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12156679 No.12156679 [Reply] [Original]

Economics fag here. Im on my last year of school and i only finished this university because of my dads wishes. Im gonna be 24 when i graduate and im seriously considering enrolling into medicine when im done with economics. I have always been a fan and have always loved medicine but my father never approved of it. Is it worth it bros? Where im from, med school last 6 years. I really want to do it because it has been my life long dream. Any anons in the same/similiar situation?

>> No.12156691

Have fun plugging numbers into excel in a bank cubicle for the rest of your miserable life

>> No.12156695

>I really want to do it because it has been my life long dream.
Then go for it, otherwise you'll regret it.

>> No.12156699

I already have job offers that are not that anon, but i see where u come from.
Im just afraid that i will be too old when i graduate

>> No.12156707
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>he spent four years studying econ and couldn't figure out that it's the single most kinographic science

>> No.12156710

25 yo medicine graduate here.

Don't fucking do it dumbass. You probably don't even know what this job is about. Reading a phyisiology book isn't the same as dealing with shitty people who won't collaborate while staff shit on you for doing everything right and dump their work on you so they fuck off to their private practice.

It's too much fucking effort and 70% of the time it involves running around filling paperwork, the rest doing messy procedures like intubating and having vomit spread all over.

>> No.12156721

Well nigger, take them. What the fuck do you think life is about? Are you so rich you can waste your time without consequence on anything you like? What exactly attracts you about medicine in the first place?

>> No.12156769

College is free here. And everything

>> No.12156789

You studied economics, you fucking faggot, don't you understand? Can you afford the time, as in time you won't spend working? What do you plan to work as?

>> No.12156803

I already have a side buisness that brings in 500-700€ a month and my girlfriend works for a 1000€ a month aswell. I will also have a stake in a company that makes solar powered eletricity plants and that is giving me a passive income aswell. Money is not the issue for atleast the first 3 years of my education.

>> No.12156809

I know all that since i habe many friends in the field anon. But thanks for the feedback.

>> No.12156818

It's too late, sorry pal.

>> No.12156824

Also i worked in the toursim and service industry for 3 years in my teens so i know that people can be assholes

>> No.12156830

Thanks anon :(

>> No.12156864

>Have fun plugging numbers into excel in a bank cubicle for the rest of your miserable life
Do you find it fun to hurt others?

>> No.12156865

Well, if you think you're set for life, go ahead then. I really wish I had the economics skills instead, because as I have it right now i have no choice but to compete in the rat race for specialty bullshit.