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File: 48 KB, 382x500, UBER elder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1219331 No.1219331 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, right now there are scientists who have discovered that knocking out certain genes, on certain organisms, can lengthen their lifespan. In humans (if/when that is available to our species, if it isn't already) it can lengthen our lifespan by 30 years.

Also, there is a virtually indestructible glass that marine biologists have discovered at the bottom of the ocean (glass sponge) that we hope to someday replicate. What could all this, and more, spell out?

Can you say elder/super hero, or maybe just grandpa in an indestructible suit?

I know the idea of 'super-human' genetically engineered stuff is not a new--we've heard the news stories for years but I've never really thought about it in a more practical sense until now, I guess.

Are we headed for a ATTICA/ Time Machine kind of future someday? Where those who already have an advantage over most of us with money and status will also have an advantage over us by living longer and maybe even having super-imposed abilities that we can't match either genetically, or through invulnerable suits and gadgets (well, cuz we can't afford to)?

Do you think that it won't make much of a difference for the general population when these guys become, well, 'super'-human, or do you think that these guys are positioning themselves to be further above us on the food chain than they already so that they can go all *Über-Morlock on us? (*the elder dude from Time Machine) Anyway paranoid minds want to know--heh.

tl;dr: Are the rich guys who can afford to make science and utilize all that neat 'super-human' gunk going to be our 'super' big daddies (literally) in the future?

>> No.1219339

it also activates genes that encourage cancer growth so no

>> No.1219365

Yeah but I'm sure there will be a fix for that and they will carry on with their Frankenstein ways.

>> No.1219375

Nothing wrong with transhumanism and I'm pretty sure biological engineering with neurotechnology and nanotechnology, can help us overcome human limitations and improve the human condition. In fact, it's already happening.

Whether or not the result will be available for the average joe to purchase is something I have little concern for.

>> No.1219390

The lens of your eye is immortal.

>> No.1219402

Well, that was my point, I guess. Should we be concerned? Us "small people," I mean (as the BP Ceo would say lol)

Like all the money we spend on space--are we just subsidizing a trip for johnny rich-guy to someday be able to take off from earth after our ozone layer has burned away and the sun is frying us like eggs on a frying pan?

I guess what I'm saying is that the subconscious/innate/instinctual drive of most living organism is to live long and prosper, or at least the spread our 'seed' so that our progeny live then are you prepared to put all our resources into only some of us getting that opportunity in the future?

I already know your answer by your last response. I was just wondering if everyone else was cool with that too.

>> No.1219440


Regardless of its form, it will be "technology". It will be a product with massive demand.

As we further advance in the those technological realms, it is only logical that the cost of the assumed product will only decline. Eventually, it will reach a stage where even the "small" people would be able to afford it.

I assume that you are mostly worried about the timeframe inbetween our first transition into it and the moment it will be affordable to the common people. In that case, I assume that the aforementioned modifications could further expand the distance between the "elite" and "peasants" of the world.

>> No.1219458

I used to think like that too.
Then I realized that right now billions of people lack access to basic infrastructures.
So guys, wise up and get rich before the futures knock to your door.

>> No.1219488

Yeah, we already have that divide but it's not the same when you add all this other stuff into it.

Yes, rich people rule the world and are in some instances "untouchable"--but the commonwealth, as you put it, is still "there" fueling up their jets, handing them their breakfast etc.; there is still a 'connect'.

In this new 'divide' the connect is well, disconnected, and there is more vulnerability for us, for everyone, except for those elite few.

I've never really liked the idea of the rich ruling just because they had money to be up there, ya know. I do wonder--bees have their queen so are we humans (worker-bees) supposed to kow-tow to our own queen bees? It doesn't seem like it is in all our 'nature' to do that.

>> No.1219526

I agree, there is a connect.
Menial work is likely to become obsolete.
We'll have a biological divide.
Angels and apes, basically.
Awesome setting for an RPG, I'll have to let the fa/tg/uys work this out.

>> No.1219538

Intresting indeed.
"socialist" countries (I'm using the term in a conservapedia like way) would suffer less from it but still...

>> No.1219540


I remember discussing this matter with another person who was concerned that augmented people would make the rest of the non-augmented useless.

Now while that may be true to a certain extent, you have to realize that unless something can be embraced by the public, it will not always be a success. Just because you can waste your money on something that has potential, doesn't mean that you should.

Let's say we have two different companies that create/provide similar products and let's assume that use of computer is a necessary part of the production/distribution. Company A uses Pentium 4 powered computers while Company B uses high end Core2Duo/Quad/i7 or whatever you prefer here.

It is obvious that the efficiency here is in favor of Company B, assuming the two companies are equal in utilization of their computers. However, that is but one factor and by itself will, by no means, guarantee that Company B will be more successful than Company A.

>> No.1219557


Also please excuse my shitty grammar in this and in my previous posts in this thread, I'm a bit tired right now and english not being my native language is not helping.

>> No.1219570

Cool. :-D Love RPGs.Will likely play it when it comes out. :-D

>> No.1219582

Transhuman space is already out, it depicts a better future though.

>> No.1219588

you get to engineer your personal slave: would you?

>> No.1219590

I don't think we have as much power. Underneath it all--the corporations drive the changes. For example when everything went digital--sure consumers like the change to digital but it was the competing digital companies who drove that change otherwise the other technology would still be in place as we speak.

I think we are doomed. Once this divide gets wider, there is no going back and there will be very little the 'average' man/woman can do about it.

>> No.1219594

That's the point: try not to be average

>> No.1219599


I think this is more than just about 'gadgets' or personal robots etc. but I know what you are getting at.

If it means that the divide will split us this deeply--no, my answer is no.

>> No.1219606

>Underneath it all--the corporations drive the changes.

Corporation are out there to make a profit. Hight demand and quick adaption are two key points necessary for the transition of one form to another.

Compare the transition between Windows XP-->Windows Vista and Windows XP-->Windows 7.

>> No.1219608


There's always are short period when a technology is created during which the rich can afford it and the poor cannot. This'll happen with life extension tech as well... but there's so much money to be made that it will be sold to the general public asap.

A more worrying problem is AI and corporations. It's likely that the first companies/individuals that get this working will be able to dominate the world economy. Once they have that position of power it may be impossible to remove them because their AI abilities will be constantly improving... so even if others are able to create there own AI they will never be able to catch up.

>> No.1219609
File: 151 KB, 309x339, 1276259235935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resource-based economy, niggers. Solve all the world's problems with robotics.

>> No.1219612

Yeah, me neither.
Mind you, I would be tempted.

>> No.1219617

Yeah, the fact is a lot of the futuristic games, stories, movies mostly depict a better future for us with laser beams and glowing roads but I don't think art will imitate life this time.

>> No.1219630

This comment was not from the OP. And I am communicating my thoughts just fine despite my poor grammar. *rolling eyes*

>> No.1219643


I think you want to check the post being quoted.

>> No.1219646

oh shi...

>> No.1219648

I won't argue with that but what the original question had to do with us, the commonwealth, driving those changes and, really, we don't. The corporations give us what they have and they don't give us what is best many of the times, until they are ready to give it to us (ie they are done making profits from their previous outdated technologies).

>> No.1219663

My mistake, although I found the post to be fine. :-)

>> No.1219666


Sure but that's nothing new. Old technology is being pushed to the public even if the corporations themselves have already developed newer ones, in order to maximize profit.

Of course, for this to work properly, you need a monopoly. Or at least leveled competition.

>> No.1219680


As another anon said this would only really work if they had a monopoly.

With life extension techniques... (and it's likely to be 5 or 6 different medical procedures rather than one pill) they'll be allot of competition. It's the 'killer app' of biotechnology. Once it's a brand name and someone has a market position you might see people holding back new treatments to make more money though.

>> No.1219713


>> No.1219813


What the fuck...

>> No.1219828

>>Angels and apes, basically.
We already have that

>> No.1219837

not all french niggers are like that, though most are.
I met some who was really cool.