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1212360 No.1212360 [Reply] [Original]

I'm majoring in Nuclear & Radiological Engineering and really starting to burn out.

Is it worthwhile or should I switch to something else? They pitch that it's OMGFUCKINGAMAZING in the school, but so does every major ever.

>> No.1212377

Were you ever excited about it? What changed? Do you think you could be excited about it again? How far into your specialized classes are you?

>> No.1212392


I was fuckin' puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumped about it for 4 years. I'm in a 5 year program, meaning if I stick to it for another year I get my bachelor's and master's.

Once they threw me in a lab I started to just be overworked. I still LIKE what I do, I just do it so god damn much. If I took a few weeks to myself I'd probably get jazzed about it again, but that's just implausible these days with everything I have to do.

I'm ~2 years into specialized classes, all I'm doing next year is grad level shit--including a grad level math class on Hilbert Space that's required for some unknown reason.

Really, I think it might be that I'm not that into this new lab they threw me in. Quantum Optics? I just can't get into this shit. The lab SOUNDS awesome (Ultracold atomic physics and quantum optics? Why, that has ultracold, atomic, and quantum in the name, it must be rad as fuck!), but in practice... I'm just not feeling it as much as I did my last one.

>> No.1212395


>Nuclear & Radiological Engineering

How can you "burn out" from somthing so easy? WTF is wrong with you? Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.1212397
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Hang in there little guy. Here is a book that might help!

>> No.1212398


lololololol my program is basically equivalent to a degree in plasma & particle physics with 2 drafting classes in the first 2 years

>> No.1212408
File: 165 KB, 1069x1107, TrueTier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that very hard to believe. They may tell you that, but they are just lying to make you (as well as themselves feel better). You are doing engineering, not real physics. GTFO of /sci/ with your faggotry!

>> No.1212422


My course load over the last few semesters has been harder than the people in the Physics departments'. Particle physics, MHD, nuclear fuel cycle, plasma physics, some courses in quantum field theory... this year has been a little ridiculous.

>> No.1212434
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I imagine whatever classes you take are the dumbed down version for engineers. I doubt you do anything that hard, I mean it is just engineering (faggotry).

Think all you want that you are doing real physics if it makes your feel better. LMAO.

>> No.1212437

Particle Physics? What school do you go to?

Your program is relevant to my interests but it does sound pretty weird for NucE.

>> No.1212439


most of them are through the school of physics, yo. and I'm way more knowledgeable than any of the physics majors in my lab.

but hey, whatever your prejudice wants to believe. just keep trollin'.

>> No.1212448


I go to Georgia Tech. The particle thing was a special topics class, kind of a review of QFT and general particle physics shit. The rest of the schedule was tailored to me because I described to the department head how I was interested in tokamak research and he fancies me his show pony.

>> No.1212473
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you took one class, that had a little QFT and some realy basic ideas in particle physics and you think you know shit.....LMAO

As expected your just an faggot (an engineer). I bet you dont even know QM...gtfo faggot!

>> No.1212480
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>> No.1212484


And I'll bet you think plasma runs on miracles.

>> No.1212485

Good luck to you man. I also want to do tokamak research but I'm doing accelerator stuff for now.

As for whether you want to continue with this, being in lab is basically a preview of how life as a grad student is going to be. The unrelated coursework is unavoidable, but at least it's temporary. Can you see yourself doing this for the next few years, and then the rest of your life?

>> No.1212488
File: 48 KB, 750x600, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad its true though. Most physics courses the "engies" take are dumbed down. They often take "survey of moden physics" and think they are learning "Quantum Mech", its funny. They are funny little guys!

>> No.1212500


I could work for ages in my last lab, just not this one.


I've found that the people most proud of their physics major are the people who are pompous brats riding on the coattails of other peoples' work.

>> No.1212505
File: 266 KB, 331x500, PRIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not enjoy the gay secks?

>> No.1212514

To bad no one listens to an "engineers" findings. Your opionion on life or science is about as worthless as a janitors or fastfood worker.

>> No.1212524

>To bad no one listens to an "engineers" findings.
I mean, it's not like hospitals hire out systems engineers to streamline their emergency rooms so they operate more efficiently.

Oh wait.

>> No.1212531
File: 43 KB, 320x420, bp_logo_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when people listen to faggots (engineers)

>> No.1212533


I'm 99% sure that logo was dreamt up by graphic designers, not engineers.

>> No.1212554

Yeah, but the gulf oil spill was the fault of faggots (engineers)

>> No.1212555


Why are you responding some random Physics undergrad?

Anyone student with the will and brains to actually gain a Phd in Physics is to busy working to post on 4chan. I've got full respect for these guys as they are entering one of the most competitive fields in the world and have to perform as what's basically unpaid postgraduate slave labour for years.

These losers will get a BS and then end up teaching or doing a non science job somewhere.

>> No.1212556

no ones opinion on life is significant unless a large group of people give it significance. maybe the term engineer hasn't been around for too long, but society has cherished many "engineers" for their "opinions on life" throughout history, and i would assume it still does. your post on 4chan is about as worthless as a janitors.

>> No.1212646

>Yeah, but the gulf oil spill was the fault of faggots (trolls)