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File: 859 KB, 2970x2483, race-myths.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12184761 No.12184761 [Reply] [Original]

old fag here I graduated high school in 1995 and race was just a given, people would have been looked at like they were retarded and laughed out of biology class for saying race isn't "real". When did (((they))) start brainwashing kids with this retarded bullshit? I know they wouldn't teach this in biology even in today's pozzed af school system, is it just the (((humanities))) retards that post this shit on 4chan, tumblr and pleebit?

>> No.12184829

Race is a feeling, as stated by Fascist founder Benito Mussolini.

>> No.12186414

The scientific consensus is that race is not real. If you disagree you do you but just know you are going against settled science.

>> No.12186495

Race wasn't and still isn't a part of any biology curriculum not to mention a high school curriculum you retarded larper.
grouping people in white, black, brown, yellow is retarded and doesn't work anywhere except maybe the usa

>> No.12186948

The kind of settled science where they ignore mountains of evidence for political reasons?

>> No.12186954

Do Jamaicans still have more fast twitch muscle or has that been cast out as racism?

>> No.12187255
File: 36 KB, 926x605, homocide rates by income and race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys check if I understood and compiled the data in pic related correctly.
I compiled it using tables 5 and 6 from this source: http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittTheChangingRelationship1999.pdf

>> No.12187279

Race is loosely defined
If we were actually in the business of doing science we would say "subspecies"

>> No.12187291

Know how I know you’re a kike?

>> No.12187302
File: 28 KB, 754x585, AB6E6098-53B3-47B3-8049-EFC9A8E656BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Race wasn't and still isn't a part of any biology curriculum not to mention a high school curriculum you retarded larper.
>grouping people in white, black, brown, yellow is retarded and doesn't work anywhere except maybe the usa

>> No.12187462

yes, there's no corruption in scientific academia...

>> No.12187508

kike fuck off

>> No.12187528

You're in your 40s ? Anon this is beyond embarrassing. Why the hell are you on 4chan race baiting you loser. God I pray that my life doesn't turn so shitty that I end up shitposting on image boards in my boomer years. Fuck, this is a wake up call man. I need to get off this site.

>> No.12187566

The kind of settled science where race as a category is useless. See the UNESCO statements on race.

>> No.12187724
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Is that so

>> No.12187745

The problem is that humans have always been fluid in our migrations and any discussion of 'race' will involve some arbitrary delineation. This means that researchers are forced to determine what is and isn't 'European' for studies like what you just posted.

>> No.12187773
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In fewer words, you say that an aborigine from Australia, a negro from Zambia and a native swede are the exact same race with the same traits?

I want you to actually say it out loud

>> No.12187789

Are you an idiot?

>> No.12187796

See myth #2.
>There is a gradual continuum between yellow and red.
>Threfore yellow is red.

>> No.12187825

>ad hominem
I clearly won that one. NEXT

Also, your mental gymnast judo is just reaching >>12187745 its ridiculous.

>> No.12187832

Again, are you people stupid? Do you not understand language? Holy shit, do I have to explain it again.

I like your example. If I can use it. The problem is that because there's a continuum between yellow and red any study of 'red' vs 'yellow' must involve an arbitrary delineation. Where do you put orange? Where do you put different shades of orange? At what point in time is something 'red'? When you say 'white Europeans have higher IQs' just what the gods is a 'white European'? Any answer you give to that question will require you to arbitrarily determine which group people belong in which allows you to manipulate the findings. You can't solve that no matter what you try.

Saying shit like this >>12187773
is pure stupidity. This is why researchers long ago gave up studying things like 'race and intelligence' and why studies into race and intelligence are frowned upon. Their basic assumptions are flawed!

>> No.12187850


>> No.12187871
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>there's no such thing as a white european or a black african
Shlomo, please..

>> No.12187884

>Still doesn't understand the argument.
I'm out. You people are hopeless.

>> No.12187952

You put the delineation at the density minima, or pick any other clustering strategy which makes sense for the input. They'll all get pretty close to the same results because race is pretty distinct.
Statistics is a tool we have, you know.

>> No.12187998

Does it get boring between lynchings?

>> No.12188139

When you virtue signal with "we're all the same race, the human race!" not only are you predisposing and setting up expectations which will be failed by some, you also diminish the positives of the differences we have and can co-operate with instead of trying to fit all under one umbrella - which we all know is bullshit and need to pretend is true so we aren't called "raycis".

tl;dr: we have different strenghts and weaknesses, quit your mental gymnastics for the sake of online virtue

>> No.12188149

settled by who? Who's consensus?

>> No.12188160

I am a successful scientist in the field for over 20 years. Had more pussy than you eve n beat off watching porn too incel. This place cracks me up because you all so stupid and clueless and I like to remind you of it every now and again. You're wake up call should be stop being such a stupid little faggot

>> No.12188182

really? so in the nigger tier school you go too they dont teach that organ transplants between races is rare matches or that RH- women women will reject RH+ fetus without meds to counteract it? They don't teach this in the busted af school you went too?

>> No.12188205

I just did a quick search on UNESCO and it was literally founded by kikes
lmao at ur life dude

>> No.12188206


>> No.12188210

when I was growing up we didn't swing magical fantasy swords at each other you wiry little faggot we did real shit. LARP yourself into getting some pussy little homo

>> No.12188224

heh... colors have exactly defined ranges. Yellow is 565–590 nm Orange is 590–625 nm Red is 625–740 nm.

Heh... so race doesn't exist huh.
But make sure there is diversity in your workplaces!
Black lives matter!

>> No.12188241


>> No.12188298

When talking about animals in a scientific way the word race does not get used
This is the classification of a Sumatran tiger.
P. tigris
P. t. sondaica

>> No.12188307

This is the classification of a Bengal tiger
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Feliformia
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Pantherinae
Genus: Panthera
Species: P. tigris
Subspecies: P. t. tigris

>> No.12188314

Yes yes little homo we all know the differences are much more vast than race divisions but it was always just used as a convenient shorthand based on easily observable features because it was useful. Classifying negroes further into pygmies was not important or korean, Chinese, japanese, thai etc was not important in the past they were just considered of the mongoloid race. Stop being retarded "race realists" dont deny it is a crude classification system it is the pseud hacks saying all one race and all that stupid shit saying race is only skin color and all that stupid shit that dont understand this

>> No.12188317

Anon, you're just arguing that colors don't exist, which is self-evidently fucking retarded. It's not arbitrary, and you can plainly say that red is not green.

>> No.12188321

race deniers are the real racists.
imagine thinking vibrantly wonderful persons of color are no better at running or counting than the whites.

>> No.12188343

This is the classification of a African lion.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Feliformia
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Pantherinae
Genus: Panthera
Species: P. leo
Subspecies: P. l. leo

I already laid out that when speaking scientifically about the classification of animals the word race is not used.
Looking at the world through the lense of race makes a racist
Looking at the world through the lense of biology makes a biologist.

>> No.12188355

Oh boy, here we go again. This is why everytime you sent a paper to America they demand you to put irrelevant race data that everyone not born in the 60's just skips because it is always not statiscally significant.

>> No.12188361

Your IQ is not statistically significant

>> No.12188365

You will notice in the three examples given that they differ in one or two subcategories.
Those are species and subspecies.
All three examples are similar in the other eight or nine subcategories.
Those are kingdom, phylum, class, order, suborder, family, subfamily, genus, and species.

>> No.12188385

The lion can mate successfully with the two tiger subspecies but the resulting offspring will be infertile.

This is what defines them as different species.
Both tiger subspecies can successfully mate between themselves and the resulting offspring with also be able to reproduce successfully.
This is what defines them as the same species.

>> No.12188392

nah that is a myth and isnt true. They arent always infertile

>> No.12188404

The problem is that africans were NOT in any way at all fluid with the rest of humanity for most of their 100,000 years since humans migrated northward. The sahara desert was a massive wall thst split them off.

>> No.12188406

But there is a differentiation between africans and other populations. There are eurasians, and then there are africans.

>> No.12188410

Those defined color ranges are still arbitrary even if people agree on them.

>> No.12188412

Those color ranges are based on the physical detection ranges of the fucking cones in your eyes.

>> No.12188413

They aren't. They're physically defined.

>> No.12188419
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1601506791821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolution is real
>but it had no effect on humans.

>> No.12188432

Lets move this to primatology which is my own field of specialization.

Common chimpanzee.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
Tribe: Hominini
Genus: Pan
Species: P. troglodytes
Subspecies: P. t. verus

The Cameroon Chimpanzee.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
Tribe: Hominini
Genus: Pan
Species: P. troglodytes
Subspecies: P. t. ellioti

Bonobo Chimpanzee.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
Tribe: Hominini
Genus: Pan
Species: P. paniscus
Species: P.p. paniscus

>> No.12188452
File: 49 KB, 533x376, antifa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you retard it is real because Bill Nye and black science man said but it stopped at the neck you bigot!

>> No.12188457

False. A grizzly bear and polar bear are different species and their offspring are overwhelmingly fertile.

>> No.12188465

In his defense in mules (horse and donkey mix? I forget what the mix is) this was very common and they used to actually teach this in biology, Ligers are also quite fertile it seems.

Lolz I just realized a horse and donkey mix is a honkey

>> No.12188470

Of course race has biological differences, people with darker skin are more resistant towards the suns radiation for instance.

There are several differences between races in the same way there are several differences between genders, or races of animals. Does that mean that any of the races are less worth?

There are possibly a difference of intelligence between races, but it should be so minimal that is has very little impact in comparison to the population of people in each race. What has more impact on how people react or how people actually behave is culture, where culture has a much higher impact in how people actually act in comparison to their race.

Race is real, there is a definite distinction between humans that live in different areas of the earth, due to the different biospheres. So yes I agree, the whole "race is not real" is bullshit.

>> No.12188473

>There are possibly a difference of intelligence between races, but it should be so minimal that is has very little impact in comparison to the population of people in each rac
Wanna know how I know you live in country where there arent many niggers? Where are you Asia?

>> No.12188477

This is the biological classification of a human.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
Tribe: Hominini
Genus: Homo
Species: H. sapiens
Subspecies H.s. sapiens


These facts will not effect my conclusion.

>> No.12188481

Let's just say I live in a city where 34.2% of people are members of a visible minority (non-white) group

>> No.12188486

Well I have no idea where you got these false conclusions from then because they are so demonstrably false with just basic observation one can only assume it was due to you not being in a position to observe

>> No.12188705

Not sure what you are referring to here, that I have a false view about races having a biological difference?

Never said I was a on the "Left" as you Americans like to classify it.

And please find some better material to read, that article is crappy as hell.

>> No.12188741

I will say again all the clever wording in the world won't change what I originally observed. Whatever "minority": you live around in your shithole country they arent nigs

>> No.12188784


The first division predicted (K=2), clearly separates the two main
monophyletic chimpanzee clades composed by Nigeria-Cameroon-western and easterncentral. It is interesting to note that Nigeria-Cameroon individuals contain relatively high
amounts of central chimpanzee ancestry (~30%) in contrast to western chimpanzees, which
reflects the known gene flow between Nigeria-Cameroon and the eastern and central
chimpanzee lineages.

Dude these species don't exist because they're mixed.

>> No.12188790

This is consistent with previous
findings of migration between these subspecies (8), which have been suggested to be a
historic migration event at a time where the distribution area of these two subspecies might
have overlapped.

Dude they overlapped, and they diverged a little from one another, but not humans, they're one race.

>> No.12189034

In western academia.

>> No.12189081

As another oldfag, I believe the kids these days call that 'COPE'.

>> No.12189112

Anon you can LARP all you want. End of the day you're still a boomer race baiting on an anime image board. You're in a class of individuals that includes Tooker, except he seems to actually suffer from some mental illnesses while you're just seething because you feel inadequate. Go do something productive like starting a family or something instead of wasting your life on here.

>> No.12189117

Race is a social construct that is only as real as people make it out to be.

>> No.12189127

There were migrations within Africa and even back to Africa.

>> No.12189216
File: 191 KB, 1024x850, 1577027435515m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking retarded and must be paid to post, there is no other way.
The whole thread took a shit down your throat multiple times, yet you continue with your bullshit "its arbitraryy its not trueee" when provided UNDENIABLE FACTS that you yourself can't even deny.

Just stop it, your game is up.

>> No.12189234

>race was just a given, people would have been looked at like they were retarded and laughed out of biology class for saying race isn't "real"
I'm older than you, and that's total bullshit.

>> No.12189453

I believe the young whipper snapper zoomers would call you a "nigger faggot" fellow old fag

>> No.12189457

Wow cool fan fic you should submit it to one of those websites that publishes this kind of creative fantasy writing. Try not to give away the ending, your bottom surgery, too quickly though

>> No.12189467

Let me guess, you are from California? California is not America, you are schizophrenic soft brained communist droolers. In ACTUAL America, not Hollyjew (((Babylon))) yes it is true

>> No.12189668

H. sapiens
- H. sapiens caucasoid
- H. sapiens mongoloid
- H. sapiens negroid

>> No.12190005

>I like your example. If I can use it. The problem is that because there's a continuum between yellow and red any study of 'red' vs 'yellow' must involve an arbitrary delineation. Where do you put orange? Where do you put different shades of orange? At what point in time is something 'red'? When you say 'white Europeans have higher IQs' just what the gods is a 'white European'? Any answer you give to that question will require you to arbitrarily determine which group people belong in which allows you to manipulate the findings. You can't solve that no matter what you try.
Actually it is also important to note why orange exists in the first place. It is either an archaic form of red and/or yellow from which the two diverged or orange is a product of those two. Now race or people grouping doesn't need to involve any qualities that can be tied to them as in nature subspecies hardly have anything but some quirks for their environment. With the help of archaeogenetics it is possible to create population histories and see how these clusters and clines came to be, and what it tells us about migration, culture and ethnogenesis.

>> No.12190009

If anything I can only see this justified:
>H. sapiens pygmoid
>H. sapiens capoid
>H. sapiens sapiens

>> No.12190691

Has anyone ever been injured by the pointy hats?

>> No.12190698


>> No.12190709

You are angry because you know you are wrong. Imagine being a slave to your own cowardliness, haha faggot, you are your own punishment

>> No.12190717

This is correct science. And Semites are a parasitical sub sub species off caucasoid.

>> No.12190760

>I graduated high school in 1995 and race was just a given,
Either you went to a shit school or you weren't paying attention.

>> No.12190771
File: 1.28 MB, 2199x1200, OKJOOMER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok joomer

>> No.12191383
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>> No.12191763

> you can't say exactly where the frontier between red and orange is !!!!! Therefore color don't exist !!!!

>> No.12191770

No today looking at the world through the lens of race makes you a admirable leftist academic.

>> No.12191773

This chart is false by the way. You can both refute the central point and do an ad hominem you retard.

>> No.12192127
File: 123 KB, 777x671, r2iuHOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in reality

>> No.12192129

And where is the problem with that?

>> No.12192133

>The problem is that because there's a continuum between yellow and red any study of 'red' vs 'yellow' must involve an arbitrary delineation. Where do you put orange? Where do you put different shades of orange? At what point in time is something 'red'? When you say 'white Europeans have higher IQs' just what the gods is a 'white European'? Any answer you give to that question will require you to arbitrarily determine which group people belong in which allows you to manipulate the findings. You can't solve that no matter what you tr
Again, where is the problem with that?

>> No.12192137

Planned Parenthood kills more blacks in a month than KKK did in their whole existence.

>> No.12192225
File: 330 KB, 643x831, James Watson stripped of honors because of racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in reality :)

>> No.12192228

Yes, Nobel price winner is a race realist. This is supposed to help your case?

>> No.12192262

The day of the oven is coming
See you in the Holocaust
This time for real

>> No.12192519

Because his IQ is higher than yours?

>> No.12192658
File: 1.72 MB, 1081x1163, leftypol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahhahah look at us suppressing actual science for politics, checkmate chud
kys tranny, DOTR is right around the corner

>> No.12192660
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>> No.12192663
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>Mom my autism made me lose friends again

>> No.12192818

> settled science.

>> No.12193064

Before american slavery people largely just identified based on what region of europe they came from rather than being white (eg look at how the irish were treated).

That and mixed raced people can still have children.

>> No.12193149

That pet one is about how black, as in fur color, shelter animals take longer to get adopted. Do the people making these just reee at headlines while having zero fucking clue what they're about?

>> No.12193158

Is a redhead and a blonde? One can't handle sun. How about a dwarf and a normal person.

>> No.12193182

It allows you to manipulate the data based on your own preconceived ideas which is absolutely unscientific. If I have a boy who's 1/3 black who tests high for math it allows the researcher to just shove that boy in with the whites. Or another boy who's also 1/3 black with low test scores in math to be thrown in with the Africans.

Why do I have to explain this for the 3rd time? Are you so blinded by your distrust that you're not reading what I'm saying, or are you incapable of understanding English? I'm legitimately confused why I keep having to explain myself.

>> No.12193220
File: 13 KB, 200x200, chud kike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the radar! It spotted a GIGANTIC nose!

>> No.12193223

They started brainwashing kids when all the geneticists' and anthropologists' research came out in support of the claim that race is very complicated and giving biological definitions for human races is nearly impossible, save for a few exceptions (extremely isolated natives, inbred ashkenazis).

>> No.12193432
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No liberal seems to have any issue bringing race into every other aspect of society, so there must be some definition even if it isn't as rigorous as a definition in the physical sciences.

If race doesn't exist then why do people push for more diversity in the workplace? Why isn't the response to that diversity pushing just "race doesn't exist"?

Why would this be considered retarded:
> "Hire more black people"
> "There's no such thing as black people"

When this would be considered 'woke':
> "Black people have a lower average IQ than white people"
> "There's no such thing as black people"

>> No.12193466

Oh my god this is the dumbest argument.

Starting in the 1860s white Europeans were given free land through the Homestead acts. Blacks were largely excluded. In the post Civil War period blacks only way to earn money, while whites were given free land, was through sharecropping but as they started building wealth Jim Crow laws were specifically created to prevent them from advancing. In the post WWI era whites were given free home loans through GI bills, blacks were specifically excluded through redlining. In the post WWII era whites were given free education through the GI bill, blacks were specifically excluded.

We gave whites free land, free home loans, and free education. We gave blacks free ghettos and food stamps and told them to fuck off. DUR, WHY CAN'T YOU GET OUT OF POVERTY, WE GAVE YOU ALL THIS FREE STUFF, HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

This allows families to build up wealth to protect against poverty. Every time white parents offer their kids a place to come back to for summer while they are in college, every time their parents co-signed for a car loan, every time they help their kids get a job interview through a friend, they are capitalizing on the wealth given them through decades of institutionalized racism. WE aren't the ones who made this about skin color and bone structure, YOU are.

>> No.12193560

Holy shit. I hope they catch them.

>> No.12193693

This thread is sad. People are advocating for categorizations of race on the basis of scientific truth, but too often it is used as an excuse to justify discrimination and hatred. The truth is you're probably right. There are distinctions in race that are not merely social constructs. But these really seem negligible across the breadth of human experience. Do they really matter? Should they really effect how we treat each other?

>> No.12193781

neo-nazi Internet shills are like all the worst people combined into one. OP is from /pol/

>> No.12193789

Yeah! How dare people do what they want and have fun! Clearly when you’re 40 you’ll be golfing and working a soup kitchen and building furniture for the homeless. You’ll be back tomorrow, faggot. It’s just a website. You’ll realize you’re the problem, not 4chan, someday.

>> No.12193803

if you are a really old fag not some zoomer then you should be aware hat nobody talked about race back then. because nobody gave a shit. and even now it is mostly poltards like yourself who is obsessed about it so much that you constantly need to create threads about it. imagine being so damaged.

>> No.12193815

To be fair it’s pretty clear this is an anti Jewish shill thread and OP is using race as a cover for that. Every post OP makes is some low IQ histrionic attempt to screech about da jooz

>> No.12193821

the racialist concept of division of races is founded that each race has its characteristics the Jewish globalist media establishes by means of propaganda on netflix a form of inter racial marriage, as they already do in the dirty pornographic industry controlled by "" "they" "" with interracial, miscegenation for the people to lose their ethnic matrices

>> No.12193832

Jews do interracial marriage more than anyone else does lol
Imagine having a belief system so stupid that one fact disproves it all


>> No.12193845

Guessing you're an old fag yourself anon

>> No.12193848

Jews keep themselves pure by marrying members of their own community, as can be seen in the almost unalterable genotype of Jews in the USA, Zionism was the strengthening of the eugenic laws against us who are white Europeans the talmud only reinforces this

>> No.12193859

Jews do not do interracial marriage and stay away from miscegenation, you refer to pseudo-Jewish people, not those involved with all this, others do not follow the talmud

>> No.12193873

>coping, panicking, lying /pol/ tards
you lost the argument, stop repeating your lies they were already debunked by Pew. Stupid apes

>> No.12193887

One of the worst no true Scotsman fallacies I’ve ever seen. So dumb. No surprise it came from a /pol/cel shilling antisemitism

>> No.12193913

old fags dont come here because they have no social life and crippling autism like you anon. They have sex

>> No.12193916

ok joomer

>> No.12193924

>if you are a really old fag not some zoomer then you should be aware hat nobody talked about race back then
Oh you know because you were there eh? I guess I imagined the 1992 riots then you fucking retard

>> No.12193929

Oh wow you know which posts are me huh? What an amazing fucking talent you have there mate, what else can you do predict the lotto numbers?

>> No.12193936

So how many dark colored humans do you have in your own neighborhood who have control over the Central Banks, Media, Police, Courts, Etc.? You don't want people looking into genetic differences in humans that correlate with skin color because you are afraid of what you will find out about yourself. That is very unscientific and cowardly to boot. I want truth in my life, not pretty lies. Why the denial that different climates have produced different products due to different selection pressures over long periods of time? What do you gain, other than self esteem, by denying obvious differences in human populations?

>> No.12194036

Race has no value in science. An individual's origin is a real thing, but that doesn't translate into "race" in a way that is meaningful. A black dude can have mostly genes originating from Scandinavia, a white dude can be 40% Yoruban genetics. Humans aren't "pure" like dogs or cattle because they usually aren't bred over generations. We are all a mix of this and that (mostly from adjacent regions) and thus larger categories like race lose all significance.

If you want to talk about race as a category, you need to find a more specific and combinatorial term to account for the complexity of human genetic variance and transmission. Perhaps a genetic block based approach?

>> No.12194056

anthropology and forensics are most certainly science and race is mostly valuable. Not to mention medicine. Where do you people come from that spew this nonsense? You proved OP's point

>> No.12194295

Pretty good run down, thanks

>> No.12194345
File: 3.23 MB, 728x728, DOGGED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean when everyone was the same race? Yah what else would they do retard?

>> No.12194363
File: 275 KB, 896x3336, zimbabwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be interesting if it wasn't complete bullshit, you are cherry picking and not even doing good cherry picking because your narrative is such bullshit you cant cherry pick and make it tenable. No race given anything in this country and all of them were in poverty the first or even second generation. Only niggers never "escaped" it as demographic and none of this accounts for what has happened outside of the US most of all Haiti, Liberia and Rhodesia and soon to be South Africa if it continues the rate it is going. You are a fucking retard
