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File: 7 KB, 149x149, 03000720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12124555 No.12124555 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is BPD and how to cure it?

>> No.12124559

Big Peepee Display. Terminal condition.

>> No.12124694

Doesn't exist, most "mental illnesses" are made up. There's no physical quantified evidence it exists. Psychology is not science.

>> No.12126556

Then what is it? There's something clearly wrong with these people, whether it be borderline, bipolar, schizophrenia, autism, etc.

If you're going to handwave away an entire area of study, then what's your alternative idea?

>> No.12126561

tellurium deficiency

>> No.12126562

What that crazy as fuck ex had. Don’t date them anon it’s not worth the sex.

>> No.12126574

As with autism it is being white, but not brain damaged.
There is nothing wrong with either. Autism focuses more on the inability (or rather unwillingness to) cheat, fight and intrigue against others, borderline more on having your own emotions (rather than only as a tool to influence others/copying other's facial expressions as "empathy") etc.

>> No.12126580


>> No.12126587
File: 48 KB, 1024x768, structural-similarity-between-l-methionine-and-methylmercury-cysteine-l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If a metal is supposed to be there, it's almost certainly methylmercury cysteine belonging to where methionine is, and that one would likely not affect cognition much, only lifespan. Also it cannot be fixed in any easy way, as just taking methylmercury will not fit into correct places, and acts like poison; if it is indeed such, it must be ready methylmercury cysteine from food, as you currently get from fish.

>> No.12126590

He is a schizo who hates psychology for autistic reasons that don’t make sense. If you are bored look up brain scans of people with bpd or chemical analysis of their neurons and how they differ from normal people. I am not familiar with bpd but with schizos and lots of other mental disorders there is an easily se differences in these experiments.

>> No.12126599

>[Ad hominem].
Not an argument.

>> No.12126606

>ignores mountain of evidence of experiments showing easily measured biological differences between normal people and people with mental disorders
>ad hominem Is not argument
Sorry anon it’s impossible to argue with retarded schizos who ignore evidence. I could post studies about differences like how schizos lose grey matter and other shit but you’d just respond with retarded autistic attempts at trying to pick apart the study in retarded ways without understanding anything. Sorry psychology triggers you so much.

>> No.12126610

Ad hominem becomes a valid argument when you're a stubborn faggot ignoring reams of evidence because they don't match your own worldview, for which you're unable to produce much, if any, evidence.

>> No.12126618
File: 154 KB, 770x880, autism_synapses_770[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The evidence is clear that it's the supposedly "normal people" who suffer brain damage that autists/BPD happen to be immune to.

>> No.12126620

tin deficiency

>> No.12126625 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (notated; magnesium because of oxalate).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your suggesting that physiological outcomes are results of some deterministic / -ally mysterious non-phenomena. There are ~chemical explanations for everything else discussed in medical science.. Some most likely hereof are..

•Not having "all essential nutrients", diets of which are some 1%.
•Low optimals of antioxidants and environmental correlatives.
•Cyanobacteria, especially amongst limited L-serine.
•Common "biotoxins" such as botulinum, E. coli, and streptococcus.


>> No.12126631
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (notated; magnesium because of oxalate).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your suggesting that physiological outcomes are results of some deterministic / -ally mysterious non-phenomena. There are ~chemical explanations for everything else discussed in medical science.. Some "most likely" hereof are..

•Not having "all essential nutrients", diets of which are some 1%.
•Low optimals of antioxidants and environmental correlatives.
•Cyanobacteria, especially amongst limited L-serine.
•Common "biotoxins" such as botulinum, E. coli, and streptococcus.


>> No.12126638

lack of chromium

>> No.12126646

>lack of firefox

>> No.12126649
File: 153 KB, 739x851, ijms-20-00640-g005[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antipsychotics in a large part harm you by depleting chromium. The dopamine etc. supression is just a sham.

>> No.12126656

So what anon what’s your point. It’s hard to pinpoint a chemical reason (even if there even is one which could be possible) behind mental disorders this doesn’t mean anything nor attacks the ideas of mental disorder. Listing a bunch of random shit also doesn’t mean anything.

>> No.12126658

If there is not I mean

>> No.12126679
File: 541 KB, 800x600, .. From this..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..PS: >>12126670

>>12126656 (for >>12126631)
>It's hard to pinpoint a chemical reason
"No it's not."

In summary: Your lack of awareness of explanations / potential != an argument.

>> No.12126685

Yes hard as in you can find a chemical in brain that different. Does that mean this lack of chemical is causing the mental disorder? No it doesn’t. Brain is complicated maybe something else is causing this chemical difference which is actually the reason behind the mental disorder? Hard to know brain complicated. Do all mental disorders have a measurable chemical difference? Probably not. Your schizo autistic mind can’t wrap your head around this it’s kind of sad.

>> No.12126731

>Yes hard as in you can find a chemical in brain that different.
What are you talking about?

>> No.12126768


>> No.12126788

Jesus fucking christ bodhi why are you even on /sci/

>> No.12127104

Scientifically speaking I guess you could describe it as brain damage to the emotional part of the brain. People with BPD are highly sensitive people who ,nearly universally, experienced some kind of trauma (usually from a care-giver or someone they were bonded with).

They do have brain differences but i don't know if they were born with those differences. Their Amygdala is smaller but more active for example.

>> No.12127106

excess calcium toxicity

>> No.12127154

Not him

>> No.12128671
File: 45 KB, 500x380, 1563562058291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there still people who can't accept that mental health is just the brain version of physical health?
Psychologues are just glorified social workers but psychiatry is the only way to treat and diagnose mental illnesses.
>dude it's all in your head bro :)
Yeah just like diabetes is made up

>> No.12128698

its an initial condition depending on the social category you are interpreting BPD to be a member of.

>> No.12128780
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, 1598051624021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just women being women. By male standards the female nature is a mental illness. The average woman satisfies the psychiatric definition of psychopathy.

>> No.12128794


>> No.12128803

>There's no physical quantified evidence it exists.
There are literally physiological changes in brain chemistry caused by abuse and shared by people with various mental illnesses. They aren't called mental because they're psychological in nature. they're called mental because they're real, physical illnesses affecting the brain and mental processes.

>> No.12128817

My ex had bpd and it utterly destroyed her. It was so sad. I felt terrible compassion. She was such a good girl and I loved her so much and we fought so hard to make her get better, but the mental anguish was too strong and she killed herself while crying because she didn't want to do it to me. I had already stopped hey from committing suicide tree times before and she always apologized and thanked me for trying to help her.

It is real, it is terrible and I am scared shitless of it. I really hope I will never have to deal with it every again.

>> No.12128832

>She was such a good girl
Imagine simping for a batshit insane women who wanted to hurt you as much as possible.

>> No.12128977

you have no understanding of what a human being is
you wrongly believe expressed parts that are limited in time and have traceable causation represent the self of the person caught in that expression
whatever part of someone you notice, you believe describes their whole
you'll never really understand anything

>> No.12128999

best pussy disorder

this applies to men with bpd as well

>> No.12129006

She was only "good" when she was "on" with you. When she was "off" she was fucking literally every other guy in your city except for you and thought you were a dumb piece of trash.

>> No.12129010

I agree. Men with BPD suck a mean dick and really know how to take it in the boipucc

>> No.12129043

this please turn back now

>> No.12129101

bpd is when you don't answer your gf's 50 messages once and she ghosts you for 2 weeks then comes back out of nowhere tells you she cheated on you with 5 other guys and when you had enough and leave she comes drunk screaming and crying at your door at 3 am begging you to fuck her and when you call the police on her she stabs herself and frame you for it and you leave the relationship with suicidal thoughts and borderline schizophrenia unable to truly love anyone ever again

>> No.12130638

Most "normal", ie rational, logical thinking people can't understand a BPD without tons of studying the condition and someone with it because it is different from their own. Imagine watching a movie but you only watch one frame out ten and the other frames you just fill in with guesses but then convince yourself those guesses are fact and viciously attack anyone that disagrees with you, this is what magical thinking is and what BPD do. You can't explain to them the series of events that happened for them to end up with the result they got, they can't process it therefore their reality is highly chaotic because they don't understand why anything happens the way it does or how to change it and just lash out at people that try to help them.

>> No.12130639

imagine being this retarded

>> No.12130672

>There's no physical quantified evidence it exists
Observed behavior is "quantified evidence". Are you implying every single person thinks and acts exactly the same way? Because this would have to be the case for your statement to be true. People develop behavioral and thinking patterns based on lived experience, if someone is raised by wolves in the forest as an abandoned child are you seriously under the impression they will know how to act in civilized society?

Even if your claim means their brain works like every other humans, which isn't true, but let's assume it is for now, you are implying that people can't have abhorrent and irregular behaviors which is ludicrous.

A simple example is someone in prison making a habit of eating quickly and guarding their food with their arm while they eat. In an environment where your food could be stolen from you is a normal and likely occurrence this is a wise thing to do whereas in polite society this is highly abhorrent and irrational.

Or if you grew up in an abusive environment then your parents, who 99% of people love and our most loyal too, you will hate and despise. This would be abnormal in most cases without knowing the person's background of abuse. Long story short, people's environment conditions their behavior and what is normal in one environment can be highly abnormal in another so say what you want about psychology not being a "science" it still studies and classifies patterns of behavior and their causes so it is no different than any other science in that respect.

>> No.12130675

I fucking hate australians.

>> No.12130756

You're technically right. The idea of mental illnesses is a human construction and one that turned out to be actually of rather little use beyond dealing with insurance policy.

Most people here think that the DSM-V or any other major psychological catalogue is based on science when in fact it is not. It's a political tool making sure that people, who share some group of behavioral traits and problems, are grouped into the same category so they can access services deemed to be helpful for them. What they really have or how they feel is another question and one that is difficult to study.

>> No.12130765

i dont like math...
you cant cure it unless she or him want to

me and my friend always asked for help
is our moms that are denial

>> No.12130768

daddy issues

>> No.12130788

Psychiatrist here. BPD is a nosological construct. Not a really good one. Mostly personality traits exacerbated by trauma in young age. You can't cure it but try aripiprazole.

>> No.12130791


>> No.12130854

Cool dubs but save the word salad for the next psycho bitch you fall for.

>> No.12130870

Well technically you are right, however to say it is just a political tool is goofy. It is true that what is abnormal behavior is somewhat subjective based on culture as I pointed out here >>12130672 there are also other more serious behaviors. For example it is not reasonable for a person to think it is ok for them to physcially assault you because you won't fuck them like anon above's example. The whole point of classifying "disorders" is that people are doing things that "reasonable" people would consider to unreasonable and it makes them dangerous.

Most reasonable people don't feel like a death sentence is a reasonable punishment for cheating on their partner (in the west, this is where culture plays a part), therefore if someone kills their partner because they cheated on them then you can study their line of thought and question them to figure out how they came to this unreasonable conclusion/action.

Sometimes their logic can at least be logical and you can determine that they came to their conclusion reasonably based on sound decision making If they say "in my family this was a reasonable punishment because we are muslim and it is how I was raised", it is not the same thing as saying they believed their partner was possessed by demons or some such thing.

The whole point of psychologists classifying these disorders is that these people's behaviors are UNREASONABLE based on their circumstances. They did not come to a reasonable conclusion that dictated their actions. Their mental faculties/processes are abnormal and not reasonable. Again, in anons example above, no reasonable person thinks it is reasonable to go out and sleep with 5 people because your bf was taking a test and wouldnt respond to your text messages. No one could ever come up with a reasonable explanation of why they felt like that was justified based on the circumstances he described

>> No.12130871

Fasting and Ketosis cure almost every mental illness..

>> No.12130874

>Bipolar Disorder
A neurochemical imbalance. The cure is taking your meds.

>Borderline Personality Disorder
Daddy issues. The cure is a good slap.

>> No.12130961

So how do you explain my crazy ex's bipolar behavior then?

>> No.12130964

The mother is most often primarily responsible for personality disorders in both sexes.

>> No.12131427
File: 675 KB, 652x868, Screen Shot 2019-08-28 at 20.49.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a man diagnosed BPD if you have any questions.

>> No.12131631

>unable to truly love anyone ever again
You never could.
All "normal" people are psychopaths, actually normal people are such a minority among whites that they usually get diagnosed with autism/bpd.
The anon wrote she stabbed herselves, not him.

>> No.12131875

>All "normal" people are psychopaths, actually normal people are such a minority among whites that they usually get diagnosed with autism/bpd.

Yeah no. BPD is a severe mental illness with fairly specific symptoms and they don't readily diagnose it as the treatment is radically different than for other illnesses and it carries a massive stigma.

I don't think my cousin who is in a care home has been "misdiagnosed" with severe autism.

>> No.12131931

Just from the tiny bit of info you made in this post I can tell you are borderline retarded.

>> No.12133420


>> No.12134481

No it isn't. You just cannot understand human emotions, because as a psychopath you do not have any.

>> No.12134533

you are projecting psyco

>> No.12134564

>manipulates you into liking her so she can kill herself to make you upset
but seriously, I became obsessed with a BPD woman to the point she told me to stop contacting her. She probably unconsciously manipulated me into perceiving her as being perfect in my perspective. We lived together for a while in treatment and spent the whole day together. I was the only person she'd talk to.

>> No.12134567

Scientifically speaking, stop speaking

>> No.12134589

You can see the symptoms are purely from psychopaths misinterpretation of normal behaviors:
"Cannot control emotions, delusion they cannot decide which emotion to feel" emotions seem bizarre to psychopaths. For a psychopath, it's something you do to influence others, not something that happens to you.
"Unstable sense of identity" naturally people treat different people differently. Psychopaths are incapable of that, so they typically construct a character (like in the RPG sense) that they act in public no matter what. At best they may label people, and like the palladin that hunts zombies, they may for example hate jews and treat nastily people who they think are jewish.
"Inappropriate agression" a feature of the above. A psychopath bully who pours diesel into someone's food may not understand he's getting beaten for it. It seems exactly the same as if you punched a random person in the street, that is, violent, dangerous, and completely unpredictable
"Fead of abandonment". Psychopaths start and end relationships as they see fit. They don't get that people get emotionally attached to other people. A relationship of any kind is a mean to an end, and it is to be initiated when it's beneficial and ended when the end is achieved or there is nothing to be immediatelly gained from the relationship.
"Paranoia" psychopaths don't get that people fon't like when other people ploy against them, for a psychipath it's a part of the social game they join in gusto to show others how smart they are, and think the fear and avoidance are completely unreasonable

>> No.12134593

>t. overly emotional, low IQ, illogical negro

>> No.12134601 [DELETED] 

You can see the symptoms are purely from psychopaths misinterpretation of normal behaviors:
"Cannot control emotions, delusion they cannot decide which emotion to feel" emotions seem bizarre to psychopaths. For a psychopath, it's something you do to influence others, not something that happens to you.
"Unstable sense of identity" naturally people treat different people differently. Psychopaths are incapable of that, so they typically construct a character (like in the RPG sense) that they act in public no matter what. At best they may label people, and like the palladin that hunts zombies, they may for example hate jews and treat nastily people who they think are jewish.
"Inappropriate agression" a feature of the above. A psychopath bully who pours diesel into someone's food may not understand he's getting beaten for it. It seems exactly the same as if you punched a random person in the street, that is, violent, dangerous, and completely unpredictable
"Fead of abandonment". Psychopaths start and end relationships as they see fit. They don't get that people get emotionally attached to other people. A relationship of any kind is a mean to an end, and it is to be initiated when it's beneficial and ended when the end is achieved or there is nothing to be immediatelly gained from the relationship.
"Paranoia" psychopaths don't get that people don't like when other people ploy against them, for a psychipath it's a part of the social game they join with gusto to show others how smart they are, and think the fear and avoidance are completely unreasonable

>> No.12134604

There is nothing "normal" about any of that, you have issues bud, sorry I had to be the one to break it to you. This is the biggest cope post I have ever seen on this board

>> No.12134610

Yes, that in fact also seems to be common. When you don't like the games, you must be too dumb to join them.

>> No.12134618

That is perfectly normal. You are the psycho if you think it isn't.

>> No.12134636

nope sorry, you have issues and I would even address your post to explain it but I can clearly see based on the strawmen you used that you will be incapable of understanding a rebuttal to your cope

>> No.12134640

Post examples.

>> No.12134657
File: 41 KB, 551x600, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based. This man hit upon the deepest truth of modern psychology and is getting lambasted by reddit tier faggots.

>> No.12134664

not worth wasting my time to do it, clearly you cant understand it or we wouldn't be having this conversation as there is tons of literature and research and forums etc on this condition where people explain it all ad nasuem to which your response is "it is everyone else not me"

If you were capable of understanding the material and human nature in general you wouldn't have posted that cope

>> No.12134732

You couldn't have written it several times and show to everyone that I indeed cannot understand, but you won't because it is you who cannot understand and, even though it's just 4chan, you may fear exposing yourself by writing blatant nonsense.

>> No.12134751
File: 1.14 MB, 1070x603, therapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12134767

Stop deflecting the issue and post examples.

>> No.12135067

People with BDP are very empathetic almost to a fault and are capable of guilt. There's a difference between doing something to manipulate for profit and doing something because you are highly distressed. Also you can be an asshole and have bpd just like you can be an asshole and not have it. In short; Jordan Peterson is not your Dad and can't make up for past birthdays.

>> No.12135074

You misinterpreted the post. I'm describing how BPD comes from psychopaths misinterpreting normal people.

>> No.12135076

Man... You are wrong, and not willing to accept it. I'm so sorry for you. Hope you get better.

>> No.12135077

That is, psychopath see healthy people as having BPD.

>> No.12135245

This post reminds me of the scene in the movie gladiator where Commodus was talking about Marcus Aureilus list of virtues and none of this was on it but he had virtues too. The tldr Commodus saw his vices as virtues as his massive cope.


>> No.12135552 [DELETED] 

No he didn't. It was an act used to break and rule his father so he could smother him.
Anyway, why would any of them would be a vice?

>> No.12135556

No he didn't. It was an act used to break and lure his father so he could smother him.
Anyway, why would any of them would be a vice?

>> No.12135601 [DELETED] 

The society is collapsing because the virtues are missing. The "virtues" of psychopaths are worthless.

>> No.12135610

The society is collapsing because the virtues are missing. Society is kept working by reciprocity, so that those who help get helped and those who harm others get harmed. The "virtues" of psychopaths are worthless.

>> No.12135618

This is an agressive gesture, BTW, so stop using it.

>> No.12135622

you have issues bud

>> No.12135670

Are you saying it isn't so? Did you watch the scene?

>> No.12135717
File: 160 KB, 683x1024, licking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a shill bot, you can tell by his lack of argument and use of ad hominem

>> No.12135724 [DELETED] 

It's you who is using ad hominem and vacuous arguments.

>> No.12135743

Schizos don't loose anything. Medicated people do, due to loss of dopamine that plays role cell regeneration.

>> No.12135771
File: 61 KB, 479x450, cringe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone made a bot to troll schizos on /sci/

>> No.12135778

Yes, the robots of pharmacorp uses human bodies to propagate and live. However they are just information viruses.

>> No.12136516

nice sob story but she did that too herself because she couldnt cope. She better have had some traumatic shit happen before she turned 14 that wasnt dumb shit like not getting everything she wanted from toys r us

i know one girl whose twin brother an heroed when they were 13 tho, heart goes out to her but she seems pretty strong

>> No.12136641

Based. Disorders are by and large just helpful ways of classifying behavior. There are some that do appear to be understood better and are actually treated by medicine(bipolar for example). However, I’ve done no research on this, and have no credentials or experience that makes me credible. It feels correct.

>> No.12136655

Waiter, the Word salad you brought me doesn’t have any meaning in it, can you bring me another?

>> No.12136749

This guy is insane. Haha fucki g retard if you’re not trolling your rhetoric is very harmful to other head cases. Stop posting and get help friend.

>> No.12136765


>> No.12137260

>However, I’ve done no research on this, and have no credentials or experience that makes me credible
You don't need to because most clinical psychiatrists and psychologists have actually no personal experience with the subjects they're studying.

>> No.12137308

>how to cure it?
a quick dose of lead injected directly between the eyes

>> No.12138205 [DELETED] 

No it isn't. That's why there is such a "stigma" against BPD among mental health workers, as they have no way of dealung with somebody who is obviously superior.

>> No.12138206

No it isn't. That's why there is such a "stigma" against BPD among mental health workers, as they have no way of dealing with somebody who is obviously superior to them.

>> No.12138222

Honestly I can't tell if this is bait but have you had someone suggest to you that you have BPD?

>> No.12138248

Not really. I've had several psychopaths trying to lecture me about morals, and seeing the fractal wrongness of their moral thought was an eye opening experience. They are kind of like Koko the gorilla. They were conditioned by reward and punishment into doing it, but it's very obvious they have actually zero idea what it is for and why the people want it from them.

>> No.12138282

Lithium works by serotonin release, they commit antidepresants on systems like that, antipsychotics...

I think best would be to have real image about the disease, because BPD doesn't say much, it can be range of various problems.

But for like depression and mania, maybe psylocin so in depression monoamines doesn't acumulate so much it creates mania later.

>> No.12138307

People with BPD probably have had traumatic childhoods which have caused their brain development to become maladaptive.

I don't think they can control it. My ex was BPD and her emotional instability was disturbing. The main thing that made me feel bad was when I broke up with her I knew she would be in some suffering state because people with BPD cannot handle abandonment. At all.

People denying these psychological (and/or neurodevelopmental) conditions because you can't diagnose this via a brain scan or something are deluded. It is real thing and people suffer from it.

There are promising drugs that can help people with BPD to better regulate their emotions to allow them to be more control of their life.

I do not think people with BPD have a superior empathy quotient.

>> No.12138525

Denial, evasion, wishful thinking, the same things people do in face of death, particularly since brain diseases are among the worst things that can happen you or anyone you care about, and ruin whole families more often than other diseases do. I could blog all day about the congenital disorders that run in my family, but schizophrenia and major depression make the others look like inconveniences by comparison.

>> No.12138708

>physiological changes in brain chemistry
Oh my god your such a retard

>Myth 1: Your disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Most patients are told this but it is completely wrong. We have no idea about which interplay of psychosocial conditions, biochemical processes, receptors and neural pathways that lead to mental disorders and the theories that patients with depression lack serotonin and that patients with schizophrenia have too much dopamine have long been refuted. The truth is just the opposite. There is no chemical imbalance to begin with, but when treating mental illness with drugs, we create a chemical imbalance, an artificial condition that the brain tries to counteract. This means that you get worse when you try to stop the medication. An alcoholic also gets worse when there is no more alcohol but this doesn’t mean that he lacked alcohol in the brain when he started drinking.