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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12187197 No.12187197 [Reply] [Original]

I have a bachelors in Physics and Computer science. What now?

>> No.12187206

Do physics and computer science stuff.

>> No.12187209

what do you want to do?
do you want to do physics with your life? go to grad school.
do you want to do programming with your life? apply for jobs
do you want to post touhous on an online imageboard? stay on 4chan

>> No.12187210

Now you look for a job code monkeying, I think.

>> No.12187239

Sounds boring, might just kill myself instead.
Physics is cool I guess.

>> No.12188262

Get a job in the defense sector, private or government.

They could always use someone like you to make the targeting software for missles .01% better!

>> No.12188264

electrical engineering

>> No.12188265

Well, now you're a double bachelor and need to find two wives

>> No.12188268

Now you seek the money.

>> No.12189646

Get a code monkey job

>> No.12189690

Work on quantum computing and quantum machine learning

>> No.12190866

What is Quantum machine learning and what research is happening in it? It sounds interesting.
I don't know about working in the defense sector, I think I'd feel bad. I guess targeting system development would be cool but It'd be used against other humans and I'd feel bad.