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File: 93 KB, 1470x811, hopper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12126747 No.12126747 [Reply] [Original]

Always watching edition

previous >>12122500

>> No.12126751


>> No.12126752

I know I could do some easy googling for this but: what is JAXA’s budget like? Any chance they would see an increase? Also I know next to nothing about their rockets- desu I didn’t even know they had large lift capabilities until the UAE Mars launch. Do they like their rockets as they are now, or do they have plans on building new stuff

>> No.12126753
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deflate me, jeff! ohhhh JEFF

>> No.12126757

Representative democracy like the USA, but with UBI, and only the people who are not on UBI get to vote.
It's all going to devolve into hypercapitalist quasi-feudalism during and after the demigod wars, though.

>> No.12126760

Congrats bro now you have a welfare state with oligarchs.

>> No.12126762

Democracy is retarded

>> No.12126773
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On September 11 France changed the name of it's air force to the Air and Space Force. France also recently established a Space Command and a space warfare research facility. The Air and Space Force is preparing for the first European space wargame, AstérX, which will occur in November.


>> No.12126775

It's really the only way to deal with populations upward of tens of billions, if your states actually start to have to govern people on that scale and they don't just inevitably fracture at some upper limit. The crafty and enterprising will claw their way upward, and the ambitionless populace will continue to simply exist as they are generally content to do.

>> No.12126776
File: 170 KB, 1024x1539, budget cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12126780

If Biden gets rid of the space force I will be LIVID. That's easily the most forward thinking thing Trump has done. We HAVE to expand into space for the survival of freedom and dignity against the strangling influence of China, a cancerous mass of authoritarianism and deception that must be opposed at all costs.

>> No.12126781

In the long-term, I agree. Hence the hypercapitalist quasi-feudalism.
But democracy can be fairly nice int eh early stages, and its useful lifespan can be extended by shrinking the voting-capable percentage of people without angering the masses too much.

>> No.12126787
File: 67 KB, 763x1073, 1588708306181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOING released a video of the X-37B that shows what's inside the spaceplane's cargo bay: solar panels and radiators.

>X-37B operating in orbit

>landing tracking shot showing the spaceplane maneuvering in Earth's atmosphere

>> No.12126792
File: 582 KB, 1201x319, Bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls himself a Boeing "chad"

>> No.12126794


>> No.12126795

I mean, we already knew they were inside, but we were only shown cartoon graphics before.

>> No.12126797

Hmm yeah on second thought, I agree with >>12126762. The average voter is fucking stupid. Once your colony on Mars gets big enough to support english majors and artists and useless people, I don’t want those marxist uninformed crambones making important decisions. Decisions should be limited to the few, the smart, and the forward-thinking. The only problem is finding a political system that supports people like Elon making decisions and not people like nancy pelosi. Idk how you could get that to work

>> No.12126798

>being poor

>> No.12126802

>having a shit grasp on economics

>> No.12126804

ok poorfag

>> No.12126806

Elon is a strong advocate of direct democracy, a concept i find interesting if it's tempered right-I think referendums are a good idea but they should only have weight if you can get a 2/3 majority in support of an idea. Also i think FPTP voting sucks major ass and I much prefer approval voting, which is still very fair and always picks as winner the most liked candidate while allowing everyone to fully express their opinions about who they approve of ruling,so no spoiler effect.

I understand being annoyed with democracy-god knows the system is far from perfect-but I have to say that strongman systems have TERRIBLE records in areas I value and I would never go for them. I don't think the kind of people that are going to mars are going to be in favor of that either.

>> No.12126813
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>90 mil a seat
>still doesn't work properly
ok bro

>> No.12126815

Damnit was trying to find if that Paul Wooster and Richard Garriot event happened but their facebook say it got canceled because of "unforeseen circumstances".

>> No.12126816
File: 41 KB, 640x640, Waiting for launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boing still hasn't gotten their capsule to the ISS

>> No.12126822


>> No.12126823

>unforeseen cirCUMstances

>> No.12126831

>Elon is a strong advocate of direct democracy
I believe he said this would be the initial system. It makes sense to have a DD when the only people on your colony are engineers and geologists and biologists who know how to prioritize what needs to be done, what materials they need, how to mitigate problems, etc. But once that colony turns into an outpost, and then a city, direct democracy will just create people who will want to become career politicians for the sake of power fame and money. Just like everywhere here on earth.

>> No.12126836
File: 116 KB, 600x764, cmon_dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rocket launches tonight
>no race riots tonight
>no major disasters tonight, just a pussy cat 2 stalled over the swamp
>corona leveling off again
>no war with Iran AGAIN
>venus life a nothingburger until a probe can be sent to confirm it
c'mon 2020, do the thing

>> No.12126854

Mammon and Moloch (greed and power) are powerful forces in our psyches. How can we fight against their malign influence,esp in politics?

Elections should be publicly funded, with candidates gaining access to funds by getting verified signatures of intention to support them in an election. Ad space is strictly regulated. There should be an absolute punishment for corruption of any kind or degree-even a single dollar of stolen public money should merit banishment. Lobbyists should be strictly regulated and politicians banned from taking such jobs.

>> No.12126857

Anon were you responsible for this

>> No.12126862

I've certainly been very disappointed with the 3GD for not collapsing

>> No.12126888
File: 28 KB, 648x480, 1572665729058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Force personnel will be trying out dress uniforms soon. You know, the stuff that would look like pic related.

>> No.12126907

It’s gonna be some shitty ungodly blend of navy/air force dress unis, complete with an ugly black color and white buttons... accompanied by an article about how “the black represents the unending blackness of space, and the white buttons represent the stars and the endless reach of the US space force blah blah blah”. Put me in the screenshot when I’m right

>> No.12126934

Imagine the spacex suit, but blue with a mirror tint face shield and red tesla logo on the chest.

>> No.12126949

>In July, Time magazine reported that President Donald Trump also suggested that the First Lady "should help design Space Force uniforms because of her impeccable fashion sense."
Don't let us down, Melania.

>> No.12126973

Next rocket launch is a Starlink mission on the 17th. Still no announcement of the scrubbed Delta IV launch date

>> No.12126976

fusion rockets WHEN
burns in orbit casting shadows at night on the ground WHEN

>> No.12126990
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no, red, like this

>> No.12127007

Two active threads

>> No.12127009
File: 115 KB, 900x557, kharkovchnaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mars suits should be light green to stand out against the background
just like polar expeditions use orange

>> No.12127013

The japanese have veeery smal penis

>> No.12127028
File: 3.85 MB, 5568x3712, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going up

>> No.12127031
File: 2.95 MB, 4896x3264, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh damn what the fuck
it's happening

>> No.12127044 [DELETED] 

RIP Jeb he crashed into the mun again because apparently I forgot how to land

>> No.12127045 [DELETED] 

the mun is lame, minmus forever

>> No.12127052 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, Roving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I heard a bang somewhere

>> No.12127054
File: 176 KB, 680x493, 1285770751942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fire laser at spaceship
>use mirror to reflect the laser
>use another mirror to re-reflect the laser
>continue ad infinitum
>unlimited ISP

>> No.12127058

you'll melt your mirror but yeah that works

>> No.12127088
File: 156 KB, 625x417, mars colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really matter because no one is going to live on the surface.

>> No.12127107

>The only problem is finding a political system that supports people like Elon making decisions and not people like nancy pelosi. Idk how you could get that to work
Cavelosi and Sniff-Touch sell mammoth hunting ground to yellow tribe for shiny beads. Grug club them on head and leave near lion cave. Take back mammoth hunting ground.

>> No.12127111
File: 136 KB, 1151x744, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12127114

imagine the smell

>> No.12127116

are those engines made out of minecraft blocks

>> No.12127118


>> No.12127127

see, oldspace can make cool stuff too

>> No.12127130

I just went away for 3 days and suddenly venus is popular

WTF did just happened

>> No.12127131
File: 61 KB, 500x500, MAR376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol easter egg fuel pods.

>> No.12127136

radar detection of phosphine gas in the cloud deck of Venus
this probably means we need to learn more about abiotic processes that can produce phosphine gas, and triple check to make sure it's not a false positive
but it could also mean life in the cloud deck of Venus

>> No.12127142

Up to how many Bars did it go?

>> No.12127149
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>> No.12127150

We detected multiple radio signals from venus. Even by pointing one antena to earth to filter the signal we could still see it. It has been replicated by four independent teams up to now.
Trump should make an annoucement on the joe rogan podcast.

>> No.12127159

Cute bird.
But it should have gone past 7 bars by now right?
7 is the human-ready threshold right?

>> No.12127160

should -> will

>> No.12127171
File: 80 KB, 320x423, dd6430ffed40931670f03574a60dd236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just don't know

>> No.12127172

They flooded enough of rural Sichuan province that they're having fairly serious food shortages at least in the local region.
>they did just buy a record amount of grain from us

>> No.12127174
File: 188 KB, 898x908, 7e4aa41e7c09a1f134199f49a8620f0e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is unknown

>> No.12127176

Imagine if spacex has managed to increase fuel capacity by like 30% just by changing alloys.
It would be so cool.

i cant take the suspense anymore

>> No.12127179

higher pressures doesn't mean more fuel, anon
cryogenic methane is fairly incompressible
also, the fuel load is currently limited by the T/W ratio

>> No.12127186
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>> No.12127187

Given a fixed volume and temperature how do you increase pressure without adding more mass?
And the rocket equation I know but a bit more fuel always allows for a bit more mass.

>> No.12127191

the volume isn't fixed because the stainless is going to expand slightly at higher pressures
the temperature isn't fixed either
the mass you're adding is in the gaseous form, and is minuscule compared to the mass of the liquid propellant

>> No.12127195 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 1537x1076, SMS-Prometheus visit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I add to the station next?

>> No.12127198

Anon, it kinda sounds like you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.12127199 [DELETED] 

tomboy and femboy modules

>> No.12127203 [DELETED] 

I'm running a space station, not a mental ward

>> No.12127204

science lab
really big fucking antenna
a spaceplane that's bigger than your entire station
I do, I'm just really tired
anyway, you're not going to get 30% more liquid methane and liquid oxygen into Starship just because it reached a higher pressure, and even if that meant you could, you wouldn't because Starship only has six Raptor engines and if you increase the wet mass at staging it won't have enough thrust to empty the propellant tanks fast enough to get to orbit

>> No.12127207

Sadly there's a 0% chance Biden's handlers agree to that podcast ever happening

>> No.12127209 [DELETED] 

the two red modules on the bottom are both observatories, but i like the antenna idea

>> No.12127212 [DELETED] 


>> No.12127220 [DELETED] 

A fuel depot

>> No.12127261 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, Eclipse launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12127269
File: 153 KB, 1222x698, Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 5.04.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh /sfg/ chads Elon Musk is in danger

>> No.12127277
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>> No.12127281

>Ad space
Lmao what is this, the dark ages? Political propaganda is done stealthily by adjusting trends on social media.

>> No.12127282 [DELETED] 


>> No.12127283

Crazy Bernie still seething over Elon's bants from like 2 months ago lmao

>> No.12127288

he's still alive? thought he'd finally croak dead after all this bullshit

>> No.12127292
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They were always pretty open about most of the experiments. It's always weird how the media plays it up as mysterious space plane. Im sure they are popping out some secret sats here and there or testing asat tech but it's all pretty mundane.
They keep pumping them out but no real testing? Don't they have a few starships ready to go soon?

>> No.12127295

Well at least we weren't wrong about how they'd inevitably say "Why put all that money into space when you could put it into gibs?"
But also who really cares? Bernie is officially no longer relevant thanks to Biden.

>> No.12127308

Literally 1930s commie dekulakization

>> No.12127343 [DELETED] 
File: 999 KB, 705x693, SMS-CHCM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMS-Communications and Heat Control Module is now installed

>> No.12127350

How can you be this old and this rich without understanding how company shares work?
Actually scratch that, he‘s probably being retarded on purpose, isn‘t he.

>> No.12127367

Does anyone have been following the Boring Company? Are they successful?

>> No.12127384
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, dolby surround 7.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no pop? SN7.1 is turning into a Top Gear episode.

>> No.12127387 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 587x587, IMG_20200915_203159_981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valentina Kerman isn't a tomboy to you

>> No.12127427 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 448x464, cnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things i would do to her

>> No.12127436 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200914-151651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn RUD that kussy

>> No.12127443 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 276x180, unknown (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck going on in my spaceship bruh

>> No.12127460

Hey isn’t this the guy that defrauded his supporters to buy a third mini mansion?

>> No.12127461 [DELETED] 

Long term colony stability/sustainability experiment. Don't worry about it.

>> No.12127475

It's enough that the ones they're writing this for don't. It's politics, who cares about facts if it gets you votes.

>> No.12127540 [DELETED] 

Uhm sweaty Its not a mansion ok?
It's a $0.5M summer house, NOT

>> No.12127548 [DELETED] 

Valentina wanted to spice things up.

>> No.12127553

this isnt /kspg/ 2, fuck off with your videogame blogging

>> No.12127565

I'm sure you'll find something extremely exciting going on in spaceflight today

>> No.12127617

Forge world Mercury when?

>> No.12127618

“The art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other” — Voltaire

>> No.12127625

>Boing did it again


>> No.12127639

Just about any governmental system can work with a small enough group of like minded individuals. Communism, Democracy, Totalitarianism, etc. All the people know each other so everyone knows what everyone needs. Once you get to a point where not everyone knows eachother, that's when the form of government becomes a lot more important.

>> No.12127649
File: 48 KB, 501x532, He-is-right-behind-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boeing? more like BASED

They keep getting away with it bros, you gotta respect their consistency

>> No.12127652

Why are Cessna's so cute bros?

>> No.12127669

Is there a general for ksp on this site?

>> No.12127676

There was once, on /v/, but it died a horrible death.
/vg/ might still have some kerbal talk in the engineering game general but I wouldn't know.

>> No.12127687
File: 1.42 MB, 1800x1077, Von Kerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on /vg/ but it's clumped in with Engineering games and no-one fucking uses the damn thread so it takes several years for a new post to appear

>> No.12127698

ya, kerbal refugees are in /egg/

>> No.12127701
File: 75 KB, 640x360, when u install rss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ is the unofficial general for ksp

>> No.12127706

There was one on /vg/ when KSP2 was announced, but it was too slow to stay alive among the gacha threads.

>> No.12127753

Worse thing he dies it would change nothing see Marx-Lenin-Stalin.

>> No.12127755


>> No.12127782

UBI but not universally? You know what UBI is, right?

>> No.12127786



>> No.12127804

Aside from this and /egg/ on /vg/, I've seen at least one attempt at a general on /vst/.

>> No.12127806

Let's call it CBI then. Conditional Basic Income, which you only get it if you abdicate your right to vote and get sterilized.

>> No.12127821

More like CBT Conditional Basic Transtaction.

>> No.12127823


>> No.12127842

Service guarantees citizenship!
Would you like to know more?

>> No.12127943

>tfw STILL no Q>1 Z-pinch fusion plasma rocket thrusters
Why even be a space enthusiast, honestly?

>> No.12127999

Shumlak is making good progress,I would hope Freeland is taking notice of it and seeking investment. A toned down version of his Firefly z-pinch probe for interplanetary use could be a game changer.

>> No.12128004 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 453x583, 8E8FECB1-BCFA-46B9-8CF4-05904841929B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW freakin EPIC deep spacerino thread

Humanity’s destiny is most certainly in the heavens.

WOW GUYS I fucking love how cool space exploration is. HECKIN EPIC. Elon Musk is a god!

>> No.12128005

who are you talking to?

>> No.12128011

nice man!, im glad we're all happy people sharing the happines of humankind advancement. Nobody likes bad things like war and poverty and this is like, the total opposite. I love you all guys, humanity is winning, advancement willl keep going and going and going until everyone of us will be much much richer than even jeff bezos

>> No.12128016

Sorry, but these threads are about getting away from faggots like you and the strawmen you tried portraying.

>> No.12128020

Greed and power are good.

>> No.12128024

im sorry negativer( hehe thats my personal word for people who are negative but you should be understanding to them because they might have a reason to, yes i invent words, yes im creative and unique, no i may not create words for youo for free, creativity is work too) you may have thought this was a place for you to spew your mindestroyabadsociety (that one i wont explain hehe, hehehehihi) but as all of humanity in this great time of advancement and enjoyment your time is over, you want us to be sad, you want us to be miserable??? sorry, humanity is expanding musk is increasing technology and soon all will be bad, please join us in absolute happines nad leave your hate aside

>> No.12128028


>> No.12128031

imagine the guy who was set to handle the starliner clock, he's been a fan of space since he was little, he joined boeing honestly believing it was the better company and that if reusability was reasonable theyd be going for it, he once suggested to his superiors to try it out but they laughed at him and made him run 3 laps around the building because of that. He goes to 3 therapists, he has trouble convincing himself what he does is good. He dreams of elon musk disguised as princess leia telling him "help us boeing guy, youre our only hope", he once dreamt of cutting a valve without anyone noticing, cutting a cable, just one and no one would be the wiser but when he wakes up he feels horrible about it, he looks at himself in the mirror and says "that would be wrong, im not a bad person"
He goes to his job trying to keep the thoughts about spacex and cost effective rockets away, this is the big day, he should double check all of his duties, even the clock... even the clock? . well theres no reason to be so cautios, he did check the clock like... every time before work!, that makes it like 25 times in last month alone, and besides its not like such a hard task just looking at it for a few seconds would confirm if its right or wrong, but the clock is on the ship now he would have to log in, someone would ask him what he was doing, it might look bad on his career, besides other people were working with him the whole time, if the clock was wrong they would have told him.
And without him realizing it, the small voice that sounded in his head, of whos existence he was even barely aware keept insisting "don't check the clock, dont check the clock, dont check the clock" and in the end he listened to it

>> No.12128034

let's call it personalized productive incentive exchange, you only get it if you provide a service, and you get it from the person you provided your service, maybe we can trick centenials into working

>> No.12128037

Lol does this retard not know how net worth works?

>> No.12128038

in that picture:
they have two Starships they just retrieved from hop tests
they have one Starship that they're putting aerosurfaces on for the skydiver test
they have another in the works that's a backup for that one
there are parts for a few more in the works but that's it for stacks right now

>> No.12128045

The full sized version has >2000km/s delta V and thus lets you ride at 1g all the way to Jupiter and Saturn, no spin gravity needed.

>> No.12128051

The official story was a cover up. Their software pajeets set the system time to India instead of Florida.

>> No.12128053 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 420x533, 00F411CA-63A8-4E24-BB20-4154B4660B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow /spg/ friends who also appreciate the advancement of humanity expanding outwards to the heavens.

Wow DUDE this thread is really getting me pumped to visit Mars or the Moon someday. Hopefully it will happen in my life time.

Here, have some gold, kind stranger :) and thanks for the upboat!

>> No.12128054

based pasta

I mean this is mildly funny, negativer is good though.

>> No.12128056

Welcome to the club! It's nice to see even more people getting excited for the next step in human evolution instead of becoming dull retards that think technology is stagnant and that we should devolve or stop founding research to spend more on food. Acknowledging the unlimited ressources that will be accesible to us once we get firmly into space and the improvement of the human condition that will follow is truly magnificent! Small warning; some people here have a weird hate of all space related things and seem to follow a cult leader with the name of "thunderf00t". Don't worry, they don't bite. ;)

Anyways, what are you more excited about: mars base or moon base?

>> No.12128060 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 805x851, 562C3275-09ED-4C11-BDC5-C817266F42F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>12128004 #
>Sorry, but these threads are about getting away from faggots like you and the strawmen you tried portraying.

>> No.12128062

He knows. But he's a politician, he says what his voters want him to say.
What he does is something completely different.

>> No.12128066

>falling for bait

>> No.12128072 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 640x591, 2B95E8BF-CC86-4041-833C-5F7FB601F796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a base on the moon would be EPIC

Just imagine being able to see nearly all of humanity on that blue and green orb in one view!

Thanks for the warm welcome kind sir! Here’s some gold and an up-vote!

>> No.12128073
File: 101 KB, 800x871, the new SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is cancelled- the rocket will never fly, instead the expertise and hardware that went into developing the rocket will be repurposed for a revolutionary new type of space vehicle - one that is cheaper, more effective and draws on the proud legacy of 7 years of SLS development and manufacturing experience, built mainly from legacy hardware and only requiring the modification of the core stage and the creation of a new space vehicle (derived from the space shuttle) the new SLS (Shuttle Launch System) will begin construction after a preliminary design review taking place 1-2 years from now.

>> No.12128074

bobndoug lives on
surely a faster turtle than BO's

>> No.12128076

Pretty astonishing if it can be made, we could go to mars in a fraction of the time that chemical rockets need. Apparently the russians are actually blocking out some kind of nuclear rocket now. Given some of their recent fuckups with nuclear powered missiles i am a little nervous about it.

>> No.12128077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12128078
File: 1.93 MB, 1440x926, god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reminder: Deniers will lose.

>> No.12128081 [DELETED] 

Jannies, we're gonna need a mop up on isle one.

>> No.12128085 [DELETED] 

thank you too, its nice to see a place where we can be free from the mean people of humanity, the future will be space and will be good not mean.

>> No.12128088 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 788x1000, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (you). Now go away

>> No.12128090

Yeah but CBI is a natural eugenics program. You incentivize degenerates who chose personal gain over voting rights and future children to remove themselves from politics and the genepool.

>> No.12128091

you know how i know you get good gifts from your wifes boyfriend? your first instinct when youre getting even slightly inconvenienced is to call a real man to solve the issue for you, literally made of soi

>> No.12128097

Even a baby tier 0.01g brachistochrone would be a massive improvement over chemical rockets. 1g is Expanse tier.

>> No.12128098

why not just make a drug thats really addictive and has sterility as a side effect , you save yourself the expense

>> No.12128099
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what did he mean by this

>> No.12128107

>game changer
Fucking hate this buzzword, honestly

>> No.12128109

I think he's jumping the gun a bit there, he should really temper his expectations

>> No.12128111

Where's the anon that just posts rockets and shit when the thread is getting derailed?

>> No.12128112

What exactly could he do to solve the problem of your shitposting? Responding just gives you ammunition to make more soiposts. (I expect a good soijack for this post-please make it a veiny one.)

I'm honestly gobsmacked that we don't have a martian gravity simulator mission from anyone planned. We've sent up space tethers before and a tether creating .3 g conditions doesn't need to be all that big. You'd think the Chinese would take action given they want to go to mars in like 20 years and flex their muscles in space.

>> No.12128113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12128117
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>the virgin space enthusiast


>> No.12128119

Prof. Tajmar has been shitting on emdrives since Shawyer first announced them. Now he's confirmed thrust. That's legitimately huge. Everything else he's talking about requires about a 100x improvement in efficiency PLUS linear scaling up to megawatt range power.

>> No.12128124

Why don’t we send satellites with ion thrusters to orbit some planet for a few years until it reaches relativistic speeds? Would be cool to see that happen with our own eyes innit

>> No.12128126

He probably means he thinks he's getting reactionless (or at least propellantless) thrust.

On another note, when are we gonna have a black box that converts electrical power directly into organized kinetic energy? We can already do that with random kinetic energy (ie thermal motion of particles), doesn't seem impossible to just get all the particles to go in the same direction and maybe produce a little bit of waste heat along the way

>> No.12128130

Probably either working or sleeping, or both

I think
sounds better

>> No.12128133

>I dont know how to solve my own problems and for some reason is someone elses problems

communists really did a number on our country

>> No.12128135

Literally just look at Mercury. Its orbit is deep enough in the sun's gravity well that it's distorted by relativistic effects.

>> No.12128138

you have no idea how orbits work, the orbit would increase steadily as the speed increases, it would abandon a planets orbit loooong before reaching even a laughable fraction of c

why isnt there talk of using laser propulsion for intra solar system travel?

>> No.12128139

Heinleinist Republic is the way.

>> No.12128150
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much better

>> No.12128156

>why isnt there talk of using laser propulsion for intra solar system travel?
There is, but as usual it's just talk

>> No.12128159

Laser propulsion only works with gigawatt scale lasers and you need another laser at the other end to slow down.

>> No.12128161

>Why don’t we send satellites with ion thrusters to orbit some planet for a few years until it reaches relativistic speeds?
Several reasons;
1. Ion thrusters use propellant and therefore obey the rocket equation. They get much more impulse per gram of propellant, but they still operate based on exhaust velocity and wet-dry mass ratio.
2. Ion thrusters don't have near the Isp necessary for a single stage to have enough delta V to achieve relativistic velocities. The highest Isp ever achieved in experimental electric thrusters on Earth is somewhere around 20,000 seconds, I think. Even if you designed a probe with a really good W/D ratio, 90% propellant by mass, that'd still only get you ~450 km/s of delta V. Good, in fact in a similar range as the single-stage delta V budget of a decent Orion nuclear pulse drive, but nowhere near relativistic.
3. Because ion thrusters have such low thrust, even if they had the efficiency necessary to get up to any significant fraction of light speed, it would take actual centuries of continuous thrust in order to accelerate that much. Ion drives continuously wear with use, because they're subjected to a low density wash of extremely fast ions the entire time they're operating, so you'd be very lucky to even get a decade out of a single thruster.
4. If you're accelerating, you're not going to be sticking around in orbit of a planet for very long. Orbits are literally defined by velocity and vector, so if you change velocity you change the orbit. You're not orbiting anything at relativistic speeds if it's less massive and dense than a heavy white dwarf star.

>> No.12128164

Yes, that communist ideal of basic image board moderation is a real humdinger.

Seriously, where's my soijack? You're going to disrespect me by not using one?

I think it's too early for laser or PROCSIMA to get much mainstream discussion, even though it makes a lot of sense. Having to carry fuel with you all the time is pretty limiting in space,offloading the energy via infrastructure makes a lot of sense. That being said, most of what we're trying to do is served very well using conventional rocketry. Our goals need to get big enough to warrant things like a laser railway. Right now our current goals make Starship look like insane overkill. My hope is Starship lowers the cost to orbit enough for it to click to people that space is infinite real estate and trillions of tons of useful materials floating around waiting to be harvested,and people start scaling up their goals to match the tech.

>> No.12128169

I guess, but slow orbital precession is kinda the lamest of the relativistic affects.
It's like getting your mind blown that astronauts that sped a year in space are like one millisecond younger than people who lived on Earth the whole time.

>> No.12128170

If you can create a laser system that remains focused for much longer and can do work over a longer period,you can make do with a much less powerful laser. That's why PROCSIMA is so interesting.

>> No.12128178

>Yes, that communist ideal of basic image board moderation is a real humdinger.
>Seriously, where's my soijack? You're going to disrespect me by not using one?
stop replying to him soiboy

>> No.12128180 [DELETED] 

(((you))) are a fag

>> No.12128186
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Lmao I can't even think of something funny to say. Wasn't Starliner's clock found to be based on India time or something?

>> No.12128189

>why isnt there talk of using laser propulsion for intra solar system travel?
Laser propulsion really only starts to shine (heh) if you have long acceleration lengths to work with. Going between any of the inner planets via laser sail would be shitty, you'd be better off using electromagnetic accelerator tracks. Going between the outer planets via laser sail may be a bit more viable, but again, if we can use electromagnetic launch systems it makes more sense to do so anywhere that we can set them up rather than using laser sails. Moving between the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud, and everywhere between, laser sails become more attractive. Moving between stars, laser sails start to dominate over everything. For moving between galaxies, grand laser sail highways stretching across thousands of light-years are pretty much the only option that is even viable, because the amount of mass you need to bring with you plus the distance you're trying to cross are both so extreme. Don't worry anon, as long as we can get real access to space and self-sustaining growth of orbital habitats in the asteroid belt, we'll eventually get to intergalactic laser propulsion systems.

>> No.12128196

>tfw most of the easy to explore worlds have already been visited
>tfw the technology to explore worlds in the oort cloud and beyond won't exist in our lifetimes

>> No.12128204

Imagine controling the border planets, we'd then have LOGH in making.

>> No.12128208

>If you can create a laser system that remains focused for much longer and can do work over a longer period,you can make do with a much less powerful laser.
Sure, but being able to get away with a less powerful laser is good for bringing the goal of tiny interstellar probes closer to being in reach, NOT for helping with interplanetary transport. While a weaker beam may be able to get a 100 gram probe up to significant fractions of c after a few years of thrusting, that thing is going to be well beyond the Kuiper belt by the time it reaches those speeds. Increase the scale of the payload by 10,000 times (a one ton vehicle) and decrease the available distance to accelerate by 100 times and your only course of action that can make your laser sail system an attractive option is to have a laser that is a million times stronger.

>> No.12128211

1. There are plenty of degenerates who aren't drug addicts.
2. Drug addicts often finance their addiction through crime.
3. They can still vote.
So not only will the non-addict degenerates still have children, but the addicts will still be responsible for a lot of crime and both of them will still be able to vote.

>> No.12128214

>Wasn't Starliner's clock found to be based on India time or something?
IIRC the error between the mission clock and the actual expected time matched up exactly with the local time of some city in India that Boeing has outsourced work to, or whatever that's called

>> No.12128221

My nigga, visiting doesn't count as fully explored, this isn't Ksp. That fag from spain who first landed in America didn't know about the giant redwood forests, or the grand canyon, or the great lakes, or the uranium and thorium deposits, etc etc. Our little tonka toy robots have effectively accomplished the same amount of recon as two guys in two days could do with a shovel, a camera, and a note book

>> No.12128225

>1. There are plenty of degenerates who aren't drug addicts.
but all of them are easily manipulable, just make it cool for shitty people but totally unaceptablef or serious people, put it in rap music or something and youre done

>> No.12128233
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Japan has identified the motherlode, and are on their way there right now

>> No.12128238


>> No.12128239
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My nigga right here is correct. One lander on venus in the 70's does not equate to "haha well we've been there and done all we need to do"

We've fucking been on this Earth 2 million years and we are still learning loads of geology every decade

>> No.12128260


3D printer onboard that prints its own replacement engine attached by a robotic arm once sensors deem it necessary to replace

>> No.12128266

that long to get to it?

>> No.12128269

would it be possible to put something like a particle vacuum in space that just scoops up interstellar medium until it fills a tank with hydrogen? like, no matter how long it takes someone will use it

>> No.12128276
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>who cares about facts if it gets you votes.
But he isn't even running for anything.

>> No.12128279
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>In the summer of 2019, a former ULA employee claimed that Boeing, NASA's prime contractor for SLS, viewed orbital refueling technology as a threat to SLS and blocked further investment in it.

>"Senator Shelby called NASA and said if he hears one more word about propellant depots he’s going to cancel the space technology program."

Punished depots.

>> No.12128286

Hayabusa has already completed its mission and now is just kinda floating in heliocentric right now
they found an asteroid they can get to with nothing but gravity assists, and it's the fucking motherlode

>> No.12128289

Now all lunar landers are going orbital refueling since they know what's coming and can't stop it.

>> No.12128297

Onions boys don't care about space anymore, they would much prefer to give that money to african warlords and then wonder why 20 billion dollars of aid made the continent worse.

>> No.12128299
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>> No.12128303

Shitty robots driving 200 feet isn’t exploring.

>> No.12128304
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Anyone watching this new netflix documentary thats out today? I'm in the first episode and theres a lot of background on manned spaceflight and lots of archive material. It's pretty good so far.

>> No.12128315
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Aerogel insulated propellant tanks when?

This would essentially make toxic hypergolic fuels obsolete. The trick is to develop a dedicated vibration-resistant aerogel that doesn't disintegrate if one of the astronauts farts.

>> No.12128318

also because fixed price per ton contracts

>> No.12128332

Aerogel can't hold hydrogen, so it'd only be useful for methalox/kerolox.

>> No.12128344

Just watch the free version.

>> No.12128367

Do you think we'll name another spacecraft Challenger or Columbia or are these names forever cursed?

>> No.12128368

India has one time zone. It matched IST.

>> No.12128371
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(You) have to go back.

>> No.12128373

Cursed until the end of this century, at very least.

>> No.12128383

You don't need to hold the fuel with the insulation, do you think the orange foam holds hydrogen directly?
>internal tank
>aerogel insulation
>external cladding

>> No.12128397

Which legend of the galactic heroes to watch first? Where to watch it?

>> No.12128414

30m is really small for an asteroid. There are bigger houses. Imagine if it was an unique opportunity to provide cheap fuel for a mission who would get to decide on it?

>> No.12128418

Maybe, maybe not. Regardless of associations with tragedy, the name Columbia is probably too non-PC to ever be used again.

>> No.12128422


We're going to get some weird ship names going forward.

>> No.12128438

>Big Sexy Beast

>> No.12128441

Explain the Everyday Astronauts, his trillions of followers and /r/elonmusk

>> No.12128445

Anon I know you're being hyperbolic, but

>> No.12128448

Will each Starship be named like the Shuttles?

>inb4 Starship Gaschamber

>> No.12128451

dont you mean hypergolic

>> No.12128453

yes, but probably only the manned ones. They've already picked out the name for the first one.

>> No.12128458

Oh really? What’s the name?

>> No.12128462

Heart of Gold

>> No.12128479
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k i n o

>> No.12128481
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>the 40 year old booster

>> No.12128482

Good news everybody, it still works!
See you all next year!

>> No.12128486

someone post the steel color chart by exposure to temperature

>> No.12128487

What species of micro-organism will we be culturing in our biodomes?

>> No.12128488

They still using the same O rings?

>> No.12128489

I think so.

>> No.12128491

>Executive Producer
>JJ Abrams

>> No.12128501

Why would they do something so idiotic

>> No.12128506

muh jerbs

>> No.12128509

Those jobs won't create themselves.

>> No.12128515

>3D printer onboard that prints its own replacement engine attached by a robotic arm once sensors deem it necessary to replace
Dude, if you need to carry all that extra mass in materials to make ion drives, you could just bring more ion drives. Pro tip, that's what most probes already do regardless of propulsion type; the engines they use are so small that it doesn't hurt to bring along an extra or two.

>> No.12128524

That causes drag because you're picking up mass as you go and slowing it down relative to you. You need a system that can get more energy and momentum out of the gas it scoops than the scooping process robbed from your vehicle. This is why fusion-powered bussard ramjets won't work, but antimatter annihilation bussard ramjets could potentially work.

>> No.12128525

Methylococcus capsulatus for both protein/fat spread for bread and to feed the fishies for when the aquaponics farm is running

>> No.12128526

>crew on a propellant depot

>> No.12128527
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Hmmmm I'm no expert in aerogel. Would it really be that much better of an unsulator if we could create some that wouldn't break under the forces of launch/landing? I guess it's better than my crazy idea a few threads back: try to find a way to make the hypothetical supersolid (this is basically unobtainium right now). Lol. Someone give me the facts on aerogel insulation please

>> No.12128528

someone has to man the toll station

>> No.12128530

More jobs for hick alabama people. Get gas station workers up there.

>> No.12128535

Does Starship even when refueled in orbit have enough delta-v to go that far?

>> No.12128540

Yes, it would be lighter and nearly eliminate convection losses, throw some Mylar layers across the interior pressure hull and you’ll need very little energy to maintain heating

>> No.12128543

Hypergolics have much more in terms of advantages than just "room temp liquid". Namely, they're hypergolic, so a lot of difficult combustion cycles get a lot simpler since you only need to worry about pressures and temperatures and flow rates without needing to worry about actually igniting the various chambers. Another advantage is their density; being dense is almost as good as having low molecular weight (ie being efficient) because of the gains you make in terms of mass fraction. This is why, all things being equal, propane is a better propellant than methane, because despite being less efficient it is much more dense as a sub cooled liquid, and thus allows you to squeeze out a better mass fraction and get more delta V per stage more easily.

>> No.12128544

I thought you were meming but woah thats actually true

>> No.12128546

Sure, just depends where you're starting from. Not from Earth orbit.

>> No.12128549

It does if you launch from Mars

>> No.12128552

how does jewjew binks still get work?

>> No.12128561

Do you guys think that someone might build a space elevator in moon when the colonization gets going there? Would that make transportation in and from the moon cheaper?

>> No.12128565

Yes, but also no.

It took new horizons, leaving Earth at a velocity of 17.2 km/s, to reach Saturn in 2.5 years. Starship when fully fueled (but also with 100 tons of payload) has a Delta V of 6.8 km/s. LEO velocity is 7.8 km/s. A fully fueled Starship can this reach 14.6 km/s, fast, but too slow.

However if Starship is sent onto a Lunar crossing orbit, it is already moving at 10.9 km/s. A fully fueled Starship on a Lunar crossing orbit can this reach 17.7 km/s - faster than new horizons, even, and with 100 tons of payload. But this requires refueling from an already very energetic orbit, and still results in a mission that is several years long (5 at a minimum, if the trip out is 2 years).

>> No.12128591

to sell ya some snacks

>> No.12128594

This meme needs to fucking die. Space elevators will never be built. Not in our lifetime at least. Nor our childrens nor grandchildrens. You can get just as much stuff into orbit via a starship or new glenn. For cheaper. Wanting a space elevator is like wanting a SSTO rocket. Yes it sounds good on paper, but it is impractical given that you can do far more for far cheaper.

>> No.12128604

to unlock the bathroom door for you

>> No.12128610

Is there any thought put into orbital depots? I've always wondered where the fuel will come from, shipping it directly from earth sounds expensive even with Starship. Would it also be high enough to avoid any other objects in LEO? I feel like having a massive fuel tank in orbit get ripped open would be a bad thing.

>> No.12128631

who the fuck cares, starship is the space truck that the shuttle promised. Asemble whatever the fuck you need in orbit for dirt cheap, just send however many propulsion modules you need preferably nuclear and get there like in 3 months

>> No.12128636

Space elevator from the moon is not nearly as hard as on earth, it could even be anchored at one of the poles. It's still a megastructure, with all the problems of something enormous such as being easily wrecked.
The problem is that orbits are not fungible. You can't just throw fuel up to a random orbit and decide what to do with it later. You also can't just throw any old fuel up there, since there is already hydrolox, methalox, kerolox. And hydrogen is a pain to keep cryo and to keep from leaking right through the hull.
The best "depot" is a tanker launched just before or after the ship that will need the fuel.

>> No.12128643
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>“Launch vehicles that take off from the Earth will never go past [low Earth orbit],” he said. “We will drop those payloads off, just orbital, and there will be a space transportation system of assets that stay in space, that will pick them up and move them through Earth orbit and through cislunar space.”
>Space Transportation System

>> No.12128650

Watching the challenger documentary i never realized that NASA sent a senator and a congressman to space. Couldnt they just put shelby on the first SLS flight now?

>> No.12128654

Probably it will be done by direct starship refuels at first, and eventually they might build a dedicated CH4/LOX refinery in the LEO scooping the raw materials from the atmosphere and producing the fuel.

>> No.12128657

Jim Bridenstine is so fucking based

>> No.12128656


>> No.12128660

aka "Barfin" Jake Garn
They also sent up John Glenn, so I guess that makes two senators.

>> No.12128663

Also he is BIG

>> No.12128665
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>> No.12128666

Muh Venus

>> No.12128668


>> No.12128669
File: 409 KB, 975x358, Elon no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's fucking wide too

>> No.12128672
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>Satan digits downplaying the value of landing on the Morning Star

>> No.12128678

woah, just a couple threads ago i made an offhand shitpost about licking jim's pits. i didnt know this was a real meme. am i psychic bros? or does it take a pit sniffer to know a pit sniffer

>> No.12128680

>Satan doesn't want us stealing his planet
Crusade: coming to a planet near you later this century!

>> No.12128681

IQ test on every ballot. Your score minus 100 is your vote multiplier. (Negative is still 0)

>> No.12128690

I wonder how many people Sanders has employed vs how many Musk has.

>> No.12128696


>> No.12128697

is there uranium in space? if we could have nuclear fuel processing off earth then the main disadvantage of nuclear rockets would be offset

>> No.12128702

Anyone know how well this would work at all?
Doesn't seem great.
Pretty sure there is. Don't see why there wouldn't be.

>> No.12128708

Why do people specifically go after Musk when he's one of like 3 billionaires doing cool things with this wealth, rather than just hoarding it like the rest?
There are billionaires who fuck children and get away with it. Billionaires who fund both sides of wars and profit of them, billionaires who exploit the resources of entire nations just to steal from them and sell it at a massive profit. Billionaires who massively upsell life-saving drugs, preventing people from getting the treatment they need.
And people keep bitching about Musk because his companies are successful.

>> No.12128712
File: 292 KB, 1436x956, 277777777 GET heebs mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GET today confirms.

>> No.12128713
File: 33 KB, 506x270, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PE:arrow_upper_right: KO:arrow_lower_right: PE:arrow_upper_right: KO:arrow_lower_right: PE:arrow_upper_right: KO:arrow_lower_right: PE :arrow_upper_right: KO:arrow_lower_right:
(hop when)

>> No.12128716

People bitch about Musk because the billionaires doing all those depraved things own the media companies telling them to hate him.

>> No.12128718

big true if

>> No.12128721
File: 187 KB, 535x269, Screenshot_2020-09-16 Kay Yu on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12128730
File: 32 KB, 331x758, SLSARES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your SLS bro

>> No.12128734

well shit i guess musky can become the new HRE then

>> No.12128735

Holy shit.

>> No.12128738

it has boobies

>> No.12128747
File: 52 KB, 853x872, catholicism aint free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump will be Emperor. Elon will be Imperial Viceroy of Mars. Buzz Aldrin will be Imperial Viceroy of the Moon. Whoever builds Acid Cloud City will be imperial Viceroy of Venus. Bezos will be the Space Janny of the Lagrange Points.

>> No.12128750

Based and Christpilled

>> No.12128752

drumpfy isnt gonna be shit lol

>> No.12128756

Elon's promotion of the "we can easily go all renewable energy" meme is pretty fucking stupid. You would think he would leap on the fusion train at least, given that the situation on the ground has had such a sea change vs 10 years ago. SPARC and Tokamak Energy alone should be enough to make everyone quit with the "always 20 years away" BS,not to mention the more experimental approaches gaining ground.

But I do think the hate for him is amusing. As far as billionaires go, he's pretty good. I don't know why he's sperged out so badly about masks and shit he clearly knows nothing about.

>> No.12128758


>> No.12128760
File: 1.38 MB, 3897x2598, melania at the vatican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still up in the archives.

You missed the Cardinal giving the opening benediction for this year's RNC, and Melania's conversion.

Elon is pushing for things that he can personally build to make things better on Earth and Mars. The biggest barrier for nuclear is government regulation.

>> No.12128765
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>not launching your crew and cargo in one go

hire me NASA

>> No.12128770

No, you'd expect him to go hard on nuclear fission power considering how superior it is to effectively every other option currently available in almost every scenario.

>> No.12128773

Big Guy Upstairs's miracles are a lot less impessive these days

>> No.12128774

Anon,there is a pretty strong chance Trump is not going to be president much longer. I know that last time the polls were not very accurate,but this time around the gap is larger and popular opinion around covid is pretty neg on trump. it's a reflection of how bad biden is as a candidate that the lead he has isn't bigger. I don't think he's going to be able to hold onto the swing states.

>> No.12128782

It has the downside of mountains of black PR from popular culture going back decades. that goofy chernobyl series was just the cherry on top. Fusion at least has a chance of a fair shot-most of the pop sci about it is quite positive and it shows upin fiction almost always as a good thing, so it does not have that black PR burden to the same extent.

I salute companies like Oklo that soldier on in spite of that, but it's an uphill battle.

>> No.12128783

How successful have been the later experimental fusion reactors? I haven't been paying attention so I have no clue.

>> No.12128789

You don't think QI-based emdrives working counts as a miracle? The quantum vacuum is basically the force of Creation itself, with particle-antiparticle pairs spontaneously popping into existence for no reason.

The polls are even faker this time. Biden can't get 20 people to fill a room while Trump has five digit crowds at airports in open defiance of governors' lockdown orders in swing states like Nevada.

>> No.12128797
File: 41 KB, 583x633, hints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me put it this way anon-this company is now talking about generators. Not reactors, GENERATORS.

This isn't PR-speak,it's hiring speak to nuclear engineering experts. They're designing a product now.

>> No.12128806

I hope you're shitposting because even the most retarded leftwing fags i know have practically given up at this point.

>> No.12128807
File: 107 KB, 1024x628, hope paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kJ scale fusion generators

>> No.12128809

Dismissing natural phenomena as magic is unscientific. Weird things are always magic until they're understood. You would have said the same thing about lightning and rainbows 1000 years ago.

>> No.12128810

How do you make a long-ass documentary about this?
It‘s literally just one meeting that went wrong where managers tried to outvote physics.
At best you could make some cliched story about hubris out of it. Just the usual hollywood shit:

>> No.12128815

Yeah. It's very unfortunate how immensely skewed perception of nuclear power is in the minds of so many people.
I'm betting zero dollars that EM drives or Fusion reactors get invented this decade. I'd fucking love otherwise though.

>> No.12128818

>I'm betting zero dollars that EM drives or Fusion reactors get invented this decade. I'd fucking love otherwise though.
There are two separate papers from teams confirming emdrive thrust in line with quantized inertia predictions forthcoming.

>> No.12128824

>he fell for it

>> No.12128835

Anon,I genuinely think that a net-gain fusion reactor exists right now, and that the company is holding off on saying anything until they have a commercially ready product. They're basically admitting to it in job postings,postings that would make any plasma physicist start violently and say "what the fuck are you implying?".

That could be revolutionary for spaceflight as well as energy-a proper fusion rocket makes a chemical one look like a toy,given the energy density of its fuel.

>> No.12128847


>> No.12128849

The jobs post is real.

>> No.12128851
File: 1.15 MB, 3440x1440, screenshot88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all coming together.

>> No.12128853
File: 237 KB, 380x426, alanruck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfuckers need to learn to read scientific papers and understand what it means to be "peer-reviwed". I'm not trying to dismiss the QI EM Drive crowd; I'm trying to help y'all. Don't fall for the bait. No one is "implying a breakthrough in job postings". No one "separately confirmed thrust that blew their minds and broke physics." No one is "sitting on a working fusion reactor waiting for a buyer". Everyone in this thread WANTS reactionless drives and fusion power. But these are not the breakthroughs y'all think they are.

>> No.12128858

>You motherfuckers need to learn to read scientific papers and understand what it means to be "peer-reviwed".
I learned how peer review works literally on my father's knee as a boy. I still think QI and fusion are coming.

>> No.12128865

>Getting spanked while being lectured about the scientific process

>> No.12128869


oh okay
This was reviewed and submitted to ARPA-E as part of a report about the company's role in the ALPHA program. It verified their approach and indicates their future roadmap to scaling up their concept. The jobs postings indicate that they have continued to make progress, which is also heralded by the fact that they now have enough funding to poach a senior Talent Acquisition Manager from Mitsubishi and put out postings for jobs with a total aggregate salary of over a million per year.

You should be skeptical but curious. That's all I ask for and really all that is reasonable.

>> No.12128872

McCulloch is also doing his QI work under the auspices of DARPA grants.

>> No.12128873

Fair enough. I am very skeptical, but curious and (try to be) optimistic. My views are pretty much the same as this anon >>12128815
>I'm betting zero dollars that EM drives or Fusion reactors get invented this decade. I'd fucking love otherwise though.

>> No.12128879

In all fairness DARPA is just an vulnerable as any other org to woo. If QI thrusters are as easy to make as this all implies we should have commercial products in months,not years. The clock is ticking...

>> No.12128886

They're easy to make as lab toys, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to scale to 100kW input.

>> No.12128887
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, 59BAC63F-9066-4186-8801-B093D1A05295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12128888

Isn't Helion the company Bill Gates funded? I'm not injecting Helion inside me

>> No.12128896

vote faggot

>> No.12128897

Actually it was given early support by noted trump booster peter thiel

>> No.12128905


>> No.12128909

ITER isn't even operating yet and you think someone else out there has made a net gain fusion reactor? comonon Anon

>> No.12128910

confused it with heliogen lol.
makes sense, bill gates seems to have an aversion to cool stuff like fusion

>> No.12128923

Anon ITER is a dinosaur using 30 year old tech.

>> No.12128930

and by the time it's supposed reach net gain it'll be 40+ year old tech!

>> No.12128936

ITER is always 20 years away

Also it's fucking obvious that fusion startups are going to lap ITER before it's ever turned on haha

>> No.12128940

This thread has gone off the rails with schizophrenic theories akin to terry a. davis ideas. Yall please shut the fuck up

>> No.12128945


>> No.12128946

Did you miss the week long derail over plasma magnet sails?

>> No.12128947

off thyself

>> No.12128952

Leave Terry's name out of your motherfucking mouth

>> No.12128954

Lmao you must be from NSF forums, where literally everyone wheezes at the thought of an off topic post

>> No.12128956

QI thruster claims should be treated with intense skepticism.

Let;s move away from that and talk about more realistic things-China is now actively pursuing reusable rockets that also use hypergolics. Is this wise? The Chinese are quite adept at using these fuels, but they are looked at warily by many in aerospace for good reason-they're a carcinogenic nightmare to work with, and getting reuse right seems to involve a fairly big risk of RUDs. I think it's possible they will soon begin actively copying methalox engines, since that approach has become quite popular in the West.

>> No.12128957

You must be over 18 to post

>> No.12128959

t. Glowie

>> No.12128961

>I think it's possible they will soon begin actively copying methalox engines
Anon, the reason they use hypergolics instead of kerolox, methalox, or hydrolox is because their metallurgy can't make cryo-propellant engines that won't slag themselves.

>> No.12128966

They will catch up anon. If not by the sweat of their brow then by dint of their spycraft.

>> No.12128971

Nice meme crambone... and the week long discussion has been interjections at most. A month or two ago plasma magnetic sails were discussed every thread (but people contributed good ideas and thoughtful discussion)
Go fuck yourself first
Fucking retard

>> No.12128974


>> No.12128976

Begone, literal boomer.

>> No.12128979

you need quite a bit of infrastructure for it, probably won't happen until theres at least 500000+ people on mars and several thousand on ceres and maybe the jovian moons, so not til 2070s or 2080s really

>> No.12128983

>If not by the sweat of their brow then by dint of their spycraft.
The current administration is locking their glowbugs out of visa eligibility.

>> No.12129009


>> No.12129015

PMS are remarkable. I hope Greason's work on them bears fruit.

>> No.12129025

The next step is basically to build and fly one. Either you need a few tens of millions of dollars or to wait for Starship trans-lunar rideshare buses to be available.

>> No.12129031

>VCs throws ten of millions at a wifi-enabled bag squeezer,but won't fund a revolutionary space technology

(No really look up Juicero if you don't know what i'm talking about,rich people are not that smart)

>> No.12129034

Juicero was so dumb.

>> No.12129040
File: 76 KB, 519x600, batlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you can just squeeze the bag yourself
>mfw you can just make juice yourself and skip the bag

>> No.12129057
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>> No.12129063

He does. He just knows his base doesn't. So he can exploit their ignorance. He is damned bolshevik. Wanting members of the party to be the top of social and economic power. While the merchant, professional, and working classes are subservient to the party.

>> No.12129064

ahahaha he get the nutrients

>> No.12129066

>putting lips entirely around the bottle
bro what the fuck thats not how you drink from a bottle

>> No.12129070

The company founders made millions off the VCs. So many start ups are just shaking down venture capitalists for a pay day.

Look at the flateva. The K cup of tortilla makers. https://youtu.be/stTzLmoStsU

>> No.12129071

>first space force recruits will undergo basic training next month
>how many are there? seven.

7 recruits? the space force is too damn small.

>> No.12129073

Big Jim does things his own way. That's why he is so big

>> No.12129078

phased array optics when bros?

>> No.12129081

but...aren't tortillas one of the easiest things to cook? I'm pretty sure even i could cook one. They take like, a minute or two,right?

>> No.12129091

There's a whole industry of IoT gadgets making simple foods. It's ridiculous. Some Singaporeans made one for Roti.


>> No.12129092


I wonder if we will get a similar video soon about all this QI shit? Seems like grounds for ample mockery if it turns out to be nothing.

>> No.12129093

Don't you just flatten dough and fry it? I made naan bread that way a year or so back just to try.

>> No.12129095

this is retarded in so many ways i can't even begin to list them all

>> No.12129096

Never forget that Trump had to get funding for it it past Nancy Pelosi, who hates his guts.

>> No.12129109
File: 76 KB, 249x264, hopper_cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since I like you guys I'm just gonna say buy a bunch of Gamestop shares and leave it at that, sell them when they double, literally free money

>> No.12129122
File: 121 KB, 800x1200, 800px-H3_rocket_model_in_Kakamigahara_Aerospace_Science_Museum_November_8,_2019_02 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just retired their previous main rocket, the new one is supposed to start launching next year but it's an autistic baby SLS just like the old ones
performance is more or less similar to the F9 and they are trying to get it down to the same price range but whether they can do that with an expendable hydrolox shitstack remains to be seen

>> No.12129128

Why are people STILL falling for the hydrogen first stage meme?

>> No.12129138

the ISP is tantalizing, and to be fair it's not like FSH rockets don't work. You would think the added bulk of the bigger tanks and hassle of the escape-prone substance would create more reluctance in its use, but I think familiarity is also at play too-these people are used to hydrogen rockets. I think it's probably also why China is so stuck on hypergolics,as well as their metallurgical issues other anons have mentioned.

>> No.12129142

>but muh Isp

>> No.12129152

It gives your military an excuse to build lots of SRBs which translates directly to ballistic missiles... and to be fair, the Shuttle and Ariane 5 both being hydrolox first stages meant that combination held the performance crown for decades. RP-1 is king shit of first stages unless you have the metallurgy for methalox, but people kept chasing the Isp unicorn for all stages instead of just vacuum stages, to their detriment.

>> No.12129153

This is it, I also think it's GTO performance is pretty good. Plus military/gov people, who are the one's paying for this stuff don't give a fuck about cost.

>> No.12129164

Some engineers are still myopically focused on ISP instead of overall Delta-V. Doesn't matter if your propellant is 30% more efficient if it produces half the thrust and your rocket has to be 50% larger and heavier to contain and insulate LH2.

>> No.12129171

Hypothetical here. If the Shuttle main engines ran on RP-1 would SRBs still be needed?
>F-1 engines on Shuttle will never happen
Truly a great mistake

>> No.12129173
File: 415 KB, 1280x960, H-IIA_F13_launching_KAGUYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and as far as budget goes it's pretty low, usually between $1.5b and $2.5b annually, which is probably part of why they are still making autistic hydrolox stacks since that's what they've done for a long time and designing a completely new system would cost more than just improving it a bit
they do some pretty good work for the budget they have though, especially in x-ray astronomy and small probe stuff

>> No.12129180

It just hit me,those balloon-rocket hybrid people are vindicated-that's exactly the system you need for a sample return from Venus. I wonder if Beck will go for that or just a system that does science as it floats around?

If we're worried about lurid Venusian megasickness killing all earth life we can do the analysis on the ISS.

>> No.12129181
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x2891, 1599813564204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah for orbit-fired stages hydrolox is ridiculously good, to the point that LH2 solid core nuclear thermal is only a minor improvement in overall performance. It's just awful at sea level. If I win the lottery I'll make 4ASS a real thing selling hydrolox kick stage rideshare buses for cargo Starship, cucking New Glenn out of half its market in the process.
>ha ha moon bunny go hop hop

>> No.12129188

Hard to judge, the shuttle was such a design clusterfuck that I honestly couldn't say except that if it were good it would essentially have been a NASA style Starship/Superheavy, maybe with more of a lifting body than what Starship is going for, but still basically a stubby winged plane/large finned rocket sitting vertically atop a powerful booster stage. With the limitations of older tech, I'd probably have gone with a 6x F1-b LOX/Kerosene booster that would use balloon parachutes and crash bags to return itself relatively gently to land or just the ocean for refurb and a LOX/LH2 spaceplane upper with maybe two engines similar to the RS-25.
Solid core nuclear isn't a "minor improvement", you're looking at 6-800s of ISP with comparable thrust (if you build your fuel element correctly) and no weight in LOX to lug around. If you push those fuel temperatures using cermets, like any intelligently designed NTPR will, you're going to be squeezing 900+s of ISP from it. That's roughly double what you can pull from a LOX/LH2 bipropellant LPRE.

>> No.12129192

based pekora chad

>> No.12129200
File: 496 KB, 1474x1080, lunar landings skb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if the shuttles were never built.

>> No.12129214
File: 354 KB, 1580x1770, 7654467576546754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if the chad shuttles were built*

>> No.12129215
File: 107 KB, 1266x852, theagonoyofwhatcouldhavebeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nuclear lightbulbs were modeled out in the 70s and considered possible to make with existing tech back then
>2000+ ISP
>no radioactive emissions whatsoever


>> No.12129223
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>> No.12129228
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I wonder if you could do Serpent engine style arcjet afterburners on a nuclear lightbulb to get it up to 3000s Isp.

>> No.12129229

imagine his smell!

>> No.12129230


>> No.12129232

how does he pull off the train-loving farm boy aesthetic so well

>> No.12129239

It's fun to go back and see the antipathy he encountered when he was initially given the job by the media, even though a lot of actual aerospace people like Froust spoke up and said "we know him and he's a good pick". The fact that he's now broadly liked is borderline miraculous.

>> No.12129243
File: 419 KB, 1920x1275, 1920px-Kibo_completed_view1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the jap flag so aesthetic in space bros

>> No.12129248

i hope nuclear salt water rockets will prove viable, they're the closest design we have to torch rockets that aren't antimatter or fusion

>> No.12129252

The sole imagery it has is the sun, which is a good flag to represent the ambition for going into space.

>> No.12129253

Red, white, and black is good contrast.

>> No.12129257
File: 1.73 MB, 4038x2272, 200424060716-nasa-worm-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple color palate which matches existing space tech, red on white, like the Worm logo for NASA. Human eye likes high contrast because it lets it pick out detail.

>> No.12129258
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>> No.12129266
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This is apparently canon in Touhou.

>> No.12129271
File: 17 KB, 1920x1080, marsflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese flag is a masterpiece of minimalism.

Huh,maybe we should just do something like this for a martian flag.

>> No.12129276

not bad

>> No.12129277
File: 316 KB, 624x981, SSiBMoonRocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First known prototype of SpaceX Starship (Circa. 2015)

>> No.12129278
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>> No.12129279

they called him a hobophobe and a climate denier and probably racist too

>> No.12129281

I dig it.

>> No.12129285

martian flag? what is this, the fuckin UN of mars? you scum, you sniveling globalist

>> No.12129289

they missed the important bit: his size

>> No.12129290

Based valles marineris separatist poster

>> No.12129293
File: 189 KB, 800x1045, 800px-Jim_Bridenstine,_official_portrait,_113th_Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh look at this nigga lmaooo

>> No.12129294


>> No.12129297

N2O/Prop fuel blend flame thrower, we need something that can burn out ayys if we need it

>> No.12129298
File: 96 KB, 2560x1347, 2560px-US_flag_51_stars.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a much better Martian flag.

>> No.12129301

The first government on Mars will, by default, be a one-world government

>> No.12129303

Rocketlab is on it.

>> No.12129304

pentaborane/ozone slush rockets WHEN

>> No.12129305

>Terraforms planet
>Floods Valles Marineris and turn into a shallow reef ocean
Pssh... nothin personnel valleyfag
>T. Olympian

>> No.12129308

when the chemists stop crying and get back to work

>> No.12129309
File: 7 KB, 1200x800, mflagedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy are we posting Mars flags again? Let me get my folder.

>> No.12129310

The japanese flag and the american flag are so fucking perfect, for different reasons. One is a great example of minimalism, the other is a great example of how to combine a lot of symbolism into a complicated design (respectively). Not spaceflight related but i had to share my thoughts

>> No.12129311
File: 15 KB, 400x300, sealab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're lookin' for me, you better check under the sea

>> No.12129312
File: 9 KB, 1200x800, martian flag attempt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129314

please don't

>> No.12129317
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>> No.12129318
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>> No.12129320
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>> No.12129323

polymeric nitrogen rockets when?

>> No.12129324

used to be /kspg/ in /vg/

i miss it

>> No.12129326


American-Jap space alliance when?

>> No.12129328
File: 946 KB, 1021x656, Sts-47-patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129329

Literally right now. Trump and Abe signed some space cooperation agreements.

>> No.12129331

Why shouldn't we use whatever tactics necessary against China when we know they'll do nothing good with whatever they get?
Has anyone made an Imperial Japanese flag with the rays being blue instead of red? I think that would be pretty cool.

>> No.12129332

what the, source?

>> No.12129339

How was the worm ever considered ugly?

>> No.12129341


>> No.12129343

It's so hard not to love the Japs, not even a weeb.

>> No.12129344

They signed the artemis accords and they are going with us to the moon. Not even joking we are about to see electric toyotas on the moon

>> No.12129346
File: 622 KB, 768x768, 1584414416489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who designed this should make the martial flag

>> No.12129348


>> No.12129349

Nips and Americans liking each other goes back to at least the 1870s. Weebs and ameriboos are just a modern facet of that.

>> No.12129351

Graphic Design Is My Passion

>> No.12129353

solid fuel mars launches when?

>> No.12129354
File: 26 KB, 450x365, 1577161684477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething, history is written by the winners

>> No.12129355

solid IPBMs when?

>> No.12129364


>> No.12129372
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x1024, Apollo_17-insignia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129425

there was a, uh.....lul in that

but we aight now

>> No.12129429

>close flyby of Venus, with the possibility of confirming phosphine
I hope they release the data soon after they get it.

>> No.12129434

>Haha lol we like nuked you
>Yeah, TWICE we nuked you LMAO
>but we cool now
based relationship

>> No.12129446
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>> No.12129448
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1655, 1555869491515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another episode of trying to figure out which fucking parts are producing phantom forces and making upper stages spin out of control

>> No.12129457
File: 1.40 MB, 713x1086, 1597436180479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaved down shuttle programs that can only deliver cargo to LEO for exorbitant prices for the airforce are the future.

>> No.12129490

The one thing I want FTL comms for is live streaming of cool probe data via quantum bullfuckery instead of dealing with gay loser long range radio waves. Imagine how much more data you could gather with a 10Gbps network cable with zero latency hanging off the back of the probe.

>> No.12129491


>> No.12129492

orbital dolphin brothels when

>> No.12129494

When Lockheed finally gets to make that shuttle. Then the "dolphin brothel" will be a LEO transfer station.

>> No.12129507

Flooding mars and introducing dolphins when?

>> No.12129509
File: 49 KB, 191x174, good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expendable orbital inflatable brothels when

>> No.12129517

>sophisticated social structures
>strong signs of self-awareness
>incredibly complex communication, including regional accents

I don't think they're quite at the level of it being okay to fuck them, but it's a lot closer than it is for any other animal. Imagine if some mad scientist tweaks them to be as sapient as humans are-god shit would get weird fast. imagine a future election hinging on dolphin rights.

That is the kind of shit i want in the future, not just smartphones and self-loathing.

>> No.12129523

>he doesn't know about dolphin pussy

>> No.12129524

30 years, probably.
Not even joking, when the space tourism industry gets going, space hookers will pop up to attend the demand.

>> No.12129557

I hope he returns to design the JWST flag

>> No.12129566

that looks cool

>> No.12129581

100% true for Earth, also Mars and Mercury and Moon. Space elevators will be very useful on rotating asteroids (use asteroid angular momentum to fling large chunks of refined material onto wildly different solar orbits) all the way up to Ceres, as well as on most Kuiper belt objects and even many of the large and small moons of Gas Giants (you'd use the type of elevator that hangs like a plum bob out of that moon's hill sphere and gets held up by the gravity of the planet yanking on a counterweight). The point is that space elevators are an easy and cheap method of 'launch' given low enough gravity and sufficient rotational velocity (or a sufficiently small Hill sphere).

>> No.12129593

This. Spread of information is incredibly important and even having the only FTL thing in existence be quantum-entanglement communications systems would be extraordinary. I also don't want to have to wait almost a day for an email to reach the Neptune colony from my Pluto habitat.

>> No.12129594

>I've always wondered where the fuel will come from, shipping it directly from earth sounds expensive even with Starship
Shipping it from Earth with Starship would be about as expensive as shipping it from the Moon with Starship, because on the Moon the propellant itself is expensive to produce, and on Earth the propellant is super cheap. This means that by focusing on bringing Earth-based Starship launch costs down to <$10 million per 100,000 kg, you can actually undercut even the most optimistic Lunar propellant manufacturing efforts.

Note that this is true for any low Earth orbit. At some point however the values flip and it becomes cheaper to use Lunar propellant. Where that exact flipping point will be is anyone's guess, but I guarantee you that a kilo of any propellant launched into Earth orbit from Earth via Starship will always be cheaper than a kilo of any propellant shipped to LEO from the Moon (or anywhere else more distant, in fact).

Rockets being pricey because they burn lots of propellant is a TOTAL MEME. Rockets are just as expensive as jet airliners, in fact jet airliners are about as expensive as the most expensive currently operational rocket, the Delta IV Heavy. The reason we don't notice that fact is because airliners are fully and rapidly reusable, whereas rockets at this point are partially reusable with months of time spent between launches. Starship is SpaceX's new solution to the problem of reusable launch hardware, based off of the lessons they learned pioneering the Falcon 9 booster recovery program. It will succeed eventually.

>> No.12129608

Never ever, because that's retarded

>> No.12129611

Uranium is fucking everywhere. The average chunk of basalt in the solar system has enough uranium in it to get 50x return on energy investment if you're using a liquid fuel breeder reactor design. For reference that's a better energy return than what we currently get mining up anthracite coal and burning it in furnaces. That's not even considering actual uranium ore, which gets you ~2000x energy return on investment with the same reactor tech.

>> No.12129628

>a proper fusion rocket makes a chemical one look like a toy,given the energy density of its fuel.
To be fair anon, a proper fusion rocket also comes with a couple snags, such as the fact that it either has very low thrust compared to a chemical rocket OR has very low thrust to weight ratio once you include the mass of the cooling systems and radiators required to prevent the neutron and gamma ray flux given off by fusing several grams of fuel per second from instantly slagging any solid piece of matter within a 100 meter radius of the reaction.
To put it simply, even if we had a one-ton, Q>50, 500,000 Isp fusion rocket engine tomorrow, we'd still need chemical engines in order to achieve orbit around Earth, simply because that fusion candle is gonna only beat Ion drive thrust to weight ratios by an order of magnitude or two. Maybe we could get fancy by using an inert propellant to trade Isp for thrust and work out some 50% mass fraction SSTO vehicles that would have enough fusion fuel left in the tank to scoot around the solar system from there, but that's even further beyond actual gen-1 fusion propulsion tech.

>> No.12129641

ITER doesn't even use YBCO superconductors, anon. If it weren't a scam they'd scrap all their magnet tech and restart using YBCO tape, designing the world largest and strongest magnets ever and achieving Q>1000 on the first fusion plasma experiment.

>> No.12129652

You could get great GTO performance using fucking hypergolics, if you applied the advancements in technology that allow the mass fractions necessary to make hydrogen viable to literally anything more dense you'd end up with about the same performance, and sometimes even better (for example, anything more complex than an ultra-utilitarian expendable upper stage)

>> No.12129659

If the Shuttle's SRBs were kerolox boosters instead they'd probably only need to use one F-1 each, because most of the mass the SRBs were pushing was actually themselves; the entire ET and Orbiter and payload combined only massed about 900 tons maximum.

>> No.12129661

Anyone got that Falcon Heavy and Delta IV infographic with Jeff who? Editing a dumb video about comparing different rocket fuels, it would illustrate hydromeme perfectly.

>> No.12129662

I dont get it

>> No.12129666

>I don't think they're quite at the level of it being okay to fuck them

It’s okay to fuck any animal.

>> No.12129678

How long will it take til every animal group is uplifted?
What would be worst/best options?
Would you one of them? If so, which?

>> No.12129679

>24 starlink satellites have re-entered the atmosphere
>many within the past few days
it's raining satellites yo

>> No.12129680

>Solid core nuclear isn't a "minor improvement", you're looking at 6-800s of ISP with comparable thrust (if you build your fuel element correctly) and no weight in LOX to lug around. If you push those fuel temperatures using cermets, like any intelligently designed NTPR will, you're going to be squeezing 900+s of ISP from it.
Here we see an anon failing to take mass fraction into account.
You have ignored the mass of oxygen in your figuring, but to compare apples to apples you would in fact replace the oxygen mass with more hydrogen. Your propellant tank is now far larger and has a far heavier dry mass, yet hold the same total propellant mass; it's only bigger because you're replaced a liquid more dense than water with the same mass of a much colder liquid that has a density of 70 grams per liter. Your burnout mass will be greater, in fact significantly greater, as will your total mass, meaning TWR is reduced during the entire burn. Yes, the Isp is about doubled compared to a hydrolox engine. However, with the mass fraction as much as half as good, that means your delta V has only increased to about 140% of the original hydrolox stage, which let me remind you was much smaller physically and didn't have a highly expensive nuclear thermal engine hanging off its ass.

>> No.12129683

very appropriate trips. consorting with beasts is 100% Satanic.

>> No.12129684

>that vertical stabilizer on the booster craft just getting its shit fucked up by the orbiter's exhaust

>> No.12129689

wtf vice is doing a documentary about boca chica

>> No.12129695

Is the liquid portion of the slush made of F2O2?

>> No.12129697

As long as the NTPR can be refired the fact that it costs more isn't very relevant, that will in-and-of itself be quite a challenge though I'll admit. It will require even more maturation in nuclear cermet design and probably some novel metallurgy to resist hydrogen embrittlement.
In the end though, while I personally like NTPRs, they really are a transition technology between bipropellant LPREs and something like closed cycle gas core NTPRs, NPPRs, MPDs and eventually fusion candle or fusion torch drives.

>> No.12129699

I'm going to lol if Zap Energy gets Q>1 and we skip straight to fusion drives.

>> No.12129709

The SFS Z-pinch system is really good for fusion rockets given its linear nature. I;d like to see someone crunch the numbers on a thrust-optimized hydrogen fueled version of it-I know the hyperautistic efficiency version for that interstellar probe can generate a very weak acceleration for years and get 50 tons up to and down from .10 c. We don't need THAT shit right now-ever .01 c is great for doing shit in the solar system.

>> No.12129718

Fingers crossed, frankly I think it would be in the interest of any and all governments with the money to just throw some major economic weight behind all plausible fusion projects. Whoever gets it working at the industrial level first is going to have an enormous advantage moving forward into the future, and whoever can get it into space first will legitimately not have much in the way of rivalry from any other power on Earth.
Shit, if I were NASA/Airforce/DOD/whatever I'd even throw a little bit behind EMdrive on the off chance that it actually works.

>> No.12129724

>Shit, if I were NASA/Airforce/DOD/whatever I'd even throw a little bit behind EMdrive on the off chance that it actually works.
DARPA has been doing so.

>> No.12129726
File: 122 KB, 1107x1116, 3434q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this in my recommended


3 cocks touching when bros

>> No.12129745

God I fucking wish I was DARPA.
"Hey that thing looks pretty cool, let's give them ten million dollars and put a gun on it."

>> No.12129746

Gonna need a few handholds/footholds though, you can't fug in space without something to push against.

>> No.12129747

Normies piling on this shit

>> No.12129751

What an overly complicated piece of shit
I like that this guy's analysis boils down to "what if we divided up the volumes like Dragon"

>> No.12129754

Who cares what these losers have to say about anything?
Can't wait for them to go under like Buzzfeed.

>> No.12129770

The thing is,a fusion reactor is mass producible. Until you turn it on,it's just metal parts. If one of the more exotic forms of fusion like Zap or Helion win out, it doesn't even need superconducting magnets and all their resulting complexities and costs. The fuel is everywhere, you don't have to dig for it, it's just in water. Once you have it and it's economical, the oceans of the world instantly turn into carbon-free oilfields. You can basically just get the fossil fuel companies on board, build up some factories to make the components,and then swap out the source of energy at existing fossil fuel power plants with fusion. The meme goal of decarbonizing the whole world by 2050 goes from "literally requiring a global dictatorship" to "challenging but overall economically beneficial to all". Chevron just sunk millions into Zap because they've stopped being idiots and started to realize that decarbonizing can be a process that creates economic growth instead of eroding it. We don't have to live in a cucked future of energy austerity, trying to swap over to battery powered cities at the mercy of a freak run of cloudy windless days. We can pump out clean, reliable baseload power by the terawatt and start thinking boldly-fusion powered ocean deacidification ships that also provide shipping. Direct air carbon capture that rips the co2 up with plasma and uses the carbon soot to make diamond tech.

Fuck the doomers-we make our own future.

>> No.12129772

>As long as the NTPR can be refired the fact that it costs more isn't very relevant
NTR reactor fuel elements only last so long before they suffer unacceptable performance loss due to being unable to sustain high levels of criticality.

>> No.12129779

>a fusion reactor is mass producible
Not at the scale of ITER, though, which is why I've had zero faith in the main stream fusion development program. Even if they came through and ITER could produce power for the grid, we can't build 100,000 ITER scale reactors around the world, that's fucking impossible economically and it'd take hundreds of years at least anyway.

>> No.12129786

And then with terawatt scale fusion power plants on various moons or asteroids, you can have an interplanetary highway system with beamed laser thermal, using methane for fuel so you don't need to fucking seed it with metal like LH2. Without the politics of rogue space captains having nukes at their disposal, the space economy becomes viable.

lmao fuck ITER

>> No.12129792

even the tokamak has SPARC and tokamak energy, they're doing great work, they are the "backup" if the more exotic companies fail.

>> No.12129793

Hydrolox Starship with side-mounted SRBs when?

>> No.12129794

>lmao fuck ITER
Agreed, the whole project needs to be updated to use modern tech or scrapped completely. Don't even bother mothballing the place. Fuck ITER.

>> No.12129795

literally SLS

>> No.12129797

The only animal pussy worth fucking is furry girl pussy
Specifically Krystal.
Specifically the ones drawn by Fluff-Kevlar.
Specifically the most recent one with the lingerie.

>> No.12129798

Very yes.

I need to get more info about PROCSIMA. That is some cool shit.

>> No.12129799

>tfw shuttle is even worse than >>12129793 because shuttle also did the side mounted orbiter bullshit with no significant internal propellant tanks other than a couple hundred m/s of OMS delta V

>> No.12129816
File: 13 KB, 300x260, laserthermal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even talking about PROCSIMA sails, just using beamed laser to hit a focusing mirror, heat propellant, and fart it out the back of the rocket. It's better than solid NTPR in every way if you control both the beam and the rocket.
>four times the Isp for a given fuel
>no fatass reactor/shielding on board
>minimal radiators needed

>> No.12129833

ToughSF and this guy are great-true oldschool autists.

>> No.12129874

Refute this
you can't

>> No.12129879

Oh, also, if photon-loop emdrives work at megawatt scale, you could use beamed laser for fucking featherweight propellantless spacecraft where the entire engine system is a mirror, a nozzle/cavity, and some small radiators.
>Atomic Rockets example ship has 60MWe laser input
>6kN, forever, so long as you're in beam range
Plasma magnet sail BTFO even at current calculated efficiencies. Bring it up to 1N/kW and you have 60kN as long as the beam shines, which is just nutty.

>> No.12129882
File: 15 KB, 350x222, Martian_Congressional_Republic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars has a flag, dummies

>> No.12129891

Shit flag.
The one described in Stranger in a Strange Land is better.

>> No.12129894

A terrible flag

>> No.12129895

If McCulloch turns out to be right I think we will be witness to the greatest pirouette in physics history. It would render most modern textbook obsolete in one fell stroke. The amount of seethe would e legendary.

You have to be wary of things like this precisely because of how seductively fun they are to imagine. Deep down, we all want ivory tower types to have to eat a shit sandwich.

>> No.12129896

If you stretch a slinky sideways it will still yank back to normal size starting from the point you let go at because that's the speed of wave propagation through a slinky
Therefore the entire video is refuted

>> No.12129899

awful flag

>> No.12129901


>> No.12129902

I've been following meme Mike for years, but I only started talking about him on /sfg/ once he started getting positive experimental results done by third parties. I'm cautiously optimistic.

>> No.12129913

To be fair, the horizon mechanic for inertia is pretty elegant. That's exactly the kind of weird thinking we need in physics. Even if he's wrong it's probably useful to figure out exactly why-that can be just as illuminating as proving something accurate. We've gotten so much better at controlling for tiny confounding factors in tiny thrust measurements due to all this emdrive autism

>> No.12129919

How about if we replace the 60 MWe laser with a stellaser

>> No.12129922


>> No.12129927

no, it's a metallic asteroid

>> No.12129939

You still need some physical material inside the photon loop to absorb all that heat, which means "transparent things that don't melt or lose transparency easily" is the scaling problem. We might need to make megawatt scale loops out of synthetic diamond. If you have a stellaser you can just skip the drive entirely and make a super tough photon sail.

>> No.12129942

Does it need to convert energy to heat? What if we had a metamaterial that was perfectly transparent to the stellaser wavelength?

>> No.12129948

Are there such metamaterials? I'm way behind on those.

>> No.12129950

>Does it need to convert energy to heat?
No, but there's just a lot of inherent heat in a fucking megawatt laser beam impacting a solid object. It would pop you like a meat balloon if it hit you.

>> No.12129951
File: 38 KB, 720x527, 20200821_165636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still say this is the best Mars flag

>> No.12129965
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, missileflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12129987

If it were passing through a perfectly transparent metamaterial it would deposit exactly zero heat energy, as if it were travelling through empty space

>> No.12129999

Not a flag, but the Mars constitution's 1st amendment should be the inalienable right to bear arms, SPECIFICALLY including all present and future weapons technology. If you can afford 100 kg of antimatter or a solar mass black-hole bomb, you can buy them. If any future advancements in physics allow for the creation of even more destructive weapons, you have a right to own them, too. No limits on the number of weapons, the total yield of a personal arsenal, and no right for the government to confiscate or invasively track any person's weapons. Oh, and biological and super-AI weapons are included, too.

>> No.12130010

It’s a multi-million dollar mission and the mission patch (which, for most missions, usually looks cool) looks like a piece of shit here whipped up in microsoft paint

>> No.12130015

Huh. Well that'd be fucking cool.

>> No.12130018

Good, thought I was going insane

>> No.12130042

>perfectly transparent metamaterial photon loops with zero reflective or refractive attenuation producing propellantless thrust forever once charged with a photon pulse WHEN

>> No.12130044

Starlink launch tomorrow. Thread will be up.

>> No.12130050

It looks like the kind of photobash one would use to arrange the layout of the actual graphic design work
Like they sent in that as a "Hey does this look like it'll be an acceptable drawing later" example and the client went "Cool it's done already that was fast, we already printed 50,000 copies"

>> No.12130053

Thank you, these are becoming so common i’ve stopped following them recently. I really need to give them a watch and remind myself that we could still be in the shitty “one NASA launch every two months” timeline

>> No.12130071

what are they doing over there

>> No.12130086

if it's happening at night and you live on the Florida or Carolina coast it's worth watching it go up

>> No.12130090

the blue crescent ruins this flag
i get the symbolism of it but it's so thin it looks out of place with the other big simple shapes, and the color is out of place

>> No.12130101

>Every two months
If we’re lucky it was two months. Plus the launch coverage was so underwhelming.
I remember watching a satellite launch in 2011 and being astonished that they could make a rocket launch seem boring

>> No.12130117

Is tomorrow the day SN7.1 pops?

>> No.12130125


>> No.12130131

how does elon have a part count so high on his rockets without crashing the fps

>> No.12130148

There's supposed to be a road closure tomorrow night, so hopefully. They also got a big tank delivered to the tank farm today, as I recall.

>> No.12130151

the simulation isn't running on Unity

>> No.12130162

He has the new 3080

>> No.12130170

someone less lazy than me making full configs for the entire near future series mods to integrate them into RO/RP-1 when?

>> No.12130194


This man is so insightful

>> No.12130223

he's completely wrong about everything, please don't post twitter bait

>> No.12130234

Almost like SLS.

Actually, scratch the almost.

>> No.12130263
File: 41 KB, 1280x768, Laconia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seethes behind you with visions of conquest

>> No.12130265

I imagine there won't be many orgies in space, since nobody wants to get hit by random floating cumshots.

>> No.12130280

I bet anything Laconia is going to get btfo when the Big Space Baddies skullfuck the precursor blue goo tech until it stops working

Leviathan Falls will involve the Ring Station being destroyed I guarantee it

>> No.12130309
File: 250 KB, 380x761, Tupac_Amaru_II,_oleo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to go to the moon?

>> No.12130313

When push comes to shove, if the galactic peace force want to denoate your system's star do you really think you're going to stop them with your weaponized Von Neumann drones?
No ordinary citizen needs anything more than an orbital kinetic kill weapon. That's what the police are for.

>> No.12130315

it's big
also, Earth is big

>> No.12130321

Im gonna... Im gonnna BOOOOOOOM

>> No.12130325


>> No.12130332

It's not, it's just smallbrained third worlders only want to launch satellites for their TV networks or whatever stupid shit.

>> No.12130345

bacuse spaic is hurrd

>> No.12130350

space is big

>> No.12130357

rockets explode when they hit the dome

>> No.12130365


>> No.12130659
File: 514 KB, 1044x1568, 1579596473828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12130660


>> No.12130774

i hate math i cant go to nasa
cos i all math

>> No.12130781


>> No.12130785
File: 671 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 8.59.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing exactly smart kids have fun w/ smart kids
now they are adult fuck off
you wanna see the new hunted houses?

>> No.12130837
File: 576 KB, 850x1133, 1565603457991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? That's going to instantly be a new porn genre.

>> No.12130853

wouldn't this just make the rich really fucking powerful?