You can use it to make CH true for instance. I don't understand V=Ultimate L (his current conjecture) very well, if at all, that is not my field of set theory. One thing though, basic Cohen forcing over L will violate CH. My very basic understanding is that CH holds in Ultimate L and Ultimate L only has trivial forcing extensions. So you can't break CH with forcing. Of course the existence of Ultimate L is a only conjecture and could be very wrong. But there is evidence, we'll have to wait and see. I think Woodin has lecture about it youtube if you're interested.

>> No.12209838

>I don't understand V=Ultimate L (his current conjecture)
I don't know why those guys call those things conjecture.

Sounds like
>strawberries is the best ice cream
kind of conjectures to me

>hat is not my field of set theory
what is

>> No.12209878

If [math]a \leq b [/math] and [math] c \leq b[/math] does [math]a = c[/math]?

>> No.12209924

I guess the language is a little imprecise. The conjecture is that Ultimate L exists. The proposal for the new axiom to add to ZFC would be V=Ultimate L. My field is descriptive set theory, this stuff falls under inner model theory.

>> No.12210015

Not necessarily.

>> No.12210081

If [math]A \implies B[/math] and [math] C \implies B [/math] is it true that [math]A \iff B[/math]?

>> No.12210199

If [math]n=2k>2[/math] with [math]k/in/mathbb{N}[/math] then [math]n=p+q[/math] with [math]p,q[/math] primes?

>> No.12210224

Not necessarily.

>> No.12210237

Just compute a counter-example

>> No.12210248

Suppose [math] G[/math] is a directed graph and [math]v_1,v_2,v_3[/math] are vertices of [math]G[/math]. If there is a path from [math] v_1 [/math] to [math] v_2 [/math] and a path from [math] v_3 [/math] to [math] v_2 [/math] are there paths from [math] v_1 [/math] to [math] v_3[/math] and vice versa?

>> No.12210294

Let [math] \mathcal{C} [/math] be any category. Suppose [math] \mathscr{F}, \mathscr{G}, \mathscr{H} [/math] are representable functors [math]\mathcal{C} \to \text{Set}[/math]. Suppose there exist natural transformations [math]\mathscr{F} \Longrightarrow \mathscr{G} [/math] and [math]\mathscr{H} \Longrightarrow \mathscr{G} [/math]. Does there exist a natural isomorphism [math]\mathscr{F} \cong \mathscr{H} [/math]?

>> No.12210303

Not necessarily. There is an extremely simple example with only 3 vertices, see if you can come up with it.

>> No.12210375
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>> No.12210755



>> No.12210789

What about

>> No.12210800
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I have done it. I derived the feigenbaum constant from the monster group. I also derived the monster group from the feigenbaum constant. Mathematics is over. Where do I publish this? Should I make a youtube video?

>> No.12210805

When you say derived what exactly do you mean? What is the relationship?

>> No.12210823

How many pitchforks did you have to look at?

>> No.12210843
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I am supposed to do a Gauss-Newton on a set of datapoints but one of the datapoints is approaching inf. Do I just drop it?

>> No.12210934

what is C?

>> No.12210944

If I have a weak homotopy equivalence [math]X \to Y[/math] and a weak homotopy equivalence [math]X \to Z[/math], then does there exist a weak homotopy equivalence [math]Y \to Z [/math]??

>> No.12210971

A type in the first universe.

>> No.12210980
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What are some nice 2D manifolds that I can easily calculate geodesics for? I'm messing around trying to render 2D manifolds from geodesics. Pic related is the 2-sphere.

>> No.12211046
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How do I solve this? I dont know what the A, B and C is.

Please help me.

>> No.12211057


>> No.12211070

Sorry bro, no applied maths here

>> No.12211072

I haven't read your question or picture, but the answer is always

>> No.12211129
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It turns out easy to understand 2D manifolds are pretty boring.
I'm not sure geodesic rendering would work in real time. It's a shame because most games on manifolds just use charts and try to hide the transitions which is really boring imo.

>> No.12211144

Actually this paper seems to do exactly what I want: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09533
>We present novel methods of computing real-time native geodesic rendering of non-isotropic geometries

>> No.12211308


Which of those should I read (first)?

>In Search of Ultimate-L the 19th Midrasha
Mathematicae Lectures.

>Strong Axioms of Infinity and the search for V

>> No.12211329

What are some ways in which rings can be extended to a field?
Are there canonical techniques?

>> No.12211346
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The obvious one is the field of fractions for an integral domain.

>> No.12211357


>> No.12211358

If your ring is an integral domain, then you can extend it to the so-called field of fractions which is the "smallest" field that contains your ring (up to isomorphism). If it is not an integral domain you cannot extend it to a field because every subring of a field is an integral domain

>> No.12211361

thx thx

>> No.12211372
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If [math]C[/math] is a field and [math]A\subset C[/math] an integral domain, is the field of fractions [math]B[/math] of [math]A[/math] a subfield of [math]C[/math]?

>> No.12211385
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Assuming Choice, is the cardinality of the field of fractions of an infinite ring always the same as that of the ring?

>> No.12211404
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Let [math]Q[/math] be the field of fractions of an integral domain [math]R[/math]. Then [math]|R| \le |Q| \le |R| \times |R|[/math], so it will be the same in the case [math]R[/math] is infinite. If [math]R[/math] is finite, then it is a field already, and so it is its own field of fractions. The answer is yes.

>> No.12211420

Okay, looks good.

I didn't ask for the finite part but I also don't get it. Why is a finite integral domain already a field?

>> No.12211436
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Oops I somehow skipped the "infinite" in your post. A quick proof can be found for example here http://www-groups.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~john/MT4517/Lectures/L4.html (scroll down a bit but not too much).

>> No.12211496

Yes, that is what is meant with "smallest". The field of fractions [math] F[/math] of an integral domain [math]A [/math]satisfies the following universal property. If [math]K [/math] is a field and [math]f: A \to K [/math] an injective ring homomorphism, then there is a unique homomorphism [math]F \to K[/math] (which is also injective) extending [math]f [/math]. This property characterizes F up to canonical isomorphism

>> No.12211534

If A, B, C are G-modules with finite cohomology groups, A is a submodule of C and B is a submodule of C, does that imply A is a submodule of B?

>> No.12211577

We should write a Bourbaki style tome that restates all theorems of mathematics in this form.

>> No.12211636

What's your background?

>> No.12211658

I donno, I should be able to read those more or less, I hope

>> No.12211677

Any russian anons here? What do you think of Independent Moscow University?

>> No.12211692

Paul's Online Notes has a lot of practice problems and is an excellent reference guide/textbook for the standard Calculus I, II, III series plus diffeqs.

>> No.12211695

Are you a tranny or an actual woman?

>> No.12211702

The first one is a brief survey paper. If you know about L and large cardinals you should be fine. The second one I wouldn't even touch if you don't know how extender models work.

>> No.12211705

okay, good to know

>> No.12211707

Any Cambridge chads here? I'm a third year mathmo.

>> No.12211737

How do you guys read through textbooks for fun? Do you read them as you do literature or do you have a notebook and take notes as if for a course?

>> No.12211740


>> No.12211801
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If there are exercises, then I try to do those at least in my head.

>> No.12211807

>Madoka poster
How does it feel being a living meme?

>> No.12211823

I never take notes. But I really can't read math books as literature. I keep pen and paper next to me to work through proofs, examples, some exercises, etc..

>> No.12211829

unless you're an absolute god of mathematics you should definitely take notes otherwise you just won't retain anything imo

>> No.12211832

>he doesn't just commit everything to memory after reading it one time
do brainlets really...?

>> No.12211842

also based. I only skimmed over the thread. The real question is: [math]f\in L^{a}, g\in L^{b}, c=a+b, \text{ is } g+f\in L^c[/math]?

>> No.12211893

Does anyone feel like the math and humanities part of their brain excludes one another? I find that when I’m studying math intensely, I have very little patience for consuming literature / films and am less interested by the arts in general. I only really think about math. And if I take a break from study, the exact opposite occurs. I’ve also noted that most of my math professors are culturally quite dumb (i.e. watch anime, have basic political opinions, etc.). Is there something about focusing your brain on high level analytical concepts that distances you from other kinds of thinking? Obviously this wasn’t always the case (e.g. all the polymaths in history of mathematics) but wonder if this is a side effect of hyperspecialization.

>> No.12211947
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Some papers for you today
>Measure equivalence classification of transvection-free right-angled Artin groups
>New approaches for solving linear confluent Vandermonde systems and inverse of their corresponding matrices via Taylor's expansion
>The derived-discrete algebras over the real numbers
>Simplicial Neural Networks

Pain is temporary but glory is... who am I kidding? Pain is eternal.

>> No.12212107


The abstract of the NN paper for ML fags is funny

>> No.12212371

what the fuck is this algebraic topology holy shit

>> No.12212386

a meme

>> No.12212390

a subject that has been completely rewritten at least 2 times

>> No.12212524

Are there any books for algebra like 'Counterexamples in Analysis' by Gelbaum & Olmsted and 'A Problem Book in Real Analysis' by Aksoy & Khamsi?

>> No.12212790
File: 161 KB, 1190x607, 2020-10-09-233834_1190x607_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help boys, highlighted line is problematic.
If you have different proof that there is no retraction from closed disk to circle without fundamental groups, I would appreciate it.

>> No.12212810

Tutorial on how not to prove anything in your life.

>> No.12212821

Glorified hole counting.

>> No.12212825

Gloryhole counting?

>> No.12212840

You could use persistent homology to count the number of cocks visiting a gloryhole, sure.

>> No.12212843

I have a proof with homology, but you're probably not interested.
Why would you try do this without algebraic topology?

>> No.12212857

I'm not into gloryholes. I know proof that uses fundamental group the fact that Z is fundamental group of circle.

>> No.12212869

The homology proof is basically the same proof. It works for disks of any dimension though.

>> No.12212899

I'm not interested in it right now, but do you have any book recommendations for algebraic topology?

>> No.12212918
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Nice that someone liked it.


>> No.12212921

I learnt through Hatcher, some people here hate that book though.
Ghrist's Applied Topology cover's it from a more computational perspective, I'm not sure how useful it is as a first introduction though.

>> No.12212935

Anyone got cool less known elementary problems whose solution does not require high machinery just ingenuity?

>> No.12212949
File: 171 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-sir-roger-penrose-maths_5120264[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crackpot ideas are back on the meny boys!

Time is a flat circle motherfuckers.

>> No.12212951

Fuck off faggot. Penrose is not a crank, he's a respectable mathematical physicist.

>> No.12212953

Has some cool problems that were made to have elementary solutions.

>> No.12212957

I know but he's becoming more based with every year that passes. None of that boring ebony hole bs.

>> No.12213000

Oh, I thought you were mocking him. Yeah, he's pretty based.

>> No.12213025

Have you ever read a bullshit paper in math? Besides clowns like terrence howard.

>> No.12213032

>Have you ever read a bullshit paper in math?
I know Tooker has.

>> No.12213068

You ever get crazy emails from that guy?

>> No.12213078

Is problem 5 as easy as I think it is?

>> No.12213101

No, it's definitely harder thank you think it is.

>> No.12213128
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all done.

>> No.12213138

Yeah, I looked up the answer and it's very complicated.
But I still found the correct values of x without bothering to "think" or do "math."

>> No.12213142

It's pretty easy to find solutions. Have you shown that there are no other solutions than obvious ones?

>> No.12213143

This is also a good rule of thumb when doing maths

>> No.12213153

Will I be able to manage a math postgrad as a CS grad?

>> No.12213158

probably, depending on how much theoretical stuff you did.

>> No.12213160

What are you mathing in? What mathing did you do before?

>> No.12213172

Was thinking of doing a masters in pure and applied math, had 1 discrete math, 1 analysis, 4 calculus and 3 linear algebra courses

>> No.12213194

uhhhhh, good luck. If this is a canadian masters, you're gonna be a little (a lot) fucked

>> No.12213415


>> No.12213421

I like combinatorics and functional analysis. What should I study?

>> No.12213441

Graph theory

>> No.12213467

>be in proofs class
>girl (female) is presenting a proof
>her proof is incomplete
>some guy asks what if (case she didn't consider)?
>"I don't think that's possible"
I almost punched my screen, like nigga you have to prove that it's not possible that's the whole point of the course. Everybody chimes in to convince her that you don't necessarily know that that's not the case unless you prove it. Eventually she finally said "oops brain did a thing" or some shit like that and we moved on

>> No.12213477

idk the graph theory that I've done so far has had absolutely no analysis. Anything else?

>> No.12213683

Shit story.
Everyone has brain farts like this where they discount something nontrivial. If you don't ever accidentally do this then you're probably spending too long not discounting trivialities.

>> No.12213912
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Guess where you need to return to? It's not monke or atlantis. You arent invited there.

>> No.12214125

New >>12214123

>> No.12214318
File: 133 KB, 750x780, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bloo bloo bloo

>> No.12214600


>> No.12215183

make a free body diagram

>> No.12215188

Should I learn multilinear algebra and differential forms?

>> No.12215313
