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12131329 No.12131329 [Reply] [Original]


Wireless and the covid-19 pathology are connected. In the future the bulk of the symptoms and effects now associated with covid will come from 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and 60 GHz WiGig, and it will be blamed on the various mutations of a virus. Covid itself is a pretext for rapid social and economic reorganization, and even if a Great Reset and New Normal for a New World was needed, the script was not written in your favor. Technocracy is apparently the overarching organizing principle, and thus remote biometrics, blockchain based currrency and elimination of cash, and densification of data mining are being ramped up to achieve this goal.

>> No.12131405
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>> No.12131411
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>> No.12131416
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>> No.12131421

Take your pills schizo

>> No.12131431
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>> No.12131466
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>> No.12131517


>> No.12131526
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>> No.12131552
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>> No.12131572
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>> No.12131681
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>> No.12131742
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>> No.12131752

What about covid in places with 4G only?

>> No.12131766

Multiple possibilities:
1) Caused by WiGig or altered modulation of existing equipment
2) False reporting, artificially inflated numbers, flu deaths counted as covid deaths. Deaths "with" covid are recorded as deahts "of" covid, so you can be shot in the head and laying in the hospital as a vegetable, get tested for covid or develop a fever, and be recorded as dying of covid.
3) These elements are not mutually exclusive. you can have a real pathogen of some kind, afflicting some people, in some locations, and not in others, but it's all lumped into one disease.

I go into this in the document. At the end of the 5G section.

>> No.12131968

Bullshit, I walked right up to that tower a few months ago and didn't get coronavirus
Also your state has shit reception further proving it's just an upside down inferior version of Chad NH

>> No.12131991
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The tower is not a transmission vector. Chronic exposure creates the damage and symptoms associated with covid.

>> No.12132002

imagine typing all this shit about 5g and EM waves and blah blah BUT you don't even know basic electronics or Maxwell's equations

>> No.12132012
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Imagine replying to a thread about a topic with no intention of engaging with that topic.

>> No.12132124
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>> No.12132688

that's a lot of stuff, any select quotes that could get the point across quickly?

I believe there could be some involvement of radiation. Youtube was very strict specifically on 5G conspiracies. They were lenient with the chinabad crap since it's politically non threatening.