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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 720x494, Ei7mAtLXYAIJdGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12167744 No.12167744 [Reply] [Original]

So my kid's homework asks for a close estimate of 32,292. Is 30,000 a close estimate? Is 32,000? Is 32,300 a close estimate?
It doesn't give any kind of definition of how many digits or significant figures is required.

>> No.12167754


>> No.12167755 [DELETED] 

Image is false equivalence. Unclamp yourself, clamp cuck.

>> No.12167785

depends on the context, I suppose. if the question is 138 * 234 and you want to estimate that with 140 * 230, maybe 32200 is the answer they're looking for, but what do I fucking know that's a typical confusing common core question for you

>> No.12167798


>> No.12167815 [DELETED] 

>Thinks I seethe
>Doesn't ever see outward emotion as a tool
>Doesn't ever say something then laugh afterwards at the amusing thing he has created.
>Is a cuck to the clamp

Utterly and OUTRIGHT

>> No.12167830

>Image is false equivalence.
How so?

>> No.12167842

He's a darkness denier.

>> No.12167854 [DELETED] 

Using your headlights has no hard deleterious effect on the user, nor does it feed into an overarching quasi-religious ritualized mass hysteria aside from single day events like leaving your headlights on for 9/11. The only absolute negative effect to the user is a minute reduction in gas mileage. Relative effects include ego, psychosocial whatever, and so on.

Masks however are part of a cult (which itself "masks" a rapid social and economic reorganization), reduces oxygen intake, prevents elimnation of metabolic waste and other toxins by exhalation, and in general signals that you have faith in the script set forth by your unseen masters, like domesticated livestock. All the other stuff like conforming to prevent emotional distress in others, attenuate the exceedingly miniscule possibility of transmitting something, and so on are strictly ancillary. It's about spectacle, fear, and conformance.

Imagine bothering to explain this to a farm animal. Of course it can't understand, when will he ever learn.

>> No.12167864


>> No.12167867 [DELETED] 


>> No.12167869

>nor does it feed into an overarching quasi-religious ritualized mass hysteria
>using your headllights is just common sense
Ah, like wearing a mask to stop your snot and spit from falling onto surfaces and into other peoples' faces, therefore reducing tranmission and therefore reducing overall deaths, especially to protect the elderly and those with chronic condictions.
That sort of common sense,right?

>> No.12167870 [DELETED] 


>> No.12167872

it's a pretty close equivalent.

>> No.12167873 [DELETED] 


>> No.12167879

>reduces oxygen intake, prevents elimnation of metabolic waste and other toxins by exhalation
Too bad none of that has much evidence to back it up, and we have decades and decades of people wearing masks without ill effects. Contracting COVID-19 will invariably be worse.

>> No.12167882 [DELETED] 

Common sense as in commonly retarded, sure. repeated use of disposable masks causes them to outgas toxic chemicals. The other fine mesh polymer fiber masks would offer some measure of protection via an electrostatic effect. Though that's assuming there's something to protect against. There is also much to be said about droplet size and weight affecting distance traveled.

Elderly have been fine, they'll remain fine. Or they won't? Or they'll just stay home. Or The Kissingers of the world will help thin out the useless eaters. That's lyfe outside the narcissistic fantasy, bro. Get used to it.

>> No.12167891

also that
wtf you reall think a cloth mask makes it that much harder to breathe?
You know what other activities make it harder to breathe (meny times more than a doddamn mask) but DON'T cause any harm: running, swimming, lifting weights, all aerobic exercise.

>> No.12167892 [DELETED] 


>> No.12167895

>repeated use of disposable masks causes them to outgas toxic chemicals
any evidence for this? genuinely curious seeing as most city people are exposed to toxic levels of pollutants their wholelives, I think a few weeks of wearing a mask would be nothing cirumstantial. Also what fumes do you get from a washed cotton mask?

>> No.12167900


>> No.12167913

seething retard

>> No.12167918


>> No.12167924 [DELETED] 

Ha, too bad for you I don't know what that means. Better luck next time!

>any evidence for this?
Yes, I remember reading about it several months ago. It was cause by heat, moisture, UV exposure, and breakdown via fumes from extensive use of harsh cleaning agents everywhere. Just search around and or call me retard if you can't find anything.

Cotton obviously wouldn't have this problem, but it would still get dirty and full of junk.



>> No.12167971

Can I get an answer to the question, not arguing about the image? You have to be iq<80 to fall for bait like this

>> No.12167974 [DELETED] 

Don't use such a clamp image next time then, clamp cuck.

>> No.12167975
File: 69 KB, 634x651, 0DA09C9D-A796-4746-A7FD-0D333C9BF888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably 32300 3 sig figs is the fault

>> No.12168000

>I remember reading
I remember reading that you're a fucking retard

>> No.12168021

go be a dumb nigger somewhere else

>> No.12168039 [DELETED] 

Clamper clamper on the wall, who's the most clamped of them all?

>> No.12168062

>Using your headlights has no hard deleterious effect on the user
neither does wearing a mask
>nor does it feed into an overarching quasi-religious ritualized mass hysteria aside from single day events like leaving your headlights on for 9/11
so if it did feed into a overarching quasi-religion ritualized mass hysteria, you would keep your headlights off?
> It's about spectacle, fear, and conformance.
What is gained by making people wear masks

>> No.12168075 [DELETED] 

>neither does wearing a mask

>so if it did feed into a overarching quasi-religion ritualized mass hysteria, you would keep your headlights off?
Nonsensical hypothetical If the sun turned into the moon and the Earth was made of mirrors would you jump away?

>What is gained by making people wear masks
Use your brain. Look at the changes occurring around you in the future, and th8ink criticially about what you could use it for. Think like a psychopath looking down upon a lower lifeform which you intend to manage. Perhaps with good intentions, in truth, though also perhaps with deep all consuming need, malice, and misguided ideals. Human psychologically is unfortunately just theology from another angle.

>> No.12168077
File: 41 KB, 600x600, Amerimutt education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another episode of high school dropout burger flippers being smartass

>> No.12168088

citation needed

>Nonsensical hypothetical
not nonsensical, as you could make a similar argument for headlights as you could for masks- there to protect you/society, and enforced against your free will. It's actually and extremely good hypothetical. Anyways, you didn't answer my question.
>Use your brain. Look at the changes occurring around you in the future...
super-vague non-answer, so you literally have no clue lmao

>> No.12168096

say the same word again maybe it'll be clever next time

>> No.12168104

>So my kid's homework asks for a close estimate of 32,292. Is 30,000 a close estimate? Is 32,000? Is 32,300 a close estimate?
If they gave no further context, then that's a stupid question with no right answer. If they're working on rounding to the tens, or hundreds, or something like that, then you'd know what place to round to.

>> No.12168111

I don't get the point of problems like pic. It's a failure of the person who wrote the expression. They should have made it clearer:
20/(5(2*2)) = 1
(20/5)(2*2) = 16

>> No.12168124

You don't turn your headlights because you also support climate cult, and it prohibits cars.

>> No.12168130

If you don't want snot and spit, then STAY THE FUCK HOME.

>> No.12168132 [DELETED] 

>citation needed

>not nonsensical, as you could make a similar argument for headlights as you could for masks
We just discussed this. I rarely wear a mask aside from when I want to control the behavior and perception of other people, I'm completely fine and statistically it can be assumed I'll remain so. If I drove home in the pitch black however not only will I directly and readily kill someone, but I can't see worth a damn and statistically won't get far. Your entire way of thinking revovles around not wearing amask being a death sentence for deadly covid.

It's a ridiculous almost childish assertion built on faith and magical thinking, like when mommy or daddy tell you don't do x y z and you simply believe and internally defend their omniscience. The STATE is not your PARENTS. And there is no deadly magic instakill virus out there, despite the movies you've seen.

>super-vague non-answer, so you literally have no clue lmao
I knew this wou;ld be your response before I'd even started typing, that's how predictable you are. I know the structure of this interaction because I've been at this for a long time. I can't give you an answer that you would understand. Start with the notion of population control, globalism, an economy built for the insanity of infinite growth, and technocracy. Masks are a ritual.

That's my blunt and honest answer to you.

Clampty Vaxxty sat on a wall,
Clampty Vaxxty had a great fall;
All the Scientist's magic
And all the State's lies,
Couldn't put Clampty back together again.

>> No.12168133

ok filtered bye

>> No.12168134 [DELETED] 


>> No.12168136

Because you're talking out of your ass. We know.

>> No.12168137 [DELETED] 


>> No.12168141

Masks are safe, in fact they increase lifespan.

>> No.12168148 [DELETED] 


>> No.12168152

Remember: you will not be able to have a revenge on government raping you with a corona lockdowns. But you can at least improve you mood by treating every voluntary muzzler like they treat the non-muzzlers. That will be only fair and may bring you minor benefits.

>> No.12168169 [DELETED] 

Could be true. Polarization is here to stay. If it can be assumed the overarching system is going to mobilize against non-compliance eventually anyway, what difference does it make it you give them a better excuse? You should at least punish and further torment the sheep a little bit on the way. Slim chance it wakes them up, but I don't think there is any path for that.

>> No.12168194

> a close estimate
not the close estimate
just give them one of above to show that you know what those words mean.
Ask them "are we buying or selling?"

>> No.12168195

My estimate would be 32768.

>> No.12168232

But at least he's not the cuck behind him honking and flashing his high beams.

>> No.12168250

Masks must be bad. Thats why the Japanese wear them.

>> No.12168256 [DELETED] 

I think that's far more common in China.

>> No.12168270

I really like how china deals with schizos like the retards that felt targeted by OPs image. Maybe if the entire world executed retards that run around and piss on peoples faces, we would have a better world.

I hope we get social credit systems

>> No.12168285 [DELETED] 

Yes, the media was definitely quick to praise China's efficiency.

>> No.12168303

Night time is real though. COVID isn't like that.

>> No.12168310

North Korea is even better, it supposedly got no covid deaths at all.

>> No.12168320 [DELETED] 

But it's real in the mind of the Covid Cuck CorPs (Or CCCP for short) , so it becomes real through their behavior.

>> No.12168419

Just round up the numbers anon a close estimate would be 32,300. basically if the number is 5 or less you round up to zero and if its above 5 you round up to 10 so say 9 rounds up to 10 or 14 rounds up to 10. It just depends how much the homework asks you to round it up, from the looks of it you just have to round it up to the tenths so 32,290 is a close estimate.

I don't know if posted a troll post or not but i've seen some retarded tier maths on /sci/ and i want to play it safe and give a legit answer.

>> No.12168428

Ah fuck me i did a typo at the start i meant 32.290 i didn't read the numbers properly the first time. Don't make fun of me for this anons i'm a CS undergrad pray i don't work on your favorite software one day.

>> No.12168459

Butthurt /pol/tard

>> No.12168464

Headlights signal that you have faith in the script of the DMV.
Also lol retard, air particles can travel through a mask just fine.

>> No.12168542

Dont like cars without headlights on? Dont have one

>> No.12168544

my car my choice

>> No.12168895

>5 or less you round up to zero
>14 rounds up to 10
>rounds up

>> No.12169075

>You have to be iq<80 to fall for bait like this
That's racist

>> No.12169199

Do you actually go around blowing snot on people? Gotta say I've never seen that in my life. If you're sick stay home, retard.

>> No.12169207

Bro remember your BOGDONAS the answer is 48 haha hashtag stupid people emoji
Yeah mom you can't tell me what to do

>> No.12169210

I guess you've never been on an airplane
Or to a walmart
Or within ten feet of a living human

>> No.12169214

Everyone blows spitula and phleghm at each other constantly, in ammounts that are almost invisible to the naked eye but can be easily caught with an infrared or high speed camera. That's the reason doctors wear masks while doing surgery, even if they're not sick and they probably won't sneeze, spit and snot will make it's way out of their noses and mouths someway or another.
Also I never said not stay home fags, but you can't stay home forever without staving. Just wear a mask when you're with someone that doesn't already live in your house.

>> No.12169217

>Ha, too bad for you I don't know what that means

>> No.12169226

>Do you actually go around blowing snot on people?
Do you not realize how much spit and snot travels from simply talking?

>> No.12169271

No, I'm too busy talking to spit or blow my nose.

>> No.12169381

>No, I'm too busy talking to spit or blow my nose.
That's nice, you must be the only person that manages to talk without expelling any air through your vocal cords. How do you manage that?


>> No.12169780
File: 775 KB, 512x527, 1599574661563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care, didnt read.

>> No.12169786 [DELETED] 

You read it. You know you did. I know you did. I know you care. Of course you care.

Enough, Anon.

>> No.12169791
File: 3.09 MB, 445x250, SpotlessAnimatedGrackle-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headlights are for pussies. That's how you get passed like a bitch.

>> No.12169812

You are weak and your """brain""" is full of mush.

>> No.12169821

You do realize that when the spanish flu happened the same exact mask wearing rule was implemented right?

>> No.12169823 [DELETED] 

Yep, I do.

>> No.12169831

Tell them 10 million and that you chose an epsilon of 9970000

>> No.12169844

32,292 is the closest estimate

>> No.12169847

What do anons think about the rise of genetic engineering and many new viruses being created?

>> No.12170049

Spanish Flu happened exactly during/after the huge world war and it targeted mainly healthy younger people able to fight (unlike most normal diseases).
1)So at best it was a biological weapon (after all WWI had all sort of fun stuff, including mass use of chemical weapons)
2)At worst it was a cover of mass-killing the ex-soldiers, so they will not cause trouble during the times of peace.

>> No.12170058

The synchronous reaction of almost all countries showed that there is no actual independence anymore. So if the actual deadly virus will appear, it will be not warfare or terrorism, but just population control.

>> No.12170125

I hypothesize that people are afraid of masks because they're taken back to their birth where doctors wearing naja pulled them out of the comfy womb ( and clamped them). Our circumcision.
Either way, that was a possible explanation for alien abduction stories back then and it might apply here as well.

>> No.12170342

Even funnier, there were people back then who refused to wear masks as well.
They died, Obviously.

>> No.12170350

Safest bet would be round to zero, there are way more integers further from zero than closer so statistically you should round down.

>> No.12170620

>posts well thought response that clearly explains the issue
>everybody calls him a retard
yep this is a great website

>> No.12170627

lmao are you retarded?

>> No.12170631

>people supporting the covid narrative want a communist police state
gee who would have though

>> No.12170642

The clamp is a very different issue from the mask and the anti-maskers don't mention the clamp

>> No.12170651

retard deteted,
20/(5(2*2)) is implied

>> No.12170683

If you use the common .05 statistical method you get a range of
30677.4 ~ 33906.6
note: the .05 was just a made up simplification for a trivial coffee tasting test years ago, why it has been applied as some universal statistical rule is beyond me

If you go by closet three digit grouping you get

if you go by one set rounding you get

if you go by significant figures you get

if you go by closest estimate with the knowledge of the exact value you get

if you go by Google you get
Multi-Bit HVAC Screwdriver - round bit type 32292

if you go by my trusted A.I. you get
note: I am losing fate in this A.I. as it somehow added a significant figure to a reduction problem

So 32,300, is the answer? I mean it is for 3 of the 7 methods I can think of.

>> No.12170812

a redneck friend of mine told me, that they used to pass time on friday nights sitting in a car with headlights off, behind a curve on some narrow country road, turning the lights on the last second to scare the fuck out of drivers

>> No.12171069 [DELETED] 

And as they're laughing to themselves they see the driver grab his shotgun out of the back window...

>> No.12171145

i missed so much on simple life pleasures