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12129387 No.12129387 [Reply] [Original]


>NASA mulls possible mission to Venus after recent discovery of possible life

>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - NASA is considering approving by next April up to two planetary science missions from four proposals under review, including one to Venus that scientists involved in the project said could help determine whether or not that planet harbors life.

>The U.S. space agency in February shortlisted four proposed missions that are now being reviewed by a NASA panel, two of which would involve robotic probes to Venus. One of those, called DAVINCI+, would send a probe into the Venusian atmosphere.

>“Davinci is the logical one to choose if you’re motivated in part by wanting to follow this up - because the way to follow this up is to actually go there and see what’s going on in the atmosphere,” David Grinspoon, an astrobiologist working on the DAVINCI+ proposal, told Reuters on Tuesday.

>In light of Monday’s findings, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said that is “time to prioritize Venus.”

We're gonna go there and bring back Venusian life

>> No.12129388



>> No.12129389 [DELETED] 

NASA is full of leftist turds

>> No.12129392

Go back, schizo.

>> No.12129401

Go back where

>> No.12129403

What would they use to launch the probe? Probably depends on the size of it right. Probably some private company would farrie it up right like spacex? Does spacex have a rocket powerful enough for a mission like this?

>> No.12129535

falcon heavy is always an option if they rush something out, which they won’t. by the time the mission is ready in 2043 musk will have already built a cloud city with starship 3.0

>> No.12129587

>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - NASA is considering approving by next April up to two planetary science missions from four proposals under review, including one to Venus that scientists involved in the project said could help determine whether or not that planet harbors life.
>The U.S. space agency in February shortlisted four proposed missions that are now being reviewed by a NASA panel, two of which would involve robotic probes to Venus.

Do journalists go to a school where you learn to write shit that makes no sense

4 science missions, only one goes to venus, except two are probes that go to venus.

Ok whatever the number of probes going to venus, what are the two non probe missions? The fuck would you even do? Because they aren't sending people and a telescope isn't a mission

>> No.12129664

SLS, because they are prioritizing fossils over extant life.

>> No.12129673

>n light of Monday’s findings, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said that is “time to prioritize Venus.”
This makes me so fucking mad. A week ago, Venus missions and Venus advocates were the laughingstock of NASA. Bridenstine is a goddamned rat

>> No.12129675

written by machine

>> No.12129681

Glance at the front page of MSN and tell me journalists go to school.

>> No.12129716

here is his “blog post” about the discovery: https://blogs.nasa.gov/bridenstine/2020/09/15/venus-is-one-stop-in-our-search-for-life/
in an article about venus, guess what he talks about first? fucking mars. I’m team venus for life now, fuck these boomers and their mars obsession

>> No.12129723

All they see is money. Big fucking dollar signs in everything. Mars looks like money money money

>> No.12129870


All well and good, but when are we sending astronauts in orbit around Venus? Science is great but exploration and inspiration is more than just science.

>> No.12130352

I don't really see the point of sending people to Venus right now. What would be the point? The atmosphere is too thick to see through, it's really far away. You'd need a second ISS around Venus to support a small crew of scientists (not that I'm in any way opposed to it). If you want to inspire people, then you should send them around the Moon, which is what Elon already plans to do in 2023.

>> No.12130362

Why go to Venus when you can go to mars

>> No.12130369

why go to mars when you can go to the asteroid belt

>> No.12130389

Mars is a planet we like planets. Turns out people like Mars a lot. Also it’s a lot more feasible then some asteroid.

>> No.12130410

space exploration isn't free.

>> No.12130413

>Turns out people like Mars a lot.
only people who don't know shit about mars

>> No.12130420

>Also it’s a lot more feasible then some asteroid.

>> No.12130746

Of course Donny would pivot and distract the American people with these extraordinary claims of extraterrestrial life on venus right in the midst of an election season. John Kennedy did the same thing. Promised the moon and meanwhile invaded innocent countries and gutted the tax system which America has not recovered from. NASA should not be politicized. Its 2020, and the real issues are unemployment, COVID-19 pandemic, the dehumanization of immigrants and minorities (sterilizing every woman at the fucking border for one) and in every respect, the president has failed and has in reality set science back decades by cutting funding and lastly denies the biggest problem the world has ever faced, climate change. Scientific American endorsed Joe Biden. Do you know what they didn't endorse? This theory that there is life on venus. Wait folks and be skeptical of what you hear during election season.

>> No.12130752

>Completing a mission.
They will spend 10 years fucking around and it will get cancelled by whatever president, or there will be a congressional hearing that says it's a waste of money.

>> No.12130825

Mars possibly can be colonized.
Venus is a death world with nothing to do. A research station is ok, but Venus will never be future for humanity.

>> No.12130843

But NASA does complete some missions. For example New Horizons, and for another, Dawn. And the Mars 2020 rover was launched in 2020 as planned. James Webb is an outlier.

>> No.12130844

NASA cannot even build a rocket.

>> No.12130847

Easier to get to Mars than a main belt asteroid, harder to land safely.

>> No.12132338


I don't want them bringing any god-damn extra-terrestrial micro-organisms within the exosphere's altitude of earth. The early Apollo astronauts wore BSL suits and did a month of quarantine on the mere possibility of Moon contagion, until they were super-serial HIV-positive that it was devoid of life. Here we have a situation where we have good reason to belive that there may be life which can survive in a very hostile environment, and you propose to bring it to the Earth rather than study it remotely. That's a full nope from me. Even if we did seed it in the first place with Venera etc.

>> No.12132361
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Fucking retards.... EUROPA is the only place where we could find real life like animals not some microbe

>> No.12132366

what about enceladus or even the oceans of titan?

>> No.12132369

even worse, take a look at fox news. it's literally written for boomers

>> No.12132370

After all this time...

>> No.12132375

We go there after Europa but yes ice covered water planets are our best bet

>> No.12132377

if there ends up being life on another body in our solar system, it means the universe is teeming with life to an almost infinitely high probability right? the only exception would be if our system had some property that made it uniquely suited for this, which seems ridiculously unlikely. Thoughts? Thots?

>> No.12132383

Man I just realized I hate unmanned space missions... one manned mission would do more for science and mankind than 10 probes

>> No.12132392

Perhaps microbe life can be found but conditions have to be right for them to eventually create something more complex

But I am a Catholic and I do not believe in alien life existence most likely they would be fallen angles so enemies

>> No.12132434
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>if there ends up being life on another body in our solar system, it means the universe is teeming with life to an almost infinitely high probability right?
It depends. You're assuming that life on venus came from venus or that life on earth came from earth. More specifically, you're assuming that life on venus didn't come from earth or that life on earth didn't come from venus.
In a worst case scenario of finding life, we discover that not only is life on Venus DNA based, but that the polymerases it uses are genetically similar to our extremophiles. At that point, it starts to look REALLY fishy and would suggest that our planets infected each other.

The only thing it might really answer is if earth-life can survive on other planets, not if other planets can generate life of their own.

>> No.12133140

NASA has been given pretty wide latitude with planetary science.

>> No.12133145

I thought retards like you were chased off this board. This place has really gone to shit hasn't it?

>> No.12133151

I wonder if it's even possible to prove whether life started on Earth, Mars or Venus first. Maybe you could nail down the timeline for Mars and Earth, but I don't think it's possible to do the same with Venus.

>> No.12133153

Microbes on Venus could have possibly come from Earth quite a while ago, we would need proof they evolved independently for that argument to work

>> No.12133196

>Mars possibly can be colonized.
there will never be colonies on mars. no, a few small research stations with a rotating crew don’t count

>> No.12133202

asteroids have interesting things that are easy to look at/harvest. rare metals, water, organic compounds etc. mars doesn’t have anything on the surface that justifies dealing with the gravity well

>> No.12133345

Life on Venus has been debunked already, it's just American fake news.

>> No.12133376

>kein leben in der gluth lederhosen weinerschnitzel blahblahblah
nobody understands your ugly language klaus. go away

>> No.12133378

That's cool!

Can't wait to see it in 2040 and $100 billion later

>> No.12133393

>”debunked” by just saying “nuh uh”
Wow, it’s fucking nothing.

>> No.12133411

I can't read kraut, give me an article that isn't written in gobbledygook

>> No.12133459

Don’t bother, there is literally nothing of substance to it

>> No.12133470

No life in the gluthole?

>> No.12133506

This is non-news. The only new stuff are the Venus discovery and Big Jim's comment. Davinci and Veritas were proposed before now and now have a better chance of winning, but nothing of their fates are official or have even been hinted at.

>> No.12133549
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>the life probably came from the venera probe

>> No.12133589


>> No.12133638

Learn to read. There are 4 missions, two of which would go to Venus but only one of them would study the atmosphere.

>> No.12133869

>Learn to read.two of which would go to Venus

>four proposals under review, including one to Venus

>> No.12133884


>> No.12133888

Very weak bait. Try harder. This is a pitty reply

>> No.12134690

James Webb is the fastest meme to burn tax dollars into oblivion that we've ever made.

>> No.12135030

space shuttle???
the hubble (initially... they had to replace the mirror lel)

>> No.12135206

Space shuttle

>> No.12135213

Mass Hispanic immigration?
ZOG wars

>> No.12135314
File: 325 KB, 512x384, 1558908329631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we do a manned Venus flyby as a "practice run" for a manned mars landing?

Venus is 4x closer to the Earth on average so it would be much easier to get to, though a manned Venus landing is obviously out of the question. If you ignore the ridiculous heat pressure and acid you remember the delta V requirements for a return trip to Earth are comparable to launching from Earth itself which already requires enormous rockets compared to the other planets.

Still though, you could merge some manned and unmanned missions together and have astronauts spend a week or so in orbit around Venus while the drop probes into the atmosphere and monitor their telemetry in essentially real-time (something you can't do all the way back on Earth).


>> No.12135412


>> No.12135417

>Venus will never be future for humanity

>> No.12135445

Phosphine doesnt mean life are NASA retarded. Phosphine is well known to be produced in hot acidic environments (remind you of anywhere?)

Like it could be life. But it could more likely be a million other things/reactions/ inorganic systems...

>> No.12135453

>Phosphine is well known to be produced in hot acidic environments (remind you of anywhere?)

What environment are you referring to?

>> No.12135458


In reality:
>mission will only be launched in 3+ years
>most likely will yield no results, at most - some bacterial life which is pretty lame
>mission will end there

>> No.12135479

>bacterial life
>pretty lame
pick one

>> No.12135504

or pluto

>> No.12135512

It'll be news for a week. People won't actually be that excited about it, but the news and infomedia will push a bunch of alien shit on primetime tv believing they are capitalizing on the situation. It won't change anyone's outlook on reality and daily life. The shock goalpost will be moved to macroscopic or intelligent life. Not even religion will be affected. Some vague passage will be attributed to it like after the discovery of dinosaurs.

>> No.12135516

Which part of NASA are you from lads

>> No.12135538

Pluto has no oceans. It is so cold that for most of its orbit the atmosphere (whose composition is similar to earth's) deposits on the surface.
I just hope they send some missions to Venus. We should learn all that we can about the bodies in our star system. Anything that gets people excited is great news for me.

>> No.12135547

Yeah bro we're gonna go to Europa and dig through 20 kilometers of Ice only to find a completely sterile dark ocean. It will cost a trillion dollars. Definitely sounds like the best use of our time and money!

>> No.12135585
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>at most - some bacterial life which is pretty lame

>> No.12136081


Go to 0:35


>> No.12136416

rather convenient after the recent breaking news.
surely this wasnt a well orchestrated funding drive?

>> No.12136443

>some bacterial life which is pretty lame
You what? Confirmation of alien life is lame? Breh that shit would turn everything we believe on its head.

>> No.12136470

>that shit would turn everything we believe on its head.
not really. it’s 2020. we’ve expected microbial life to be common throughout the universe for decades.

>> No.12136528

Like what. Name one thing

>> No.12136543

Well religion for one. Another is the belief that we're alone in the universe. And a third would be that life can only come into existence in conditions similar to Earth.

>> No.12136625

I don't think it would urn everything on its head, but it would be a tremendous learning opportunity for biochemistry and astrobiology as well as revitalizing the hunt for life and thus get funding for a new generation of telescopes that would be able to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets.

>> No.12136670

What's the travel time with conventional tech for a probe to reach venus?

>> No.12136682

>Well religion for one.

Religion wasn't changed by any scientific or historical facts directly contradicting the religious canon or making such stories even more ridiculous and miraculous. Be it the age and history of the earth, evolution, dinosaurs, global catastrophes than never happend, the nature of the heavens. People who believe those stories completely will still believed them completely. People who view them as parables with non-literal meanings will still believe the same. Aliens will just be some thing their god made and omitted or informed us about in a veiled way.

>Another is the belief that we're alone in the universe.

Ok thats now "on its head" for the minority of people that don't consider aliens a possibility. What happens?

>And a third would be that life can only come into existence in conditions similar to Earth.

This is a scientific interest and not profounding to the average person.

>> No.12136694

around 3-4 months, also transfer windows are much more common and you need less delta-v to get there

>> No.12136715

it literally says the author's name in the article

>> No.12136752

>there is life in venus!
>we must send probes to the planet!
reminder that the soviets did it first

>> No.12136870

Fuck Vebus, let's go to Europea - which has a higher chance of containing multicellular life

>> No.12137003

A Venus mission is cheaper and much easier to do. A Europa mission is incredibly fucking hard. Travel time is long and the rads are really bad. Our best rad hard electronics can only last a month on the surface.

>> No.12137142

ESA’s JUICE is going to Ganymede in 2022 and will do two Europa flybys.
NASA’s Europa Clipper should launch 2025

There’s a mission proposal for sample return from Enceladus and Titan for half a billion dollars (with a 14yr travel time) - if they can do Saturn that cheap, Jupiter should be easier

>> No.12137160

that's a flyby mission. It flies in the geyser then back out. We don't understand Europa well enough to do the same. The rads are much much worse at Europa than Enceladus.

>> No.12137265

see >>12135547

>> No.12137331 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 750x422, kevin-conway-kahless-star-trek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life kino just happened

Warf was meditating at the fire, and kayless returned

At that exact moment my mom called and told me ginsburg has died

>> No.12137347

The taxpayer funding it, son.

>> No.12137444

It honestly doesn't. All we know is there could be a warm ocean underneath a fuckload of ice. We don't know enough about internal conditions to know if its survivable. And we don't even know if habitable means life will form easily. Also it's probably not as easy as flying over a blowhole and collecting the life on your probe for confirmation.

Meanwhile venus has a signature that's more likely to be a biosignature that anything else with our current understanding. There's an unknown substance absorbing UV. The layer of atmosphere is pretty cozy for extremophiles. The temperature and pressure is great, even for human standards.

>> No.12137581


>> No.12137585

>No counter argument to defend his popsci reddit fantasies
Midwit detected.

>> No.12137603

oh wait i didnt read the post. i thought you were defending the europa fag. i am a midwit, but for a different reason.

thank you anon, i love you

>> No.12137614

Clipper will have a fuckload of imaging systems and spectrometers, it could be interesting even wuthout sample return

>> No.12137620
File: 4.00 MB, 522x533, 22B04C63-5E4C-46DC-BC9B-B6323BF644DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK was that

>> No.12137621

Pic 1

>> No.12137632

>Send multi billion dollar to probe to Venus
>Takes decades to plan, build, launch and eventually arrive.
>Takes some measurements, analyses some samples, takes some photos.


>> No.12137636

they always fucking do this it's maddening. they refuse to put microscopes on probes because that would leapfrog all the retarded incremental bullshit in between

>> No.12137637

>I do not know anything about space science yet have very strong opinions on it

>> No.12137640

Not an argument

>> No.12137641

Shut the fuck up you mental midget.

>> No.12137646

They are sending the first astrobiology mission to mars in decades and then said "DURRR WE CAN'T CONFIRM FOSSILS UNTIL SAMPLE RETURN"

if they're so fucking smart they can figure out a way to confirm fossil or extent life in-situ, we do it on earth all the time

>> No.12137678

>First astrobiology mission to Mars in decades

Beagle 2 from ESA’s “Mars Express” back in 2003 was literally designed solely to search for life, but its solar panels and antennae broke on deployment.

The 2008 Phoenix lander was sent with two good microscopes and a wet chemistry lab to study martian habitability and succeeded in all its goals.

Mars Science Laboratory on Curiosity has been operating for nearly a decade and has provided significant data about Martian habitability, organic chemistry and past and current hydrology.

ExoMars and Mars 2020 are both primarily astrobiology missions as well.

Why can’t you just educate yourselves instead of being ignorant fucks?

Face it, astrobiology has provided increasingly compelling evidences repeatedly for decades, you’re just dumb.

>> No.12137687

Send probe. Wait years. Finally the results come in...

"We can DEFINITELY CONFIRM the possibility that there is evidence which points towards the suggestion that there exists a chance that life may, or may not, exist on Venus. Perhaps."

News and Media: LIFE ON MARS, no wait...hang on, oh yeah...LIFE ON VENUS!

At this news very space nerd will piss their pants in excitement. Trekkies will poo and jizz their pants simultaneously. Hoaxers will deny it was ever sent. Green peace will begin lobbying for alien rights. Freaks will begin identifying as Venusian and want Venusian pronouns or else its a hate crime. SJWs will want any future crewed missions to carry a full diversity quota. Capitalists will be haggling over Venusian property rights. Politicians will be giving "final frontier" speeches. Only scientists will not be surprised.

>> No.12137691

>muh habitability missions
oh my god.....you really are a retard huh?

>> No.12137692

compelling evidence of nothing.

>> No.12137694

I eat trekkie poo and jizz so this is a double win for me

>> No.12137698

Opportunity, MRO, MOM, MAVEN, ExoMar’s Trace Gas Orbirter, InSight, and the UAE’s Hope are all Mars missions that have astrobiology components as well.

>> No.12137702

go away
what a valuable perspective

>> No.12137708

>”NO astrobiology missions in DECADES”
>Here are a dozen Martian astrobiology missions in the last twenty years
>NO those don’t count because NUH UH

Why are you so upset? Is this some weird ideological issue, or is your delicate ego just threatened by new information?

>> No.12137717

WOW and none of them confirmed shit

>> No.12137719

>I don’t understand things, therefore they don’t exist

can you just shut up and fuck off?

>> No.12137723

lol sounds like you need to take a chill pill, sonny. just admit it, grifters gotta grift. career scientists will never confirm alien life because then how can they string us along for decades?

>> No.12137726

They could find the goddamb martian la brea tar pits and it wouldn’t satisfy your shriveled mind

>> No.12137728

actually it would be really nice if they actually found aliens for the billions taxpayers have spent. they wont, because that's never been prioritized

>> No.12137729

If life exists then its going to be a kind of slime mold, bacteria or some sort of primitive shit.

If so, well that very interesting, but hardly worthwhile considering that there are millions of starving 3rd worlders who desperately need feeding and immigration so they can produce even more starving 3rd worlders. We should be concentrating on fixing this planets problems first. And the problem is white people. All efforts should be concentrated on replacing white people and filling every last space on this planet with human feces and plastic trash. Come on people, lets concentrate on the real issues!

>> No.12137732

this is my favorite take of the whole thread

>> No.12137747

You are impressively immune to being educated, I’ve never seen info just bounce right off like that before

>> No.12137754
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Yes we could aerosolize the feces the same way nebulas are formed. At that density it would blot out the sun, cooling the atmosphere and the feces would condense evenly on the surface, wasting no material.

But the ocean life keeps stealing our plastic to commit suicide with it.

>> No.12137767

1/10 apply yourself

>> No.12137789

>But the ocean life keeps stealing our plastic to commit suicide with it.
Yes, but I wouldn't worry about that too much. Once the world has been freed of white oppression the 3rd world tinpot dictators will use up all nuclear arsenals in border disputes over claims to malarial infested swamps and tracts of virtually sterile desert. Most of the nukes will end up in the oceans due to poor maintenance and incompetent targeting. Then what areas remain free of radioactive fallout can be buried under several meters of plastic waste.

>> No.12137809
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u welcome my friend

>> No.12138044


>> No.12138095

Which is a solid answer retard.

>> No.12138099

You just described most experiments

>> No.12138647

There is no life there. The "life" was planted there by the elite when we crashed a probe into the planet.
They are using this to push the "alien" agenda.
Its all fake!

But its still neato.
the elite love Venus, because its their bright and morning star. Its all about astrology, which THEY use to control the world.

>> No.12138672

Sweet, it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out but it's going to be hard. Wasn't the last probe we sent barely able to take photos before quickly getting destroyed? Sending something down to recover samples and bringing them back is going to be extremely difficult to say the least.

>> No.12138722

No we're not.
Nasa or spacex may go to Venus and discover there's no life

>> No.12138762

Russian scientist Ksanfomaliti Leonid Vasil'evich knew that there's some life on Venus, it's sad that he died in 2019 :(

>> No.12140528

>It flies in the geyser then back out.
How is that ethical? What if there's life there? Why is NASA alled to destroy what we barely understand?

>> No.12140578

>Not even religion will be affected.
Most religions accept that God could have created life on other planets, including Roman Catholicism and Islam. Mormons have it as part of their teachings. Discovery of alien life would only bother protestants.

>> No.12140639

>Discovery of alien life would only bother protestants.

I don't even believe that. I've never heard of earth and its life being unique in the canon. I guess you could say aliens would make earth less special, but that wouldn't really start to hit until intelligent life was contacted. And evolution did far more damage to the idea that man is special and religion chugs on.

>> No.12141871

>closer to Earth on average
did you know that Mercury is the clostest planet to Earth on average?
did you also know that Mercury is the hardest planet to get to, even harder than Pluto or Saturn?
please learn more about orbital mechanics before talking about space

>> No.12142907

Mars won't be the future of humanity either. It's a good first step to establish a permanent colony there, but the conditions of the planet make it next to impossible for humans to thrive.
The only way mankind will take its next step is by inventing a propulsion system capable of traveling light years in a relatively short amount of time and finding planets that have similar characteristics to Earth.

>> No.12142913

Is it even possible to look at Venus from up close? It is really bright.
>sending astronauts to a planet full of aliens

>> No.12142934

Honestly you are right. Microbial life in the solar system is no big deal to the public anymore because they have been told that "it will be found eventually" since the 1970s.

>> No.12142939


>> No.12142942

Or just inventing a cryostat device. Even if it took a few hundred years, what would it matter (unless in that time humanity makes a spacecraft that outpases this one). Using fusion, or even fission if we are stubborn enough, we could get to the stars in our neighborhood in a not unreasonable amount of time. Also, I think it will be much simpler to make a cryostat device than it would be to invent propulsion systems that would allow the effects of relativity to kick in in a substantial way.

>> No.12143037

you just keep making a fool of yourself huh

>> No.12143058

>binging back anything from Venus
Yeah no

>> No.12143248

If cryostat tech existed it would destroy the world. Everyone would just immediately freeze themselves until immortality is achieved.

>> No.12143259

realistically when is the earliest this could take place

>> No.12143299

9 years

>> No.12143316

God I hate Venus fags. You're all a bunch of fucking contrarians.

>> No.12143494
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That's just Adolf gassing the jews there

>> No.12144164

We just found out that micro life most likely exists on another planet and normies are not even aware or care about it.

>> No.12144205

They should have said a woman discovered it.

>> No.12144316

>returning days later to defend written contradictions

The good news is that I slept well

>> No.12144356
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1594087783924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Venetian
>Not even Venesian

>> No.12144547

>Of Venice
>Venetian Snares

>> No.12144734
File: 279 KB, 500x375, 1575262284216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Cytherian

>> No.12144760

you'll eat those words when they find what's in the martian caverns. subarenean?

>> No.12144762

>not venereal

>> No.12144820


>> No.12144971

And the first probes will return inconclusive data. They always do. Roughly a probe every ten years for the next 60 years before they will have a definite and confirmed answer. By which time you will be likely dead or too old to give a fuck any more.

>> No.12145003

>bacterial life on venus
i'm sorry what in the fuck are you smoking
extant life ANYWHERE would be an incredible, groundbreaking - fucking earthshattering - find, regardless of its complexity
it'd upend everything we think we know about the rarity of life
we'd finally have some fucking answers
fuck, even fossilized microbes would dramatically change our perception of the universe
are you really so desperate to be alone? what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12145529

>most likely exists
it will be a nothingburger until they can show videos of it on tv

>> No.12145632

Would be so cool if those UV-absorbing microscopic particles on Venus' atmosphere turned out to be the microbes producing phosphine. That would mean it's possible to SEE aliens from Earth.