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File: 122 KB, 960x423, IQ and civilizational advancement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12148738 No.12148738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we create a breeding program for the profoundly gifted? Our civilization depends on high genetic intelligence to maintain this level of technology.

>> No.12148739

Because that's baaaaaad.

>> No.12148742

The Khoisan don't seem to be bothering anyone.
An advanced society is a program for the gifted.

>> No.12148746

Because in the game of reproduction everyone plays for themselves.

>> No.12148751
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If they can do this so can smart people.

>> No.12148754

Who is happier?

>> No.12148755
File: 57 KB, 500x340, how-does-the-collective-physical-and-mental-well-being-of-38771180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individualism is sociobiological suicide.

>> No.12148757

The collective technological progress of a society > one neurotransmitter
Get a grip

>> No.12148768

Please be joking.

>> No.12148771


>> No.12148777

khoisan seem to be some of the better blacks

>> No.12148781

>breeding programs
like people are gonna be happy with that. It's gonna get smartasses pissed off too

>> No.12148784

Eugenics is nonsense. The human brain "wanted" to get larger, but stopped because larger heads kept killing the mothers in birth. When dog breeders try to control for desirable traits they end up causing diseases.
And IQ is about abstraction. Not a cause of modernity, but a result of it.

>> No.12148793

First of, there is no proof for "genetic intelligence", which would result in highly questionable ways of deciding who can reproduce and who can't.
Second, there are more than enough examples of people, who had a really poor family background, but got far in life. I knew a girl, whose parents didn't finished high school, her dad became a stripper and left her early on. She is in law school bow and graduated with very good grades.

>> No.12148796

it's not just any one neurotransmitter

>> No.12148797
File: 513 KB, 4096x1756, 1600786114151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to breed. We must drive the human race to extinction.

>> No.12148803

Why not simply kys with such attitude?

>> No.12148808

That wouldn't end the human race

>> No.12148827

Yes there is in fact there's nothing but endless mountains of it.


>> No.12148833


>> No.12148834

Maybe the right thing to do is to go extinct?

>> No.12148835

that doesn't even compare to iq you goddamn brainlet
Diligence =/= iq

>> No.12148838


>> No.12148839

Chinks have high IQ and there's more than enough chinks on this planet.

>> No.12148844

>Not a cause of modernity, but a result of it.
So then what caused modernity? Did it spawn out of someones ass? Or perhaps it was intelligent people who invented ideas to advance our civilization? What sounds more pausible to you?

>there are more than enough examples of people, who had a really poor family background, but got far in life.
That's an argument for genetic intelligence, not against it. You're probably aren't aware of it but genetics are multigenerational and not just dependend on your parents alone, which is why people can look closer to their grandparents than their parents. If she is smarter than her parents than it means she inherited her intelligence from someone else in her ancestry or had a lucky mutation.

>> No.12148850

Who are you to tell intelligent high IQ people what to do?
They don't want to breed. Simple as.

>> No.12148859

Chinks and many other Asians care more about "face" than anything else which is why they fake the shit out of a lot of data to make themselves look good, so it's actually hard to tell what their real average IQ is.

>> No.12148886

>Selective breeding worked for a billion years but suddenly it doesn't anymore because if it did then that would make me feel bad.

>> No.12148891

It was called NCSSM.

>> No.12148892

We have exactly the opposite right now because the profoundly gifted refuse to breed, they aren't stupid after all

>> No.12148893

to all brainlets in thread

>> No.12148976

We already discussed it. Genetic engineering is the answer.

>> No.12148980

It would end it in your perception. But don't worry we transhumanist are working towards the end of humanity and the beginning of posthumanity. As machine minds we will shape the universe I our image.

>> No.12148986

That's unnecessarily labor intensive. Putting smart ponos in smart vagoo and then waiting 9 months is easier.

>> No.12149007

Missed my point. IQ is not the same thing as intelligence.
It's called natural selection. It's different from eugenics because the goal is survival/reproduction not perfection as you naively interpret.

>> No.12149028

Anti semitic

>> No.12149035

Just make it law that:
>People below national average IQ can have only one child (or must pay a lot of money to have more).
>People above national average IQ can have as many children as they want (or get paid to have more).

>> No.12149036

Actually, we need more jews. They don't breed enough and those who breed are religious nutjobs.

>> No.12149038


Market driven designer babies, gene therapy, cybernetic brain augmentation and possible drugs are far less invasive - than rounding people up for some dystopic breeding programs.

>> No.12149039

Rolling loaded dices is still rolling dices. It's better to skip the game entirely and choose the prizes. The house always wins and with genetic engineering we got its keys.

>> No.12149050

>IQ is not the same thing as intelligence.
What do you think IQ stands for? Idiot Quotient?

>> No.12149053

>muh freedumbs

>> No.12149056

Retarded. The prime breeding strategy is having a cohesive and united race

>> No.12149078

Merely semantics. Is police science a field of scientific discipline like physics? It's an umbrella term for stuff the deals with police work. Likewise IQ deals with one dimension of intelligence and has an origin story that has nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.12149104

>It's called natural selection.
Correct and every social animal on the planet forces the weaker members out of the group to protect the integrity of their group. We did the same until politicians started to protect low tier people who are manipulated the easiest and therefore kept around in their own selfish interest. Everyone who is for the advancement of the human species is automatically for Eugenics, while those who are interested in keeping and manipulating low IQ subhumans to gain power are against Eugenics.

>> No.12149128

>Why can't we create a breeding program for the profoundly gifted?
it’s called the ivy league

>> No.12149132

Because the more profoundly gifted the more difficult to 'get into a breeding program'. Small towns, built around elite-universities, like Heidelberg in germany, is natural eugenics

>> No.12149144

>Likewise IQ deals with one dimension of intelligence and has an origin story that has nothing to do with intelligence.
Yet it is accurate enough to determine probabilities. If someone has a low IQ he has a higher chance of being a criminal, why do we know that? Because the average IQ of prisoners is lower than the population average. We also know that people with a higher IQ have a higher probability of ending up in academics or are otherwise successful. You can call IQ as inaccurate as you want, but if it's accurate enough to determine probabilities of crime and success than it's accurate enough to be used as a value for Eugenics to reduce crime and increase success. It's basic math.

>> No.12149200

Average Japanese can't survive in the African Bush if left alone with no technology. IQ memers have to feel good about themselves so they misinterpret what it actually measures because their societies are crumbling and are not so great as compared to what they're actually belittling.

>> No.12149218

The same societies that belittle the Africans have shows on natgeo hosted by so-called survivor experts who unironically teach the retarded insecure wage slaves how to survive in the bush as a form of entertainment to escape their miserable jobs and lives. Then they come here and make themselves feel good by comparing their capitalistic slave like societies with societies that are freer.

>> No.12149233
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>> No.12149263

But those are super dysgenic

>> No.12149264



>> No.12149289

It's a lot easier:
Boost education. Learn and teach.
Why even fat cats doesn't do this more, it's better to have quite office workers neighborhood than dirty shanks bum streets.

>> No.12149327

>It's called natural selection. It's different from eugenics
Man is not truly a force outside of nature no matter how badly we want to see ourselves as fundamentally different. The choices we make are no different than the sexual selection choices any other animal makes.
>perfection as you naively interpret.
Nobody said anything about perfection you fucking idiot, only refinement towards a goal, defined by selective pressure against perceived brainlets and physiological or neurologically dysfunctions. You don't have to be perfect, only consistently better than average.

>> No.12149340

Our society is already unintentionally running a breeding program.
What do you think it is selecting for?

>> No.12149386

It's a very interesting topic, but aside from that, it is not the case that animals purely cull the weak. It actually varies by species and circumstance. There are social animals that protect injured members like elephants dolphins, and pack hunters. Of course wolves will attack the weak as well, bullying is an aspect of hierarchical societies. But culling is found more so in animals that are prey.

Crime yes.

Success no.

For crime its actually a very simple reason. Criminals commit crimes because they don't think they'll get caught. Or they don't think about consequences. It's a form of abstraction.
However this hasn't been disentangled with social circumstances. Take the marshmallow experiment. It made all these predictions, people were excited about the implications, but when social aspects were controlled and segmented in a follow up the previous conclusions were rendered moot.
Perhaps we should try the more modest solution of education first.
Being reletavely trivial to implement and we can see reduced recidivism in criminal education.

Eugenics will not solve our problems. There is no silver bullet. Everybody thinks they have the answer but it's always more hard work needs to be done.

>> No.12149540

>Comparing hunter-gatherers to sedentary society
>Comparing people who live in a desert to an island

>> No.12149547

Probably the hunter-gatherers considering Japan has a suicide forest.

>> No.12149575
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1584106336477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149604
File: 118 KB, 800x781, 1501618576239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riddle me this big brain, how come evolution produce the same thing in two difference environments? there are no winters in south-saharan-africa, while there's winters to the north. All the places where people had to plan for the winter, we find civilized, big brained societies. in africa we only find stinky small brained african untermenschen. very yucky place and people if you ask me

>> No.12149647

Not the one you are replying to, but I think you are projecting. Why are people you've never met taking so much really estate in your retarded brain? Is it because you recognized the retardedness in yourself? You are terrified that you might be more retarded than they are so you come here to shitpost with your fellow retards because there's nothing else to make you feel better about how retarded you are.

>> No.12149670

>All the places where people had to plan for the winter

Africans adapt around droughts and infrequent rain. All humans plan around the environment in different ways. It doesn't take much intelligence to plan around winter anyways.

>> No.12149699

>lets it slip that he has to carefully budget brain space to not end up confused
>tries to call someone else retarded

>> No.12149704
File: 87 KB, 500x712, 14554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile here in the US, they induce with pitocin, clamp, vaccinate, inject vitmain k, circumcise, chlorinate, fluoridate, brominate, irradiate, don't breast feed, feed soi formula, glyphosate, atrazinate, etc. And all the golem say "oh that's fine, do whatever you want with me, yes master, I'm fine being raped, rape me more, rape my children I'll go ahead and look the other way, I'll even help gang rape anyone too weak to say no, whatever you say."

Shameful display.

lol. IQ put to good use, a society organized enough to have many people go to the same forest to kill themselves when they can't bear the anguish of existence anymore.

>> No.12149779

What happened anon did you get an 80 on an online IQ test, is that what's bothering you, don't be shy /sci is a friendly place.

>> No.12149801

>I knew a girl

That's called 'I know an anecdote' not 'I have evidence'.

>> No.12149805

You'll have to admit that schizphrenia is being smart, if you go by genetics.

>> No.12149807

If feeling happy is your highest priority start injecting heroin right now

>> No.12150006

There is a name for this. It's called Eugenic.

>> No.12150402

>which is why they fake the shit out of a lot of data to make themselves look good, so it's actually hard to tell what their real average IQ is.

So the many STEM PhDs that go to Asians in the US (10 times more than their population would indicate) is all because they're faking it?

>> No.12150413

collectivism is sociobiological cuckoldry

>> No.12150495

one of the primary driving strengths of humanity is that we don't drive out our weak, humanity literally doesn't have a diverse enough gene pool to survive doing that. you can go to the most ass-backwards and uncontacted tribes, and the disliked failures have their place. they don't have children, and they get no respect, but they have their place in the group, and should an event arise where they have an unknown skillset, that tribe succeeds via the previously unwanted member. our social net of inclusion is so wide it spreads out into other species; cats, dogs, livestock animals, etc. it's one of our greatest strengths.

>> No.12150585


>> No.12150686

>Why can't we create a breeding program for the profoundly gifted?
How do you know we don't?
If it existed why would anyone advertise it?
What kind of delusions are in your head to think you're be on anything besides the red-list when it comes to being considered for breeding ubermench?

>> No.12151269

Because if someone agrees to be bred, then he isn't "profoundly gifted"

>> No.12151335

4chan niggas keep coping with this retarded nigger tier denial lmfao. Even Mongolia has a higher average IQ than most Western countries, you'd have to be a brainlet or deluded to not admit that East Asians are on average higher IQ than whites/blacks

>> No.12151360

Did they just apply a regular IQ test to the Khoisan that picture doesn't make it look like they grow up in an environment that is similar enough to ours to expect meaningful results from the test.

>> No.12151373

IQ totally isn't racist guys.

>> No.12151377

>high genetic intelligence
how does genetic intelligence differ from intelligence?

>> No.12151674

KEK. this is what techtards actually believe

>> No.12151744

If that is true, why would we care about higher IQ? I mean, despite its faults, Europe is still generally better off with a lower average IQ and will be better off simply because its full of Europeans. Or is that the point you were trying to make?

>> No.12151836

Collectivism means everyone wants the smart person being a part of their group. Insividualism means the exact opposite, a smart person is nobody's friend, because they are competition.

>> No.12151848

Bullshit theory used to explain away altruism without collectivism. But game theory makes it clear that tit for tat is the best strategy; there has not been invented a strategy that can defeat it, and even bittorent stood solely on that principle, even during the days when media companies intentionally tried to poison the torrents with corrupt data etc.

>> No.12151855
