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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 660x351, Schrodingers_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12134355 No.12134355 [Reply] [Original]

Schrödingers cat is an observer and his thought experiment therefore doesn't make sense at all. The cat is dead the second the atom decayed, because she observes her own death.

>> No.12134366

Don't care I'm taking the cat out of the box

>> No.12134407

Just kill the cat and be done with it.

>> No.12134486

cat is another dimension, dead in ours?

>> No.12134497

maybe schrodinger was one of those morons who believed animals arent conscious
who knows

>> No.12134532

>she observes her own death
"Observer" has a different definition in science than a conscious entity and the fact that you don't know this means you shouldn't be here

>> No.12134814

What is it?

>> No.12134941

Cats don't have souls

>> No.12134955

Cats do have souls don't be the pussy who has to be reincarnated as a cat to realize cats have souls

>> No.12135006

Why does it need to be a cat? Might as well use a dog or literally any other animal

>> No.12135018

Doesn't matter, cunts
Schrodinger imagined this experiment because at that time he didn't believe in quantum mechanics and wanted to show the absurdity of it.

Why the fuck popsci faggots are so obsessed with this shitpost mental experiment

>> No.12135020

All that stuff with observer is just experiment on brainwashing, nothing to do with physics.

>> No.12135088

What do you think is true? Many Worlds theory?

>> No.12135108

That's certainly a metaphor for sub-atomic physics. But I'm no scientist so

>> No.12135234

Cat dies the moment gas is released, gas is released even without observer, because trees fall in the forrest even if nobody looks. It's philosophy. In physics shit doesn't change by observing, only by means of observation. E.g. some measurement changes the system.

>> No.12136031


>> No.12136052

Schrödinger was just trolling, taking the observer’s paradox to an extreme to make a silly point. At no point did he actually believe a cat can be alive and dead at the same time. You guys just fell for it (and every high school teacher)

>> No.12136209

EVERYONE: please actually learn QM and the math and the experiments around QM before posting this shit.
The reason QM is considered weird is NOT BECAUSE of some misunderstanding of any thought experiment or anything like that. It's because the empirically observed behavior of particles makes no sense under any classical view of reality.

>> No.12136690

Ok where should I leaen it?

>> No.12136728 [DELETED] 

I am a layman. Please tell me if this description is roughly accurate. Basically the way I understand it is that, at particles seem to behave in strange and unintuitive ways at the micro scale. I read a metaphor like, "imagine if when boiling a pot of water, it didn’t gradually begin to boil, until a specific temperature is reached, and then it begins boiling all at once" or “imagine baking a cake, and instead of cooking slowly, after exactly 2 hours elapse, it goes from ingredients to being a finished cake”. Basically, you would expect things to behave continuously as we see at a macro scale, but on the micro scale we see things happening only at discrete energy levels.

Is this somewhat accurate? Or am is this just total BS I’m spewing?

>> No.12136736
File: 12 KB, 112x112, A9445501-F72A-42BD-8A80-D3E0433089F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a layman. Please tell me if this description is roughly accurate. Basically the way I understand it is that, at particles seem to behave in strange and unintuitive ways at the micro scale. I read a metaphor like, "imagine if when boiling a pot of water, it didn’t gradually begin to boil, until a specific temperature is reached, and then it begins boiling all at once" or “imagine baking a cake, and instead of cooking slowly, after exactly 2 hours elapse, it goes from ingredients to being a finished cake”. Basically, you would expect things to behave continuously as we see at a macro scale, but on the micro scale we see things happening only at discrete energy levels.

Is this somewhat accurate? Or is this total BS?

>> No.12136746

this might be wrong but i thing anything even atoms can be 'observers'

>> No.12136816
File: 34 KB, 621x356, 83895E23-96FB-4025-8060-795C8975483F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and calculate!

>> No.12136867

if you're dead, how can you observe anything?
if you don't observe anything, how can it collapse out of superposition?

>> No.12136877
File: 99 KB, 640x360, wignersfriendsuperobserver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I subscribe to the Primary Observer interpretation.
In about 10 years we'll be able to conduct an experiment to see who the Primary Observer is.

>> No.12138336

Reddit take

>> No.12138413

probabilistic interpretation of the hiesenberg uncertainty principle is not science it is cope.
that's why you can't spell copenhagen without cope

>> No.12139203

shut the fuck up

>> No.12139235

>ITT: People who don't know what an observation or observer is in the context of QM.
Oh my god and I thought I was stupid, this board really is filled with retards isn't it?
An observation is a measurement, not just "lel conscious being looked" you /x/ tier dopes.
Shrodingers cat is a thought experiment on superpositions before observation.

>> No.12139866

People who dog on copenhagen are not quantum scientists. Tell me your degree right now

>> No.12139952

The experiment was created to make fun of quantum theory, he thought the idea was retarded and impossible. People latched onto it because cats are cute.

>> No.12140017

I hope your beautiful daughter gets raped

>> No.12140813

PBS Spacetime is pretty great

>> No.12141127
File: 1.90 MB, 600x956, vertical QMPT reflection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're pretty accurate in your assessment. Basically, on the macroscale, we experience spacetime as 3 orthogonal spatial dimensions and one mutually orthogonal time dimension. This is intuitive.

On the microscale, spacetime is more entangled, so you get 7 rows on the periodic table (only 3+1=4 row sizes though) - its all stretched out.

some stuff in modern quantum theory is wrong though, like the correspondence principle, quantum systems can be any size, they aren't restricted to the microscale.

>> No.12141136

Quantum immortality, baby.

>> No.12141148
File: 1.65 MB, 489x301, plasma sun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly here you can see the sun ejecting a spherical waveform: a quantum. literally that's all quantum means: individual entities with a boundary: indivisible.

>> No.12141442

the experiment is talking about how the cat and the poison are an entangled system with a probability amplitude associated with that system's outcomes, and that measuring the system relates to the observer becoming entangled with that system, but with an updated density matrix. This update reflects the probability of the cat being in a given state, given the newly entangled system of you and the cat system. The point is that before the cat is measured, it is in a linear combination of states with a given probability amplitude associated with each state. After it is measured the cat system has an updated probability amplitude associated with those states. As you can imagine it is impossible to know what state the cat is in without observing it. Whether or not it is dead doesn't affect the probability of it being dead before you measure it.

>> No.12141476

You might have a vivid imagination but it isn't worth much if you don't actually try to learn anything to feed it with. Science is largely about developing standards of tests that can reliably eliminate falsehoods, not searching endlessly for things to support your beliefs.