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File: 172 KB, 920x642, Venusian-Microbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12157414 No.12157414 [Reply] [Original]

There is life on Venus. Life formed independently twice in the solar system. The universe is full of microbial life (at the very least).


>> No.12157594

>there is life on Venus
maybe / probably based on current data
>life formed independently twice in the solar system
we have no proof of that, life could have started on Venus and transferred to Earth via panspermia for all we know
>the universe is full of microbial life
probably? theres no evidence for that but it seems likely

>> No.12157848

Or it all could come from mars

>> No.12157928

Nah if it’s really cool it’s probably not true. Take this idea to anything and you will be right 95% of the time. No life on Venus it’s probably something we didn’t account for.

>> No.12157964
File: 58 KB, 768x512, fsdkjh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life didn't arise independently twice, it started on mars and got to other planets via panspermia. the unknown great filter to advanced life is that even planets like earth don't generally remain hospitable to complex lifeforms long enough for human-like species to evolve. earth only has roughly 300 million years left, and only managed to reach humans due to rudimentary life starting on mars 500million to a billion years before earth was even hospitable. it takes multiple nearby planets, hospitable over different time spans, to create a human level species

>> No.12157968

Can you source any data on anything written? This doesn't have to be a creative writing board.

>> No.12157976

mars was hospitable over a billion years before earth was with earth-like conditions, I'm sorry I didn't take a rocket to mars to do interstellar archeological digs for unicellular fossils for the sake of what was already a shitty and incredibly presumptuous OP. for the record, philosophy is thousands of years older than the scientific method

>> No.12158160

this person has been consuming too much media about going to Mars, they have no sources because this isn’t true.

It’s interesting to see people’s response to Venus actually showing an indicator of life. Life on Mars existed in Looney Toons and we’ve been grasping for any evidence ever since.

>> No.12158194

Life WAS on mars, it's not on mars now you tardis. 4+ billion fucking years is a long time.

>> No.12158202
File: 32 KB, 350x400, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12158920

>mars was hospitable over a billion years before earth was with earth-like conditions
We can't be sure about that.
>Life on Mars existed in Looney Toons
It probably also exists on rovers and landers there now.
>There is life on Venus
There may be life on venus.
But as of now we only know that:
>a substance has been detected that is often associated with life
>venus surface is pretty much the definition of hell
>venus probes have never catched any information besides that one substance that indicates anything lives there
This substance could also be of non biological origin.

Not saying it's not worth investigating, but don't be overhyped.

>> No.12158932
File: 140 KB, 954x960, 989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying there's probably oil on Mars?

>> No.12159017

Is it possible that the phosphene has originated on earth, escaped the gravity well and got trapped in Venus gravity well again?
Crazy low odds, but life on earth has been going on for billions of years, so a certain concentration might be possible.

>> No.12159024

No. Phosphine is produce in high temp acidic environments.

All this hype is bc no one in NASA has any basic experience with inorganic chemistry.

>> No.12159100

No, but there are liquid hydrocarbons on Titan.

>> No.12159212

Good thing skeptics like you arent tasked with exploration or cutting edge discovery, we would still be smacking flint and rocks to make fire next to our wood huts.

>> No.12159214

Wow you are so smart and wise!

>> No.12159215


>> No.12159271

How so? Not even him but he's just keeping possibilities open and not making brazen assumptions based on too little data like OP. If anything, it is people who assume/ make conclusions before any real experimentation that would never have advanced

>> No.12160092

I love how reductionist it is to say "intelligent life"
The universe operates on time scales of billions of years and we've reduced life to "speaks fluent English."
If these findings are accurate then we need to recognize the possibility that life not only exists on other planets, but likely exists on millions of other planets and some of it isn't even carbon based.

>> No.12160986

When are you submitting your paper to the journal?

>> No.12161106
File: 221 KB, 1404x792, irrelevantpic58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if our solar system had two cases of abiogenesis, that it no way implies how common fecund solar systems are in the universe

civilizations is most likely to arise in a life-friendly solar system so we shouldn't be too surprised that our solar system might have multiple cases of abiogenesis

on the other hand, civilization also shouldn't be surprised to find itself alone in a galaxy because a galactic civilization will colonize earth-like planets and stop Earth's path towards the creation of a technological civilization

>> No.12161475

if microbes on venus are confirmed and life is understood to be pretty common, imagine the implications for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable universe alone

>> No.12161581


>> No.12161586

The universe is like star trek, we are just classified as not advanced enough under prime directive.

>> No.12162850

>phosphine can be produced in high temp acidic environments
>which means it can happen spontaneously on a mostly oxidized atmosphere, composed by 95% CO2 and 5% SO2
so where do you get enough hidrogen needed for phosphine to continuously be produced on a planet currently reigned by oxides while also taking into account that molecular hidrogen on Venus got depleted billions of years ago?

>> No.12164303

chemical life happens all the time, everywhere.
life is just a way for excess local low entropy buildup in chemicals to be radiated out of planets.
life is nothing spectacular, it's local waste on a planet.

>> No.12164323

So existence is just the cosmic dispersion of energy and you find nothing special about consciousness?

>> No.12164350
File: 107 KB, 1024x893, 1600055773482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Event Horizon

>> No.12164361

Consciousness is special, because there is no probabilistic certainty for it to emerge.
I'm just saying that in a heated pot of a planet the chemical blocks for metabolism will be produced and accumulated with time, just as a tiny side effect of the planetary heat engine.
Life emerges as dirt on the engine.

Now, our consciousness could allow us to take over the whole engine. That is something special.

>> No.12164368

hey, brainlet. reality doesn't conform to your acute view of natural phenomenon. civilization isn't a word. cavemen could not come together to make cars, even if they had factories and all the tech/resources/infrastructure at hand to do it with. this is because social civilization walks hand in hand with scientific civilization, and a dozen other facets of civilization that you and i aren't aware of. if making a car requires a level of societal civilization (how many cars are made in africa again?) then imagine the level for simple space travel (how many countries are even able to get something into space? imagine if they weren't just benefiting from following in a previous discovery's footprints/basically having all the work done for them already). Now think about system wide exploration. Then planet colonization. Think about a dozen steps I've missed because I don't know them.
Then there's questions of science and the expanding universe. Galaxies will be cut off from one another eventually. 'galactic civilization' is a meme for a dozen reasons, but the one that always annoys me the most is that people think a civilization that has the capacity to colonize GALAX(IES) would be so socially underdeveloped as to not have a tremendously more complex moral and ethical code, socially evolved by necessity to predicate the kinds of teamwork, trust and cooperation among varying ethnicity/species/racialsubtypes/ect that would be ABSOLUTELY required to run a NON-FICTIONAL galactic empire, LET ALONE a simple fucking SOLAR empire. think of the fucking timescales involved in a single galactic plane of colonization. think of the timescales in simple solar colonization. we're constantly given trials as a species that make us more fit to cooperate with even more alien versions of ourselves.

like fuck man, this is supposted to be a smart board. spend at least 5 minutes before you try talking about impossibly complex predictions with such stupidity.

>> No.12164410

please try to communicate your thoughts without abuse to satisfy your personal power process.

>> No.12164411

If you don't pursue brazen assumptions, you won't have the motivation to go to such lengths as traveling around the solar system.

>> No.12164987

stop with these retarded threads the presence of phosphine is no proof of the presence of life on Venus.

>> No.12164996

>the unknow great filter
stopped reading there
fucking popsci schizos

>> No.12165009

>...he claims without any evidence whatsoever.
It’s possible and that’s it for all we know currently.

>> No.12165025

so NASA is spending millions if not billions on fly-bys to check for stuff we already know is there?

>> No.12165377

They are actually, and it works better than putting idiots in charge.

>> No.12166953


There is no life on venus. This is just fake feminist propaganda.

>> No.12167263

damn, I feel like an idiot now.

>> No.12167295
File: 42 KB, 420x533, E3009C49-C24F-443B-A5C8-5FC0D591184C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah spooky deep spacerino thread

we are not alone

friggin epic