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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 680x680, delta iv heavy hot rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12183748 No.12183748 [Reply] [Original]

Oh God Not Again Edition

prev: >>12180641

>> No.12183751
File: 128 KB, 555x700, v-2-bumper-rocket-launch-in-usa-detlev-van-ravenswaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumper? I 'ardly knew 'er!

>> No.12183752
File: 527 KB, 2400x2400, 177619873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183754

inb4 RUD

>> No.12183761

>long term though maglevs would be nice for ultimate low friction. on mars it's basically same as hyperloop. no air plus low gravity would get you going pretty fuckin fast
Yeah, I can see maglevs being used on Mars like planes are on Earth, for fast transfer of passengers and light freight, with the big heavy shit using regular freight trains.

>> No.12183762

>srb RUD dumps molten flaming aluminum all over the launchpad

>> No.12183771
File: 588 KB, 1280x720, pointzubrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need to solve the problems on earth before we can think about going to mars

>> No.12183776
File: 49 KB, 800x509, explore_bg_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting the THICCC boy again just cos

>> No.12183780
File: 36 KB, 350x575, davidoff_juno_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going the full Juno I 1.8m
enjoy your pencildicks

"Solve all the problems on Mars and maybe I'll let you live on Earth."

>> No.12183783
File: 24 KB, 320x320, sad face honk soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SRB is the SECOND stage.

>> No.12183786
File: 27 KB, 630x483, 181103-zubrin-630x483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rat will ever set foot here

>> No.12183789

Lunar megaproject to even out an equatorial ring highway for the construction of orbital rings when?

>> No.12183796
File: 119 KB, 1300x1500, 91DA8645-C61C-4D5A-AABA-AF5385A9AC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183797

Why do people think that way?

>> No.12183803

Didn't that end up getting cancelled because the RS-68 can't cluster?

>> No.12183806

Rhymes with tiggers and poohs.

>> No.12183811

It’s more that they don’t play well with shuttle SRBs cooking away their ablative nozzles.

>> No.12183813

bro just make the shuttle SRBs longer so the ablative nozzle is out of the fire cone

>> No.12183816

imagine the brain drain when all the engineers move to mars for the excitement and wonder of starting a branch of human civilization. if you think earth societies have stagnated now, you aint seen SHIT until the great martian exodus

>> No.12183820
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, 1601275907636.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was more because death stick

>> No.12183825

Good old suicide stick failing to burn out and slamjamming the payload stage.

>> No.12183827

like the graphic shows up there, you could still have done ares V with rs-25s. when they cancelled constellation what they were really cancelling was the j-2x.

that or just mount the SRBs lower. there's no reason it couldn't be done.

>> No.12183830

>extremely limited test of an incomplete first stage
>$445 million cost
Is this the power of oldspace?

>> No.12183833

Yeah, I’ve got no idea why there wasn’t more work done to find a solution other than using SSMEs or converting the 68 into a regeneratively-cooled engine.

>> No.12183834

>using SSMEs or converting the 68 into a regeneratively-cooled engine.
I thought the basic difference between an SSME and an RS-68 was the cooling system.

>> No.12183846

Yep, that’s kind of why converting the RS-68 into a regeneratively-cooled engine was a dumb idea.

>> No.12183851
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>> No.12183854

They actually had an engine plan that saw the would’ve worked, but at that point Ares V was the size of Starship but nonreusable. It was literally a jumbo SLS.

>> No.12183861
File: 251 KB, 1899x3375, IMLlJcHCekB-EfWDn5sxK0J1H7hepZwbpTUVzskixzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Atlas V Heavy could have easily been flying Orion to the ISS by 2011 with minimal development costs and a per-launch cost well less than half of Ares I

>> No.12183864

But muh RD-180s.

>> No.12183868
File: 150 KB, 660x671, dew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diet MTN Dew > MTN Dew Zero

>> No.12183869
File: 277 KB, 598x450, Screenshot_2020-10-01 Northrop Grumman ( northropgrumman) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA will be live streaming the Antares launch.

>> No.12183880

...This isn't even their final form

>> No.12183882

Is that Virginia launch happening tonight or not?

>> No.12183883
File: 45 KB, 1024x683, Ei9ZvTXWoAEySzc-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Posting some pics of it on the pad.

>> No.12183887
File: 120 KB, 683x1024, EjMQ5mZXgAcxq3O-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183890

It will probably be too cloudy for me to see it. I'm in Maryland, completely overcast here. :-(

>> No.12183892
File: 65 KB, 1024x683, EjRcSKqXgAIELc8-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183894

"we'll just stick an srb on top because it's easier than coming up with our own upper-stage engine" is old newspace mindest

>> No.12183895
File: 3.01 MB, 5568x3712, 384g9174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's one of a Cyngus being grabbed by the ISS's Canadarm, from the ISS.

>> No.12183912

is antares that rocket which was a repurposed icbm?

>> No.12183913
File: 993 KB, 2900x4096, 39d3c229f0ad756bed1ad2fd2dad59ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concentrated orange juice

>> No.12183914

No, that’s Minotaur.

>> No.12183921

isn't Antares a direct evolution of Minotaur that they renamed because Minotaur kept exploding

>> No.12183926

>shut it down

>> No.12183928

That's a fucking lemon you dolt.

>> No.12183929

CUTE! OOoooo so CUTE

>> No.12183932
File: 391 KB, 1000x1000, 1cde32cffa544fa3eb25f49eb2881466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, she's a tangerine
all citrus is the same in Japanese

>> No.12183945

>all citrus is the same in Japanese
What a dumb language.

>> No.12183953

Livestream here:

>> No.12183957

such an interesting culture. and v cuteee!!!!

>> No.12183959

I feel like I'm watching a VHS tape

>> No.12183960

god i hope this launch goes well, i have major blue balls rn

>> No.12183963

Beat me to it.
Why couldn't the Americans have forced them to speak like real people?
But their spoken language is still practically scholarly in comparison to those fucking moon runes.

>> No.12183966

>Why couldn't the Americans have forced them to speak like real people?
Because then we'd be denied Japanese girls speaking Engrish cutely.


>> No.12183977

Nope, though it uses a derivative of the Minotaur’s solid first stage for its second stage.

>> No.12183982
File: 123 KB, 867x867, 7E2A8D09-1C70-400F-9FD7-3C3FF987A5AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liquid first stage
>Srb second stage

>> No.12183981
File: 59 KB, 1029x561, blue origin moon lander balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff pls

>> No.12183985
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1Antares_Orb-3_Explosion_Video_2014-10-28.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orbital's naming scheme is all screwy
Minotaur I-V were all icbm-derived rockets.
Taurus I was a Pegasus strapped on top of an ICBM lower stage and was renamed Minotaur C for some reason.
Taurus II was a 2xNK-33 lower stage with a solid upper stage and got renamed Antares. Then after an NK-33 blew up and gave us the most kino explosion in rocket history then they replaced them with an RD-181, which is what we have now.

>> No.12183996

The first stage engines are foreign, too. We really need someone besides SpaceX making good kerolox engines in the US. Maybe expendable single F-1B rockets? You'd get thrust similar to an F9 with one engine.

>> No.12184006

Why are they launching from Virginia of all places?

>> No.12184007

is this real?

>> No.12184009

Propellant is stored where?

>> No.12184012

It's NASA's east coast launch site for sounding rockets and smol orbiters. It has good launch windows to the ISS. RocketLab is renting a pad their as their LC-2.

>> No.12184013
File: 166 KB, 1500x1017, nasa_tour.cc005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really does care

>> No.12184015
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>> No.12184020

Aerojew Shekeldyne forgot to pay their web host. Their homepage throws a 403.

>> No.12184023

We can't do that anon, space is hard :^(

>> No.12184027

Now I want to install KSP just to prove you wrong.

>> No.12184030
File: 101 KB, 1024x563, DN4k31SU8AAzRpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celebrating NASA's birthday by launching from their original de facto HQ at Langley

>> No.12184055

>tfw we get ANOTHER scrub today

>> No.12184059
File: 41 KB, 641x425, ohgodnoplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184065

>not ANOTHER scrub but a full on fire bomb
Uh no

>> No.12184066
File: 71 KB, 845x564, jeff_bezos_6629226_ddd3f9a0aa_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184073

Daily reminder for the low testosterone pacifist fags that bonobos are over 200 times more violent than humans are.

>> No.12184080

...wrong thread?

>> No.12184083

Could there be 3 scrubs in 24 hours? That has to be a record

>> No.12184084

There was a discussion about how based bonobos are in the previous thread.

>> No.12184086

No, but it was originally named Taurus-II. It is a frankenstein monster of a rocket: engines from Russia, tanks from Ukraine, solid upper stage (wut?) from the USA, lofting Cygnus mostly built in Italy. All to get the same class of vehicle as the Delta II workhorse.

>Taurus-I renamed Minotaur-C
THAT was due to supplier fraud in the pins holding the fairing together, which caused the loss of two payloads. They couldn't ditch the Taurus brand fast enough after that.

>> No.12184096

very cute orang

>> No.12184101

/sfg/ Scrubbed Flight General

>> No.12184113

I've always been disappointed that Orbital never proposed a dirt simple Cygnus-based manned upper stage for Commercial Crew. Manned launches from Wallops would've been lit.

Tbh Orbital Sciences was almost what I'd call "midspace", being a weird halfway point between oldspace and newspace, and that really shined in their weird-ass 90s-tastic design philosophies.

>> No.12184114

oooh it may actually happen yay

>> No.12184116
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-10-01 Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus CRS-14 Cargo Spacecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of their Gateway modules is based on Cygnus.
>it'll be launched on a Falcon Heavy lol

>> No.12184117

Official NASA is LIVE

>> No.12184118

? bonobos are still based

>> No.12184119

yes, if you want to save it I recommend you go find the full size image

>> No.12184121

>tj creamer

lol this nigga sounds like a coffee product

>> No.12184126

Barren coastline with great access to middle inclinations.

Part of me has always wanted to propose a coastal spaceport in Eastern Maine for access to the ISS and to have an east coast pad for polar orbits.

>> No.12184129

>One of their Gateway modules is based on Cygnus.

A Cygnus-based manned capsule could have been a dirt simple American Soyuz. It would have been kino AF.

>> No.12184130

How? Because they appear hedonistic and that tickles the rotting brains of degenerates and soiboys like yourself? They’re extremely violent compared to humans, and also engage in pedophilia.

Thank God Darwinism is wiping out low-t westoids.

>> No.12184132

>cygnus based manned upper stage
how the fuck are you going to transform a cylindrical propellant tank based orbital trashcan into an orbital thermal aeroentry capsule?
give the Astronauts a MOOSE?

>> No.12184136
File: 10 KB, 480x360, WHY HELLO THERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a vertical maglev boost from an underground silo work to save some delta V?

>> No.12184138

>they named the vehicle after one of the dead Columbia astronauts

Cygnus doesn't have any mass-return capability so it'd be more like an American Soyuz 11.

>> No.12184142

have sex

>> No.12184143


>> No.12184147

Eh, the effect is pretty minor.

I do like orbital systems that use an airplane with a rocket-I wonder if any existing airplane could heft an Electron up?

>> No.12184148

>gun launch zeroeth stage
it doesn't save enough to be worthwhile

>> No.12184149

yeah isnt that bad luck or something?

>> No.12184150

All the time.
Did you know that physical strength correlates positively with social Darwinist beliefs?

>> No.12184153

>Scott Manley twitter likes: Cringey
>Scott Manley youtube content: Comfy
I cannot think of a better "space enthusiast" who makes videos. I like the fact that youtube isn't his full time job. He is really good at absorbing science quickly and reiterates the information well. I've had a hate boner for manley recently but I can't deny the fact that his videos are the most efficient and summarize spaceflight extremely well. I just want to know you guys' thoughts

>> No.12184154
File: 729 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-10-01 Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus CRS-14 Cargo Spacecraft(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about Antares but it's a good looking rocket.

>> No.12184155
File: 813 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-10-01 Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus CRS-14 Cargo Spacecraft(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184157

I will say what I want about Antares- and I will say that I actually like it

>> No.12184159

Like working backwards from a progress to a Soyuz. Keep the bus and propulsion/maneuvering/power systems and swap the tin can out for a Gaganyaan-style simple capsule instead, maybe carrying the RCS system internally, Dragon-style, so it can dock on its own.

>> No.12184160

Virgin Orbit is working on it, using one of the 747s from the Virgin Atlantic fleet. Their first test flight failed, but they plan to do another near the end of the year.

>> No.12184162

I also like his twitch content

>> No.12184166
File: 70 KB, 2400x1200, Sci-virginorbitlaunch-VOL1.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be lighter than pegasus but liquid airlaunch just has major ullage issues, as virgin's been finding out.

>> No.12184169

Disgusting Flat Chest. I like my rockets with curves.

>> No.12184174

we need to solve the problems of earth before we can think about resupplying the international space station

>> No.12184175
File: 308 KB, 1200x903, 1200px-ISS-45_Cygnus_5_approaching_the_ISS_-_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4ASS design bureau has determined that a scaled up Cygnus is the right direction for inter-orbital inert payload "shipping containers" for use with tugs or mass drivers.

The corrugated tin can with a tiny service module bolted to the ass is the best part of the design, fampai.

>> No.12184177

what are various rockets' cup sizes?

>> No.12184178

I do love appeal to worse problems fallacies.

>> No.12184179

low iq people who need to find antagonists with every aspect of modern life

>> No.12184180

>I wonder if any existing airplane could heft an Electron up?

Ask and ye shall receive:

>> No.12184181

I want at least a little hammerhead on my fairings unless they're soyuz-tier long.

>> No.12184183

Conflict is good.

>> No.12184185

You would deny astronauts their cheese? You fuck

>> No.12184186
File: 133 KB, 1200x900, Gaganyaan_mission_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a flying wastebasket with a tiny-ass service module on the end would be just as kino.

>> No.12184187

747 is ideal for this: already designed with an extra hard-point, originally used for ferrying spare engines.

>> No.12184188

>btw we named this rocket after a dead girl just wanted to remind you

>> No.12184191


i know they're late, but the more space bois the better

>> No.12184193
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, 4062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as its directed at the right thing. now that we live in this era of world peace and everyone needing to get along people are finding conflict in more esoteric issues like the space program

>> No.12184194

Also you can actually get civilians trained to fly and maintain the thing. C-5 is USAF only.

>> No.12184196

wtf why is he so cute,am i gay now

>> No.12184197

“Peace” is a cancer.

>> No.12184198

>all that cheese and sausage going up
ISS is going to get stinky!

>> No.12184200


we are bonobos! i love you brother. peace for all mankind

>> No.12184204

War for all mankind would be better for us sociologically and psychologically.

>> No.12184206
File: 907 KB, 2700x1300, An-124_RA-82028_in_formation_with_Su-27_09-May-2010_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An An-124 could also be used in lieu of a C-5 and would probably cost the same as the 747 to rent and operate. The best part is that you wouldn't need to modify it at all, since you can just drop the rocket out the back.

>> No.12184207

>The woman in launch control can't provide her info on time

>> No.12184209

I'd rather have Beriev or some American company make a flying boat big enough to carry the rocket like that, entirely and completely to one-up ULA's rocket barge.

>> No.12184210

Why does NASA keep adding and removing the countdown timer?

>> No.12184214
File: 354 KB, 725x684, guards_this_woman_has_lost_her_composure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong button

>> No.12184215

Woman pressed the wrong button! SCRUB!!!

>> No.12184216

on hold again because someone pressed the wrong button

>> No.12184218

launch scrubbed because somebody hit the wrong button

>> No.12184219


>> No.12184220
File: 871 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-10-01 Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus CRS-14 Cargo Spacecraft(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold at T-11m

>> No.12184221
File: 553 KB, 1584x2401, 91O0-xSyGAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonebolent bonobo

>> No.12184222

Now I get why spacex uses computers for this shit

>> No.12184223

Cursed launch week?

>> No.12184224

oh come ooooooooooon guys get it together!

>> No.12184225

One launch every 6-12 months and they can't practice which buttons to press?

>> No.12184227

It's a woman.

>> No.12184229

>Woman in the SpaceX Crew mission presses the wrong button
>Capsule deploys parachutes in space

>> No.12184230

Now you know why Dragon uses touchscreens for everything. They can just "accidentally" shut off her controls.

>> No.12184231
File: 246 KB, 1030x1420, towing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is zucc going to get involved in space stuff? he seems like the kind of autistic nerd to like it

>> No.12184234

at least she didn't hit spacebar

>> No.12184235

They have manual buttons for backup for critical systems in case the screens go down. There is still a chance.

>> No.12184236



>> No.12184237
File: 755 KB, 1093x1024, 1601542322418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184238

the girl had a cute voice

>> No.12184239


NASA cargo launch live

>> No.12184241


>> No.12184243

wayward boat

>> No.12184244

scrubby the wayward boat strikes again

>> No.12184245

Is it because of the button? Funniest shit ever if so.

>> No.12184246


>> No.12184247

did hit my Diddy PR today, the launch will be scrubbed

>> No.12184248


>> No.12184250

Women were a mistake. Unironically.

>> No.12184253


>> No.12184254


>> No.12184256

I love women, I'm mad about women, I've been married 3 times, I'm infatuated with women

>> No.12184257


>> No.12184258

Will they be able to fuel up the upper stage in time?

>> No.12184259

it's them choinese come to steal our hypergolics and women in them boats!

>> No.12184262

Scrubtober lmao

>> No.12184263


>> No.12184264


>> No.12184265

>Dis woman did somethin bad so all women bad

>> No.12184267

come oooooooon atkbros,break the curse!

>> No.12184268

>T. woman

>> No.12184269

we are NOT scrubbing this launch. we must feed the astronauts

>> No.12184270

anon please

>> No.12184271
File: 230 KB, 674x570, Super_heavy-lift_launch_vehicles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Direct correlation with tonnage to LEO.
Overall size of the rocket is size of rocket girl.
Saturn V and Starship around same cup size with Starship slightly taller and a bit thicker. Sea Dragon would be an absolute Amazonian monster; 6'6", breasts each bigger than a man's head and too large to grasp even just one with both hands, thighs that could snap titanium tubes and hips that could bulldoze bunkers. N1 would be fairly bottom heavy. Energia would basically be a dwarf. Falcon Heavy would be a spunky and deceptively small tomboy.
>presses spacebar
>capsule ejects
>parachutes deploy
>both stages instantly start firing full-blast
>first stage tries to land but doesn't realize it's already on the ground
>accidentally presses F5 instead
>capsule finally touches down on the launch pad at 0.1m/s

>> No.12184272

Fake news. China has plenty hypergolics landing on their homes.

>> No.12184273

Bob is on standby to safeguard the payload.

>> No.12184276
File: 7 KB, 215x228, donald thunderdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn V and Starship around same cup size with Starship slightly taller and a bit thicker. Sea Dragon would be an absolute Amazonian monster; 6'6", breasts each bigger than a man's head and too large to grasp even just one with both hands, thighs that could snap titanium tubes and hips that could bulldoze bunkers.
Someone commission this. Holy shit.

>> No.12184278
File: 567 KB, 960x720, 1537096768800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184279

there are two slavs up there and Chris is a trained killer
I think he can manage for another day
cup size is related to the upper/lower stage ratio
this, naturally, gives Starship the biggest titties

>> No.12184282

Please tell me no one left him alone with the food supplies.

>> No.12184283

Lizard folk from the center of the earth have no interest in space.

>> No.12184284

Delta-III would like to have a word with you.

>> No.12184287

[Titan 4 has entered the game]

>> No.12184289

He's going to try to buy starlink/neuralink to grab all your data

>> No.12184290

that's just a fairing, she pads

>> No.12184291
File: 372 KB, 1258x1158, uwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i replaced all the food with copies of my new book, The Case For Space. Food is temporary, knowledge is eternal.

>> No.12184292

This is why I only fuck with men. Women are too dumb to hold a conversation. I only suck high testosterone cocks

>> No.12184294

>navy SEAL kills and eats two Russian cosmonauts on the ISS
>somehow not the most embarrassing thing a SEAL has done in the past couple years

>> No.12184296


>> No.12184297


>> No.12184300

oh god it IS scrubtober!

>> No.12184302

just put a heat shield on the end

>> No.12184301

Chris confirmed for cannibal

>> No.12184303

Bold of you to assume Bob didn’t already eat the books to gain their knowledge.

>> No.12184304
File: 24 KB, 299x419, abortabortabort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184305


>> No.12184306

Who’s kinda interested on the Bartolomeo module on cygnus?

>> No.12184307
File: 20 KB, 200x204, poutingzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184308
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>> No.12184311

no, MOOSE for every astronaut

>> No.12184312

Trump’s new justice needs to hurry up and overturn Roe v. Wade to stop all these late term abortions. This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.12184313

this week freaking sucks

>> No.12184314



>> No.12184315

i pat ur head

>> No.12184316
File: 274 KB, 709x525, sadninja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it stop

>> No.12184317

holy shit wtf why how everything is fucking scrubbing

>> No.12184318
File: 61 KB, 400x303, D54F0C79-058F-4B02-8416-B36881D68A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184319

So many aborts Planned Parenthood is getting jealous.

>> No.12184320
File: 275 KB, 843x1083, 69f8725c880e74f321361a5531dfc994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.12184321


>> No.12184322

he should have Trump do it complete with the Apprentice style gestures

>> No.12184323
File: 438 KB, 715x822, 288d11837bbec7439e933b9ad88ce388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to Scrubtober

>> No.12184324
File: 20 KB, 472x454, DmiCXhlVAAA9FdC (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sim managers blocked space access

>> No.12184326
File: 44 KB, 800x781, tfw the lazy amerisharts dictate your space program.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these aborts
Multi-stage rockets were a mistake.

>> No.12184327

>9:16PM Antares
>9:43PM Falcon
What's the record for fastest back to back scrubs?

>> No.12184328
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>> No.12184331


>> No.12184332

He can’t keep getting away with it!

>> No.12184333
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, EM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh baby a triple scrub
This shit ain't normal

>> No.12184334

Only male moose have antlers. That's a futa.

>> No.12184336

>scrubbed at T-2min
daaaamn I was all set up outside to watch it too.

>> No.12184339
File: 388 KB, 1280x1883, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes we are aware

>> No.12184340

>NASAspaceflight advertising an "Eat-Sleep-Scrub-Repeat" T-shirt
how did they know!?

>> No.12184342


>> No.12184344

no, you're wrong

>> No.12184345
File: 124 KB, 320x183, zubrin and then there's this faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Zubrin scrub an Antares/Cygnus launch? I could see him messing with a Delta or SLS launch because orangetankbad devoured his dreams.

That was such a good doujin.

>> No.12184351
File: 1.33 MB, 2154x2906, thouhastangeredthepimpswede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should bring back ceremonial armor for our future martian constitutional monarchy

>> No.12184352

>the doujin that killed Kemono Friends

>> No.12184353

well it's not like it's going to mars

>> No.12184356

yet another GSE malfunction!

>> No.12184357

scrubba dub dub

>> No.12184358

>no simp September
>no launch October
>no nut November

>> No.12184359

The payload isn’t launching on a direct Hohmann transfer to Mars, therefore it’s wasting valuable resources.

>> No.12184360

SpaceX > NASA

>> No.12184362

doujin is hedonistic. you are low T soibois. cringe

>> No.12184363

nigga they scrubbed today, too

>> No.12184365

This night is ruined. I was prepared to see a rocket go up into that dark, black space. Now what am I supposed to do?

>> No.12184367


>> No.12184370

Find the men responsible, and kill them.

>> No.12184371

stop trying to defend nasa you simp

>> No.12184373

stop being a faggot

>> No.12184374

in ksp

>> No.12184378

but a woman is responsible anon...

>> No.12184380
File: 614 KB, 407x931, conestoga 1620 4ASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now what am I supposed to do?
Build rockets.
Design rockets.
Design payloads.
Plan missions.
Read SMAD.
Play KSP.

>> No.12184382

Irrefutable proof that /sfg/ is the smartest general on 4chan.

>> No.12184383

Well then kill her

>> No.12184388
File: 94 KB, 211x334, d596c6178a36ac515f1f69e432584ee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your launches need more vitamin C

>> No.12184390

Do what >>12184396 said

>> No.12184394


>> No.12184395

FUNCTIONAL artisan-customized power armor for prominent positions, with varying grades of body armor (mechanized or not) being standard fashion.

>> No.12184396

I disavow,this kind of rhetoric has no place here!

>> No.12184397

Have sex with your wife

>> No.12184398

>with varying grades of body armor (mechanized or not) being standard fashion.
GainzPlates to partially offset the low gravity.

>> No.12184402

based time travel poster

>> No.12184404

what the fuck

>> No.12184406

Tactical dreadnought armor on the moon when?

>> No.12184408

functional carbon-carbon armor so you can parachute down to the martian surface from orbit.

strong against flamethrowers, weak against foam chunks.

>> No.12184413

i think musk's new batteries make PA actually viable in the near term.

>> No.12184415

>weak against foam chunks
Only during reentry. Just avoid the other guy's MOOSE bag and you'll be fine.

>> No.12184417

BASED "based poster" poster

>> No.12184421
File: 631 KB, 1079x1544, Screenshot_20200927-204541_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob has had it. He isn't putting up with this shit anymore. If you want to go to space, you have to go through him

>> No.12184422

Based on what?

>> No.12184423

"you're about to have more problems on earth than you ever dreamed of"

>> No.12184424


>> No.12184425

>I thought the basic difference between an SSME and an RS-68 was the cooling system.
No, it's the powerhead cycle. RS-25 uses fuel rich staged combustion, RS-68 is just a hydrolox gas-generator, basically a hydrolox F-1 but worse for its niche

>> No.12184426


>> No.12184427

punished bob. a man denied his mars direct

>> No.12184430
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, northrop omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184432

Careful with that posting, bud. You got dubs, so I'll leave you alone. But if you'd gotten singles, I'd be squatting low to plow that hole so hard you'd think you was permanently poopin'.

>> No.12184433
File: 2.11 MB, 3531x2770, zubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed zubrin-poster

if anyone could replace jim and keep the momentum going at nasa,it would be bob.

>> No.12184437

Why didn't they ever try to make an RS-68V for Ares upper stages? Was air-starting it that much of a problem?

>> No.12184438

This stream still has live updates:

>> No.12184439

He needs to take the buzzpill.

>> No.12184440

They were gonna have the J-2X for that. Instead, we’re stuck with clusters of RL-10s forever.

>> No.12184442

anything worthwhile?

>> No.12184443
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, _102203856_gettyimages-496806350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184446

cheap hydrolox engines for kickstages when?

>> No.12184448
File: 502 KB, 1920x1080, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buzz will probably die very soon

fuck man,i hope he gets to see us land on mars

>> No.12184451

That's half the reason I hope we make the 2024 launch window. I think he can make it to 2026 if he knows he can see men on Mars.

>> No.12184453

he would be 96 by '26

>> No.12184456

My grandfather made it to 98.

>> No.12184457

Based Aldrin.
Is there a more kino moment in film than Ryan Gosling's Armstrong autistically trying to land on the moon while Corey Stoll's Aldrin warily keeps an eye on the constant alarms?

>> No.12184461
File: 27 KB, 496x343, SEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aldrin had been around long enough to see a cavalcade of both democrat and republican senators tell him how whichever current administration is totally committed to a trip to Mars
Gotta feel bad for the guy. He's been routinely the most outspoken 60's era astronaut advocating the advancement of manned spaceflight

>> No.12184462

Who's ready for GPS3 scrub tomorrow night?

>> No.12184465

I love watching streams of nothing happening with a small chance of explosions.

>> No.12184466

I'll have the launch/scrub thread up as always

>> No.12184467

I get to do it with my friends. /sfg/ is my family

>> No.12184468

oh man i forget where this image was from, this is probably the most spectacularly stupid video about the moon ever made,I love it dearly.

>> No.12184474

Maybe we can convince him to beat Shelby to death with a moon rock.

>> No.12184487

>SpaceX meaningful capacity to build permanent infrastructure on orbit: 2030
>China meaningful capacity to build permanent infrastructure on orbit: 2040
>Everyone else: 2050?
Is that right.

>> No.12184491

China will get delayed another ten years by the Three Gorges Dam popping.

>> No.12184493

That is still being hyped up?

>> No.12184506

The water keeps rising behind it, already causing massive crop failures even without a pop.

>> No.12184511

China is facing a lot of issues desu. In 20 or so years they’ll have a large(r) population crisis of a lack of working ethnic Chinese and literally millions of incels because of their stupid 1 child policy.

>> No.12184513

wouldn't it be funny if someone accidentally deorbited a giant tungsten satellite on the 3gd haha like as a joke

>> No.12184515

I wonder if their rapid pace of industrialization has paved the way for a rapid pace of toward degeneration/stagnation

>> No.12184523

If there is a thing China is good at is social engineering. Turning around their birthdates would be fairly compared to other countries.

>> No.12184524

Why haven't they done it then?

>> No.12184528

The still have a shitload of people, albeit they are already starting to course correct, having abolished the one child police already.

>> No.12184532

Well they switched to a two child policy in 2016, yet the rate of decline in birth rate seems to be accelerating.

>> No.12184534

yeah it's a demographic problem not a legislative one.

>> No.12184538

Its probably because when you limit the number of kids people can have, 9 times out of 10 they’ll want a son. Also it’s bad to limit the number of children citizens can have anyways thanks to stagnation and the like. Yeah

>> No.12184544

It’s sitting at 1,6-and-something per woman since 1995, which put it above all of Europe as well as native-born americans. They aren’t doing that bad.

>> No.12184552

There were already a lot of exceptions to the one child policy. For the wealthy who weren't excepted, they could simply pay off the officials.
The poor families had to send their kids away or essentially hide them, so there's a large group of Chinese who received no education and have no health care because they're not officially recognized as even existing.

>> No.12184558
File: 104 KB, 901x461, 1483524469093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting china to implement any policy successfully

>> No.12184559

They're behind the USA and quite a few European countries.

>> No.12184561

Why the fuck do other countries use commas as
decimal points, that shit makes no sense. 7.00 vs. 7,00... which one makes more sense

>> No.12184568

heh... let me over there bud... i'll fill them china bitches fulla babies... young dumb and fulla cum they'll be... heh... "Ti Ying"? more like "peen sing" cuz she'll be singin on my peen...

Dave Hayden
USMC '87-'89 1171 "Water DOGS!"
"Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, 80are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are luucky to have them, for they make teh battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrrior, ansd he will bring the other's back."

>> No.12184576

go back to /k/ please

>> No.12184578

thank you for your service

>> No.12184579

In the USA it is because high fertility rates amongst latin american immigrants(hence why I said native born), otherwise it would be below China.
In Europe it varies per country, but most are below China as well, and discriminating birthrates between native-born and immigrants is hard.

>> No.12184585

Do not do
this, because fuck this anon.

>> No.12184587

I fucking wish but it will literally never happen

>> No.12184592

should I have told him to go back to arfcom

>> No.12184594

I’ve always been curious why exactly “””development””” kills birthrates. Civilization was a mistake.

>> No.12184599

based, thank you for your service

>> No.12184603

Those countries you're comparing it to are substantially richer.
China is undergoing demographic transition at a far lower level of economic development.

>> No.12184605

Based newfag

>> No.12184608

Still, they can course correct, like I said, and are ruthless enough to use any means to achieve so if they deem it necessary.

>> No.12184611

knowing about ancient memes from /k/ about the retarded boomers on arfcom doesn't make me a newfag, anon
I just don't think those memes have any place on /sci/ or in this spaceflight thread

>> No.12184618

Women have access to both birth control and a welfare state. Removing both would fix the problem.

>> No.12184619

China is one of the few nations that would actually try to solve this issue by raising the birthrates of their primary ethnic demographic instead of importing hostile, evil, and alien foreigners.

>> No.12184620
File: 339 KB, 437x458, 30-300334_361-kb-png-no-fun-allowed-robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based unnecessarily serious faggot

>> No.12184622

> 1171 "Water DOGS!"
Only the best and bravest went for that MOS.
Thank you for doing what needed to be done.

>> No.12184633
File: 1.11 MB, 900x675, 9d29fd8f589117335313fb99e9176fb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184634

>Women have access to both birth control and a welfare state.

Why don’t women more commonly have a breeding urge? It’s as if they’re infected by some deleterious meme.

>> No.12184638

What’s a water dog?

>> No.12184639
File: 126 KB, 681x1023, 681px-STS132_Atlantis_undocking_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk tho, as penance I'll post some hi res pics of the Shuttle since we're at the bump limit.

>> No.12184646
File: 1.63 MB, 2913x4256, STS132_Atlantis_Undocking1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184647

1171 is the MOS for the the Marines in house plumbers
they deal with everybody's poop and make sure you can take a shower

>> No.12184649
File: 172 KB, 1280x845, 1280px-STS-119_RPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184650

Birth control tricks their body into thinking it's already pregnant.

>> No.12184655
File: 288 KB, 1280x852, 1280px-STS-133_Discovery_approaches_the_Space_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184657
File: 686 KB, 3304x2200, STS-133_Discovery_approaches_the_ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184659
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>> No.12184660
File: 855 KB, 4256x2832, STS-133_Discovery_Rendezvous_&_Docking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184661

>and for an /sfg/-related comment
We see from these recent scrubs that conducting launch operations during a transition to a new generation of vehicles is complex. The ground infrastructure is aging, yet the needs of the new rockets sharply limit how much it makes sense to invest in upkeep of current system.s

>> No.12184662
File: 138 KB, 1280x852, 1280px-STS-133_Space_Shuttle_Discovery_after_undocking_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184663
File: 165 KB, 1280x962, 1280px-STS-133_Space_Shuttle_Discovery_after_undocking_3_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184664
File: 53 KB, 946x710, STS-133_undocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184668

Thanks you for cervix

>> No.12184670
File: 712 KB, 3032x2000, STS-112_Atlantis_carrying_S1_truss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184671
File: 43 KB, 600x900, BVn36LoCYAAomYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koreastronauts best astronauts

>> No.12184673
File: 342 KB, 1920x1200, 1588064524098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done. Sorry I called you a faggot, bro >>12184611

>> No.12184674
File: 226 KB, 1920x1513, 1583069167787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say shuttle?

>> No.12184676
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1581868022202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184677

I long for the supposed “Islamic takeover” /pol/ lives in fear of.

>> No.12184681
File: 940 KB, 4256x2832, s135e009333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184686

Seriously can't decide if the Shuttle is fucking beautiful for being so novel and cool, or fucking ugly for being an SRB deathtrap

>> No.12184690
File: 1.20 MB, 4256x2913, s131e009455~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184691
File: 895 KB, 4288x2840, 428754main_undock_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favorite pics, it looks suspended in the vacuum but its traveling at 17,000mph

>> No.12184695

it was beautiful in its terrible majesty

>> No.12184696

Hot but crazy. YandereSpace.

>> No.12184701

god I fucking hate that stupid fucking shitty logo canada puts on everything holy SHIT I never want to see that trash again
just use a fucking FLAG like literally everyone else in the fucking world does jesus christ

>> No.12184704
File: 1.37 MB, 4288x2848, iss028e005638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12184706

It was beautiful, an ornament of a space programme.
It just never should've been the workhorse.

>> No.12184715

High quality of life encourages focusing more investment into fewer offspring, coupled with less living space this leads to fewer total offspring. Low quality of life but large open spaces to live in (and perhaps plentiful natural resources such as edible fruits and animals) encourages larger birth rates, there will be a higher attrition rate among children so more must be had to maintain replacement rates.
This is all stuff humans and pretty much all other omnivores or obligate carnivores have evolved to know without the need for excessive thinking on the matter.

>> No.12184719

why do they pride themselves in building a robot arm? like congratufuckinlations canada, you made stick. imagine being so inconsequential

>> No.12184731

literally not a fucking country
canada should be annexed and forced to use the American flag immediately

>> No.12184733

>High quality of life

That’s a myth. “Developed” countries have lower qualities of life than fucking bushpeople

>> No.12184735

If the belly flop maneuver proves infeasible for some reason, what are the alternatives?

>> No.12184736
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>> No.12184739
File: 612 KB, 3072x2098, 291271main_iss018e008640_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184740
File: 775 KB, 1644x924, 20201001_211149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184742

just point it forward so you have less air resistance and it doesnt heat up as much, its that simple

>> No.12184748

Has anyone made a RO SSTO?

>> No.12184751
File: 282 KB, 1076x568, Buran_on_An-225_%28Le_Bourget_1989%29_%28cropped%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she have to die bros?

>> No.12184752
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sfg/, I picked up ksp after being inspired by this general. I know something happened with /kspg/ on /vg/, but I have never heard what actually happened. pls spoonfeed me.

>> No.12184756

imagine /ksg/ but even more autistic

>> No.12184758

With development, both the direct and opportunity costs of having a child rise, for no additional personal gain. The need to spend years in education or training pushes such life events back, and makes them less likely to happen.
The people living in "less developed" societies generally would like fewer children, but their economic position and lack of education on the subject/access to birth control and the biological fact that, as Malthus put it, "the passion between the sexes is necessary and will remain nearly in its present state," combine to produce high birthrates.
Japan had a flag and the country's English name. They paid into these programmes, so they're going to apply their brand identity to them.

>> No.12184759
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, 1526931886407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a general so bad its name in subject field gets the thread autosaged

>> No.12184762

Honestly good question. Sad that USA didn't project paperclip the project somehow.

>> No.12184765

Why would they? Wouldn't that basically amount to an admission that the space shuttle sucked and the soviets managed to make a better shuttle?

>> No.12184768

yeah, but japan uses the flag as the primary element instead of some fucking awful wordmark that whoever designed it should have been shot

>> No.12184769
File: 73 KB, 588x768, 20201001_211921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can Soyuz launch in this? Are American launch providers all pussies?

>> No.12184770

Decadent and dying civilizations are inevitably destroyed.

>> No.12184776

Why would they?
They already had an orbiter, and weren't planning on building more.
Shame they didn't paperclip Energia. It would've kept SLS from existing and radically lowered the costs of the ISS.

>> No.12184778
File: 228 KB, 1240x1596, 20201001_212328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184781

yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.12184785

Literally two apollo engines slapped next to three hydromeme engines

>> No.12184787

The hell does this have to do with spaceflight

>> No.12184788


>> No.12184789

Ladies and gentlemen, this is why the USA leads spaceflight

>> No.12184792

Well someone just got fired. Kek

>> No.12184794

>ground systems
explains all the scrubs

>> No.12184797

Wait, did Antares get scrubbed? Is that three scrubs in the last 48 hours in spaceflight?

>> No.12184798

hot mic! hot mic!

>> No.12184799

>ULA - scrubs
>SpaceX - scrubs
>Northrop - scrubs
So, what the fuck is going on across the pond?

>> No.12184801

3 scrubs in the last twenty four hours. Pain... all I know is pain

>> No.12184807

Where is a good place to put Gainz Station 13?

>> No.12184808

holy shit. even more curious now. seriously though, what happened? I know the refugees ended up in /egg/, but honestly, that general needs to be split.

>> No.12184809

bend over and I'll show you

>> No.12184810

weather in baikonur is totally shit for half the year and hot and windy for the other half, they don't really have the option of just waiting a couple days for optimal weather like you can do in florida or california
US philosophy is basically every time there's a weather related issue then try to fix the issue on the launch vehicle but also completely avoid those weather conditions forever just in case, slav philosophy is just build it sturdy and if something goes wrong LES exists so why worry

>> No.12184813

low polar orbit for maximum kino

>> No.12184815

To all anons who like spaceflight: I HIGHLY recommend this video. It perfectly encapsulates the difference in philosophy between USA and Russia philosophy.

>> No.12184823

Thanks, Brunel!

Its fun reading all the old scifi stories that have Venus as a Jungle Planet.

>> No.12184852

what did nasa mean by this

>> No.12184862

The NK33 that blew was one of the 60 left over from the N1 project.

>> No.12184867

We bought a lot of Russian stuff starting in the 90s because of low cost and also to keep the Russian aerospace industry from collapsing and leading to an exodus of skilled engineers leaving the country to make ICBMs for Iran.

>> No.12184873
File: 8 KB, 184x184, snibeti snab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snibeti snab! teh gurse of sgrubtoober sdriges again

>> No.12184891

>why do they pride themselves in building a robot arm? like congratufuckinlations canada, you made stick. imagine being so inconsequential

It’s a really good stick though.

>> No.12184895

Trump has Coronavirus and will die BTFO

>> No.12184896

It won't work. Cost of living in urban areas is too high for more than one kid.

>> No.12184898

Urban areas fucking suck. Cities were a mistake

>> No.12184907

POTUS Pence, the White Fox. NASA's budget goes up a million fold and SpaceX gets a blank check

>> No.12184924

scientifically speaking, what does jim smell like

>> No.12184925

mt dew

>> No.12184926

But what if there's a democrat senate and he's Punished Pence: A Man Denied His Budget Requests

>> No.12184927


>> No.12184928

Aftershave, gold bond, and good old fashioned artificial lemon-lime flavor

>> No.12184931
File: 63 KB, 495x649, 974de2661d63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only TWO raptors will lift this absolutely ASTONISHING beast of a booster

>> No.12184934

In the animal sense, that's not true. Food is plentiful and can for the most part be relied upon to be fresh, it can also be preserved and stored for much longer. Water is mostly clean and free of parasites. Even the most basic medical care available to nearly every person in developed countries obliterates almost all of the infant mortality issues faced by those in completely undeveloped countries, and offers a broad range of readily available treatments for preventable or treatable diseases which would in the absence of modern medicine be fatal.
One can argue about the psychological and social ills of modernity all day, or about the lifetime nutritional benefits of different diets, but in the end far fewer people living in the developed world die young or violently, this puts less of a pressure on us to reproduce as much, and more of a pressure to invest heavily in few offspring.

>> No.12184938

I'd imagine though that's only when it's partially fueled.

>> No.12184942
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forestry jobs on mars when bros?

>> No.12184949

Life is easier in the developed world, and that’s a BAD THING. LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE REALLY HARD YOU FUCKING IDIOT. That’s why people in “”developed”” countries are so depressed and mentally ill and freakish
Return to monke

>> No.12184957
File: 605 KB, 1597x2400, 6559541E-E506-4E6B-94FB-5643B166B6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Return to monke
Yeah bro just dismantle your space programs haha

>> No.12184963

Colonizing other planets offers a frontier experience which is a step up from the soulless nightmare of typical industrial society

>> No.12184979

With abundance and ease of access to basic resources, as well as developed health and social care children stop being an investment into your future when you're too old and weak to feed yourself and become more like a nuisance that only drain your income you could use for yourself

>> No.12184985

Which can only be achieved through a typical industrial society.

>> No.12184997

(different anon) True, but (in my opinion) it offers a way for the scientific-inclined to escape to a wild frontier where they can utilize their knowledge to do some of the most cutting edge science, while at the same time live out a frontier lifestyle. Geologists for example will bring all the tools and computers and software/hardware they need. Life will be just as much about growing food and upkeeping the colony as it will be crunching numbers and studying outcrops and graphing/interpreting geochemical data from the microscope. Yeah you need an industrial society for this but only to the extent that they can make you rolls of stainless steel and methalox engines to get you where you need to go. Why have a boring oil office job in a concrete jungle when you can go to the Moon or Mars

>> No.12185010

Super Heavy is comically large

>> No.12185015
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is he gonna be alright bros?

>> No.12185020

So soulless hedonists and their DNA are culled from the population. I love Darwinism

>> No.12185024

Not necessarily. Technology can probably be exploited without the societal cancers common to the “””first world””” developing. A healthier and more fertile civilization will replace modern industrial civilization after it inevitably collapses in the near historical future, along with the possible birth of a secondary civilization on Mars, if resource independence is achieved before Earth civilization falls apart.

>> No.12185025

My first words on mars:


>> No.12185026

“Return to monke” is retarded but I really like what you’re getting at. I envy the people of the next century who will live in a world where traveling to Mars or Titan or Ganymede is like a cruise ship trip to another country.

Lucky bastards. But maybe the fact that space is so inaccessible to us now is what makes it special.

>> No.12185032

Elon estimates independence will come 50 to 100 years after the first landing.

I’m just curious as to when the first conflict between to worlds will occur.

>> No.12185033

Lmao. When your professor asks you for a 30 page writeup but you only have four sentences worth of a conclusion to really give

>> No.12185041

This is all sci fi thinking but I guess it's worth talking about as a possibility. I'll give my two cents. It's very likely that conflict won't happen. At least not between planets. There will probably be intra-colony conflicts as the retarded people who can afford colony startups start fucking with the planet and hogging important areas. The only "revolutionary war 2.0" scenario I can see happening would be kickstarted by a retarded administration who taxes all rockets going to Mars and demands 50% from all profits once colonies become self-sustaining

>> No.12185047

“Return to monke” is genius and a natural reaction to the horrors of modern life.

>> No.12185050

So this is just my coom brain thinking, but microgravity creampies. Think about it. In gravity the coom just runs down a women's leg, but in microgravity the coom will tend to stay in the pussy because of surface tension. It's possible that creampies could last days. You could just keep filling her up every day and she'd have a constant creampie. I bet that intercourse in space will be more likely to cause fertilization than on earth because of this.

>> No.12185051

Earth will be in no position to bully Martians when they’re living in burned-out cities filled with bones because the oil ran out

>> No.12185054
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“Return to monke” is genius until you scrape your knee and die of gangrene.

Modern life is not that bad you’re just looking at it and only seeing shit. Get out and have fun. You have one chance at life do something with it.

>> No.12185055

Fighting is natural and good. Hopefully Martian colonies beat the shit out of eachother.

>> No.12185056

Musk is posting SS updates rn

>> No.12185057
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-10-02 00-22-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for more parts to make me retarded lander work
>realize I've never isntalled B9 aerospace so give that a try
>find these external RCS blocks that even have RO configs
im gonna fucking COOOM bros, finally I have some good external RCS that doesn't look like shit

>> No.12185059

>“Return to monke” is genius until you scrape your knee and die of gangrene.

Apes get hurt all the time but they get over it.

> Modern life is not that bad you’re just looking at it and only seeing shit.

It’s literally the worst way to live humans have yet concocted. People huddle in unnaturally dense cities with unnatural lighting while their brains rot from air pollution
At least we can do cool shit like go to Ranger school or hunt still.

>> No.12185060

I mean I get your point, but it isn't like we are going to some desert oasis with oxygen and natural springs to drink from with climate weather. Mars doesn't want humans to survive there naturally. It will take our best technology, only available because of an industrial society, to even survive and grow on the Martian surface. Look at it this way... going and building a research station at the South Pole certainly isn't return to monke. It does, however, offer a chance to sort of "restart" civilization from scratch. The first batch of people will be scientists. But as Elon's proposed "city" grows they will need to impliment rules and ways of life from the ground up. In that respect it is return to monke

>> No.12185063

Lots of apes die from illnesses too. Or from predators. Or other accidents.

I get that but seriously man life is way better for humans now than ever before.

>> No.12185068

No iti s not. In the past I could have been a millionaire ladies man

>> No.12185073

More important than the SS update is the news that laser interlinks for Starlink are progressing well.
He seems like he's in a good mood about quite a few things right now.

>> No.12185081

>Mars doesn't want humans to survive there naturally.

Yeah but neither does Earth. You couldn’t walk around naked eating berries and not fearing predators basically anywhere. Native Americans had to survive every winter in America without air conditioning, access to plant foods, and lower game populations by using animal skins to create insulating clothing and staying near warm fires, and engaging in time-consuming and strenuous hunting with simple weapons like spears, bows, and snare traps. That’s the whole point; satisfying basic needs is a time-consuming and important goal you face daily, but can surmount, not a side task solved by going through the McDonald’s drive thru on the way to work. That is how humans achieve optimum psychological wellbeing and do not sink into pathology. Of course, Mars will eventually no longer be a frontier over the course of decades and maybe centuries of colonization and expansion, so then it’s further beyond the Sun’s light for those with adventure at heart.

Perhaps this enterprising spirit will lead mankind to plunge into the interstellar void in due time.

>> No.12185082

If it was actually “way better” then tribespeople would rate their average happiness lower than people in civilized countries do, and exhibit way more mental illnesses, but it’s the other way around.

>> No.12185091

Bro all things considered earth is amazing. The average temperature for this planet is quite climate. You absolutely could survive butt naked: We come from africa where this was possible in the past. As we expanded out to, say, europe we used the skins of animals for clothes. When we got to hot places we built shelter with natural cooling. Not every place here is survivable but for the most part it is
proof: this is the planet we evolved on so by definition it supports humans in their natural form

>> No.12185092

But you're being a bit cute-some civilized populations have much lower rates of mental illness than others. And some tribes rape children and do all kinds of hideous shit to women or the disabled. They have no conception of democracy, or the universe,of of their own bodies.

They will die with the world. We will go on and inherit the stars.

>> No.12185095

I’ve had this discussion with my archeology professor back in college. We concluded that, 2 million years ago, there definitely HAD to be at LEAST a few instances of early humans who happened to live in an area with plentiful food and perfect weather. It’s very likely that a troglodyte from way in the past lived to be 50 years old... never had a bad day in his life, and died of natural causes. Just eating and fucking and hunting all day everyday with the tribe

>> No.12185102

>If it was actually “way better” then tribespeople would rate their average happiness lower than people in civilized countries do
Yes human perception of quality of life is relative. Doesn't exactly seem like a reasonable excuse to revert to a lower level of resource consumption to me.
>exhibit way more mental illnesses
That's just because we have the resources to accept more dead weight and let such people live halfway productive lives.

>> No.12185105

>You absolutely could survive butt naked

Only in the tropics where humans evolved. Hunter-gatherers from such environments are practically naked except for loincloths, but it gets more complicated if you start talking about temperate environments and deserts or steppes and such. It can get very cold in Europe and America in the winter, cold enough to kill.

> Not every place here is survivable but for the most part it is

You can survive anywhere from Australia to the arctic circle utilizing only Paleolithic technology but it’d be strenuous regardless of wherever you chose to inhabit.

>> No.12185109

>Doesn't exactly seem like a reasonable excuse to revert to a lower level of resource consumption to me.

I’d definitely use less resources if it improved my wellbeing

> That's just because we have the resources to accept more dead weight and let such people live halfway productive lives.

That’s not a good thing

>> No.12185115

Yeah. I think PART of what fueled human’s mental evolution was the fact that we expanded (be it to follow food, look for new land, pure curiosity, etc.) The conditions weren’t always favorable so we had to adapt: make clothes, develop new technology, forge metals to make life easier. I think expanding into harsher environments helped kickstart the ability to do more and more complex things, out of necessity. Even in the golden age of exploration this was the case. When you have the ability to construct armadas of ships and store food for voyages, why not go chart the entire globe? Why not go to Mars? If we didn’t do these things we would still be dwelling in africa, fighting for resources, likely extinct already due to endless fighting and never leaving the monke stage

>> No.12185116

I’d definitely use less resources if it improved my wellbeing.
It wouldn't. All you'll do is take a step down in the pyramid of self actualization so the time you used to spend wondering about the world and your place in it is now spent trying to secure resources for subsistence.

>> No.12185123

>But you're being a bit cute-some civilized populations have much lower rates of mental illness than others

It’s worst in the most “developed” places for whatever reason. Southern South America. Western Europe. North America. East Asia

> And some tribes rape children and do all kinds of hideous shit to women or the disabled.

Yeah? Doesn’t mean it’s not better psychologically for a human to monkey around bashing rocks together than to sit in a cubicle under those weird grey-white lights that cause migraines.

> They have no conception of democracy, or the universe,of of their own bodies.

So? They have a good time and don’t care about Alpha Centauri’s metallicity, because there’s no need for surrogate activities when sustaining yourself is difficult and time consuming.

>> No.12185127

There's something about seeing a CG concept video for a crazy future tech like every aerospace company makes but then knowing that I'm gonna see it happen for real in a month or two that still feels surreal about this entire era.

>> No.12185128

Yeah I for one agree with this. The idea of living in a cave society has been romanticized. Life is utter shit. If you went back with the knowledge you have now you would get tired of trying to kill mastodons with rocks. You would quickly find the smartest guy in the tribe and have him smelt iron. You would then want the best clothes as soon as the weather turned south. You would want to establish trading networks if you had an abundance of one thing and other tribes had an abundance of another. You would want boats to facilitate more trade... basically if you started society over it would all go down the same path again and you would end up going from flint knapping to building spaceships anyways

>> No.12185135

I have no idea why the ancestors of the Inuit decided to live on ice when they could move south and hunt deer in the forest but whatever floats their boat I suppose. Stagnation is death and stagnation is what the world at large is in, but it is possible to escape the crab bucket and stride across the surface of other worlds as intrepid explorers looking to settle on the fringe.

>> No.12185144

Dunno what the fuck the point of “self actualization” or “wondering shout the world” is supposed to be when it evidently doesn’t make humans happier.
As if the modern prole is somehow elevated because he knows the sun is made of hydrogen and a caveman didn’t. It has no practical bearing on their lives whatsoever.

>> No.12185159

>If you went back with the knowledge you have now you would get tired of trying to kill mastodons with rocks.

I dunno I have lots of fun bow hunting.

>> No.12185184

In space, is it possible to keep methane below boiling point entirely with semi-passive cooling?

>> No.12185201
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-10-02 01-56-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making progress on my stupid fucking lander, engines and control avionics are sorted out and I can hover it and fly it around waypoints and land around the KSC without problems now
I want to figure out a nice mount for the engines that doesn't look like shit, but it's tricky because I'm stuck with a cylindrical body because procedural polygons don't support tapering or chamfers and I can't find any good structural parts for the body

>> No.12185209

Where do the people go?

>> No.12185214

People often believe that if they were sent back in time they would be able to rapidly advance society, but how much does the average person or even someone very knowledgable know about production from basic resources?
At least they'd know the gist of things.
Personally I could:
>tell them that metal comes from heating the right rocks, but I don't know the technique and can't identify ores
>design a furnace able to reach sufficient temperatures
>give a hint for how to make steel
>design a written language
>show how to make basic mechanisms, and maybe even a lathe (a lathe would help enormously)
>emphasise the importance of figuring out electricity and explain how magnets can create current, although I do not know how to produce artificial magnets nor how to actually use electricity for anything (except perhaps lights, but I'd have no clue how to produce the materials for it)
>slim possibility of a steam engine (would be very difficult to manufacture and optimise to a useful state, even if the basic principles are clear to me)

So personally I could only get technology to a very imbalanced state where the prerequisites for an industrial revolution exist, but not enough is known or developed to actually make use of that technology. One of the only practical things that could possibly come about from it within my lifetime would be trains.

>> No.12185244

crabs-in-a-bucket mentality, misery enjoys company

>> No.12185251

My privately-funded asteroid mining colony will only recognize marriage between femboys and definitely-not-gay-i-swear /fit/ men.

>> No.12185270
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it's unmanned, started out as just trying to figure out how to get a rover on the moon for a contract, but since then mission creeped to become a generalized cargo lander for dropping off rovers or equipment or base habitats or whatever else needs to go down
I wish I could give a more exposed structural look like pic related, but since I can't find any parts to make that possible it has to be a bucket instead

>> No.12185322

Starship update in ~3 weeks, according to Musk

>> No.12185344
File: 662 KB, 1920x3144, KSP_x64 2020-10-02 03-21-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prettied it up a bit and moved from pad testing to lunar testing, results not perfect but better than I expected on the first try
some issues with thrust vectoring oscillations spinning it out a few times and TWR needs to be reduced for final landing burn, but with some better RCS and maybe reaction wheels for fine pointing stability it should be good

>> No.12185348
File: 77 KB, 960x815, 1601635079092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are electric power systems so fat and gay? All I want is a featherweight spaceship I can use with ice ISRU and non chemical propulsion.

>> No.12185354

just steal one of lockheeds compact submarine fusion reactors and hook up some big boy MPD thrusters to it

>> No.12185371

Just use zero point energy, bro.
You might start a false vaccuum catastrophe, but at least your space craft will have been dope for one microsecond.

>> No.12185429

Even without seeing any of those come to fruition it would still massively advance the world by many hundreds of years just from them having the most basic building blocks for it (assuming the people you taught all this to didn't get wiped out and all of it forgotten).
Update about what?

>> No.12185431

B9 parts is an absolute must for KSP

>> No.12185566

Does the Starship payload include the vehicle itself?

>> No.12185569


>> No.12185578

>"Man this space station sure is cold"
>"It almost feels like a... Blizzard"
>Shuttle emergency undocks and blasts rock music as it thrusts away at top speed.

>> No.12185607

If you're out beyond the asteroid belt, absolutely.

>> No.12185608

How would you move a sun?

>> No.12185612
File: 60 KB, 500x341, shkadov_thruster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shkadov thruster

>> No.12185629

>Elon Musk stated that Super Heavy would use a lot of the same components as Starship, so its development should be fairly straightforward
oh no no no! it's happening again

>> No.12185639

>Build small, artificial sun
>Build ring worlds around it
>Build Dyson sphere around that
>Syphon off plasma to power fusion torches to move ringworld/shieldworld/cybertron planet-thing

>> No.12185664
File: 12 KB, 238x191, 0A723DD0-65B4-4BAF-9C6B-BCC79F85ADD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ass teleporter

>> No.12185682

No dessert or video games until it happens.

>> No.12185688

Reminder to exercise or you’re a faggot beta male

>> No.12185699

A huge half-spherical mirror on one side of the sun:
the sun would eject photons only from one side, meaning it goes in the opposite direction.

>> No.12185701

>Tfw you hiked and did field science shit all the time since you were a kid and soon a lower gravity frontier will open up
Feels good man

>> No.12185705

Was Sagan based

>> No.12185709

For the most part yeah

>> No.12185728

That just sounds like a solar sail with more steps

>> No.12185730

For a while I started to dismiss Sagan because he became the hero to 12 year old atheists everywhere but after re-watching Cosmos I have to say he's still pretty based

>> No.12185748

Yes, but how would you attach a solar sail to the sun?

>> No.12185758

attach the cable to the night side duh

>> No.12185763

NEW THREAD >>12185720
>NEW THREAD >>12185720
NEW THREAD >>12185720
>NEW THREAD >>12185720

>> No.12185764

>page 9

>> No.12185821

Why exactly did they think that using engines from a project that failed because of its untestable engines was a good idea?

>> No.12185823

The livestream UIs gave me a chuckle

>> No.12186051

>test stand didn't shatter
>engines aren't on fire in skirt cam

>> No.12186068

>you take the sun
>you push it somewhere else