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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12148599 No.12148599 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong with the scientific method?

>> No.12148601

People stopped following it.

>> No.12148604

why did everybody stop at the same time?

>> No.12148618

there never was one in the first place. Principle of Demarcation doesn’t exist. No theory is falsifiable.

>> No.12148648 [DELETED] 
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Jews as always

>> No.12148723

>>CDC and COVID-19
Probably some political interference behind the scenes. Nothing wrong with the scientific method.

>> No.12148733

The scientific method isn't guaranteed to get to the bottom of something in 8 months.

>> No.12148734

The scientific method is cope for brainlets and midwits that think that by following a step by step method, they can be intelligent.

>> No.12148735

Its all about mathematical rigor.
Not everything has to be experimentally verifiable duh

>> No.12148743 [DELETED] 

Based, no Jew shall escape John Romero

>> No.12149186

science only works when it's done by aristocrats and autists in their free time

>> No.12149625
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the cdc is under control of the president
the president is under under control of the kremlin
the cdc is under control of the kremlin

also, ENTIRE GOP (including the senate and all it's appointed judges) is under control of the president
president is under control of the kremlin
the senate and most of our courts are now under control of the kremlin

You think the scientific method is broken? it's a symptom of something much much larger. You guys have no idea how bad and big this really is. They talk about democracy being in jeopardy in the news. What they're too afraid to say, for fear of causing a panic is it's hanging by a thread. We're 6 weeks away from loosing it permanently and being replaced with authoritarian dictatorship and formally becoming 3rd world banana republic.

>> No.12149657

nice theory, but every other country in the world failed too though, except china, but they created it so it's normal that they know about it

>> No.12149702

Because any "World X Organization", "International Y Initiative", "Global Congress of Z" organization is a political entity first, and a scientific entity second, even if X, Y and Z are "scientific" domains.
Once you try to make politics scientific, you inevitability make science political, because association is bidirectional.

>> No.12149907

this whole covid thing is a good case study of human society.

>> No.12149918
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/pol/tard GO HOME!!

>> No.12149988

science worked when it was a method to find an end result
modern science has quickly turned into a method to support a desired result

>> No.12149998

imagine being smart enough to be in the sciences but still too stupid to understand the multi-pronged reality of modern geopolitics. idiots really think it's all some autistic democracy vs russia shit going on, when there's like at minimum 2 major world actors (west & china) and russia being a minor actor that gets shat on for trying to get a piece of the pie. you faggots have all this talk about the loss of democracy and authoritarian dictatorships, especially in fucking europe, when the worlds biggest trade partner is fucking CHINA. germany wants to bring chinese military bases into europe and you idiots are getting caught up in propaganda fluff.

>> No.12150040

Russia is a shithole. They're no threat to anyone unless you share a border with them. You're panic pandering because you and your MSM pals are literally incapable of naming the real threat as China because they are a socialist country and thus completely perfect in your eyes. Meanwhile Russia turned their back on your garbage system and so you will villify them forever even though they're such a minor player on the world stage right now that it's laughable. Your idealogy glorifies death and destruction and wants to make it so you're not even allowed to say bad things about you as you burn pillage, rape and murder. But nobodies falling for your stupidity anymore.

>> No.12150061

>>12148599 this is medical sciences, not the scientific method in general.
Maybe they're just slow and it's harder than it seems but I think it's also due to medical sciences in general being corrupted by companies so things need more effort to be established and are often wrong etc. They're completely inefficient and forget about the most basic questions to answer but I guess they're doing well relatively. Maybe I'm wrong about it.

>> No.12150070

Trumps favourite TV channel is fox news and he watches 5 different fox shows per day including hannity. Trump is big pals with msm.

>> No.12150096

>Fox boogeyman
Oh wow you totally convinced me that you're a free thinker and not mindlessly towing the party line.

>> No.12150120

You think I'm lying about Trump favourite news channel being fox news and him watching up to 5 shows a day? Because I'm not. This is according to him.

>> No.12150588

US intelligence has already said that Russia is interfering in the election, just like in 2016. They've also stated China, although they do have a preference in who wins (not Trump) they're not really doing much to interfere. They've also said their MO is to use what aboutism and try to portray China as the major actor in election interference. Alarmingly, Trump is trying to hide intelligence reports from his own government about Russian interference while uplaying China and trying to pain China as the real threat. Trump and Russia are operating in lockstep.

BTW, you know that investigation as to whether Trump was a Russian asset or being blackmailed by the Kremlin? Turns out after all this time nobody has done that instigation, much to the surprise of our own government. So the question of whether Trump is literally a russian puppet, is to this day one that's unknown by our own intelligence forces.

>Trump favourite news channel being fox
You gotta know one very important thing about Fox and Trump. Roy Cohn helped create both of them. Cohn mentored Trump and turned him into the man he is today, and Cohn also put the idea of highly partisan news outlet into Roger Ailes head. With Roger Ailes dead, there is a huge power vacuum in the top leadership which Trump wishes to fill. As POTUS he an call them up every day and demand a live interview and Fox kinda can't refuse. In a way he kinda is the shadow CEO of Fox.

>> No.12150602

you should be more concerned with the fact that the election is china-manipulated group A vs russia-manipulated group B, as opposed to your autistic muh trump muh russia shit, but you're too stuck up on the partisan bullshit, especially when china is a much bigger threat and only desires status quo because they're creating an empire via slow progress and don't want people stirring the pot before it's done.

>> No.12150663

>nobody has done that instigation
what do you mean? it was never investigated? how so. surely mueller did work on that for a couple of years?

>> No.12150672

>Turns out after all this time nobody has done that instigation, much to the surprise of our own government.
>The mueller report was such a nothing-burger dud that people have already forgotten about it

>> No.12150696

>Nothing burger
>page 1 says that, the only reason they didn't arrest Trump is because they have no method in place for arresting a current sitting president. The report then goes on for a further 44 pages detailing 8 felonies the President has committed

There, you can literally read it yourself.

Bill Barr, Trump's personal lawyer ... I mean, Trump's Attorney General who acts as his personal lawyer, lied on television about the Mueller report then released a redacted version to the public. This was then reported by Trump's personal propoganda channel, see here
For weeks with the false claim that the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, which was and still is a bald face lie.

>> No.12150712

>>page 1 says that, the only reason they didn't arrest Trump is because they have no method in place for arresting a current sitting president.
except thats not on page 1 anywhere
only Papadapolus is ever accused of anything on page 1
as well as a no name "russian entity" for making ads on social media

on page 1 the russians never even told Papadapolus that they would interfere with voting

they literally just said they would release info on clinton
if you think thats interfering in a democratic election then youre mental
democracy necessitates perfect knowledge of the candidates

can you fucking read

>> No.12150726

>surely mueller did work on that for a couple of years

Nope. Mueller's boss strictly forbade him from investigating the possibility of Trump being compromised or being an asset of Russia. At the same time, they made it appear as if there was another investigation happening at the FBI about this very fact, so it was out of Mueller's jurisdiction so to speak, except that never happened. That investigation was halted and nothing came from it. It just vanished into the night.

>> No.12150751

>he doesn't know

>> No.12150763


>> No.12150825

>literally ignoring the first 2 words

>> No.12150969

Oh, I'm so sorry, it's been awhile since I've read the Mueller Report, you got me.

It's on page 8
>if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state
SO thanks for playing the game but yes, the only reason why the President was not arrested for obstruction of justice is there is no mechanism in the Justice Department to arrest a current sitting president. If you want further evidence look here:

Where Mueller says that once Trump leaves office he can be prosecuted.

>> No.12150989

Because science is not mcdonalds.

>> No.12151059

Why would she need to stay alive until November 3rd? She should have been aiming for January 3rd, when the new Senate would come in. I take offense that these weird ev*ngelical comics are so poorly researched.

>> No.12151070

Eh. We know how SARS-CoV-2 spreads. What we don't know is at what rates. It's pretty hard to separate fomite transmission from droplet transmission from aerosol transmission when all could be contributors when interacting with someone.

>> No.12151071

Stop schizoposting demonrats

>> No.12151091

Wait, we live in a society?

>> No.12151100


>> No.12151331

what does that have to do with every single country in the globe being incompetent at determining scientifically what to do with corona?

>> No.12151336

it's not about instant results, it's about months and months of garbage information, from the World Health Organization to the scientific institutions of every single country

>> No.12151356

>I take US intel bureaus at face value
Stopped reading there

>> No.12151367

Christ you're retarded. They couldn't prove that he was innocent, that doesn't mean they had anything to prove he was guilty. As much as people like you clearly want it to change, we still have presumption on innocence around here.

>> No.12151369
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it was never applied.

>> No.12151385
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>> No.12151394

>They're no threat to anyone
They control your president, 200k of your citizens are dead, your economy is in ruins. These things are not unrelated.

>> No.12151400

lmao at the normie political takes from /sci/, no wonder you guys became cucks to the humanities so fast

>> No.12151410

actblue go home:

>> No.12151429

>US intelligence has already said that Russia is interfering in the election, just like in 2016.
us intel is owned by the bush-clinton dynasty.
>they're not really doing much to interfere.
lol nope. china has much more interference into the us than russia. and they actually have evidence, not spurious claims.
>Trump is trying to hide intelligence reports from his own government about Russian interference while uplaying China and trying to pain China as the real threat.
you have nothing but heresay on this like everything madcow tells you to believe.
>So the question of whether Trump is literally a russian puppet, is to this day one that's unknown by our own intelligence forces.
lol this lvl of delusion. mueller has nothing on him so he said there may be something because after millions of dollars were spent trying to find one piece of evidence he returned with nothing.

>> No.12151434

>Where Mueller says that once Trump leaves office he can be prosecuted.
on the zero evidence they found. good luck with that.

>> No.12151446

>Mueller's boss strictly forbade him from investigating the possibility of Trump being compromised or being an asset of Russia.
lol this lvl of delusion. the whole reason for the report was to investigate a trump russia conspiracy connection. and they found nothing. so mueller being the good establishment shill he is said after millions of dollars and 3 years of bs were spent that trump may be prosecuted after the presidency to delegitimize him.

>> No.12151549
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>> No.12151568

It's flawed positivist bullshit. It got rightfully hijacked by businessmen who profit from the repetitive reviewing and still can write in stone whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.12151569

>they found nothing
they found loads
PDF page numbering matches content page numbering

>> No.12151570

Not everything has mathematical rigor, specially things that can't be counted and those for which we don't know half of it.

>> No.12151596

loads of nothing but hearsay.

>> No.12151609
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>> No.12151641

Boт я ящик нe cмoтpю, a тoлкy.
Чтo тyт, чтo тaм - oднa и тa жe хyйня.

>> No.12151642

i never expected to see normie libs on an imageboard, it's kind of endearing desu

>> No.12151651

actblue is probably paying them to post here since the election is coming up.

>> No.12151658

nah, i think there are nerds here that are socially sheltered and retarded enough to fall for basic msnbc propaganda

or people who are true believers in the progress meme, and think that if orange man bad goes away everything will be fantastic in this country, and our institutions and universities are not a complete disaster waiting to collapse

>> No.12151677

those faggots typically just stick to reddit. wouldn't surprise me if actblue is here to after all those articles screeching about our laotian basket weaving forum being in cahoots with russia to elect orange man.

>> No.12151683

The method is flawless. The better question is: What went wrong with the government?

>> No.12151692

The jews, children of the prince of lies, have taken over academia.
Without abject slavery to the Logos, there can be no Truth.

>> No.12151700
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well thanks to the dnc and their media you weren't even able to talk about coronachan when it started without being labelled as a reecist conspiracy theorist.

>> No.12151702

why did it fail in every single government in the world though?

>> No.12151709

>why did it fail in every single government in the world though?
other than taiwan.

>> No.12151740
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You have to go back.

>> No.12151804


>> No.12151820


>> No.12152570

>innocent until proven guilty for me, but not for thee

>> No.12153509
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Its full of bigotry just like facts

>> No.12154195

No, it's because they cannot make money of plants that can cure it with no additional problems.

>> No.12156175


>> No.12156190
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>> No.12156194
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in case no one has read the report, its pretty full of juicyness

>> No.12156197
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For some reason, people love to talk about Russian interference without actually having looked at the report, one way or another.
I wish people would just download it and read the whole thing. It's pretty eye opening.

>> No.12156200
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The entire operation isn't "support one side", its "support and inflame every topic that Americans disagree with each other about" until we hate each other. It's worked incredibly well.
The current narrative is to get young people not to vote- they're pushing hugely liberal "fuck the government, don't vote if you don't support either candidate" agendas

>> No.12156217

it's exhaustive and can't be rushed

>> No.12156234

>The Guardian
>RANS corporation
>German Marshall Fund
Nice sources there.

>> No.12156262

>I don't want to believe it because I don't like it

>> No.12156272

More like
>I don't trust liberal-globalist organizations

>> No.12156278
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>le jewish name so it’s unreliable

>> No.12156284

Science became applied feminism in 2016.

All the white men have be removed therefore nothing of value is being produced.

>> No.12156287

you don’t “trust” it because it explodes your world view and disproves your life’s work of believing things you read on /pol/ (the lowest average IQ of any message board online). that is the ONLY reason, and any attempt at justifying it makes you look even dumber.

>> No.12156289

So brave

>> No.12156294

this is too funny. /pol/yps are useful idiots for russia this whole time. I didn’t think my opinion of them could actually get lower

>> No.12156299

Politics. Science is gandalf. Politics is the ring of power.

Give the ring to gandalf he turns into something like saruman. (This explains most of history post 1945).

>> No.12156300

Wow, Putin is doing great.

>> No.12156303


>Laura Rosenberger is the director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and a senior fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). Before she joined GMF, she was foreign policy advisor for Hillary for America,

>she was foreign policy advisor for Hillary for America,

>> No.12156320

there’s a crazy amount of evidence supporting what she said so I believe it for sure.

I noticed /pol/‘s standards for evidence change from 0 to 100 depending on what the claim is. When it comes to leftist shills, a single fake screenshot of a discord is enough evidence. When it comes to Russia, an exhaustive investigation is not enough evidence.

It’s probably not fair to call you hypocrites. Contradicting yourself that badly means you don’t understand how to think at all.

>> No.12156337

>Contradicting yourself that badly means you don’t understand how to think at all.
Link to the post I contradicted myself?

>> No.12156355

since you’re a /pol/ NPC I’m assuming you believe in le jidf/shareblue/[insert boogeyman of the month here]. I’ve never once been wrong about someone from /pol/.

>> No.12156411

Who was the one making assumptions without proofs again?

>> No.12156424

>without proof
you green texted a “jewish” last name, which is pretty strong evidence you’re a /pol/ NPC. no normal or sentient person does that stuff

>> No.12156443

And it turns out it was the right hunch to do so.

>> No.12156500

>not unrelated
Read Orwell you pleb.

>> No.12156585

actually since 99% of people in Hillary campaign aren’t Jewish it’s more of a pointless irrelevant detail about her

>> No.12156649

Science is racist and sexist and should be confined to creating consumer electronics.