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File: 57 KB, 640x434, afrika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12190746 No.12190746 [Reply] [Original]

Africa's Birthrates means that eventually only black people will exist, this will throw mankind back into the Stone age.

When did you accept the incoming collapse?

>pic related
>source: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/17/worlds-population-is-projected-to-nearly-stop-growing-by-the-end-of-the-century/

>> No.12190811

we will just move to mars.

>> No.12190812

Africans are better than white people in Darwinian terms. Fact.

>> No.12190813

>attractive races dont produce
I'm honestly surprised Colombia is as huge as India or China.

>> No.12190814

violence is an evolutionary positive.....sadly.

>> No.12190815

Black people are attractive

>> No.12190817

Sure, but they lack intelligence

>> No.12190819

its ok to be blind

>> No.12190821

Lol beta male afraid of glorious battle and conquest
Violence is manly and badass. Good riddance to your meek kind.

>> No.12190826

Dream on. Africa just fucks themselves up repeatedly.

Once the western world stops giving them gibs, the rates will drop

>> No.12190827

so....the US utterly destroyed Japan based on foot soldiers or because a few physicists created a big boom?

>> No.12190829

Using artillery to destroy the enemy is part and parcel of warfare since forever.

>> No.12190831

Have fun with your infertile crazy white women

>> No.12190838
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It is unlikely that there are going to be 3 to 4 billion Africans. While fertility rates are going down across the board, the sub-Saharan rates are going down a lot faster. I'd be surprised if the 2.5 billion mark is even reached at all.

>> No.12190840

Did beefcakes or nerds create that big boom? I rest my case. Wars will eventually have no guns or bombs...just cybersecurity breaches.

>> No.12190848
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>birth rates will stay the same forever

>> No.12190850

I really hope that you are right

>> No.12190854

>Did beefcakes or nerds create that big boom?

I dunno, did “nerds” design the Warwolf or the M1 Abrams? Nerds are very useful for dominating the enemy and devouring their children.

> Wars will eventually have no guns or bombs...just cybersecurity breaches.

Lol never happening

>> No.12190855

You dumbass, of course they are falling, but at the moment they are so much higher than the rest of the world that it will take a lot of time for it to get bellow the 2.1 threshold

>> No.12190857

Your nuts are bigger than your brain anon.

>> No.12190858

That still doesn't imply that eventually everyone will be black, retard.

>> No.12190859

Only degenerate dying countries have birthrates under 2.1

>> No.12190861

I look forward to the Islamic takeover of Europe, because Europeans are a bunch of soulless degenerates with low testosterone.

>> No.12190862
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>The Great Replacement meme

>> No.12190863

I'm from Jersey.

>> No.12190887

>I don’t understand demographics

40% of births in France are demonstrably non-white.

>> No.12190892


>> No.12190905


>> No.12190908
File: 23 KB, 328x350, 1601171953658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help guys they're going to replace us soon!

Where was that sympathy about replacement when it happened to Native Americans/Amerindians as whole?

>this will throw mankind back into the Stone age

Good, gives a chance for another species like Crows to catch up. That we way we can have a proper second intelligent species to play off with.

>> No.12190913

>Where was that sympathy about replacement when it happened to Native Americans/Amerindians as whole?

Destroying other populations is in our self-interest. Being destroyed is not.
You’re dumn

>> No.12190926

Lmao at Frogs

>> No.12190930

France doesn’t collect racial demographics, but they do collect data on how many births are considered vulnerable to sickle cell anemia, which they determine by whether or not a parent is from somewhere where sickle cell happens, so you can use that as a proxy.

>> No.12191251

>Omg there's a trend! that mean's it's going to recur forever and ever!
Not even that bullshit chart based on a tentative model based on incomplete data predicts this. It just says that everywhere else will remain relatively stable while Africa flattens out somewhere in the 4 billions. My god racial paranoia just makes people stupid as shit. Evacuate that shit from your mind, man, it's made you illiterate.

>> No.12191376

We're being taken advantage of by our own altruism. Stop pumping money into Africa, stop sending the condoms, HIV medicine, food, humanitarian workers, ect. just stop it, let them deal with their own.

>> No.12191510

The western world would rather perish than have anyone accuse it of being racist. So perish it will.

>> No.12191567

Their features are too simian to be attractive

>> No.12191580

Just fucking nuke the entire continent

>> No.12191581
File: 25 KB, 439x411, Have_Nine_Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>birth rates will stay the same forever

You assume Africans will react to urbanization the same as humans.

>> No.12191610

Why the fuck did europe let that happen, specially france?

>The most advanced, most prosperous civilization ever
>Let's bring in a massive influx of savages and actively discourage our own from breeding

Just why?? What in the actual fuck

>> No.12191637

Literally globalist jews and I wish I was joking.

>> No.12191659

And then make it unthinkable hate speech to object.
Idk, I've started to think white people deserve it if we let this happen without overthrowing the governments that facilitate our own demographic demise.
China will carry forward the light of civilization, but I think the African countries will miss the days when white people ran the world

>> No.12191693

>eventually only black people will exist
You are bad at math.

>this will throw mankind back into the Stone age.
and confirmed as an idiot.

>> No.12191698

Africans have no self awareness. It requires an iq of 80 or above to be able to see oneself as an agent in the world in any complex way. This is why IQ is negatively correlated with fertility, it's related to a hyper understanding of resource limitations along with awareness of social implications, i.e.
>I have 8 kids
>I can only provide a limited amount of food
>they all live shittier and more resource deprived lives than if I had less kids
>deprived people who lived shit childhoods won't become successful
>putting shit and deprived people into society will make the overall community worse, then our society might disintegrate
sub-saharans never had civilization, thus there was never selective pressure for this kind of critical thinking. Of course, ethiopians might be the one exception, but they're probably mixed with surrounding tribes.

This is also a reason why white drug addicts on average have 1.2 kids, black addicts have 2.3 kids. It's also this inborn understanding which makes groups of people resistant to dysgenics, and indeed white fertility is less negatively correlated with intelligence than black fertility, meaning black people experience worse and more extreme dysgenics than whites.

All in all, this is extensive evidence that blacks indeed do not react the same to urbanization or change in social class as whites. I highly, highly doubt Africa's fertility will EVER fall below replacement, ever (in the history of humanity).

>> No.12191719
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>but I think the African countries will miss the days when white people ran the world

Why would they? The Chinese didn't uproot established tribal governments and put down national political lines that the local populations disagree with. The Chinese didn't run operations that assassinate upcoming leaders that ran independent or counter clockwise to their interest. The Chinese didn't force them to adopt foreign languages independent of their native lands. The Chinese didn't place laws that restricted mobility and living quarters within their own countries.

You think Africans are going to miss all that shit just because you threw some medicine, guns and used clothes their way? You didn't even eradicate the mosquitoes or tsetse flies that actually have a sizable physical impact on their GDP potential. I'm not even trying to defend China either because they clearly have their own set of problems and have little love for Africans. But the alternative (even if it's not ""good"") probably looks more appealing to them just by virtue of the fact China hasn't done shit to them yet.

>> No.12191732

Nah, they're gonna suffer worse economic enslavement by the Chinese than they ever did by the Europeans. At least under the Europeans there was some, even an inkling, of precedent for independence. Who do you think runs the cobalt mines in Africa? The Chinese are insidious, they want you to like them. The Europeans were just a lot more honest, that's all.

>> No.12191740


There won't be any humans soon because of climate change, but blacks will be among the first to go.

>> No.12191783


You have no proof this will be the case though. You simply base this assumption off the premise that the Chinese are less ""humane"" and more insidious than Europeans. Which is based off a series of experiences different from that of Africans. For instance Africans are not in a sociopolitical war over capitalism/democracy vs socialism/communism like Europe and America are with them. Nor are Africans in a on and off trade war with them. Africa also aren't intrinsic allies with Japan who tried to conquer them in WW2 either.

Obviously the possibility of China treating Africans worse than Europeans did is there. Maybe Europeans are more honest than the Chinese. But your assumption for this premise that China will be WORSE is skewed and is not a guarantee.

>> No.12191803

Just saying Europeans have at least some beliefs in universal human rights, the Chinese do not.

>> No.12192167

literally cancer of the planet along with asians

>> No.12192171

When everyone looks the same people focus on class politics. When people are different then we focus on identity politics. Guess which one the elites prefer you to focus on?

>> No.12192210

It's all about economy. Chinese are not stupid. Maybe they do not care about humanitarian issues, but they know that they need African leaders' help to gain upper hand on international politics, and African leaders know that they need economic growth to have support from their people. While utilizing the physical resources and cheap labor force in Africa, Chinese need to build the necessary infrastructure to keep the production going. China's actions in Africa will lead to more jobs and higher living standard (even though not necessarily very high). That is all what matters to an average person. It's a win-win situation for Xi and the African leaders.

>> No.12192213

Survival of the fittest. I don't mind

>> No.12192222

I don't care either way. Get rekt. Whine and seethe

>> No.12192246

The only reason Africans still exist is because they are propped up by billions and billions every year. If white people stopped giving sub-Saharans money and treating all their diseases for free, they would wipe themselves out.

>> No.12192263

>Actually believes those "predictions"

>> No.12192271

what ethiopians had?

>> No.12192298

Starvation will lower that curve way more than that graph suggests.

>> No.12192299

You are wrong, ever since the 60s the previsions are constantly reassed upward with Africa because they're not doing the demographic transition everyone did.
Besides there is right now a boom of islamic sect there that replaced nationalism where they make 7 kids per women, you will get a shitload more of them.

>> No.12192305

>The sahel never had civilisation since Roman times

>> No.12192306

Post modernism.
Death wish.

>> No.12192323

>Jews want money
>subvert competition and make the rest of humanity so stupid they can't compete
Where do you think you are?

>> No.12192334

Because they're equally stupid, they are not so different from Africans when it comes to making stupid mistakes.

>> No.12192352

Retards having 7 kids will just result in conflicts. North African nations will soon just close their southern borders to block the migrants.

>> No.12192357

It's what they used to do until some witch and a group of other corrupt US politicians killed off Ghaddafi.

>> No.12192365

Feminists assert that African birth rates will drop as the continent become more literate and as their women continue to learn more about feminism.

My question is: how do they know that 80 IQ individuals understand the goals and motivations of feminism to begin with? It seems plausible to me that they legitimately wouldn't understand (or care) no matter how much you explained to them.

Is 80 IQ even enough to remember to take birth control consistently? Seems unlikely to me.

There is no solution to the African population bomb other than to end all aid immediately.

>> No.12192380

Bunch of retarded posters talking about a place and people they've never met all the while making excuses for their equally retarded countrymen for accepting immigrants who they consider subhuman. And you think Africans are stupid, have fun destroying your own countries, immigrants will only replace you once your relevance is gone, you are only too afraid to admit it.

>> No.12192413

I'm unironically afraid for Europeans
I hate Europeans but don't hate them as much as Blacks and Arabs and don't want them getting replaced by the filth in the future.

>> No.12192419

Wasn't Ghaddafi a Black worshipper? He changed the flag to have Black nationalism colors despite being a completely berber nation.

>> No.12192423 [DELETED] 

You can tell how scared the poor fuckers are by the multitude of immigration threads that get started on /sci. What goes around truly does come around. All the wealth they stole will be returned due to their retarded white guilt. Worse still, the fuckers are a minority despite their densely overpopulated countries. And given their low population growth, it's only a matter of when not if. Let the keep shitposting, it makes them feel better.

>> No.12192427

You can tell how scared the poor fuckers are by the multitude of immigration threads that get started on /sci. What goes around truly does come around. All the wealth they stole will be returned due to their retarded white guilt. Worse still, the fuckers are a minority despite their densely overpopulated countries. And given their low population growth, it's only a matter of when not if. Let them keep shitposting if it makes them feel better

>> No.12192443

>All the wealth they stole will be returned due to their retarded white guilt.
You mean all the wealth we created*
Which we then gave out to others. We could have exterminated the entire planet after the industrial revolution, instead we shared technology.

>> No.12192446

Okay then destroy north African nations so blacks can come to Europe.

>> No.12192447

If you had the ability to exterminate everyone, then you would not have the ability to develop white guilt. Which is ironic since you think you are superior to the Africans who keep arriving at your shores because of the stupid mistakes of your retarded ancestors. A smarter person would think that by now, you'd already have a solution to your population and immigration problems since you are smarter than everyone else.

>> No.12192462

We were also the first to abolish serfdom and slavery, and provide everyone with a basic education and access to healthcare. We made the mistake of treating some people as humans. I hope China does take over and wipes out all the niggers.

>> No.12192473

President AOC will send your burgers to feed niglets lmao

>> No.12192482

> And given their low population growth, it's only a matter of when not if
It depends on where you live. For central and southern European countries this may be true. There has been an immigration policy change in all Scandinavian countries except Sweden, and they have started to acknowledged the problem with 3rd world immigration too.

>> No.12192488

Keep hoping, unironically when China hypothetically starts doing that, you'll be the first ones to condemn them. You are actually more concerned than the actual Africans. Just like you were more concerned about coronavirus deaths from Africa. You should be more concerned about yourselves, the future is not very bright for your race and continent. Africans will survive, they always have. Ever wonder why there are more black people in the world than maybe native Americans. Europeans failed to exterminate them, chinese corona also failed. Keep being concerned about others' welfare while your own background is burning, it will do you some good.

>> No.12192491


>> No.12192492

Wrong. China is fucking over Africa and building shoddy quality projects and infrastructure while putting African countries into great debt.

>> No.12192502

It's still better than Africans taking care of themselves. People need jobs, people value a safe environment. Somewhat secure and stable future is better for Africans than endless tribal wars.

>> No.12192511


>> No.12192516

Says the guy whose race invented industrial society

>> No.12192522

I think the Chinese will realise that it's basically a futile and impossible endeavour to civilize most of sub-Saharan Africa. These are the same people who were left with infrastructure, political systems, and other social systems built by Europeans and they basically ran them all into the ground. One of the few sub-Saharan African country doing somewhat okay is Namibia, an ex-German colony. Meanwhile places like Singapore are first world countries in 1 generation.

>> No.12192535

>I think the Chinese will realise that it's basically a futile and impossible endeavour to civilize most of sub-Saharan Africa
My point was, that China is not in Africa to civilize people, but to extract resources like labor and natural resources. They do not have any need to civilize people, they do not carry any sort of 'burden' in that sense. For that reason, I think the Chinese occupation of Africa through debt will be successful, and local people will enjoy the possibility to have a decent job.

>> No.12192596

They'll suck the place dry and it will collapse when they leave (probably when climate change doesn't make it profitable to stay).

>> No.12192601

That is of course a probable scenario. But I think that if climate change hits Sub-Saharan Africa hard, the outcome will be bad in every scenario.

>> No.12192612

You can always guarantee on the retarded Europeans to offer them refuge. Everything works out since we suffer together. Like I said you retards need to look at yourselves, immigrants are not the problem. And if you can't see that then you must be even more retarded than your ancestors, who started this problem.

>> No.12192615

>You can always guarantee on the retarded Europeans to offer them refuge.
Dude, there's no room for 100 million +

>> No.12192618

Lol that's just a cope. France being in West Africa is making Italy, Spain and Greece suffer. If you retards can't even agree on this simple fact, then the EU is a farce that will not last for very long.

>> No.12192622

But corona created some vacancies bro.

>> No.12192627

> France being in West Africa is making Italy, Spain and Greece suffer
That's true.. But northern and eastern Europe have a different approach to this situation than southern Europe.

>> No.12192629

If I was you, I would not count too much on that.

>> No.12192654

Of course they do, till Germany demands otherwise. In the EU, you are either germany's or France's bitch.
I don't need to count on it, it's inevitable, it's human nature. If you can't stop it now, you won't stop it later since you either don't want to OR don't know how to.

>> No.12192665

Africa can't carry that much people because they don't produce the food they consume.

>> No.12192677

Lol, Europe imports food from Africa in the winter. Africa enjoys favourable weather throughout the year and that's where majority of the population live before you spout out stupid facts about deserts and whatnot. I've realized that half of you fucking idiots have no idea what you're talking about. Pulling info from your rear ends because you can't handle the truth that's coming.

>> No.12192681
File: 95 KB, 723x701, cant grow own food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africa enjoys favourable weather throughout the year and that's where majority of the population live before you spout out stupid facts about deserts and whatnot
And yet... Even if they have the means, they don't know how. They rely on imports.

>> No.12192694

Imports from Africa, African countries import food from each other because it's cheap to do so. Food from everywhere else is usually expensive. And yet even after all that they survive, that's one thing you European devils with all your technologies will never take away, the ability to survive and to reproduce under hardships.

>> No.12192696

You are forgetting that Europe and USA put billions into Africa every year. The only reason Africans haven't been wiped out by several diseases by now is because Europeans invent vaccinations and give them out for free.

>> No.12192704

Lol exactly, why give them for free then. You could wipe them out? And yet even before Europeans came Africa still had tonnes of people, I wonder why all the diseases and malaria didn't wipe them out, oh the devils also brought their nasty diseases like smallpox with them and still the Africans populated. Lol, try another argument retard, you're not convincing anyone.

>> No.12192707

>waah the Blacks are gonna replace us
Have kids moron. White people love to whine and moan about how they're being replaced, but if your fertility rate is less than 2 will you be replaced. It's not malicious or sinister, it's common sense.

>> No.12192708

>African countries import food from each other because it's cheap to do so
Africa as a continent is a net importer and they experience food shortages

>that's one thing you European
I'm not an european, dumbass

> and to reproduce under hardships
At the expense of europeans giving them free handouts

>> No.12192709

Lmao cope harder australopithecus

>> No.12192720

You can't be a net importer within your own continent retard try to learn some definition before pulling info from your ass. >>12192709
You're the one who's coping with immigration threads, sadly it's not going very well is it?

>> No.12192724

Try something new, cuck.

>> No.12192733

Lol is that the seethe cope, you've run out of rebuttals already, I was just getting started.

>> No.12192742

>It's not malicious or sinister
It is. It's enforced by the political and financial elite, and anyone who denounces it is branded as a racist. Nobody voted for it, it was enforced from above.

>> No.12192756
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You are, of course, free to do that. But you will never be Norwegian.

>> No.12192757

>You can't be a net importer within your own continent retard
A continent can be a net importer

>> No.12192762


>> No.12192764

White people not having kids is mandated by the elites? Is Merkel pulling you out of your wife when you are going to bust a nut lmao

If White people had a high enough birthrate, their nations would be able to handle the population changes caused by immigration.

>> No.12192767

You are a retard, a continent that imports within itself cannot be said to be a net importer within itself. Net importation only applies when you're trading with others. You need to learn some basic definitions. Net importer means they import more than they export to OTHERS NOT to themselves.

>> No.12192784

If more food comes into a continent than comes out of it, it's a net importer.

>> No.12192794

We are not talking about food coming out you idiot. We are talking about food that's consumed within. Most of it comes from within, what the fuck is wrong with you, do you have a problem understanding simple things??

>> No.12192795

>t. sub 80iq

>> No.12192803

Cope harder retard, you might as well start another IQ or immigration thread while you lie to yourself within your comfort zone.

>> No.12192811

What you're saying does not make even the tiniest bit of sense.

>> No.12192816

If you are not the original poster who posted about the food situation then fuck off.

>> No.12192819

You really are not very smart. Where are you from?

>> No.12192821

I'm from shagging your mom's arse. How's that for location?

>> No.12192829

So you are black. Nothing to see here.

>> No.12192830

The moment I accepted your mom's clap.. then slapped back.

>> No.12192832

No you're retarded.

>> No.12192868

We need to exterminate all africans.

>> No.12192874

No they will industrialize and run into the same problems we did.

>> No.12192879

Not enough to matter. They just didn't have the economic inertia to industrialize.

>> No.12192882
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>> No.12192908
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>> No.12192909

Pretty hard to have a high iq when you're constantly beset by warlords and famine.

>> No.12192917

Das rite! *smacks lips*

>> No.12192922


>The only reason Africans haven't been wiped out by several diseases by now is because Europeans invent vaccinations and give them out for free.

That has to be the dumbest statement concerning Africa in this entire thread. Those fuckers literally adapted different blood cell shapes to fight off malaria. They don't need vaccines to survive they've been surviving long before they knew Europe even existed. Also vaccines don't mean shit if the vectors that carry it still thrive e.g. mosquitoes or tsetse flies. Which is why a lot of the money being poured into the healthcare side by the west feels like a wasted effort.

>> No.12192925

The same thing happened everywhere else. Not an argument.

>> No.12192928
File: 83 KB, 640x665, South_African_Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty hard to have a high iq when you're constantly beset by warlords and famine.

When they can find ANY whites to blame they then blame THE SYSTEM

>> No.12192933

Can we just admit that intelligence is biological and determined by genetics already?

>> No.12192974


>South Africa

If the system is a holdover from a previous era designed to push them out of relevancy then it's easy to see why they're fucked. Meanwhile Nigeria and Rwanda don't seem to have this problem. Nigeria is able to have a developing economy and be able to produce smart natives and immigrants while Rwanda is safer than most American cities despite being 99% black.

>> No.12193372

Yes. Is there any problem with that?

>> No.12193383
File: 943 KB, 1459x1111, Africa_Liberia_exam_Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>able to produce smart natives

>> No.12193398


>having poor reading comprehension

I said Nigeria and Rwanda anon.

>> No.12193402
File: 253 KB, 801x534, Laugh_Long_And_Loud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not EVERYONE in the continent is a moron, here in THIS small area live a few AVERAGE intelligence people... you fucking racist you

>> No.12193410
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>+200 million people

>> No.12193411

The average gdp/capita in Nigeria is the same as in 80s: ~2000USD. The average gdp/capita in Rwanda is ~800USD. I think that's all we need to know.

>> No.12194473

You mean exports to white countries? Clearly that is one of the most important things for developing countries to achieve - a group of smart people who then emigrate, so they can check it off their 'developed country' list. Maybe this explains what happened to SA, non-ironically. Also, the UK and US. Where did all the smart people go? Maybe there's a secret continent that uneducated people aren't smart enough to discover?

>> No.12194571

Great another thread filled with people panicking about Africans. Honestly it's so silly and pathetic to watch lol.

>> No.12194573

Because the Saffer education fails to teach kids in their mother tongues properly so their foundation to learn English is REALLY weak.

>> No.12194597

Michael Sata said this as way to prey upon an-ti Chinese sentiments to win votes.

>Nah, they're gonna suffer worse economic enslavement by the Chinese than they ever did by the Europeans
Africans could actually complain, protest and have inline over the Chinese companies and do in various ways. In colonial Africa labour movements were met with brutal force and racial pay disparities enacted by the state in many places.

>At least under the Europeans there was some, even an inkling, of precedent for independence
There never ever was. There was no real plan to actually develop the African colonies to be independent politically, economically or socially since those were cockblocked invariant ways or never implemented.

>Who do you think runs the cobalt mines in Africa? The Chinese are insidious, they want you to like them
A fuckton of different groups.

>The Chinese are insidious, they want you to like them. The Europeans were just a lot more honest, that's all.
China actually has to give a shit about how it's perceived and it's PR goals and needs alongside gaining allies for the long term. Europe basically governed long term African colonies (at the time) with really short term mentalities which is how you got stuff like the Tanzanian peanut scheme.

>> No.12194629

People aren't going into your bedroom and scream "DONT FUCK DONT FUCK, KIDS ARE BAD" while you are trying to penetrate your wife. You are literally imagining a foe that does not exist.

>> No.12195503

Full lips and curly hair are rare to nonexistent in primates. Thin lips and straight hair on the other hand.

>> No.12195591

>Stop pumping money into Africa

Stop pumping money outside of it.

>> No.12195868

Ladies and gentleman, I give you an example of a man with a /pol/ brain

>> No.12196210

>Stone age.

African's were in the Iron Age.

>> No.12196226

> left with infrastructure, political systems, and other social systems built by Europeans


they were left with railways between ports and strip mines, except the western world still owns the mines. They weren't even taught to read in meaningful numbers.

Anyways, let me know when Apple and Academi leave the Congo, fuckwit.

>> No.12196229

Chinese and Indians are growing as well though, and there are already more of those than Africans

>> No.12196236


>> No.12196247

What do you mean source? Source for there being more Chinese+Indians or source for growth
Already 2.7 billion live in China and India and they are #1 and #2 countries in terms of population, not to mention Indians and Chinese in other countries

>> No.12196279

Look at the growth rates for those countries you fucking retard

>> No.12196307

Post physique

>> No.12196632

False. Compassion in man is the highest known objectification of the will.

>> No.12198145

Their pops will still grow due to sheer soze of those 2 states.

>> No.12198154

>building shoddy quality projects and infrastructure
A Chinese built building was near the epicenter of a ammunition explosion and not only did the building survive but it saved every house and shack behind it.

>One of the few sub-Saharan African country doing somewhat okay is Namibia, an ex-German colony.
Massive inequality, whites still basically own everything, no real economic diversity

>Meanwhile places like Singapore are first world countries in 1 generation
Singapore is an extremely busy as hell trade port (And developed as such)with a decent for a colony education system and is a city-state. Britain treated Singapore 1000x better then any African colonies they ever had.

>> No.12198306
File: 84 KB, 596x532, African_Starvation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did you accept the incoming collapse?

North America is a paradise

East Asia is a technological super city

Europe is a single 'country' ethically, racially, and religiously diverse that resembles Detroit

Africa is the worst dystopian autocratic nightmare you can imagine

>> No.12198480

>East Asia is a technological super city
Lol no.

>> No.12198831

prepare to get purged then

>> No.12199489

sorry anon but last time I checked California is in the US, not in Japan

>> No.12199492

Waste of quads

>> No.12199509

East asians (or Asians in general if we're being honest) all hate each other and will never agree to something like that

>> No.12199511

>Europe is a single 'country' ethically, racially, and religiously diverse that resembles Detroit
True, if Europe keeps importing Africans
>North America is a paradise
Heh...too many Africans
>Africa is the worst dystopian autocratic nightmare you can imagine

>> No.12199513

That's why we need to seed the universe with berserker probes, before They do it first.

>> No.12199516

Finally no more racism, hate, capitalism, war, slavery, and environmental destruction.

>> No.12199604

This is correct, they are going down fast except for Niger.

>> No.12199607

Jews. And you must believe us because we're /sci/entists.

>> No.12199617
File: 41 KB, 474x474, joker pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is a game and Africans are winning.

>> No.12201303

>whites still basically own everything

How so?

>> No.12201304

What are you talking about?

>> No.12201592

Intelligence in all human races is also detriment to birth rates, the future is owned by retards unless intelligent people get rid of them which is unlikely, at this point due to diverging moral compass only China can save us from African future.

>> No.12201595

Its very easy game other races stopped playing long time ago

>> No.12201633 [DELETED] 

Only white people will accept africans flooding their lands, the rest of mankind isnt insane.
Africans would cease to exist in Europe without the white mans technology, theres a reason why shit colored humans cant exist beyond a certain latitude on our planet.

>> No.12202096

Land, businesses economic clout, government favouring them.

>> No.12202101

The number of blacks in NA is overall small.

>> No.12202103

And that's a good thing.

>> No.12202324

>black addicts have 2.3 kids

I've never understood the opposition to abortion. Allowing unwanted births is creating a never ending cycle of generation after generation of disfunctional addicted blacks. Better to abort the fetus than have to shoot the criminal who it later becomes - (and face riots when it happens).

>> No.12202428

Not strictly true. What survives due to natural selection depends very much on the environment and meta of other strategies. High intelligence / high investment strategies are more fragile in some ways due to the inherent costs, but also have more potential to fight unique threats that would be impossible for low investment strats to comprehend.

>> No.12202503

Well, George Floyd had something like 5 kids right? I doubt abortion is the solution, I don't know why drug addicts choose to have children, but it certainly doesn't stem from an understanding of consequences.

>> No.12202979

It'll mean a China-Africa war.

Chinese people are some of the most racist on the fucking planet. And they are invading Africa to exploit cheap-ass labor. They literally think Africans are subhumans.

Africans will eventually catch up in intellect and numbers and war will happen.

This will eventually lead to the USA remaining the world super power.

>> No.12203255

>Chinese people are some of the most racist on the fucking planet
Not really. In terms of itneracting with Blacks they actually do pretty decent versus other groups. In Africa a lot of Africans live with and work with Africans versus whites so on that front they aren't really that racist and as a Black guy with African parents I've never face racism from Chinese in the overt "FUCK YOU NIGGER" manner.

>Africans will eventually catch up in intellect and numbers and war will happen.
Africans aren't a monolith boy and China fighting a war with Africa would be suicidal for it's political and economic goals.

TL:DR stop being a retard you dumb faggot.

>> No.12203280


>> No.12203299

>t. Dumbass

>> No.12203301

>they literally think africans are subhuman
based chinesers

>> No.12203585

Not black women, they are not. I legit tried to fuck one once, and I lost my erection because I just couldn't fuck something so ugly

I wish I was kidding, because she was a pretty cool person otherwise

>> No.12203590

>I don't know why drug addicts choose to have children
>>I can't understand why someone willing to destroy their health seeking short term, short lived pleasures would enjoy putting their penis in a vagina, and shooting their load in it over and over again

Really? Its not rocket Science, sex feels good. Have some, incel.