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12171864 No.12171864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do people fall for cults of personality, scientifically speaking?

>> No.12171873

Humans generally want to be dominated.
Frees from responsibility and stress of making decisions.

>> No.12171918

People are sheep and need to be herded. That's why we had Kings and tribal leaders. People want to give themselves away to sovereign and feel protected.

>> No.12171930

>doesn't into economics or politics but will vote joe because ____

>> No.12172009 [DELETED] 

>humans generally want to be dominated
too bad most women arent capable of dominating others

>> No.12172073

>the economics and politics of servicing jamal

>> No.12172109

Scientifically speaking cults of personality are usually obsessed with narcissism and virtue signaling. With the pic that OP used, I could say “Boomers for Biden” are worse because they’re outright using elder abuse as an excuse to why they should replace an old president with an older presidential candidate.

It’s one thing to call out the hypocrisy and contradictions from a psych perspective, but it’s another to outright think that most supporters of the President are “cult members”.

Within society, any person who fawns over political or celebrity-like figures are no more different than the cult itself.

>> No.12172132 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, Ghost in the Shell.mkv_snapshot_00.07.35_[2014.10.17_22.54.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the cult of personality, it's about the externalized manifestation of an abstract organizing principle. The "person" behind the personality becomes more like a conduit, a concept, with which the principle may operate. They place their faith in the principle. The "person" is seen as a God, or perhaps more accurately an inanimate object. A force of nature. People are fallible, people lie to you, people have needs. people have angles, people can fail, abandon, betray, and disappoint you. A force of nature, cannot. It is a stone in a sea of chaos, to which you may cast your anchor. Illuosry though it may be, as the Siren leading the men aground,

All religions function this way. They have an external organizing principle. Sometimes it is God. Sometimes it is race. Sometimes culture and a perceived "way of life". And so on. This is where you get the whole 5D chess mental gymnastics from. It is not unlike saying you cannot know the mind of tyhe creator, God works in mysterious ways! Look, my fellow man. Above us the Gods themselves do battle. You would claim to know their ways? Etc.

A lot of people need that place to put their faith. They need something to believe in, something they feel they can trust.

>> No.12172598

vicarious identity

>> No.12173060

low IQ and lack of quality education

>> No.12173369

feminine brains aka söiboiis and women

>> No.12173418

Becouse they think if they don't follow that cult, other cult gains power. It might be true tho.

But if I were allowed to vote in us elections, I would refuse to do so in this election. Neither candidate Is valid for the seat of the POTUS.

>> No.12173448

We're tribal and tribes always have leaders.

>> No.12173452
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all threads that have the terms "scientifically speaking" or "evolutionary purpose" or "evolutionary standpoint" or "scientific standpoint" should be auto-filtered.

>> No.12173527

Why use the 500B as a example? i would rather vote republican then let democrats let black people and antifa burn the country down they wont do ANYTHING to stop them

>> No.12173532
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>> No.12173560
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, Ghost in the Shell.mkv_snapshot_00.07.35_[2014.10.17_22.54.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the cult of personality, it's about the externalized manifestation of an abstract organizing principle. The "person" behind the personality becomes more like a conduit, a concept, with which the principle may operate. They place their faith in the principle. The "person" is seen as a God, or perhaps more accurately an inanimate object. A force of nature. People are fallible, people lie to you, people have needs. people have angles, people can fail, abandon, betray, and disappoint you. A force of nature, cannot. It is a stone in a sea of chaos, to which you may cast your anchor. Illuosry though it may be, as the Siren leading the men aground,

All religions function this way. They have an external organizing principle. Sometimes it is God. Sometimes it is race. Sometimes culture and a perceived "way of life". And so on. This is where you get the whole 5D chess mental gymnastics from. It is not unlike saying you cannot know the mind of tyhe creator, God works in mysterious ways! Look, my fellow man. Above us the Gods themselves do battle. You would claim to know their ways? Etc.

A lot of people need that place to put their faith. They need something to believe in, something they feel they can trust. Even if that is secretly a desire to trust oneself, and feel like part of something powerful.