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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1217450 No.1217450 [Reply] [Original]

Any B.S. Physics holders out there?

Convince me that I can still do something with one if grad school doesn't pan out....other than teaching.

>> No.1217452

You can get a second BS in math in a semester or two, but you can't get a job with one of those either.

>> No.1217489
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>> No.1217535
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>> No.1217546

You can collect dust like the rest of us, living at home, working odd jobs with an occasional interview across the state.

Applied chem here, though.

>> No.1217581


God I hate how an undergraduate Physics degree is worthless...;_;....

>> No.1217941

its BS i tell you

>> No.1217944


if you aren't a complete piece of shit human being, you can go out and get ANY job an engineer would get.

don't be lazy.

>> No.1217950

>implying a physics major would know what an RC network is.

>> No.1217956

implying we dont use filters more than any engineer.

why dont you go take an upper div experimental topics course and learn about the real shit we do?

waaaaay above anything i've heard of the engineering majors do.

UC Davis fag here.

>> No.1217962

Fucking lol at this

You are in for a rude awakening once you graduate you dumb fucking freshmen.

Your degree isn't even good for wiping your own ass with. It's too rigid.

>> No.1217971


senior level, graduating in fall, nigger. summa cum laude.

please tell me, how is physics more rigid than engineering? it is the most "open-ended" form of engineering i can imagine--just tool sets, no doctrines.

if anything, engineers are confined to their own little worlds (electrical, mechanical, aerospace, etc.). none of that matters when you actually get a job.

>> No.1217979
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That's even funnier. If you don't have a strong background in math, computer science, and mechanical engineering the best you could HOPE for is a EE job and at worst...HVAC systems for you.

Physics/Math majors rarely do jack shit with their degrees. You guys are fucking useless.

>> No.1217982

Enjoy teaching at community college for the rest of your life you faggot.

>> No.1218002

i aint even mad.

i'm going to graduate school, but i'm trying to save face for all those who want the degree without grad school.

also, engineers are the most retarded fucks i have ever met. my school has an (apparently) exceptional engineering program and i kicked all their asses when i took some of their courses for the hell of it.

don't worry, you can keep your piece of shit jobs at some low level engineering firm in the middle of fucktard, iowa. i'd much rather take a professorship doing research at any major university in the US.