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12182431 No.12182431 [Reply] [Original]

Undergraduate engineering mathematics is really easy.

>> No.12182438

It also makes money, check mate mathtards.

>> No.12182442

Yes. Is there some kind of discussion you wanted to have about this?
Actually no, engineers learn the Fourier transform. I guess it could be easy on the surface but the Harmonic Analysis behind it is anything but easy.

>> No.12182460

I was just really surprised because I started learning maths from pre-algebra and I heard people talking about how hard calculus is, so I was panicking a lot. But I've been in school for 2 years now and it's quite trivial, at least for engineers as we don't have to do proofs. The hard part is the engineering topics where you have to apply it, but even then the hard part is setting up the problem correctly. Once you have the equations set up correctly it's pretty easy.

>> No.12182464

Leaning the fourier transform and learning fourier theory, much less harmonic analysis, are two different things. Hell, engineers use tables for transforms anyway...
Engineering is fine, but until grad, the mathematics of engineering is not very hard

>> No.12182477

Yes it is. If you were a real mathematician you would have completed all of that in high school.

>> No.12182482

I did math from pre-algebra to basic differential equations and some other stuff in about 2 years while working in a warehouse.

>> No.12183056

Did you teach it yourself?
I just started uni and I didn't learn some of the very fundamental basics and struggle a lot now.

>> No.12183668

It genuinely is. Engineering maths is nowhere near as hard as some of the courses I had to take that specialised entirely in fields like linear algebra or advanced calculus. Hell, even postgrad engineering maths wasn't that hard. The only difficulty is making sure you have your units correct and in some fields making sure that you remember all the weird random variables they throw at you for a fucking piston.

>> No.12184654

They couldn't use exponentiation even in bank sector even thou there's a said time I take loan of exact money with yearly interest for said amount of years and they use integrals for that.

That's why I hate engineering.

>> No.12184947

I got myself a textbook that does math from baby level to higher stuff like diff equations, linear algebra, and some other things. Think the book is like 1300 page long.

>> No.12184998

EE grad, can confirm. The difficulty of engineering doesn't come from math or even a lot of the topics, but rather the work load and getting a grasp of how to approach the vast amount of applications, and some instances of very specific theory. The highest levels of pure math I had was differentials, complex analysis, and some theory on transfoms (fourier, laplace, z). Differentials gets trivialized, and even superseded, by laplace, and complex analysis boils down to knowing a handful of properties, Cauchy's theorems, and Euler's formula. Most of the mathmatical work ends up being algebraic manipulation to get certain forms for table use or linear algebra approaches.
There are some minor exceptions, like telecoms, which is pure fourier analysis, or emag where partial differentials show up. Or in my case, an analogs professor that had a career in semiconductors placing heavy emphasis on deriving model equations, sensitivity functions, etc.

>> No.12186079

Textbook name pls?

>> No.12186081

Engineering is easy, it's just memorizat because you're never given proofs nor deductions.

>> No.12187334

Comprehensive engineering mathematics by John Bird. It's si unit based so maybe not too good for Amerisharts. It's a good book because it has a lot practical engineering based questions and you can get the solution manual online for free.