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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12137930 No.12137930 [Reply] [Original]

I hate pre-meds and they are the cancer of biology and chemistry. Who agrees?

>PrOfEsSoR, iS dIs GoNnA bE oN dA eXaM???
>PrOfEsSoR, iS dErE gOnNa Be A cUrVe???

>> No.12137957

yeah, like 90% of them get pruned in chem 101 lol. The ones who don't and are passionate are cool, but the ones who are just in it for the money will likely get pruned with upper divs.

It's funny I never wanted to be in health care, wanted to do research, until I found out about clinical lab scientist jobs in california, now I'm going through a program and will work in a reference lab or hospital after. Moral is be passionate about what you do

>> No.12137992

>I went to school to be closer to Disneyland
Guess you really are a pre med.

>> No.12137993

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12138002

>The ones who don't and are passionate are cool, but the ones who are just in it for the money will likely get pruned with upper divs
You're wrong there. A lot of those that go into it for money are working on their second career because they originally went engineering or cs and saw that they could make 300k starting as a er doc

>> No.12138005
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>It's funny I never wanted to be in health care, wanted to do research, until I found out about clinical lab scientist jobs in california
>in california

>> No.12138049

yes, the science capital of America. Problem?

>> No.12138328
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>the science capital of America
UC schools aren't good little known fact.

>> No.12139366

>yes, the science capital of America. Problem?
I do have a problem, the science captial of America is Boston, you have MIT, Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, and Northeastern University.

>> No.12139372

Who cares about muh science? The best hospitals are in Philadelphia and in the north

>> No.12139373
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Go into your lab. Now write down every company that makes your extraction kits, conversion kits, prep kits, and machinery. Now tell me what percentage of them are from California.

>> No.12139379

Cope, the Northeast is the center of all advancement in America.

>> No.12139388

>Who cares about muh science?
120 and higher IQ people.

>> No.12139390
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 1593364367361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thermo Fisher

And that's only biosciences.
10x Genomics

>> No.12139391

Mine is between 130 and 140 and I couldnt care less about it. Hell,I abhor both mathematics and computers despite having aced maths in HS,in Eastern Europe too. I prefer making money and being relevant

>> No.12139393

Oh, and I forgot about Affymetrix

>> No.12139396

>cancer of biology
Haha but I thought cancer was the cancer of biology LMAO

>> No.12139400

>Mine is between 130 and 140
Lol, no.

>> No.12139414

My psychologist got me tested on wais-IV and that was the result.

>> No.12139420

Seethe, the northeasts academic institutions are leagues above anywhere else.

>> No.12139421

>despite having aced maths in HS

>> No.12139425

>My psychologist
Psychology is pseudoscience.

>> No.12139429
File: 6 KB, 225x224, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea,you can actually be good at something because you want to put in effort but that doesn't mean that you like it. Is it that difficult to understand that some people simply don't like that?
Like pic related. It makes me vomit

>> No.12139439

>PhD mills for anti-american trannies versus collaborative efforts to support research and the advancement of technology globally

>> No.12139440

>Claims that iq is real
>wais-IV which is the standard IQ test isn't legitimate because it was measured by a psychologist
>Despite him never interfering with due process

>> No.12139445

>Is it that difficult to understand that some people simply don't like that?
i was laughing at you for bragging about HS math you fucking pseud

>> No.12139448

>>PhD mills for anti-american trannies versus collaborative efforts to support research and the advancement of technology globally
>T. couldn't cut it out in uni

>> No.12139453
File: 384 KB, 639x582, 1599357206979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I work at a Uni because I couldn't get a higher paying job in industry.

>> No.12139455

Yawn. I studied it in Eastern Europe,meaning that we had logarithms,second and third degree equations,primitive equations,matrices etc.

>> No.12139456

If your parents pay me enough I'll help you with your homework

>> No.12139457

>Boston College
As an alum of Boston College I can confirm that we aren't worth shit when it comes to science

>> No.12139461
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>Actually, I work at a Uni because I couldn't get a higher paying job in industry.
Damn bro that sucks.

>> No.12139462

IQ is real, psychology isn't.

>> No.12139465

>Yawn. I studied it in Eastern Europe,meaning that we had logarithms,second and third degree equations,primitive equations,matrices etc.
this is the most pathetic line up ive ever seen

>> No.12139466

I don't need to. I'm a med student rn lmao
What does the fact that I took the regular iq test at a psychologist have to do with my result?

>> No.12139467
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 1592619621369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. And, ironically, I moved to the east coast. My arguing with you is actually just huge cope from me. I am working in academia on the east coast arguing about how west coast industry is superior. My life is a joke. I will make a California startup someday.

>> No.12139474

Yea,I know your PhD shit is more advanced than what we studied in high school (what a shocker). But it doesn't change the fact that math is shit. Especially geometry.

>> No.12139478

Your psychologist probably faked the result so you can feel better about yourself, that's what psychologists do.

>> No.12139482

This is post is schizo tier. If you're not trolling then legit take your pills.

>> No.12139929

I ditched medicine for bioinformatics.
Everything else is inferior to pharmacy and nursing.
Employment should be your biggest goal in your life. And basically if you aren't getting a professional degree in biological sciences such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing then you should learn to code or be forever unemployed.

>> No.12139996

>PrOfEsSoR, iS dIs GoNnA bE oN dA eXaM???
>PrOfEsSoR, iS dErE gOnNa Be A cUrVe???
This is literally engineers in every math class
Added bonus:
>Can we have a formula sheet?
t.engineer with math minor

>> No.12140016

You forgot Tufts and Babson

>> No.12140021

Boston is definitely the city with the best high-level university presence, but the research unis in california are (on average) much better
stanford and caltech are at MIT/harvard levels and the UC schools blow those other boston schools out of the water

but it's not even worth comparing one of the largest states to a single city.

>> No.12140026

Congratulations, you are on the level of a 12 year old chink

>> No.12140091

IQ is a psychological construct to classify intelligence, retard. If you think psychology is fake, then that includes IQ.

>> No.12140797

>>Can we have a formula sheet?
why is this bad?

>> No.12140817

Guess it can depend on the class
>Computer engineers in my college have to take a discrete math/combinatorics course
>The whole point of the class is to make you think instead of mindlessly plugging and chugging
>They ask for formula sheets anyway

>> No.12140822

And unfortunately, it won't be their last patient in which they will fail at it.

>> No.12141634

Not a pre-med but I did a biology - physics dual major for my undergraduate and from my experience pre-meds did the most studying and generally were on the higher end of the grade scales. Medical school is very competitive so they need those high grades.

In addition it's just undergraduate level so who the fuck cares who's in the class? They'll go onto medical school whereas you'll go into industry or graduate school.

>> No.12141697

>In addition it's just undergraduate level so who the fuck cares who's in the class?
The problem is that making friends in your university classes is important for not just mental health, but also having networks and connections so you can find opportunities.

Most majors have no problem making friends with their classmates. My university is heavy in computer science majors, and starting from freshman year they're always hanging out and playing video games in their free time.

As a chemistry major, I can't stand pre-meds and I can't relate with them. They don't share my passion for science. I've been completely friendless at university since fall 2017. I am a total incel loser and I can't find any internships or integrate well into any research groups. I genuinely fear for my future and hope I don't end up eating rats under a bridge by 2030.

>> No.12141704

even worse, i'm finally taking classes that only have chemistry majors, no pre-meds, but now they're all online because of COVID-19 and will be online until I graduate. I am really freaking screwed.

>> No.12141714

At least tell me it's organic.

>> No.12141809

I don't talk to anyone from undergraduate and I got internships through the career fair, then did grad school and got my current position through the normal online job portal. I did have some positions I could had got through contacts but I was competitive enough that I could cold apply to other companies that pay more.

Let's be honest. What opportunities are fellow undergraduates going to be able to present to you when they need jobs themselves? Especially in a hard science

>> No.12141826

No, the best hospitals are ones not run by Democrats (or at least not run by socialists). The cost of insurance in a state is a significant factor quality of healthcare. America exports their healthcare research rather than invest domestically which is why Sweden and Denmark are frequently rated so high for health care in terms of government and quality.

>> No.12141830

So a precalc course in America? Please stop hyping yourself as this genius you will only make enemies and your opinions will be ignored.

>> No.12142252

In most cases the professor uses it to trick kids into actually reviewing notes for fucking once

>> No.12142463


>> No.12142883

Ironically, pajeets in high school give an exam called "NEET " which is a national pre medical entrance exam for getting into medical colleges

>> No.12142928

I've heard that only like 20% of job and internship positions are advertised to the public through job postings, help wanted signs, career fairs, etc. Most go to friends and friends of friends.

I've tried career fairs and none have chemistry positions.