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12127773 No.12127773 [Reply] [Original]

Will there be a global famine in our lifetimes? It seems like an increasingly likely possibility.

>> No.12127775

Every famine in history has been caused by governments deliberately messing things up for the people so maybe in authoritarian countries China or Russia or even Brazil but not in any freedom loving country.

>> No.12127827

Its likely that once bees go extinct everyone will shit themselves till they find what to replace bees with.

>> No.12127830

By 2050 there is a projection that half of the world's population will rely on food imports. Coupled with the PL480, it might even make it hard for the US to stay in the export game.

>> No.12127847

Yes, definitely.
Topsoil is being depleted at 100-100,000x the replacement rate. More than half of the planet’s usable arable land is already severely degraded.
Industrial agriculture is causing ecological collapse.
It’s also criticially dependent on petrochemicals, which are highly destructive and unsustainable.

We are FUCKED, and that’s not even counting climate change destroying crops

>> No.12127864

Basically this

>> No.12127865

>governments deliberately messing things up
Or, you know, a miniature fucking ice age.

>> No.12127940

Even in the worst famines the vast majority of effected population survives

>> No.12129385

not in our lifetime

>> No.12129390

nigger we have hydroponics and air conditioning and shit.
Only turd world dregs who can't provide for themselves will die off (and that's a good thing)

>> No.12129393

they won't die off peacefully, they'll wage wars.

>> No.12129437

Either are orders of magnitude more expensive than current agriculture, Imagine paying 30$ for a loaf of bread, and 100$ for a steak.

>> No.12129462

The mini ice age killed off a third of europe and asia. I'm talking about a historical event not something that could potentially happen. This famine already DID happen.

>> No.12129470
File: 19 KB, 627x720, Nightcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they eat the corpses of those who starved

>> No.12129480

Pretty good food source!

>> No.12129486
File: 159 KB, 1034x1200, EU1a2Q9XsAE15O9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and that's a good thing!

>> No.12130004

>Every famine in history has been caused by governments deliberately messing things up for the people
lmao what the fuck are you on, not everything has to be politically motivated you dingus. Most current-day famines occur in Africa and are due to a lack of self-sufficiency in food production (no land crops in the middle of the desert)

>> No.12131494

Who is this gentleman?

>> No.12131927
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>> No.12131937
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The Netherlands is a thing. They are a tiny and densely populated country that is the second highest agricultural exported in the world. They have an incredible level of industrial greenhouses. They produce nearly all of their tomatoes without soil right now. The only way that there will be a famine (in non shithole countries) is if people fuck up and we have a massive war or something to that effect.

>> No.12131962

Man I just found out he died this year. More people should read Can life prevail, it's not as edgy as the blurbs make it out to be.

>> No.12132187

No, but it's piss-weak pessimism dressed up as ecology.

>> No.12132201

>second highest agricultural exported in the world

By dollar value. Which is jacked up by expensive veggies and flowers. You need to look at staple food production.

>> No.12132208

Everyone back off. He said "in our lifetime".
So, nope.

>> No.12132308

They have the best potato productivity in the world. They are the best agricultural scientists of our day and should the need arise I am sure they could just grow that in much larger quantities.

>> No.12132318
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They had to... in order to survive!

>> No.12133543

ecofascist pseudoecology*

>> No.12133545

where’d this idiot “dutch pro-farmer!” meme come from? holy fuck, go outside, your brain has rotted if you think that the fucking netherlands represent the hope of modern agriculture. ufathomably stupid

>> No.12133677

Who then?

>> No.12133691

Idk probably the subsistence farmers of Chiapas or some shit, where people grow ACTUAL FOOD in a way that’s actually sustainable.

Everyone here should read “Who will feed us?” by Etc. Group so as to be capable of an informed discussion about food systems science and industrial agriculture

>> No.12133843
File: 184 KB, 821x667, ETCgroup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Etc. Group
why would i read anything put out by some luddite activist think tank? and fuck your peasant communes in chiapas and your '''''''technological assessment'''''' 1970ies hippie pseudoscience
>human enhancement BAD
>genetic egineering BAD
>nanotechnology BAD
>automation BAD
>subsistence farming GOOD
jesus fucking christ, i can't wait for climate change and resource scarcity to kick in hard. i hope the whole fucking useless global south gets ravaged by it. you fucking deserve WW3. i hope China nukes you and then fucks off to space leaving you behind in your gutter.

>> No.12134153

I grew up in the states and I live here now. I was in awe of the sheer number of greenhouses. I then looked into it and say that they have the highest productivity per hectare pretty much anywhere in the world.

>if you think that the fucking netherlands represent the hope of modern agriculture. ufathomably stupid


>> No.12134186

Maybe not in our lifetimes, but definitely within 200 years.

>> No.12134188

Cheap laborers? It worked with vanilla.

>> No.12134194

Bees aren't the only problem.

>> No.12134265

You serve machine systems that are going to fail and kill nearly everything.

>> No.12134271
File: 97 KB, 750x563, africa holy fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a wild ride lmao

>> No.12134287

Africa’s numbers are stunning, so many young people

>> No.12134293

They won't be able to feed themselves lol

>> No.12134300

Oh they won't feed themselves, the west will.

>> No.12134320

Many young men (esp in europe) are more right wing than their older counterparts. The pendulum will swing back and the west will not be sending help or accepting migrants in the future.

>> No.12135561

They'll find a way to feed themselves. Expect more wars in africa as that ramps up.

>> No.12135664

why should we care though... assuming we don't take any more of them in?

>> No.12135741

Africa will never be allowed to industrialize as long as the established order continues.

>> No.12135757

Who hate the dutch so much, germans?

>> No.12137583


>> No.12138726

Yes, except by 2050-60 in the majority of European countries 50+% of the voting population will be migrant children. Will they vote to stop migration? I somehow doubt it.

>> No.12138748

The moment america stops funding literally the entire world to eat dinner with its subsidies, the world will starve.
For at least a couple seasons, even.