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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12197969 No.12197969 [Reply] [Original]

STEM hierarchy:
Surgery > engineering > biotechnology > medicine > other life-sciences > statistics > pure math > theoretical physics > other hard sciences > CS > **power gap** > programming and codemonkeys > IT

>> No.12197976

>CS > **power gap** > programming and codemonkeys > IT
what makes them different?
also good intro stats book for people that know very little stats but multi variable calculus?

>> No.12197990


>> No.12198015

CS is like chemistry while programming is like cooking. Cooks rely on chemistry, but they don't actually understand chemistry

>> No.12198043

yeah keep coping with these threads. The only thing that matters is IQ

>> No.12198091

Surgery is mid wit medical.

Even robots can do it.

>> No.12198407

Surgery is a lot of fun, a bit of memorization, but very high liability if something goes wrong and when there's a wimpy medical student helping out a exploratory laparoscopy you can bet there's going to be need for the occasional transfusion. I like the stress I witnessed, much like in the middle of summer everyone's walking around, then sudden thunderstorm and everyone starts sprinting lol

>> No.12198415

>programming and codemonkeys
code monkey here. make 260k working at (((large tech company))). your hierarchy is dog shit.

>> No.12198510

Real Stem Hierarchy:
Surgery = engineering = biotechnology = medicine = other life-sciences = statistics = pure math = theoretical physics = other hard sciences = CS = programming and codemonkeys = IT

All are Necessary.

>> No.12198519

You aren't necessary

>> No.12198532

best analogy of CS vs coding I've heard

>> No.12198549

Medicine isn't STEM or is this a meme I don't know about?

>> No.12198553

My dick is necessary in your moms ass.
Science Technology Engineering Medicine. It turns out Math isn't STEM.

>> No.12198588

Math [math]\approx[/math] Engineering

>> No.12198627

>ooohhahhahhhh i codemonkey i get thrown money bananas

>> No.12198727

Shout how opressed you are >>>>STEM

>> No.12198740

Ask me how I know you're a brainlet

>> No.12198746

That's what you're dad said while prepping for a vacation

>> No.12198867


>> No.12198871
File: 242 KB, 1080x1614, Average CS income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, whatever you say.

>> No.12198874

M is for math. Medicine is Technology.

>> No.12200214

I know, that was the joke.

>> No.12201022

What’s the best field to go into if you DONT want to work for a corporation profiting off the abuse of humanity & planet earth?

>> No.12201265

Unsure if I should pursue a stats master or a second BS in engineering or CS. It seems that most stats masters go on to DS or actuarial work and from what I've read, DS is better pursued through a CS degree.
Engineering seems cool but I've never been very good at building things.

>> No.12201312

The field outside your house

>> No.12201333

I live by the water though homie

>> No.12201668


Not really, the gap between chemistry and cooking is astronomical. Not that huge for CS/programming.

>> No.12201696

lmao surgeons are no more expert than your local butcher.

>> No.12201699

based and farmpilled

>> No.12201740

keep telling yourself that

>> No.12202245

Please stop. You med students are ruining this board. Doctors typically have a high school understanding of biology and remedial understanding of math. Why do you insist on pretending you are scientists?

>> No.12202304

>Why do you insist on pretending you are scientists?
you should ask that from all of the codemonkeys and engineers running around here