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12159414 No.12159414 [Reply] [Original]

Bumping from yesterday. I think there was somebody who wanted to ask me how to become one...

>> No.12159670

What is a polymath? Why do you consider yourself to be one?

>> No.12159680
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>elon musk
more like polyfraud

>> No.12159685

Why is Musk on there?

>> No.12159697

>invented bitcoin
>invented hyperloop
>invented electric vehicles
>created first private space company
I'd say he belongs there.

>> No.12159703

here's your (You), don't spend it all in one place

>> No.12159712

We already went through this, OP. This is a waste of time. You will never make achievements in any field since there are multidisciplinary teams of specialists in every area now.

>Paid someone to invent bitcoin
>Paid someone to invent hyperloop
>implying electric vehicles didn't already exist, only paid his brand
This nigger is a businessman, then again, Who the fuck wouldn't do all that shit if they were born rich with engineering parents?

>> No.12159738

Doesn't matter if he paid others or not. The fact is that without him neither bitcoin, neither hyperloop, nor SpaceX would exist. He's the main creator of all these things.

>> No.12159758

I put money in a bank, it gives me interest, am i a banker now?

>> No.12159779


>> No.12160798

Bachelors degrees in Political Science and Mathematics, Masters in Bioengineering, will have a PhD in bioengineering by next year. Yes it’s possible, why hire three people who hate each other and are cross-disfunctional because they can’t understand one another when you can just hire me?

>> No.12160811

I could do the same shit if I didn't have to work for a living.

>> No.12160821

Besides, having all that bullshit only makes you look like a faggot who doesn't know what to do with his life. If you're not working towards a single goal you may as well do nothing. He has money, he can do whatever he wants, if you try to do the same, you'll be unemployed for life.

>> No.12160909

why do people worship elon so much? he has a b.sc. in physics and after he graduated he entered the website business shortly before the dotcom bubble, he was lucky in coming across paypal and successfully flipped it for a few millions to ebay, then he took his share and invested in his autistic stem related hobbies and he got lucky again. that's it. he's not the man behind the curtain micromanaging every single engineering project from scratch in tesla/neuralink/spacex. he's not a prodigy nor a polymath. there are people on /sci/ much more educated than him.

>> No.12160939

Neuralink is a notorious scam. He's a prodigy at jewery.

>> No.12161950

Do it then faggot.

>> No.12161952

>it only makes you look like a faggot who doesn't know what to do with his life. If you're not working towards a single goal you may as well do nothing. He has money, he can do whatever he wants, if you try to do the same, you'll be unemployed for life.

Lol. My singular goal is demonstrating that I'm good at anything.

>> No.12162663

you can't specialize in everything and almost all professors have at least undergrad level of understanding in other fields than the one they specialize in. that doesn't make them any special and in today's climate you actually need to have a good understanding of other fields in order to do something.
da vinci and darwin wouldn't be anything impressive today. tame your ego and do something useful, everyone goes through this process

>> No.12162671

Forget Elon, why Darwin?

>> No.12162700

Did I miss something in the last few years? As far as I'm concerned, the bitcoin whitepaper was writen by some dude who only goes by satoshi.

>> No.12162718

>invented bitcoin
creator is still unknown, speculation is that the creator is craig
>invented hyperloop
it's in concept only, has yet to be developed
>invented electric vehicles
??? electric vehicles existed decades before he was even born
>created first private space company
wrong again, first prive spaceflight company is OTRAG
you can't even say spacex is a private company since it's 90%+ subsidized by the government, it's only in name

this is what being an elon musk fanboy does to your brain

>> No.12162733 [DELETED] 

>creator is still unknown

i am uncomfortable that nobody takes credit for bitcoin.

>> No.12162758
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Because he's giving people hope. He's one of the few members of his class who makes people believe that the future they dreamt of is attainable after all. That many things we've been told are unfeasible suddenly become possible once someone with enough wealth and clout is backing them. That the luddite majority can scream and shout as much as they want but we'll still go to space, that liberal democracy with all its '''''ethics committees'''' and '''''technological assessment boards'''''' cannot prevent the future after all and that we're not doomed to eke out an existence as subsistence farmers after the inevitable ''''''collapse''''' like the ecoreactionary propaganda keeps telling us.

Musk is exposing the rest for what they are, parasites whose ultimate goal is stagnation. At best they're misguided philanthropists like Gates and Soros, at worst they're are actively working on creating dystopia like Thiel or are content with the status quo.

And he's not even a polymath or a prodigy, just someone who read the right books as a kid and got lucky. Imagine just what would be possible if we handed the keys to people smarter than Musk. What a true technocracy could achieve. And this is why people hate and fear Musk, it's not the cars or the silly company names. It's what he represents and whose thoughts he's pulling into the mainstream consciousness. They're scared and they should be, the future is just beginning.