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12185350 No.12185350 [Reply] [Original]

Does popping the hemorrhoid with a needle actually solve the problem or its just bait?

>> No.12185355

It would possibly make you bleed out and die. The only way I could see this being successful is if you had someone clamp it and cotorize it shut, maybe have to somehow stitch and then cotorize without burning away the stitches idk. But basically your hemorid contains a vein and would make you bleed out if it popped. Also would need to be immedietly closed to avoid shit entering which would cause infections and gangreen, so you'd probably want to fast for a few days before doing something like this.

>> No.12185356

the scientific method dictates you try to prove yourself wrong

>> No.12185364

No you fucking moron don't do that. If you're having issues,
1. Get cream to treat the flare up
2. Start eating a moderate (not too high, not too low) amount of fiber and healthy foods
3. Consider surgery if this happens again
I used to get them once every year or so and it stopped after I bettered my diet.

>> No.12185367

Oh ok. So the only way really is surgery.

>> No.12185374

When I was in juvy a little while back they had good health care at the facility cuz we were kids, I guess idk, this one kid had some pretty nasty shitroids and they gave him some pill that regulated them.

So basically if you're poor and live in america you're fucked, since the only operation you're applicable for is in an extreme emergency where you would go to the er, where they would just push them back in and give you some tylenol 600 only for them to fall back out a few weeks later.

>> No.12185376

The pill went up his ass btw.

I've had hemeroids for almost 10 years now and just watch how I eat and always stretch. I don't do nearly as many squats as I used to, probably got them from doing squats to begin with.

>> No.12185594

But I didn't affirm anything I just asked

>> No.12185600

I've had them for like a year now. Everything online says they typically go away within a few months, but so many people talk about having them for ages. I don't get it.

>> No.12185613

OTC cortison gel twice a day 14 days is usual pharmacologic treatment for small enough hemorrhoids

>> No.12186161

Hmm I just talked to someone else and they said that doesn't happen. They said it quickly coagulates because theres not much bloodflow over there. They also said they had a doctor pop it for them once and they just gave them some antibiotics.

>> No.12186518

I hope somebody is standing by to vaccinate and circumcise him too.

>> No.12187088


>> No.12187114

They don't burst. They are blood filled. Ya gotta cut'em off and sew yourself back together.

>> No.12187119

Just stop straining when you shit, and stop eating weird shit as well. I had a hemmhoroid once or twice, and it just went away on its own.

>> No.12188238

I've had mine for 3 1/2 years. Prolapsed/collapsed roids never "go away", it's part of the anatomy of your ass. They should shrink over time and be less severe as long as you don't strain and lot your ass do its thing when you're on the toilet it helps to drink a lot of water too and not wipe too hard. I couldn't enjoy spicy food for a while but I tend to get away with it these days. Anusol is soothing on roids but can weaken the skin on your ass hole so it sbest used in moderation.

>> No.12188344

>playing with GF's asshole during sex
>feel some strange lump, oh well don't think anything of it
>years later I realize I was massaging her hemorrhoid
still hot

>> No.12188836

Lmao who the fuck came up with the idea to brand it anusol?

>> No.12191044

>Change your diet

That's the most homosexual and un-AMERICAn thing I EVER REED.



>> No.12191400

Enjoy your mac and cheese you poor dumb and stupid ignoramus.

>> No.12191437

>bleed out
>from a vein
My bruh i havent taken biology classes in a decade but I'm pretty sure you don't understand how veins work.

>> No.12191606
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Surgery is a last resort for really serious cases. You can always go to your doctor, but unless it's a severe case (like bleeding) they will mostly tell you the same stuff.

Use hemorrhoid ointment/suppositories every 4-6 hours, especially before bed and after bowel movements. Clean the area gently before re-applying.
Wipe gently and don't force or hold bowel movements. Don't sit on the toilet any longer than you have to. Use soft TP and wet wipes, there are medicated wipes specifically for hemorrhoids. Don't flush the wet wipes.
Eat more fiber or take a fiber supplement like Metamucil. Low daily dose is usually good unless you are constipated and need more. Avoid spicy foods or anything that may give you diarrhea.
Soaking in a few inches of hot water gives temporary relief and helps to relax the area and promote healing.
Don't use a donut pillow, avoid sitting or standing for long periods. Walking is good.

It can take weeks or even months but eventually they will go away in most cases. Even when they shrink enough that you can't feel them keep up the treatment for a couple of weeks to be sure.
After you've had them once the odds of getting them again are higher, so when you do get rid of them keep up the diet and bathroom habits to help prevent them from coming back.