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12165599 No.12165599 [Reply] [Original]


Ignore the Engrish-this thing is amazing. It is objectively superior to all existing nuclear fission reactors in every way. It's safer,runs hotter and accordingly is more efficient, never needs to be shut down for refueling,and is far less complex and thus inherently cheaper. It can use its high-temp helium for hydrogen production and oil refining. Since it's a modular system it's inherently flexible and lets one design be used across large and small scale projects.

We are so god damned behind on this tech and it drives me nuts. The Chinese are building it up like crazy-they've tripled nuclear energy in the last 15 years. And now they have this. It's getting to the point where if we can't get fusion working or fix our rotten and backwards fission industry the Chinese are going to dominate us in the energy sector. If they strt exporting this thing they'll be able to gain a ton more power and prestige in various nations and continue in their efforts at full energy independence.

>> No.12165615

something something personal chinkman incompetence
something something chinese purposly undercutting and building things poorly
something something poor Chinese metallurgy
something something lying about performance figures (hopefully not, Fission is essential to bridge the gap between fusion)
something something poor quality building materials, like concrete
something something poor logistics, built in a poor area

>> No.12165626

You can 100% shit on the chinks for many things,but they don't fuck around with nuclear tech. The Chinese have had nuclear energy since 1991-you can't get away with shitty practices for that long without a Chernobyl.

And how abjectly humiliating is it that a nation that has only had nuclear power for 29 years is drubbing us this badly? I can't stand it.....

>> No.12165630
File: 571 KB, 1280x640, TerraPower-Header_1280_640_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Thanks a lot Greenpeace

>> No.12165634
File: 55 KB, 349x348, jermaold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look a FN reactor! They're going to close their fuel cycle and turn waste into fuel....instead of blocking all development of such tech and then using the accumulated waste as a political weapon to whine about.

>> No.12165646

The failure of the nuclear power industry to keep its momentum going in most nations is the greatest tragedy of our modern age. What went so wrong?

>> No.12165649

Since the 1960s, the progressive movement has ironically been the greatest threat to human progress.

>> No.12165652

you do realize both parties are against nuclear, right? you're not going to be full pants-on-head retarded and claim that conservatives are pro-nuclear?
I hate democrats because it's so easy to make a compelling party and they keep fucking up at every turn.

>> No.12165661

>conservatives are pro-nuclear
Not being stupidly anti-nuclear is the closest thing to pro-nuclear in modern western politics. It is a shame that neither side has serious voices advocating for nuclear research, however.

>> No.12165662

>france is something like 90% nuclear power and been for decades
>have had a few accidents like every power plant does but nothing major
>see? it's not that danger-

>> No.12165665

they're paying lip service to nuclear in their latest party platform, mainly due to influence of cory booker and yang.

the US does have some innovative nuclear work going on-Oklo, terrapower, various fusion programs-but the momentum is way lower than in china.

>> No.12165666

anybody who supports coal and natural gas is inherently anti-nuclear because economics will dictate that nuclear will never be developed, at least for the time being
I agree that neither party supporting nuclear is both shameful and ridiculous. I don't understand a lot of things about this stupid government system, but this is one that I understand the least. who in their right mind wants wind power

>> No.12165669

I bet you anything that even if the US managed to crack fusion, we would find a way to fuck it up and china would put it on the grid first. that is how broken and backwards our system is.

>> No.12165671

the sad part is that both of these were preventable and only occurred because of poor management.
we don't need to get rid of nuclear, we just need to increase safety measures. no group of retarded engineers should be able to singlehandedly cause a meltdown (chernobyl) and no retarded engineer should be able to ignore safety warnings about tsunamis.
fuck engineers

>> No.12165673

"natural gas" is the most evilly brilliant marketing term of all time. Wasn't it originally like "fossil fuel gas" or something?

>> No.12165675

Sounds faker than that shitty cardboard concrete they probably built the power plant with. Fucking insect chinamen and their habitual lying

>> No.12165676

We could get somewhere if we didn’t invest $500,000,000,000 into the Homo Erectus community.

>> No.12165680

There's also the entire blackhole that is US naval reactor research. Any gains made in that field are not likely practical for grid use, however, and if they were, it'd be years before they were unclassified.

>> No.12165684
File: 52 KB, 600x338, 5dmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank the big oil money men to keep you safe from the harms of fusion :^)
Imagine that we could have had those terror plants running already in the early 90s.

>> No.12165690

it's amazing how americans are so retarded that changing the name of something can swing public perception so much
see: organic, GMO

>> No.12165700

The anti-GMO movement is far more powerful and dangerous in Europe than in the USA...GMOs are outright banned in some European nations.

Why so obsessed with the USA?

>> No.12165711

>Why so obsessed with the USA?
because I live here, and a large portion of the thread has been talking about the US, so I just assumed. I don't disagree with you

>> No.12165754

>Chinese fission reactor
Chernobyl V2: CCP Boogaloo

>> No.12165772

would we be able to easily detect a major accident if it happened?

>> No.12165794

29 years without any accidents and counting....this shit sounds like coping to me.

>> No.12165797

First thing about China: Never trust China.

>> No.12165837

i don't trust anything but evidence.

>> No.12165882

Yeah, the US operates isotope sniffing aircraft that hunt for both accidents and nuclear tests

>> No.12165892
File: 30 KB, 400x384, 4774240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made a sphere type fuel that can't meltdown, put it in a huge bucket and using gas as coolant?
Isn't gas a pretty shitty coolant? Can't water hold more energy?

>> No.12165901

Great, when do they stop eating everything that moves and causing global pandemics?

>> No.12166763
File: 588 KB, 500x450, THTR reactor core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on a German design from the 1970ies

>> No.12167278

'conservatives' in the 20 and 21st centuries are progressives, obviously. They are just the left wing parties but from 10 or 20 years ago.