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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12176477 No.12176477 [Reply] [Original]

I only unlocked strong lucid visual thinking this year. What else have I been missing out on?

>> No.12176566

How’d you unlock it?

>> No.12176727

Are there any exercises for visualization? Whenever I try to visualize something, I lose track and defocus within 2-4 seconds

>> No.12176735

>What else have I been missing out on?
Direct knowledge of impermanence, instead of mental formation turning you into a midwit

>> No.12176791

The way that you think is more important that IQ

Change my Mind

>> No.12176796

Lol you sound stupid as fuck.

Ask me why

>> No.12176807

Only if you can prove why IQ is so important and accurate

>> No.12176811


>> No.12176834

>I only unlocked strong lucid visual thinking this year.
You think you can drop that kind of info and not explain how you did it for us dead-brains?
Explain please.

>> No.12177339

I'm trying to get used to spatial and motor thinking. Imagining there are objects around me and imagining movement, or actions with imaginary hands.

>> No.12177341


>> No.12177769

Just lookinto savants.

They have other ways of thinking with the same brain you have.

>> No.12179577


>> No.12179709


>> No.12179763

Have you tried art?

Take a strong thought, idea, feeling, emotion, or whatever, and try to distill it down into something that can be expressed in an art of work. It's not easy, and kinda requires you to understand non-verbal thinking patterns in order to express your idea in your medium of art, as well as understand other peoples ways/methods of thinking and empathize with that in order to try to get your message across.
I think this is the best way to try to broaden your mind to other types of thinking.

>> No.12179797

lucid masturbating

>> No.12179802


>> No.12181093
File: 217 KB, 796x1198, 796px-Navy_Diver4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two areas to look into:
1. Reciprocality (https://www.datapacrat.com/Opinion/Reciprocality/)) - The mapper/packer dichotomy and M0 are deeply interesting ideas I've begun to frame a lot of my thinking around
2. doing/visualizing/abstracting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4ol1KRpQdU&feature=emb_title)) - Watch the bit starting at 49 minutes for the gist.

I'm curious what you've discovered wiht lucid visual thinking. Care to elaborate?

>> No.12181109

i refuse to believe there are people who can see the apple.

>> No.12181689

Rapid vision of finished written text or code and understanding it in it's execution.

Also rapid, literally insect like debuging, when you see the error so you change most probable wrong part of code not even properly looking at error, but it works.

>> No.12181691

St. Johns Worth as plant supplement for the easyness of vividier imagining.

>> No.12182910

IQ is neither important nor accurate
it is just that >The way that you think
is even more worthless
the fucking (((way))) is just a cope because you cannot think straight
(sorry for my intermission on your conversation but you really sound stupid as fuck as the anon said)

>> No.12182968

Honestly I think the only thing IQ impacts is the probability of one being an NPC who can't have original thoughts and make their own opinions.
I know people who'd probably score less than 90 who have actual characteristics and interestings thoughts and know very smart people who are basically blank slates that need programming.

>> No.12182979


>> No.12183697

They don't have normal brains though.

>> No.12183723

Intuitive thinking.
Letting the animal parts of your brain do the thinking and listening to the answer via 'feeling'.

>> No.12184419
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>just "unlocked strong lucid visual thinking"
>What ... have I been missing out on?

Have you tried to use your new found visual thinking skills to do complex math with an imaginary abacus yet?

>> No.12184436

IQ was literally created to test for mental retardation

It’s so cringeworthy to see people brag about acing an assessment that tells if you’re retarded or not. Congrats, you’re not retarded and your 130 IQ is a confident indicator of that. It’s not meant to tell real intelligence. Popular science propagated it because many people pass an IQ test so it makes people feel better about themselves. Then, people started using it for race and it screwed up the entire science behind it.

>> No.12184481

Congratulations, that's the dumbest thing I've read all day

>> No.12184550

brainlet cope.

>> No.12184555

i do this all the time when working with people. i can smell problem clients from miles away. saves me lots of time and trouble.

>> No.12184632

low IQ: the cope

>> No.12185362
File: 317 KB, 2048x2043, memeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What else have I been missing out on?

At least several others. Pic related.

>> No.12185373

Why would they even do that?

>> No.12185433

Your quality in post is proving your shitty intelligence in both areas. He's not coping with anything. IQ is how well someone can process intellectual information. It doesn't regard creativity or original thought, only how much one can obtain, remember, process etc. So yes, IQ related intellectual processes can be used for some correlation to intelligence, however are more directed towards synapses to becoming a wage slave incapable of identity.

>> No.12185756

low IQ: return of the cope
"I define what intelligence is" - anon

>> No.12187543

Kinesthetic thinking like Feynman

>> No.12187549

probably related

>> No.12187558

>tfw imaginary abacus is not a meme

>> No.12187572

Its bait anons

>> No.12188529

>What else have I been missing out on?

Proper meds.

>> No.12188633

>he can't imagine an apple
After long StarCraft grinding, I end up having vivid lucid visualizations to the point where they animate and simulate combat scenarios on the whole map. I've had the same sensation with any game that required a lot of intense focus to play well and that focus would extend well after the gaming session.

So far, RTS, simracing and rhythm games reliably induce that focused state. RPGs sometimes induce it if there's a lot of strategy and memorization involved in breaking stats at low levels or grinding levels fast early-game (i.e. Final Fantasy).

>> No.12188642


>> No.12189397
File: 78 KB, 807x720, C8B0D4D0-D414-4618-B051-23214CF22079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes some points
>half way through it’s kinda retarded but still not faggotry
>”and then muh RACEEEEEEEEE”
Kill your self

>> No.12190921 [DELETED] 

but can you turn your brain into a graphing calculator?

>> No.12190924

what if I want to use an imaginary graphing calculator?
how do I visualize that?

>> No.12190928


>> No.12190934

>learn machine language
>learn algorithms

>> No.12191203

Is this normal? I can visualise anything I want for as long as I want in whatever detail I want. I can easily sit and create all sorts of shit in my mind for hours, thing is I've spent most of my life just sitting and thinking, hardly doing much at all. am I special or retarded i really dont know

>> No.12191377

>Is this normal? I can visualise anything I want for as long as I want in whatever detail I want. I can easily sit and create all sorts of shit in my mind for hours, thing is I've spent most of my life just sitting and thinking, hardly doing much at all. am I special or retarded i really dont know
I think your experience is the most common one, though with varying levels of detail. Some people seem to have difficulty visualizing things clearly or for prolonged periods, though.

Based and correct.

>> No.12191709

its a joke anon

>> No.12191714

where do you meet sub 90s. im trying to start a cult.

>> No.12191938



> “ Alfred Binet was commissioned to identify students who needed educational assistance that the first intelligent quotient (IQ) test was born”

Real intelligence assessments like, for example, those in college entrance exams, factor in many different things. IQ, as it is popularly defined, is a single dimension and is in the same format as Binet originally created it. Our attachment toward these outdated IQ assessments is hindering our understanding of it. It’s often being co-opted by people for political purposes and real scientists use far more sophisticated ways to measure intelligence. We want to brag about how we ace a test originally designed to group children with educational difficulties but it’s become cringe worthy at the levels we’ve missed it.

>> No.12191941

*we’ve misused it

>> No.12192321

both are important, having a high IQ gives you a higher chance of unlocking different thought patterns.

>> No.12192332

lmao what a retard