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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 201 KB, 779x1148, von neumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12122419 No.12122419 [Reply] [Original]

yes he made great contributions in other mathematical fields but does that make him a polymath..

it would be more impressive if he was a polymath in math, physics, chemistry, biology etc. but is it very impressive if you are just a polymath in sub fields of math.

Any competent mathematician can make important contributions in other fields once they understand the axioms of that sub field. what makes Von Neumann special here?

>> No.12122546

It's easier said than done.

>> No.12122570

You may not have known that Johnny had PhD in Chemical Engineering and had an insatiable appetite for exploring ancient History, but that is more a testament to the magnitude of his contributions to pure/applied Mathematics, than a detractment to his status as a polymath.
He worked closely with physicists in his role in the Manhatten Project, where he helped to design specialized explosives for nuclear bombs.
So he was an accomplished Chemist, Physicist, Historian and Mathmatician throughout his short life. Indisputably a polymath, nearly without rival in his lifetime.

>> No.12123075
File: 133 KB, 724x764, 1582888049267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any competent mathematician
Are you a competent mathsman?

>> No.12123083

>i love polymaths like the renaissance men larping as greekorinoos

western enlightenment was a mistake

>> No.12124377


>> No.12125675


>> No.12125685


"What makes Von Neumann special here?"

Read his entire Wikipedia page.
Dude was next level genius and contributed to so many fields, not just sub-fields of math.

>> No.12125710

He's just a mathematician. Calling Neumann a polymath is like calling a code monkey a polymath just because his company delegates him parts of software requested by people from different fields.