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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12123208 No.12123208 [Reply] [Original]

Did you change to another major or dropped out of uni completely? If yes, why did you do it and what did you study before and after?
Also what does /sci/ think about switching majors? When should you realize that you are too small brained and do something else as opposed to just trying to get through the hard stuff? Is there any good way to figure out if a certain subject is the right for yourself before attending university?
pic unrelated and a cringy meme

>> No.12123221

i want to dropout of life desu.

>> No.12123247

Parents forced me to choose CS and after 1 year I switched to Biology, now I'm doing my MSc in plant biotech.

>> No.12123277

I haven't dropped out but I am 23 years old and I'm still in like 2nd year or 3rd year of university. I honestly don't think I will be able to graduate University (undergraduate) until I'm at least 26 years old. I still don't know how to process it all but (and I think this is relevant for you) is that if you give yourself enough time you will accomplish whatever it is you want out of University. It's not a matter of being small brained or not. Find something you like and work at it until you die. Literally ride or die.

>> No.12123314

Biology-> CS-> Math. Best decision.

>> No.12123325

i studied Political Science and then changed to becoming a German/Computer Science Teacher. Im planing of adding a third subject like Physics maybe.
I had connections in the political field in my country which is why i chose PS. Once i saw what my work would be like i instantly dropped out though

>> No.12123330

Even if you're surrounded by 19 - 20 year freshmen, you're barely elder than them. At your age, it's understandable to picture being 3, 4 years elder as being "too old" but no, you're still pretty young to change majors and start over again. Go do it before more years pile up.

>> No.12123334
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>> No.12123336

Is studying something for a year and then switching to a different field actually something you guys would write into your cv?
Is there value in people who studies one or two years before switching or dropping out?

>> No.12123342

>When should you realize that you are too small brained
I failed first semester math pretty hard in my physics major.
Then I had a sort of mental breakdown unrelated to uni.
Still, I had fun doing physics, so I stuck to it and now I'm almost done writing my master's thesis.
Brainletism can be overcome by sheer persistence.

>> No.12123361

That's great man. You give me a lot if hope because I pretty much want to go the same path, would still you say that you need a rather high IQ to go into the field? And do you plan to do a PhDs afterwards or are people with a physics master looked for in your area?

>> No.12123394

>would still you say that you need a rather high IQ to go into the field?
Not really. It's not a completely useless metric, but overrated.
As long as you don't hate math and are receptible to logical arguments you should be fine.
The right mindset and intuition comes with time.
>And do you plan to do a PhDs afterwards
Depends on how my master's thesis turns out. But I'll try.

>> No.12123420

Yeah I dropped out of my "pre-professional" bio bachelor's degree coursework (the difference between that and "regular" bio is you simply take a second semester of physics + organic chem, plus you must take biochem - these courses prep the student for grad school or med school). I dropped out during my second semester of orgo when we were learning about Michael additions or some shit, the teacher was reading verbatim from the book and using the same examples listed..."what the fuck am I doing here? I could just as well read my book as home and do these examples, why am I paying for this "education?" Stupid me, I know, so I dropped out to preserve my GPA and I haven't looked back. Honestly one of the best things I ever did, I was in a terrible emotional state back then and totally burnt out, I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Probably wouldn't have made a good pathologist. After that I got a "real" job (blue collar, labor intensive at a power plant) with a living wage and truly enjoyed life. Eventually I started feeling better and now I'm in school again for nursing. I really like it and I feel levels above all the 20 year olds in my classes who know very little about "real" life. I still do well in school. I am 28 and dropped out 3 years ago. It can be beneficial to drop out if only to gain a larger perspective on yourself and your capabilities, which some students are lucky enough to realize after only one semester traveling abroad or whatever.

>> No.12124465

> dropout thread
the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.12124499

I went into college for CS but was denied by the department after already being enrolled at the Uni I wanted to attend so I did general ed as undeclared and switched to Philosophy after a few courses in it.

Not only did I end up in a lot of required classes with CS majors (our department focused on analytical philosophy), I now have a job with just a Philosophy undergrad in data engineering that would usually require a masters in CS.

Analytical philosophy is based. Learning formal logic (sentential calculus, first-order logic) allowed me to pretty much dick around in any programming language well enough to get what I need done.

>> No.12124510

Tons of people go to college in their 30's and most nobody notices. It's not something to stress about. No one is going to think you're a weirdo or something.

>> No.12124521

No, I finished my 2 undergrads + grad school

>> No.12124593

I'm 30, and I'll be going back soon enough, but I don't know if I'll commit suicide first or not.

I'm mentally unwell, but don't have health insurance.

Any given day I could choose to take that walk, and I wouldn't even be able to stop myself.

>> No.12124618

I just started college in my 30's. There have been no issues, but it's honestly pretty awkward taking classes with a bunch of teenagers, especially when the professors insist on working in groups.

>> No.12124619

stay strong anon we are all gonna make it

>> No.12124635

This desu

>> No.12124702

I dropped out 9 years ago because autism. Now I design RC stuff at home for $$$$. It's a great field for the lone autist genius

>> No.12125459

Im doing a part time masters in Mathematics, taking just 1 class while I work part time. I'm doing this for fun, I don't really need it for my job, but I'm considering dropping because so far its just a repeat of undergrad, isn't any harder or more rigorous and is seeming like a waste of my time. The prof really doesn't know what she's talking about and doesn't speak English well.

The other lecture she said that the null set was both countable and uncountable simulatenously, as a response to some retards question. at the same time LOL.

I realize that my post makes me sound like a huge edge-lord. I promise I'm not and don't usually write edgy posts. I'm just currently watching her struggle through our virtual lecture and its so bad.

>> No.12125466

What a pathetic, obnoxious thread. Why are you people on /sci/? Shouldn't you be on /vg/ or /pol/ or something?

>> No.12125509

we drop outs aren't allowed to post?
I dropped out of hs then got my degree a few years later
then i dropped out of my math degree in uni and then re-enrolled in physics and am now in my last year or a physics masters

>> No.12127394


>> No.12127406

If you have to try, it's over.

>> No.12127465

It's over if you don't try it

>> No.12127531

Tell this to the dozens 30 year old jobless neets who studied every day, tried harder than anyone else just to get kicked out of uni anyway.

If you don't understand something in the first 2 hours of studying, it's over for you.

>> No.12127570

t. smart but lazy

>> No.12128812

/sci/ is full of retards.
become a farmer and do math and science on the side for useful tasks or mind games.

>> No.12130091

Based. Is this what you do? Post a pic of your land

>> No.12130222

I don't own land yet, I am looking for plot to build a house/cabin.
I want to build it in the middle of Norway Sweden or Finland.
However it will be colder and less time for crops to grow.
But the coasts of these three countries got good soil. It was a seabed before.

>> No.12130226
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i dropped out of uni and became a drug addict, no regrets

>> No.12130396

Am I ok? I’m almost 20, have no job, am a sophomore in community college (to take general ed classes), and I haven’t decided on a career yet.

I like 3D modeling and robotics. Would getting a 3D printer and beginning small projects help me decide if engineering is for me?

>> No.12130416

>Did you change to another major or dropped out of uni completely? If yes, why did you do it and what did you study before and after?
Yes. Almost finished my economics bachelor's before realizing I couldn't stand it and switching to math. I went up to the master's level in math and on the side finished the econ degree just as a matter of principle. Most of economics is boring, meaningless and doesn't really lead to a stable job. Math is fun but otherwise the same applies. What's funny is that partly through minoring in other science subjects I talked myself into grad school focusing on physical chemistry. Right now I'm mostly teaching, but I think I might leave academia altogether.

>> No.12130971
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Dropped out third year of uni studying applied mathematics due to mental breakdown/suicidal thoughts/depression and failing all my classes one semester. Been 3 years since then and I won't be able to go back as I am unable to secure federal loans due to me failing out and my poor credit score prevents me from securing private loans due to barely making the monthly payments to the student loans I still owe. I've been working as an electrian's assistant for $16/hr. the past 2 years.

I bought a 9mm pistol about a month and a half ago and I plan on using it on myself within the next couple of months. Interesting how small situations can completely change the trajectory of your life.

>> No.12131358

There is NO need to kill yourself. Do not act like you are stupid because of one semester. People make mistakes all the time, you will recover. Look on the brightside of things, you have a job. About the loans, fuck them for not helping you out. I assume you are in the US?

>> No.12131375

You chose unemployment from free employment

>> No.12131378

Haha white people do these things. My parents would say "man up you bastard" and I would have.

>> No.12131387

Immigrant mentality baby

>> No.12131391

Go for it. Honestly no one here can tell you if it's for you, only you can. Buy a cheap 3d printer or rent one so you don't waste money if you inevitably decide to give it up but I'm always an advocate for just trying out applications. Learning engineering theory is boring unless you actually have something to use it on and that's where your good idea comes in.

>> No.12131393

you have no idea how serious that meme is lmao

>lots of reasons
>Environmental Science
>IT (computer programming)
>I don't know
>I don't know

>> No.12131424
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>> No.12131428

> Frank Zappa
literally who?

>> No.12131472
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2.5 years in, 1.6 years of work done. I feel like dropping out, I completely dunked the last year thanks to depression and haven't recovered my ability to study

>> No.12132232

Just do both

>> No.12132294

>Once i saw what my work would be like i instantly dropped out though
What do you mean?

>> No.12132344

What was your undergrad in? I would like to do this but I only took three semesters of calculus and a discrete math course as part of my undergrad.

>> No.12132350
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Based and redpilled, now git on out dere and plant some pataters

>> No.12132396

Any problem you have can be fixed. Don't kill yourself (especially if over woman and/or money).

A few small positive inputs can change your life for the better.

>> No.12132411

In uk but went from chemical physics to pure chemistry. I found physics boring/ didn't want to learn it but just enjoyed org and inorg chem loads.

>> No.12132617

Electricians unironically earn a killing. You will be very valued economically for knowing a trade. You will be able to pay off your loans and continue your education.

You will also attract women for being a goodwill hunting type tradesman committee to learning higher mathematics. Take one course at a time, part-time to make it more financially bearable.

>> No.12132629

I did a double major in econ (lol huge regret) and math. I work as an actuary and the class I'm taking is probability so it's a breeze so far.

My undergrad was at a semi competitive top 30 worldwide uni and this master's is at an american state uni. The difference in difficulty and rigor is night and day. I don't feel challenged at all and I can tell the professor is a retard (again, not trying to be edgy, but the situation really is that bad).

>> No.12132636

Ted? Is that you? How're you browsing /sci/ from the colorado supermax??

>> No.12132657

>econ (lol huge regret)
Everyone seems to regret choosing economics. It seems like a nepotistic pathway.

>> No.12132661

thanks all

>> No.12132662

It is, I chose it because I was stupid. I grew up in a rich but stupid town where everyone was fratty and wore pastel colored shorts. That mindset had rubbed off on me, but I quickly lost it in university.

Economics, with the exception of game theory, is a useless subject and not at all a science.

>> No.12132731

>Completed 2 yrs of Kinesiology
>Followed by 1 semester of engineering
>And am currently in my 3rd year of biochemistry + neuroscience
My first 2 years consisted of completing minimal work and barely scraping by. My GPA was abysmal, but I passed most of my classes. Very-much lacking any interest in academics, or anything really - I then switched to engineering and began truly applying myself for the first time. I worked hard but my lack of a strong foundation in mathematics (consequence of doing minimal work in first 2 years of uni) resulted in barely passing my classes.

There was an administration complication following my first semester in engineering that forced me to delay my completion of 1st year engineering for an additional semester. This pushed me into deciding to do something that I would actually be passionate over and capable of being a top performer in. Now I’m studying biochemistry and neuroscience in a joint honours program, and I’m so pleased that I decided to change programs one last time.

>> No.12133223

I studied econ too. I wish I would have taken more math classes tho. With the exception of econometrics and hame theory the entire field is bullshit. I'm taking CS courses now. Actuarial work seemed gay.

>> No.12133258

Dropped out halfway through my masters (math), lost motivation to pursue academic path due to lack of confidence and fear of not feeling fulfilled studying something so 'not real'. Am now clueless as to what path to take, scared to end up with a job I hate

>> No.12133302
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This was true before social media.

>> No.12134461


>> No.12135268

Tinder can be used fron within the library

>> No.12135840

There has been not a single person in this thread who said they're just too stupid for the subject they chose.

>> No.12135874


>> No.12135888

Dropped out after the retards tried to give me a C for not coming to class despite straight As on exams

>> No.12135939

you sure showed them by becoming uneducated retard

>> No.12137231

Dropping out doesn't automatically mean that you aren't intelligent.