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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12148512 No.12148512 [Reply] [Original]

What's the reason why we're attracted to big tits, as opposed to for example big bellies

>> No.12148514

They are merely inferior copies of the ass.

>> No.12148544

but small/average tits with wide hips is far superior

>> No.12148561

One of the indicators of the sexual development of the girl. Tits means she can breed.

>> No.12148570

A big belly makes it look like the woman is already pregnant. Bigger breasts on the other hand show off a more superior potential of the woman in nurturing a potential child.

>> No.12148576
File: 742 KB, 770x1024, 1599241980682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks so happy

>> No.12148577

Big breasts = fertility
Big belly = health problem or already pregnant
Already pregnant = not worth the time move on to the next female

>> No.12148583

He looks smug. And an Asian getting a hot white girl, he has every reason to be smug.

>> No.12148774

but i love men big bellies

>> No.12148801


>> No.12148865
File: 39 KB, 139x132, smugman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm gonna be spamming this pic in threads now. Thanks OP.

>> No.12148957


>> No.12149024


>> No.12149631

Big boobs can be visually appealing, but I'm most attracted to midsize breasts. I like a well proportioned physique. Feminine, but no extremes (massive boobs, tiny waist with wide hips, etc); I think this comes from ancestry primarily in cold far northern climates, women had to be physically competent to survive as the environment, right down to the air itself could kill you. therefore, crudely stated, there was selective pressur eagainst the wide hips massive boobs socially maneuvering "breeder" model.

>> No.12149651

>as opposed to big bellies
Speak for yourself

>> No.12149669

google "sexual dimorphism" and also consider it literally gives nutrients

>> No.12149685
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, df8a81d5abce79f4e3a1da09fd44080f56ffdc9a_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said, kindred spirit of mine.

>> No.12149777

It's entirely cultural

Most tribes don't consider them sexual and in and before the 30s even male nipples were considered sexual and were required to be covered up in public, so the fact that we no longer see them as sexually attractive means it's something that changes with the culture rather than biology.

>> No.12150192 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 2048x2048, jrnn83a2qmb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attracted to both big bellies and big tits on women.

>> No.12150199

>so the fact that we no longer see them as sexually attractive means it's something that changes with the culture rather than biology.
i would call this the dumbest post on /sci/ but ive been here too long

>> No.12150243

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12150284

I like em big.

>> No.12150306

except it's literally true you dumbfuck retard

>> No.12150519

where can i find women that look like this and that are grounded?

>> No.12150538

for the same reason men have giant floppy dicks that mimic a permanent erection; reminders of sex are hot and get us fucking more, which causes more kids. I can't imagine austrilopithecus was that sexy in comparison to us, even to the aussies

>> No.12150546

he's hapa, he's following in his mother's footsteps and breeding the slant out of his eyes.

>> No.12150550

he's the future of civilization

>> No.12150551

I'm all for girls with pot bellies I think its sexy af

>> No.12150557
File: 323 KB, 1804x2399, ToddHoward2010sm_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female version of todd howard

>> No.12150559

I would totally fatten up OP's girl into a pot bellied pig

>> No.12150562

by that logic humans don't find faces attractive, yet clearly they do and you're a fucking idiot. what you're confusing for lack of sexual attraction is actually the lack of taboo and lack of excitement for something that is considered taboo to see and share with other people

>> No.12150563

I'd rail the right one.

>> No.12150571

>for the same reason men have giant floppy dicks that mimic a permanent erection
haha for sure

>> No.12150577

I agree with the other anon it's out culture that has defined what's attractive for us...and theres a whole marking line behind it.

I for 1 have been trying to re-train my brain.

>> No.12150589

>trying to re-train my brain
so you're an idiot pseud.

>> No.12150624

wtf is that a photoshopped Todd Howard or am I going crazy?

>> No.12150628

It is

>> No.12150651

No it works, you stop looking at what you're used to because it's not real and you start looking at what you'd like to be attracted to.

>> No.12150656


>> No.12150666

So you're a mentally ill pseud

>> No.12150687

You sir, are a scholar and a rump lover!

>> No.12150690

This is an option you might consider later in your life. Think about it, if you can train yourself in a new skill you can rewire your brain in other areas. Give it a shot anon.

>> No.12150854
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x849, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big bellies
speak for yourself

>> No.12150871

God damn that is smug

>> No.12150933

big belly means she's preggo and thus infertile. only attractive if she's already yours.

>> No.12150946

Read "The Red Queen". Large breasts *used* to be a sign of milk production, signifying the ability to raise an infant back when substitutes didn't exist. Same with large hips (bone structure). Women however developed selective fat distribution to their breasts and hips to trick males into thinking they produce milk & have wide hip bones.

>> No.12150961
File: 816 KB, 1263x1920, 066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single good answer in this thread. First off, all human males are attracted to breasts unless they are homos, it is not cultural. Second, large breasts do not produce more milk, and so the "better for feeding young" argument doesnt work. Our attraction to boobs is strange when you consider almost all mammals are turned off by breasts because they are a sign that the woman is pregnant or nursing, as most mammals develop breasts only once impregnated. Normally they would be a sign that the woman is used up, and that you dont need to give a shit about them. Women developed permanent breasts so they can deceive men and get orbiters even when nursing/pregnant(not fertile). Being able to effectively lie and generate betabucks is an evolutionary advantage

>> No.12150965

True, this is logos

>> No.12150970

What advantage is derived from the men who are taken advantage of? Wouldn't orbiting actually be bad for reproduction, wasting resources on a woman who wont spread her legs for you?

>> No.12150982
File: 167 KB, 720x960, 1565273967574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't need to be, women control the means of production and there are plenty of superfluous males, e.g. one male can impregnate a hundred women in a month. The women that do best(pampered by betas) produce a constant stream of strong, well-fed offspring.

>> No.12150999

Why isn't the rape gene more widespread, since men could basically rape any woman that he wants to?

>> No.12151005


>> No.12151007
File: 64 KB, 1000x665, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the females start having breasts as a means of deception, the males need to evolve an attraction to them or they wont breed. From there it is a classic positive feedback loop(like peacocks), where the limiting factor is back pain. There is a large variety of sizes because it is not directly necessary for survival, unlike having two same sized legs.

>> No.12151014

Speak for yourself titlover.

>> No.12151025
File: 490 KB, 900x860, 1580683461354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape was pretty common until recently, using the modern definition of rape. There are a lot of things that get in the way though, primarily other males. Today this is in the form of legal consequences. I would pretty happily rape a woman if there were no consequences
nice trips btw

>> No.12151110

Women developing breasts is a sign of sexual maturity in women and the ability to successfully bear children. We're not like animals who can smell readiness on the wind or enter into a stupid state of heat with the seasons. We're visual and social creatures. Titties are part of the visual part.

>> No.12151119

>one male can impregnate a hundred women in a month
This is a total meme. Try impregnating just 10 women in a month. They suck at getting pregnant.

>> No.12151121
File: 53 KB, 500x500, quiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not like animals
We literally are, and there is another really obvious sign shes ready for cock, periods. Its really hard to hide monthly bleeding amid a social tribe. Every other mammal is able to tell without breasts, I'm sure grug could too.
At some point in the past every man found titties to be a turn off, how do you suggest that we started liking them?

>> No.12151127
File: 58 KB, 700x550, 1560866384194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard because modern people are cornucopias of hormone disrupting pharmaceuticals. Plus the fact that we are largely sedentary with shit diets. Modern man probably has 1/4 the test of grug and 1/8 the sperm count.

>> No.12151131

Periods? One part among many of a female sexual maturity. I mean yes she can become pregnant but that doesn't mean she should or wants to or that it isn't better to wait to mature more.

>> No.12151132

I recognized him immediately.

>> No.12151134

A man can only do so much. After a point the woman has to do her part. Which they suck at.

>> No.12151138

My point is that breasts are a completely superfluous part of female sexual maturity. There are other markers aside from periods, e.g. hips, pubic hair, facial maturity. Breasts are not necessary as a sexual marker in humans, and are in fact not a sexual marker in other mammals

>> No.12151139

God damn where do you fools find these pictures. Made me laugh tho ngl thx anon

>> No.12151140

You're forgetting a particular detail though, which is that humans evolved extremely spotty fertility compared to other species; a single male cannot impregnate an entire village because the time of highest fertility is simultaneous hidden and omnipresent, and it takes on average several to dozens of fucks to achieve pregnancy. Harem genetics has been actively selected against on a physical level to ensure at least SOME of the beta bux get to pass on their genes.

>> No.12151151

Yes but how many guys get a shot of pubes on some young thing? The hips and facial maturity come along with the tits. The tits are sign one among many. Tits also signal other things such as a healthy hormone profile which other signals cannot demonstrate. Men of course are often unaware of facts like this but a strong attraction to titties settles this right?

>> No.12151153
File: 39 KB, 389x493, 1572966888424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but keep in mind the health/hormonal balance/nutrition of the female matters too. Modern woman is fucked up just as bad as modern man, viz. low conception rates, high c-section rates, high autism rates, &c. Pregnancy would be a lot easier as grug, assuming she isnt starving or already pregnant

>> No.12151154

The interesting part about periods is that they're leftover lf what generally signifies heat in other mammals, and humans are abnormal in hating it.

>> No.12151159
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1536, 1561146041197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes but how many guys get a shot of pubes on some young thing
quite a bit, when you are wearing animal hides and when you consider that armpit hair and other general body hair also counts.
You keep missing the point, attraction to breasts is completely unnecessary for marking fertility. It is unnecessary across the animal kingdom and it is unnecessary for man
You havent answered the question of how an attraction to breasts would have began when they arent needed as a fertility marker, are disadvantageous for the woman's mobility, and would have been instinctually disgusting to every man

>> No.12151161

>Modern woman is fucked up just as bad as modern man, viz. low conception rates, high c-section rates, high autism rates
Yes. They are also not in control of their bodies nearly as well as men are. Also read about how the vagina works sometime. Its like reading about how some kind of sci-fi horror alien brood mother reproduces.

>> No.12151169

I agree that a woman can be fertile with or without breasts and that breasts don't necessarily mark the beginning of fertility. I'm saying having breasts is one among many signals that a woman is going to perform well in reproduction and also that other things about a woman are working well.

>> No.12151203
File: 32 KB, 540x960, 1560980565121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saying having breasts is one among many signals that a woman is going to perform well in reproduction
I agree that it is now a signal of fertility like you say, but it would have had to develop into that for no particular reason(disregarding use for lying). This doesn't make sense when you consider that breasts are cumbersome and disadvantageous. Why would a disadvantageous adaptation, which serves no particular purpose not adequately served by another, persist and become near omnipresent? The first female to develop breasts would be at a total disadvantage to every other female, especially considering males would find her less attractive, unless you consider the possible of breasts being used as a social ruse. Atleast with peacocks, their plume would at first be mostly neutral as an adaption, aside from the calorie expenditure, but breasts are just bad as a fertility marker. Breasts have a purpose, and that purpose is deception. This is why only the most intimately social of mammals [humans] ever developed them

>> No.12151216

Well first as a society develops women will need to perform less and less sprinting, fighting, cross country hiking, etc. if they did these at all to begin with. So adding permanent tits won't be a disadvantage. What is advantageous is attracting and keeping a high quality mate. A man sees tits, his instincts say the woman works. Is it really a deception to be involuntarily honest about things like hormonal profile?

>> No.12151241
File: 380 KB, 1024x1024, whenyoudie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man sees tits, his instincts say the woman works
wrong. Man sees tits, man thinks woman is either already pregnant or nursing and therefore infertile. You are jumping the gun. Man only developed the instinct to like them once woman ALREADY had permanent breasts, because prior to this man would be repulsed by them, like other mammals. Breasts say nothing in particular about a woman that isnt already signaled. Also, breasts evolved before the advent of complex human socities.
Breasts are involuntarily dishonest, they hide whether a woman is already impregnanted, or already recently birthed a child. Basically a means of cuckoldry

>> No.12151268

A woman can grow breasts without first being pregnant. And you can't compare human breasts to animal breasts. Animals develop breasts as a consequence of pregnancy. Humans develop them regardless.

>> No.12151283
File: 67 KB, 446x669, 1544130989089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, obviously. lol dude did you even read any of my posts? That is what this was about from the beginning. I have been trying to explain to you WHY women have permanent breasts in the first place and then WHY they get large and WHY men are attracted to them. It is an interesting problem because it at first seems like it shouldnt have happened at all. You literally just restated the assumptions of my whole argument. My thesis is that women evolved modern PERMANENT breasts to use as deception, as a contrast to other mammals, and men had to develop an attraction in order to compete. I'm sad I wasted so much time arguing with someone who cant even read.

>> No.12151286

I legit thought it was a todd edit

>> No.12151292

I said that breasts signal much more about a woman than fertility. Both men and women changed at the same time in response to each other. Think of it like changing as a single organism. Its not like women suddenly had breasts and men had to go against their instincts to like them. The human species changed over time and the attraction to breasts developed along side this change.

>> No.12151295

Also understand that humans have rapidly changed relative to other species. The brain for instance developed incredibly fast relative to other species.

>> No.12151729

It's same girl, but fatter after gaining on purpose.

>> No.12151768

all of which is cultural, thus proving anon's point.

>> No.12151772

pregnant women are not fertile.
So big bellies is a no no.

So your off spring has enough food.

Big hips = less complications during birth.


>> No.12151776

For Europeans at least, a distended belly was likely evidence of bloat due to Celiac's diseases and meant that chances of fertility would be very low

>> No.12152564
File: 395 KB, 480x268, Example of post related.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves boobs, breasts are a kid's first love - boy or girl. Girls loves tits too. Boobs are secondary sexual indicators that now a girl is hitting puberty or has completed it.
You're not going to be attracted to completely flat girls unless either you know they're adults or you're a filthy pedo
Big ass loving only started due to African culture starting to dominate in mainstream media, in Africa they used to eat out of animal's ass and that carried on to USA with African slaves hence the new ass eating meme.
Everywhere in the world people love tittes.
African tribes where women stay bare-chested doesn't mean the men aren't attracted to them but titty milks isn't useful after an age, eating ass and poop is.

>> No.12152758

dangerously based and redpilled

>> No.12152796

so how do people who like to motorboat big titties and 'people'w who bring themselves about to do that shit litterally end up being catagorised as being of the sam fucking species

>> No.12153384

who gives a shit if shes ready or not? if you fuck her and she doesnt get knocked up then you dont lose anything (except a load of cum).

>> No.12153393

only if your American, period is the true indicator of sexual maturity.

>> No.12153401

No it isn’t

>> No.12153409 [DELETED] 


Also, how are you supposed to know she's having her period?

This is not true apparently. Even small mammaries can adequately feed a single child. Maybe multiple children in communal living or something, small to mid boobs wouldn't be able to keep up.

>> No.12153416

t. virgin
if you ever get a gf you'll realize that their the most horny just before a period.

>> No.12153422 [DELETED] 


>> No.12153431

thank you

>> No.12153438

holy fucking shit leave my 4channel you bastion of retardation

>> No.12153440

>Also, how are you supposed to know she's having her period?
ask her mother

>> No.12153449
File: 598 KB, 1177x640, 1532747138503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, how are you supposed to know she's having her period?
>being this much of an autist
should we tell him guys?

>> No.12153454

I know you're posting this image to somehow bait, but I want you to know I have legitimately nothing against AMWF couplings. They are happy, well adjusted, and will likely produce very intelligent children.

Godspeed asian anons.

>> No.12153608


>> No.12153628


Mother of God... how much does that freak like analingus!!

>> No.12153776

Let me remind you that we're talking about why breasts are attractive.

>> No.12153782

Explain your autistic screeching.

>> No.12153872 [DELETED] 

Yes, there are body shape, scent, behavioral, etc changes, but that isn't "knowing" in the same way you can see boob shapes under her shirt.

>> No.12153884 [DELETED] 

You're welcome. Years ago I was in an argument with some guy in HL2-DM and while I was quickly typing I slipped up and said "your" instead of you're. Of course he used it as leverage and I was immediately called on it. For whatever reason that small event cemeted it in my mind, and it has never happened since.

>> No.12153920


>> No.12153932

It is. It is, lad. It is a Todd edit.
Now fuck my ass!

>> No.12153967


I dunno, I kinda like seeing a pregnant girl. Makes me want to knock a few women up. Plow my seed deep into their womb so they can carry my offspring around

>> No.12154292

explain how you can read post after post and have understood nothing. are you high?

>> No.12154307

yes, i know you wouldnt be able to tell if shes ready if women didnt have boobs, weve established that fact.

>> No.12154361


>> No.12154374

I could ask you the same thing.

>> No.12154386

and i could ask you why you suck cock, doesnt mean shit retard.

>> No.12154445
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>> No.12154459

my girlfriend is horniest during her period, actually, doesn't change the fact that the period is fucking disgusting.

>> No.12154470
File: 2.96 MB, 1487x2107, 84205859_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life isn't fair

>> No.12155259

wow tenda found one of the <10 chinks on the planet with a white girl, congratulations

>> No.12155409

That's not his gf. She is some instagram thot and never posted pics with this guy.

>> No.12155495
File: 1.32 MB, 720x900, real tits test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we like (real) big tits or just the illusion (fake) of big tits?

>> No.12155524

>breasts do not produce more milk, and so the "better for feeding young" argument doesnt work
it doesn't matter that it doesn't actually work that way so long as the perception exists that more tits = more milk that enough to create a selective pressure. Also healthy fat stores in general are a good indicator of health and fertility.

>We're not like animals who can smell readiness on the wind
I can literally smell when my gf is ovulating and its not just me either.

>> No.12155550

I don't follow the logic about being used up attracting beta bucks.

I also think women and gays like tits too

>> No.12155559

could the smug retard posting walls of bullshit text and pictures of le funni women put a name instead of "Anonymous" so that I can filter him please

>> No.12155715



>> No.12155740

Hannah Palmer

>> No.12155753

MOMMMY! Gib milky! Baby thirsty!

>> No.12155790

You can't digest it, apu

>> No.12155798

Do doctors feel tits all the time?

>> No.12155814

I fucking hate vapid instagram whores. They're the embodiment of everything that's wrong with society.

>> No.12155827

Yeah but, those titties

>> No.12155899

Stop acting like you speak for everyone, retard. Personally I prefer B or C tits.
>being this new

>> No.12155902

Seriously, no memeing, you need to get laid or at least start looking for a girlfriend.

>> No.12155928
File: 52 KB, 546x550, 1549196117590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how.

>> No.12155948

>>We're not like animals who can smell readiness on the wind
>I can literally smell when my gf is ovulating and its not just me either.
Yeah sure given enough time this is possible. But I'm talking about stuff like a bear sniffing out a female bear in heat who walked through a particular neck of the woods a week ago.

>> No.12155954

I'm only into nattys

>> No.12156436
File: 144 KB, 640x1188, Just bee you&#039;re self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156495

god I wish that were me

>> No.12156573

They all can breed with enough lube and patience.

>> No.12156589

Psh how much did he pay $1000 for a day?

>> No.12156592

Couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.12156654

unimportant but cute, nice story. So I want to drop a similar one.
When we were reading out loud in 2nd grade years ago the kid currently reading didn't read island as "is-land" and I was ready for everyone to laugh at him but everyone continued on. That was the exact moment I learned how to pronounce island

>> No.12156826

>time to buy Skyrim again honey
>y-yes Toddette..