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12123129 No.12123129 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific argument to be had against quarantine or a corona vaccine?

>> No.12123132

It´s over.


>> No.12123166

I enjoyed the graphs. And it will take some time reading the information.

But to OP. It is just a generalization. But I don't mind a lock down to save lives. What I fear is it being a common place system to keep people separated.

And the vaccine.. what is confusing me. Is the common cold mutates by the next year... and by the time we create a cure for it ... it would have already mutated which isn't why they really create a vaccine.. but give a shot of a small amount of the flu that year. And it creates an immunity if you h av e a decent immune system.

And that the covid-19 has already "mutated" so... how can they create a vaccine so quickly... when it was baffling the scientific community so much at first and how it was spreading.

I am not some guy that believes science is useless. I think it merits alot of usefulness. It is just the consistencies in certain information.

>> No.12123170

>Is there a scientific argument to be had against quarantine or a corona vaccine?
No, not really.
They're both effective measures in countering a pandemic.

>> No.12123243

Probably not but there's economical and political arguments

>> No.12123407

no, except political or economical like that other guy said. its the best way to counter infection
>corona vaccine
yes. you can argue against vaccines that werent tested extensively enough. You can also argue that a shot can have negative side effects.

>> No.12123429

To me the vaccine that is proposed is useless, since herd immunity lasts for the same time.

>> No.12124143

There is no argument against any vaccines. They are all safe and effective by definition.

>> No.12124157

>And the vaccine.. what is confusing me. Is the common cold mutates by the next year...
The four endemic coronaviruses don't mutate quickly, not like influenza. However, antibody immunity only lasts a few years against them, after which you're susceptible again (this is due to antibody levels falling). The length of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is still being established, but boosters are going to be needed.

>> No.12124768

>Take multiple shots goy
But for real when you look at the graphs of deaths before 2020 and the death of 2020 graphs, its the same line, no spikes or anything. So if there is no mass deaths then why do we need a vaccine?

>> No.12124784

Where are you getting that? Pneumonia deaths right now are 4x the annual average. Excess deaths are 10% above the expected rate. The rise in fatality rate from 2019 to 2020 would be the largest increase from one year to the next dating back to 1950.

>> No.12124802
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If corona is like annual flu, good luck finding a vaccine.

>> No.12124873

Against quarintine?

The governments of the world lack the will to invest in the logistic operation needed to erradicate the virus. Up to this point, all quarintines have proved to be a waste of money. The theory is there, we know what needs to be done, but nobody will execute it.

You cannot force medical treatment on people, because every single treatment, as simple as it were, has a posibility of dying. As an alternative, you can do your best to not get infected and eventually the virus will go away from not being able to be transmitted. Of course, people won't do this either, and a portion of the population will inevitably get infected.

However, that really isn't an issue. It's evident the job of governments is not to care about anyone but to manage a handful of things, health is not one of them. You're on your own in this.

>> No.12124883

citation for those claims?

>> No.12124885

Do you live in the US? The government could order you killed any time they want and nobody would lift a finger. You have nothing to fear because the thing you consider wrong is already here.

>> No.12124891

The best solution is an end to globalism. Outbreaks throughout human history have been localized. Even the Black Death was localized mostly to European cities despite originally coming from Asia, likely from trade routes. Asia wasn't as well connected internally as Europe, so the plague had nowhere near the impact there that it did in highly connected Europe. None of those places were anywhere near as connected as we are now.

>> No.12124893

>"herd immunity"
What do you understand by "herd immunity"? This is one of the most memed concepts in immunology. Everyone thinks people start releasing magical antibodies in the air that they can spread to people and the people will then absorb the other's immune identity or some shit as if they were copy/pasting a computer file.

As far as I know, Herd immunity is only a measure of people not getting infected because already immunized people are not getting infected, i.e. the virus doesn't find its way to the succeptible individuals. We could say we had "herd immunity" during the first days of quarintine, when the infected were supposedly locked at home and the idiots who disobeyed curfews and whatever were protected by herd immunity since they didn't find an infected individual in their way. If this is not what you understand by herd immunity, what do you call this then?

>> No.12124923

Very very smooth brain take

>> No.12124930

Do you consider smoking cessation "anticancer immunity" ?

>> No.12124935

My point is that your 'definition' of herd immunity is a piece of shit

>> No.12124942

Bring yours then, retard.

>> No.12124949

>Go for a walk outside to get my Vitamin D and fresh air while avoiding crowds, great stress reliever too
>Eat fermented foods to get exposure to microbes
>Cook my own healthy meals at home
Quarantine was great.

>> No.12124995

The vaccines have been rushed and have no long term testing. They will likely have unforseen side effects. Not to mention vaccines have been used for sinister plots in recent years. If you are Ethiopian, don't accept the Israeli polio vaccine. Crazy how quickly people went from saying we need to prevent overpopulation to saying that we need to stop our populations from decreasing due to the virus.
My main worry is that it would be a sloppily made rushed vaccine, the conspiracy stuff is an afterthought.

>> No.12125153

if your population has herd immunity it means you fucked up the pandemic really badly

>> No.12125364


>> No.12125751
File: 68 KB, 635x481, 1597195808670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mass hysteria. Governments' universal, blanket lockdowns have imploded most developed economies... In sheer panic, governments have realised the greatest self-inflicted economic calamity in the history of mankind. All of this, for a virus with a kill rate of 0.001% for healthy people under fifty.

Acemoglu showed months ago that a targeted lockdown of old people would protect the economy and save lives, but of course the entire population must muzzle up and isolate in their homes for an entire year... Madness.

>> No.12125796

>it's mass hysteria
It is a sizeable threat, with very tangible results, mostly preventable deaths from people below 60 due to health service overload, that is without taking into account the direct deaths the shit caused. From an office chair a number may not mean anything, but for families that had their relatives taken prematurely it means a life changing event.

>blanket lockdowns
The lockdowns were terribly managed, directed by the incompetent WHO which didn't even release guidelines against fomite transmission or contingency for mask shortage, and by incompetent politicians who took the chance to steal money.

What the world needed was an international lockdown for 6 weeks, then the shit would have died out and no one would have died. Blanket lockdown for infected countries and shutting down airports etc for non-infected countries, afterwards localized lockdowns as cases start to be detected.

That's all and the virus would have been stopped in march. We wouldn't have any of this shit. Hell, if someone actually wanted to wipe out the world he may as well do it through viruses since americans are such morons they can't recognize a threat when it hits them.

>> No.12125851
File: 88 KB, 640x1004, forever and ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter what you do, you're not getting your freedom back without a fight. Authoritarians never willingly give back power once they have it. They will keep make excuses to move the goal posts of freedom back a bit more. Most people will go along with it because they think it's just a little bit more and then it will all be over. Instead, the goal posts just get moved again and again and again. You will never again be free. At least not until there is blood spilt.

>> No.12125916

You lost your freedom in 1929.

>> No.12126341


>> No.12126348

Millions more people would have died without the lockdown. I don't care how old someone is, they deserve to live just like anyone else. Also, that 0.001% number is wrong and the real statistics are much more complex. Muzzle yourself so you'll stop spreading emotion-based bullshit.

>> No.12126354

>Millions more people would have died without the lockdown.

>> No.12126355

> Instead, the goal posts just get moved again and again and again.
No, you're just going to not pay attention to the goal posts because you're a retard. Herd immunity from inoculation probably won't be accomplished until mid to late 2021. So, the goal post is probably roughly one year from today. By and before then, there won't be any lockdowns or mask regulations besides for very crowded areas like festivals. Quit fearmongering.

>> No.12126358

And that's why we have people who aren't like you in charge, thankfully.

>> No.12126362

For now.

>> No.12126391
File: 23 KB, 634x366, 1593048599897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the inconsistencies are easily explained when you understand the role of subversion. words don't mean what you think they mean. science isn't always science. ngos/charities aren't automatically good. academics are bought as easily as politicians
covid-1984 is a central planners wet dream
>if they could cure coronavirus, they would not do so

>> No.12126770

>or contingency for mask shortage
And we knew mask shortage would happen.
>Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.
>Key findings: [...] The United States lacks the production capacity to meet the demands for protective equipment and medical devices such as masks and ventilators imposed by a pandemic.

>> No.12126936

like 160,000 people die worldwide every single day in the average year, millions is only a scary number when you don't realize how populated and unhealthy the planet is

>> No.12127024

What the fuck about any of those things is specific to quarantine?

Apparently the concept of 'going for a walk' only occurs to normalfags during a lockdown.

>> No.12127057

Scientific argument against vaccine? Depend on what vaccine and the cost benefit. No argument against vaccine so far.

Corona vaccine? You also need to check country of origin. I will avoid China vaccine like hell because they are well known of putting propaganda first, corruption second, lie third, and human life at the end of line.

>> No.12127067

Unlimited restriction on right to travel, mandatory, government controlled DNA testing, immunity passport, social credit system, quarantine/concentration camp, all in the name of science and medicine. There is no need to violate your human right. They just need to build a new system without human right to replace the existing one. Why cure the corona virus when it can consolidate your dictatorship indefinitely? Let's make a new virus every year so we can put the whole country on lock down for science and medicine.

>> No.12127089


looks like covid 19 did kill extra people but its already run its course. its time to open up.

>> No.12127091


committing collective suicide is a good way to combat against infection too.

>> No.12127094


>eradicating sars cov 2


>> No.12127099


disgusting leftist scum.

>> No.12127102


>office chair a number may not mean anything, but for families that had their relatives taken prematurely it means a life changing event.

yet i dont see you advocating for plant based diets which would save millions of people from heart attacks.

>> No.12127117

Kill more people than they save, double so when you consider the remaining life expectancy and quality of the people who die to corona vs the people who get hurt as a result of the countermeasures.

>> No.12127122


italy and france opened up months ago and their deaths are around 10-15 a day

LOLOLOLOL hysterical lock-down supporting bed wetters BTFO.

>> No.12127135

>Instead, the goal posts just get moved again and again and again.
No it's just that retards who have no business taking about shit they don't understand are employed mainstream media, meaning that the public didn't understand how long this would take if ot wasn't taken seriously, and because of that didn't take it seriously and here we are.
Americans deserve to lie in the bed they've made

>> No.12127140

Corona just showed that if you will ban most of population from working for months, nothing will happen. Now you will have
1)Glorious UBI communism (as in most of the population is forever forced to stay at home, but they are given some food not to starve and some approved list of internet resources).
2)Most of population is simply physically eradicated

>> No.12127144
File: 2 KB, 244x226, 1348764844816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of crack are you shitters smoking where you legitimately believe that you can't have one opinion without having another?
Fuck off NPC retard

>> No.12127151


the point is that covid deaths have fallen off a cliff and the majority of times covid is attributed as the cause of death are false. lockdowns are more deadly than the virus itself.

>> No.12127155


>nothing will happen

lol give it a chance, soon as the gibs dry up and people are still being locked up then you're gonna see shit hit the fan. most people are waking up to the reality its a pathetically weak virus (compared to how its been hyped) and will end up taking their rights back.

>> No.12127158

>and the majority of times covid is attributed as the cause of death are false.
[Citation needed]
>lockdowns are more deadly than the virus itself.
[Citation needed]

>> No.12127165

I don't understand this whole wagie cagie obsession Americans have
Of course an UBI-society would need restructuring of the economics, most notably higher VAT on certain services to avoid money falling into Scrooge McDuck pits like it does now
But this isn't /biz/

>> No.12127170

A reminder that there is a perfect solution for corona crisis fit for everyone:
1)The population is divided in two group: covid-truthers and covid-denialists
2)Covid-denialists are free to live just like year ago with no changes
3)Covid-truthers are now forced to always stay inside. The delivered food should always wait until it will be safe (or get disinfected). If they can't do their job remotely, they are awarded some small benefits (but only if they dutifully stay at home). If they are forced to go out due to the some extremely important errand, they are forced to get permission and wear full hazmat suit.
This way their chance to get covid or pass it will go to basically zero. Of course their lives will be a bit harsh now, but that's what they wanted for everyone, so no injustice here, right? Oh, they should also stay this way after covid too - there is flu, other diseases and traffic.

>> No.12127194

Nice strawman retard

>> No.12127197

Ok, if you are made of straw, you can get special permission to strand in the field for a while (with a hazmat suit and mask on, of course).

>> No.12127242

Corona is only a problem if you're obese, elderly, or already critically ill. If you do not meet that criteria then there is nothing to worry about.
Reminder that all models and predictions of the amount of infected and deceased have been wrong. Not just wrong, but not even close.

>> No.12127390

>Millions more people would have died without the lockdown.
How will they die if they are staying home.

>> No.12128120

>Shut down the economy so that we can save some 70 year olds and fat people!!!
No fuck off nigger, why not just quarantine all the elderly instead? And all the fat people can die off they are a burden anyway.

>> No.12129502

keep dreaming
it's what every malcontent with an ego larger than their accomplishments creates for themselves to feel superior
but nothing 'huge' will happen, just like every other millionth time someone thought "it's happening", and you'll continue to be a bitter loser long after corona is old news

>> No.12129512

not happening in reality you histrionic psycho
your 'reality' is always composed of 'haven't yets' you so solidly believe are about to happen, but looking at your past similar beliefs, never do

>> No.12129520

time machine called, it wants that long discredited idea that animal protein leads to CVD back

>> No.12129528

solution is 'perfect' if you're literally retarded

>> No.12129547

Naive children like yourself are in for a very rude awakening

>> No.12129555

said every misanthrope ever

>> No.12129561

See? Covidist does not want to stay under house arrests yet wants others to be put under it. A perfect hypocrisy and malice.

>> No.12129562

not living a full life because you're convinced "the end" is coming - of life, an economic system, societal order - is the most common and ignorant way millions of people waste the time they have on earth

>> No.12129568

an incredibly low-level, poorly formed conclusion you lamely attempt to stick back on the one commenting
when's the last time you contributed something great to others? were thanked for sacrifice? interacted with a literal person?
fucking whiny little loser commies always crying for the end of freedom because you literally can't live free

>> No.12129576

That would just cause more to die without safety precautions. We opened up back in May and look how the deaths spiked a second time.

>> No.12129595

>were thanked for sacrifice?
Go and sacrifice yourself then.

>> No.12129600

If your solution is to remain closed for years, then it should be ignored and you should be arrested.

>> No.12129704

The solution is wearing masks and social distancing. You don't need to be closed if you aren't going to sporting events and rock concerts. Lockdowns were only implemented for the first few months in order to get a handle on the virus. You just need to be intelligent.

The problem is that people are breaking social distancing and mask wearing rules and throwing parties and going to restaurants because they think that because they are unlikely to be affected themselves they have the freedom to kill Americans by spreading a virus

>> No.12129725

What a fucking brainlet you are, kek

>> No.12129728

You don't wanna get it. TRUST ME. I worked on them. It's a fucked up pneumonia sky-high level.
If your luck you will just get the "short breath" one, but it's bad too.
Just use mask if you don't trust the environment you're in. Ora stY away from people who jump too often from places to others.
It will go slowly away with time and will be curable.
Hoping it doesn't have long period effect.

>> No.12129781

>Lockdowns were only implemented for the first few months in order to get a handle on the virus.
And they were absolutely criminal.
>The problem is that people are breaking social distancing and mask wearing rules and throwing parties and going to restaurants because they think that because they are unlikely to be affected themselves they have the freedom to kill Americans by spreading a virus
That's great, and it's great for every country. If you think that people leaving their homes are killing you, then you'd better stay at home yourself.

>> No.12129790

As Sweden shows, if you will wear no masks, covid will just go away.

>> No.12129812


>> No.12129817

Not an argument.

>> No.12129822


>> No.12129825

I can post these all day

>> No.12129828


>> No.12129831

>The country's mortality rate from the coronavirus is now 30% higher than that of the United States when adjusted for population size.
Is it?
>Sweden 579
>USA 609
Uh oh, it isn't! What did go wrong, I wonder?

>> No.12129832


>> No.12129835

And you will just prove yourself wrong again and again, see >>12129831

>> No.12129838


>> No.12129840

This piece of spam is once again destroyed by >>12129831

>> No.12129842
File: 97 KB, 520x600, 1509989431458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly better than the US

A resounding success!

>> No.12129850

Yes, I cope in its dictionary meaning, as in "to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties, especially successfully or in a calm or adequate manner:". Meanwhile you cope in 4chan manner, by providing the supposedly wonderful article and then trying to do the damage control.

>> No.12129853
File: 27 KB, 976x606, deaths_sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it truly fail? Uh-oh, it actually didn't!

>> No.12129854

I'm not the one doing damage control, YOU ARE. Health experts worldwide agree that Sweden was an utter failure, but oh my god! Some uneducated anons found out that the numbers for one month during the pandemic were slightly lower than a nation WHO'S PRESIDENT IGNORED HIS OWN GUIDLINES TO 'REOPEN THE ECONOMY' caused a second surge in cases that killed tens of thousads.

WOW, WHAT GLORIOUS EVIDENCE. You uneducated antiscientific moron

>> No.12129857

You fucking homunculus

>> No.12129860

Anon, that's some nice caps lock! Can it possibly be that my dictionary-cope caused you to 4chan-cope?
>The country's mortality rate from the coronavirus is now 30% higher than that of the United States when adjusted for population size.
Next time try to read and fact-check your articles. Or maybe just look at their dates? Otherwise you will caps-cope "all day".

>> No.12129863

Not an argument

>> No.12129869

That was true at first, but then I actually got interested in what your article says, took a peek and then the >>12129831 majesty appeared. So now it is an argument indeed, and you can post them "all day"

>> No.12129903

I am laughing my ass off at you people. My stomach literally hurts right now because I've been laughing in this thread so much. You think that because you did some internet searches and found a couple of graphs you know more than medical experts from multiple countries all over the world.

You are the very definition of Dunning Kruger, it's pathetic and I can't stop laughing. So please post more. I'm having a great time!

>> No.12129910

Imagine smugly posting >>12129812 and then getting destroyed simply because you don't even skim the article, you just look at the url. That's truly and miraculously scientific!

>> No.12129960

Oh boy! Let's see what the article says.

>death toll from Sweden's outbreak is now the fifth worst in the world, per capita
>The country's mortality rate from the coronavirus is now 30% higher than that of the United States when adjusted for population size

Hmmm, no help for you there. Let's keep going!
>The economy, however, has still taken a serious hit, and many countries now see Sweden as a cautionary tale
Not helping you out any. Let's keep going!
>Sweden's government now admits that procedures in care homes at the outbreak of the pandemic were inadequate
>authorities in Stockholm seemed to decide early on that they weren't going to treat the elderly
Oh boy! You sure are showing me now!
>With the onset of summer, Sweden's outbreak finally slowed down ... but in a couple months, when the short northern summer ends, people will head back indoors, where the virus could easily explode again
That's sure not helping you any
>"The measures we have taken have been focused on a long term approach"
Whelp, hope that works out for ya, you've failed so far!

Seriously, I've read half a dozen other articles just like it. Your 'evidence' is poor and stupid and I continue to laugh and laugh and laugh.


>> No.12129976

>>The country's mortality rate from the coronavirus is now 30% higher than that of the United States when adjusted for population size
>Hmmm, no help for you there. Let's keep going!
Yes, anon, totally no help! Except, you know, >>12129831 It's a much shorter post, try to at least skim it.
>With the onset of summer, Sweden's outbreak finally slowed down ... but in a couple months, when the short northern summer ends, people will head back indoors, where the virus could easily explode again
So did it actually explode? No, it didn't! See >>12129853 - actually Swedish deaths came to even lower values. Or is even a graph too hard for you to grasp? But please continue to post things like this "all day"

>> No.12129981

Covid and 5G are connected.

>> No.12129988

Tracing apps will work better with 5G, but they work with 4G and 3G too.

>> No.12129989

I mean as a causative factor.

>> No.12129996
File: 230 KB, 1170x616, poorsweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read half a dozen other articles just like it
Maybe if you look at actual data instead of getting your information from media retards.

>> No.12130093

I'm not intrigued with taking sides, but reports were volatile for a while, and the US having such a higher population suggests more people getting checked at all.

>> No.12130164

>herd immunity
Does no one know what the fuck that term means?

If I were the retard who named the shit "Immunity" i'd kill myself.

>> No.12130492

wear the mask npc, take the vaccine.

>> No.12130623

>It´s over.

>> No.12130631

no, the right to work and free association is the right of every free man. These rights are not conditional upon what an organization with an incredibly poor track record (The WHO) may pronounce.

>> No.12130653

second paragraph pretty much

>> No.12131484

>If you think that people leaving their homes are killing you
They killed my neighbor.

>> No.12131490

>I am laughing my ass off at you people. My stomach literally hurts right now because I've been laughing in this thread so much.
Are you mentally ill?

>> No.12131518

Why didn't he stay home?

>> No.12132235

I'll bet you're telling the truth, random anonymous guy on the internet.

>> No.12132583

Sure is an economic one.

>> No.12132594

He's not saying there will be an end to the world or anything. Only a change in who leads.

>> No.12132963

t. teenager who lives with mommy and daddy