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12129627 No.12129627 [Reply] [Original]

Is global warming a hoax?

>> No.12129645

vostok =/= global

>> No.12129647
File: 92 KB, 1180x564, max09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah kinda

>> No.12129650

What's even going on in the graph. Someone decipher it for me.

>> No.12129665

usa =/= global
maximum =/= average

>> No.12129669
File: 87 KB, 843x315, ClimateChangeMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ,but it's not a problem either.

>> No.12129674
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How far do you wanna move those goalposts?

>> No.12129687
File: 27 KB, 835x552, RSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old RSS is bullshit, it was shown to be so in March 2016.
Only morons like you refer to it anymore.


Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Tropospheric Temperature Trends to the Diurnal Cycle Adjustment
Carl A. Mears and Frank J. Wentz
Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, California
(Manuscript received 23 October 2015, in final form 22 February 2016)

>> No.12129694
File: 195 KB, 1024x933, 1577046047344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old RSS is bullshit
Why, because it doesn't fit your a priori conclusion?

>> No.12129700


>> No.12129712


>> No.12129713
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>tropospheric measurements and regional datasets

>> No.12129714

OK, now what?

>> No.12129720

>doesn't fit your a priori conclusion
projection, the post

>> No.12129731
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>let's take reconstructed data from a few centuries ago and tack on instrumental data from the present, it'll be legit as fuck bro

You got an argument or what?

>> No.12129736

> argument or what
Carl A. Mears and Frank J. Wentz do, and they are the ones running RSS

>> No.12129748

>4 balloon dataset
>ice core data from one site that ends in 1850 but claims modern temperatures because Easterbrook is a shill
Why do you get information from the same old /pol/ infographics?

>> No.12129756
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>> No.12129760

gisp =/= global

>> No.12129762

OK, and?

Well, because most of it is correct and relevant.

>> No.12129764


>> No.12129765

Yes, even more when GISP ends in 1850 but denierfags think it ends in 2000. That shows the temperature change in the GISP site

>> No.12129769

Presenting a regional ice core reconstruction as global and saying it ends in the year 2000 when it actually ends in the year 1850 before anthropogenic global warming is purposely lying

>> No.12129775
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>> No.12129777

OK, now what?

It's not lying, it's you missing the point. It's meant to show how drastically the temperature has been changing since long before industrial civilization.

>> No.12129780


>> No.12129787

Polar temperature changes are not global. You clearly have no knowledge of the basics of how these datasets are constructed.
If you see this graph it shows that the temperature rise in the site where ie ice core is has been greater than in the past.

>> No.12129791

>Polar temperature changes are not global
And your records of the Earth's temperature from before people started measuring it come from... where now?

>> No.12129800
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>> No.12129809

None of those are global either, Socrates.

>but if you add them all together...
So what does your data say? Does the rest of it agree with GISP2 or should we throw it out?

>> No.12129815

It's this one you absolute mong you don't even know basic shit.

>> No.12129824

GISP doesn't record modern temperatures and end in 1850. Modern temperatures in that site are higher than anything it records. How many times do I have to repeat it?

>> No.12129836

>no other sizes of this image found
You sure about that?

This is the first time you're saying it, not that it matters. Check this out

>> No.12129839
File: 84 KB, 210x204, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
is real
>global warming caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide
is fake

>> No.12129845

For any climate smartboy here i got a question, no really
I saw a video of a dude explaining his carbon foot or whatever its called. He lives in a apartment that recovers heat from sewage, buys almost exclusively second hand, rides his bike everywhere and he only took 1 flight this year and he is still about 4 times over the limit that un says that will just stop global warming.
How do we acually solve this problem without starting living like we are in the dark ages?

>> No.12129851
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>> No.12129864
File: 114 KB, 1838x618, Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 11.30.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern warming in the GISP site is more drastic that what happened in the past.

>I need to be spoonfed on basic knowledge about climate science but here I am denying everything

>> No.12129876

get big corporations to switch to renewable, whichll inebitably happen as oil becomes less economical

that and maybe geo engineering or carbon capture + planting more trees (which is already happening btw)

yeah theres some bad effects thatll happen for a bit due to lag but i wouldnt worry about it, itll end up getting fixed by the end of the decade at the latest

then instead of being happy about it we'll find a new thing to try and scare people about (like what happened when we fixed the ozone layer issue)

>> No.12129886

The most sinister issue is insect population collapse. People and governments are so hell bent on dealing with CO2 that they've completely neglected this issue. It'll do a lot more damage in a much shorter timescale.

>> No.12129889

Honestly I fucking hate having to tell the truth when I'm arguing for my position. Just posting random infographics you saved from /pol/ without understanding them, and some cherrypicked graphs while just lying non stop looks like so much more fun.

>> No.12129892

Half a degree more drastic than in the past not even 10K years, oh no, better shut down all the power plants right now.

>> No.12129898
File: 18 KB, 610x356, climateqa_hottest_ocean_temp_610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.12129904

highest ocean temps in 4.5 million years over the course of like 3 decades really isn't a good look.

>> No.12129911

You're just posting things without knowing what they mean aren't you? That graph doesn't present surface temperatures.
Back then the planet was under a completely different oceanic ant continental configuration and there were no ice caps. The ecosystem that lived back then developed and evolved in that climate. When we had general cooling and got the development of the polar ice caps the planet has entered an ice age (different from glacial/ interglacial periods). This current ecosystem has developed under those conditions and we are inducing rapid warming.

>> No.12129920

Models also show global warming is caused by reduced pirate numbers. Garbage in, garbage out. Their climate models are absolute garbage, they get every prediction they ever made wrong and don't even give the right temperature outside 1980-2000.

>> No.12129921

Ok we got big corporations to change to renewable but that like 20-25% of all carbon released plus that would be mega expensive but if it has to be done so be it
But what about everything else like electricity, the solar project kinda failed in germany they upped the price of their power while still having to power up their coal plants.
What about on land transportation, that still doesnt have a good alternative
what about sea transportation, the big cargo ships?
there are much more question and so little time by how much they preach climate doom
We would bacicaly have to invent at a brake neck speed's and have every country cooporate 100% witch is come on impossible
Looks like we have to do this crysis the old way head first into a wall

>> No.12129928

Both problems are driven by the same greed and toxic attitudes. Either both issues get solved or neither will.

>> No.12129930
File: 506 KB, 2337x1891, cmp_cmip3_sat_ann-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you straight up just lying? climate models have a fantastic track record.

>> No.12129932

You don't even need the models to see the temperature changes that are plainly evident in the instrumental and proxy record

>> No.12129983

meh, EVs are already seeing a hige growth market among big companies and affluent types, its a matter of WHEN not IF they start to become more commonplace in society, probably after the next decade or so

greener ships have been in development and tested, as well as planes, although theyre a bit earlier on

the "deadline" stuff is pretty arbitrary too, theres no lime between "doomed" and "not doomed" its a blurry gradient thatll probably have some really shitty bumps along the way but ultimately has us coming out both adapting to the changes that do happen and putting a stop to the ones that don't.

>> No.12129993

the "insect apocalypse" is based on inconclusive evidence done in one part of the world... while bee populations and pesticide overuse are a worry, theres a lot of awareness brought about to their dangers with the rise of beekeeping as a career and the accountability of pesticide companies being put to task.

plus, theres the whole "eating bugs" thing. i dont really think thats a helpful solution

>> No.12130003
File: 62 KB, 600x394, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because temperature changes are real.
>fantastic track record
Models so shit their combined 95% range is wider than the change isn't even really a prediction, it's like saying a d6 dice roll will be between -2 and 9.

>> No.12130007

Its not the popularity of electric vehicles its their usefullnes
Today we have a max range of about 300-400 miles and a recharge time of at least 30min
and yea green ships are early but that's my point we needed them yesterday

>> No.12130022

"needed them yesterday" what does that matter really? we're getting them eventually anyway, i dont see the use in spliting hairs over whether or not its "too late" to adopt them. we're adopting them anyway, and although i personally dont think its "too late" for them i welcome them to become the norm in the near future

and the current EVs not being that great is kind of irrelevant when new better ones are consistently being developed along with new R&D

again this "time limit" shit is political arbitrarities getting in the way of actual keaningful discussion, and scientists are just as annoyed when news outlets get hung up on deadlines and doomsday clocks rather than discussing actual progress being made, which is pretty substantial, and unprecedented in history

>> No.12130026

im not saying we SHOULD take our sweet time btw, but rather we are making great progress in renewables and are on track to be at a good pace for solving a lot of future issues

im also not saying therell be no consequences because nothing in life is that simple... but they are consequences we can adapt to while preventing future ones

the power of science is amazing!

>> No.12130033

Lol, planting more trees. Cal and Oregon already have too many trees, look what's happening.

>> No.12130040

>combined 95% range
but the trend line is near-perfect

>> No.12130043

>it's against my a priori conclusion so it's wrong
Hurr durr

>> No.12130059

Neither am i saying we should give up, just saying that some people are so into protecting the climate that they come close to being 'in your face vegan' crazy
still we have time its not like certain doom like you said. in like 200 years we will generaly know how to teraform planets witch means we will have to know how our climate works
But man today's ev's suck, we still got a long way to go there, but hey ice vehicles sucked to in the beginning

>> No.12130061

I just wish you're right at this point. All I want is a future worth living in.

>> No.12130081

Is the pope a gay pedophile satanist ?

>> No.12130083
File: 79 KB, 585x473, linear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really any better than y=mx+c and it misses most of the data's structure. Look at residuals and instantaneous gradients, particularly after 05.
Its predictions are wrong so it's wrong.

>> No.12130116

Yes, because it's CLIMATE CHANGE, not GLOBAL WARMING. Stop spewing buzzwords that are extremely dated. Some parts of the planet are warming, some are cooling, some getting wetter, some dryer.

>> No.12130123

Climate change and global warming are exactly the same thing in this context.

>> No.12130129

Holy shit, I think to myself "anons on /sci/ can't get any stupied" yet here we are.

>> No.12130139
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>> No.12130174

as a call for action, yes
Global warming is, duh, global - the average global temperature going up. Note that the 75% of seas will be cooler vs the 25% of land.
Climate change ismore local, and more limited in time. For example, to the south of Greenland there is a cool spot because glacier melting is causing a flow of cold water.
At some point, if let run long enough, GW will cause all CC phenomena to be toward warm.

>> No.12130193

>Look at residuals and instantaneous gradients, particularly after 05.
Jesus Christ, you really have no idea how any of this works. The pure dunning kruger stupidity of this post is even more cringe than the infographic poster.

>> No.12130205

>overall warming trend looks like another linear function so it's obviously wrong
are you fucking retarded? besides aren't you the idiot who's saying global warming isn't real? Shouldn't you be comparing it to y = c?

>> No.12130381

I know that if you've got trends in your residuals your model sucks.
>Jesus Christ
>no idea
>dunning kruger
Not an argument.
I'm the one saying global warming IS real, going ever since the last glacial maximum. Man made gw isn't.

>> No.12130421

What degree do you have and how many years of research have you done? First, I want to know whether you're actually worth engaging.

>> No.12130423

>Man made gw isn't.
>green house effect just does nothing bro

>> No.12130427

I've won several Nobel prizes and muh dick is bigger than yours.

>> No.12130430
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Yeah it's a total mystery where it came from

>> No.12130582


>> No.12132454

Protip: yes

>> No.12132672
File: 457 KB, 1125x995, Screenshot from 2020-09-17 17-46-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK faggots, how about this?