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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 250x248, 998F74C1-D662-4774-AF23-A9DE36D89B26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12122313 No.12122313 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out it’s not just phosphine but
>Phosphine is literally only found in the habitable zones where you expect life to exist
>Team of scientists spent years trying to find a non biological explanation before making the announcement
>We know that bacteria sized particles are changing the albedo of Venus in ways that are consistent with life with no other explanation can explain the albedo change let alone the phosphine

>> No.12122317
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Are you guys scared of aliens?

>> No.12122319

they're just dumb microbes

>> No.12122320

Microbes can be deadly

>> No.12122321

so we just stay away from them
pretty sure they're not gonna build spaceships and lasers and come here to kill us

>> No.12122327

Personally, I think we should strike first. We need to start sending nukes.

>> No.12122329
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>air floating microbes that somehow don't die to the strong UV and doesn't sink down to the surface
>or a chemical process that we still do not know about

>> No.12122332

Yes let's kick the beehive and risk ejecting materials from Venus into interplanetary space

>> No.12122338

Absolutely it's worth the risk, yes. Only one planets lifeforms are allowed to exist, and that's from Earth. Any alien species no matter how big or small should be immediately eradicated

>> No.12122346

Life is a chemical process faggot

>> No.12122351

Yeah one that is not robust enough for the atmosphere of Venus.

>> No.12122352

You say that as if we have a fucking reference.

>> No.12122354

UV saturation isn't intense due to cloud coverage.

>> No.12122355

>watching youtube videos instead of reading actual science journals

that said, solid summary.

>> No.12122372

They eat UV.
Sulfur shells and dessication mechanisms allow for a cloud droplet lifecycle.

>> No.12122378

I will be so happy if this is true bros :)
I want it to be aliens so bad :)

>> No.12122379

That's cool.

>> No.12122393

Life can survive some pretty extreme conditions. There are life forms that thrive in pools of arsenic

>> No.12122418

>humans originated on Venus, migrated to earth because of catastrophe. The left behind slowly evolved into microbes over eons
>history lost to time
>tfw your 455th cousin 4,000,000,000,000x removed is a based venus cloud microbe

>> No.12122422


>> No.12122427

Life uh, finds a way


>> No.12122438

Naw. I have never in my life expected the Earth to be the only life in the universe, probably because I've always believed in God.

>> No.12122441

A wild pseud appears

>> No.12122453

Lower venusian atmosphere is extremely dense, ~100 bars. Considering that even Earth microbes have no problem with staying in clouds for weeks before raining down, cloud bacteria on Venus is not a far-fetched concept.

>> No.12122455


>> No.12122459

Lol I can't wait until this shit study gets BTFO in a few weeks/months and all you popsci retards start pretending you always knew it was bs.

>> No.12122462

So they are hoping on sending craft there? Does that mean they will bring some back to study? Is that a good idea? Are there protocols for this? Also we must make sure to respec it if it's life.

>> No.12122463

This isn't some popsci "creator" yelling into the camera for 5-10 minutes about a topic he barely understands. It's a meeting of actual scientist who actually worked on this discovery, made for for the purpose of talking about true meaning and implications of said discovery.

>> No.12122465 [DELETED] 

Hilary lost

>> No.12122475

It was a serious question we have to start thinking about these kinds of things if it is living.

>> No.12122477


>> No.12122479

It's okay, we'll wear masks.

>> No.12122482

Seething. Barrel chested explorers will bring back samples. You won't concern shill us this time commie scum.

>> No.12122487

Yeah this. Tards be tarding. Then when the facts appear its pretend they weren't tards time.

>> No.12122489

>so we just stay away from them
Too late, the Chinese are already writing recipes for Venusian bacteria.

>> No.12122491

Time for your meds, schizo.

>> No.12122493

Yeah, Nature publications get retracted and/or repudiated all the time, right? Oh. wait.

>> No.12122494

Even if there is a one in a billion chance the potential organism could adversely effect earth organisms it has to be taken seriously. This would be a great time to think about making a off planet research facility. We should also make sure we don't contaminate venus until we understand what is going on better.

>> No.12122512

Nature publications get refuted by follow up studies literally all the time. Keep coping, midwit.

>> No.12123199

This is bad news, if we find life on other planet's it means we're less likely to be past the great filter i.e. humanity is fucked.

>> No.12123202

You know oxygen is a horribly destructive element, right?

>> No.12123224

We're already past the filter.

>> No.12123231

It's possible, but it's also possible that they made a mistake or that we don't know shit about Venus. Send a probe, get some hard data, then let us talk.

>> No.12123232


>> No.12123237

Jupiter's atmosphere has phosphine producing organisms. The solar system is teaming with life.

>> No.12123239
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>"We're already past the filter"
>currently in the process of destroying the ecosphere with nobody really caring because of profits to be had

>> No.12123251

Only if they can understand art

>> No.12123252

And eventually those profiteers will want to start exploiting space.

>> No.12123256

the filter is the speed of light. Why do you schizos keep going with this?

>> No.12123261

Filter is the biological immense improbability of mutations leading to the path of advanced life. There are no advanced aliens.

>> No.12123266

Any chance they were microbes from probes we've sent there before?

>> No.12123270

no idea, no one knows how likely it is for life to originate and its steps for multicellular organisms.
But we do know the speed of light is limited and the universe huge. So even if there are advanced civilizations, wich I assume are rare, they are so far away that we won’t detect them very easily.
Also the universe is huge in time scale. Some civilizations might have risen and fallen millions of years ago and we would have no way of knowing.

>> No.12123274

almost certainly not. They would have to be able to survive the flight, landing and the environment.
They would also take much longer to evolve to live there and have a significant impact on the atmosphere.

More likely would be dust and debris from impacts. But there is no real point of wondering where the life comes from when we don’t even know if it IS life.

>> No.12123279

Actually, yes, they do.

>> No.12123322
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When you look into this more, the evidence and coincidences start to pile up. Over the years we have only continuingly found more evidence of life on venus since carl sagans 1967 paper. There are also other biosignatures on venus like methane that haven't been explained. We recently found that our own upper atmosphere is covered in microbes at a higher density than our lower atmosphere. The dark splotches of particles the same size as microbes that are absorbing uv light. Ect, ect. Apparently there has been a growing movement in nasa of venusians that have been reading papers on venus and are dumbstruck that nobody has really been paying any attention to venus.

>> No.12123327

>Life uh, finds a way

>> No.12123343

>We recently found that our own upper atmosphere is covered in microbes at a higher density than our lower atmosphere.

>> No.12123393
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>They eat UV.
>Sulfur shells and dessication mechanisms allow for a cloud droplet lifecycle.
daily reminder that current /sci/ is just glorified /x/ with science-themed fanfiction and stories kek.
you guys will believe even the craziest hypothesis just to fill the void created by the nihilism. and some of the hypotheses are literally religion tier, just with 'scientific vocab'

>> No.12123396


>> No.12123399

Are you retarded
Be honest I won't judge

>> No.12123401

No, YOU don't know what is life.

>> No.12123411


>> No.12123418

i didn’t say we don’t know what life is, I said we don’t know if there is life on venus, dumbnut. If you do, go ahead and show the rest of the world your findings.

>> No.12123423
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>> No.12123432

literally no statement about the density of microbes being higher in higher altitudes.
Just one section you might have misread, that the density of microbes RELATIVE TO DUST increases with altitude.

>> No.12123442

My bad bro, sorry...

>> No.12123446

Take your meds schizo

>> No.12123452
File: 32 KB, 320x320, 54513704_843705022646049_1921079278421005362_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the transcendent happening we've been waiting for guys?

I feel like I'm in the beginning of a hard sci-fi novel.

>> No.12123492

Nah it'll probably get disproven by some team of Hungarian phosphine experts

>> No.12123494

>world in chaos
>pandemic sweeps through, shutting everything down
>turning point in November as a major corrupt empire crumbles
>alien life just found (probably)
>privatized space launches
We're farther into the future than I thought

>> No.12123510

I hope so. Hopefully it will kickstart exploration and study of Venus and lead to either a new understanding of chemical processes in our Solar System or a new form of life that gives us insights into our own. Not only that, but if it's confirmed as new life then the implications that life is abundant in the galaxy makes space not quite as empty as we thought. (I know there are other implications like life is restricted to our solar system but the overall probability still would go up for galactic life density)

>> No.12123517

I'm on board if we get biont spacecraft and geneforged bodies.

>> No.12123519

Surprisingly high iq post

>> No.12123522

Where will we find the first definitive proof of ayy microbes, on Venus, Mars, Europa, Enceladus or Titan?

>> No.12123526


>> No.12123530



>microbes accounted for 20% of all particles
>higher than in earths near atmosphere

>> No.12123538
File: 86 KB, 601x864, 064120549651098416510054191198436741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Qu, with their twisted sense of justice, wanted to make them pay. Even
extinction would be too light a punishment for resisting the star gods. The humans of the
rogue world needed a sentence that would remind them of their humiliation for
generations to come.
>So they were made into disembodied cultures of skin and muscle, connected by a
skimpy network of the most basic nerves. They were employed as living filtering devices,
subsisting on the waste products of Qu civilization like mats of cancer cells. And just to
witness and suffer their wretched fate, their eyes, together with their consciousness,
were retained.

>> No.12123543


>> No.12123551

>bacteria a planet over

It literally will have the same source as earth. All life discovered in this solar system will be from the same source.

>> No.12123556
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Leftists be like
>If we ever meet aliens we should be SO ASHAMED of how we treat our planet! They will have an advanced society that sees us as primitive

We need to go dark worldwide and cease wireless communications, seed the solar system to protect ourselves from relativistic weapons and begin constructing our own.

>> No.12123558

Terrified. Not of possible microbes on venus, but of the implications.

>> No.12123561

This this this this. Maybe china should be the new hegemon.

>> No.12123563
File: 27 KB, 1154x480, 84e49693-3919-43d7-91ed-10653cd2d655_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel that tingling in your balls Alan? EXISTENTIAL ANGST AND EUPHORIA!

>> No.12123564

Fucking retards Ifuckinglovescience'ing over this shit. Hope you guys know proof of alien life will be our doom. Look up the great filter on google.

>> No.12123565


>> No.12123574
File: 63 KB, 1080x983, 119119856_1027255887729532_1354890572032160743_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they understand memes

>> No.12123575
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I trust China far more to do an accurate threat assessment of Ayys than the US/UN/EU/NATO.

The average person is so fucking anthropocentric they even assume aliens would have our values. Or our thought processes. Fuckers might not even think beyond their instinct. Maybe only the first movers are left.

Lob a depleted uranium rod at the fuckers and hide I say. Delay contact for as long as possible.

>> No.12123576
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>Look up the great filter on google

>> No.12123578


>> No.12123579

>lectures arent real only paper is
autism speaks

>> No.12123582
File: 670 KB, 1920x1080, WANDERERS_ringshine_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space isn't like Star Trek. It's a nightmare void that we have one chance to survive as an outlier in a cruel joke of a cosmic expansion.

We need to lay low while spreading like a fucking virus.

>> No.12123583

there can be multiple filters but speed of light really seems like the final one

>> No.12123585
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Look up the great filter on google

>> No.12123589

sorry bro there's no aliums. we're alone

>> No.12123591
File: 158 KB, 1200x800, 1_uaDwhCZqEZMNt2ry49gIvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run, kill, hide, join the Dark Forest party today. Are you doing your part?

>> No.12123593

Why is he wrong for referencing the great filter? It's an interesting hypothesis.

>> No.12123595
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>> No.12123600
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Thoughts on leftists despising space travel while pretending that humanity isn't our only hope to preserve life in the far future?

>> No.12123604

we should preemptively dab on them with nukes hashtag darkforest

>> No.12123605
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>> No.12123610

It's an unprovable hypothesis

also great filtards tend to have a linear anthropocentric view of life and evolution. microbial life on venus in no way implies there is a great filter ahead of us

>> No.12123612

Oh I agree with you there. If anything it makes the filter less likely.

>> No.12123613

could large multicellular life ever evolve in those conditions? they'd have to constantly be flying

>> No.12123618

>Hope you guys know proof of alien life will be our doom.
That makes no sense. If discovering alien life implies certain doom, then the said doom would come anyway, so why not try to prepare by knowing more? You people are no better than doomsday conspiracists

>> No.12123619

Isn’t it far more likely that life in our solar system is fundamentally related, due to proximity? Cosmically speaking, Venus and Earth are touching.
Asteroid strikes were far more common when anaerobic microbes were all over the earth.

>> No.12123621
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So what's the significance of life on Venus if you're going to die some day and the entirety of the universe will be over in an instant?

>> No.12123624

it all fucking makes sense

venus nuked mars to death and then they died to a giant volcanic explosion, both planets used to be habitable after all

>> No.12123625

too close to earth. Probably the life on earth and venus has the same source. If we found this shit farther then you could extrapolate there's millions of planets with life.

>> No.12123627
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Should the solar system stay united once colonised or go full tribal?

>> No.12123630
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>tfw will never wake up to a Venusian sunrise and check my pre-buffered 4chan

>> No.12123636

>mars and venus were both habitable millions of years ago
>two enormous nuclear detonations destroyed mars and stripped it of it's atmosphere, leaving behind a shit load of xenon 129

did ancient civilisations have an interplanetary war one billion years ago?

>> No.12123640

God I wish that were me.

>> No.12123643

just wait for the Earth-Mars nanoswarm wars in about 200 years

>> No.12123653

>What's the significance of keeping an infant alive if it will eventually die anyway?

>> No.12123656

t. breeder

>> No.12123660

you are now aware of the fact that mars, earth and venus were all habitable at the same time a few billion years ago

>> No.12123675

and they fucking blew it. here we are with only a few hundred million years left before the sun gets too hot

>> No.12123676

Full tribal, full process of human speciation through specialized environmental approach.

>> No.12123694

Whats nice is that we may have an answer to this in our lifetimes. I would agree that it does seem more likely but it would raise the chance of life being more common in the galaxy, even if just by the idea that if life occurs it can spread to other planets "fairly easily".

>> No.12123706
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>kickstarts viable multicellular evolution
Pfft, nothing personal, extraterrestrial microbes...

>> No.12123710

I hope if aliens do exist they'll genocide humanity specifically because of evil fucks like you.

>> No.12123735

if there is life on venus it's archaea or something similar, this only proves abiogenesis and will make religionfags seethe even more.

>> No.12123738

What exactly does edgy to look cool at best / paranoid schizophrenia at worst opinions have to do with watching women get fucked by other men?

You wouldn't be projecting would you anon?

>> No.12123739


>> No.12123745

stop it, now I feel bad

>> No.12123749

>will to survive is evil
are you in a death cult, anon

>> No.12123750

>We should also make sure we don't contaminate venus until we understand what is going on better.
Who's to say we didn't contaminate it already? It's entirely conceivable that any bacteria on Venus may have gotten their by hitching a ride on one of the probes sent there.

>> No.12123757

I would love to know that given the venus thing is life, if it’s related with us. If it has its own origin, we can assume this shit is all over the place.

>> No.12123763

>implying future fuckers won't invent full blown non-cloning resurrection

See ya in the year 10000000, anon.

>> No.12123773

The possibility of your own consciousness re-arising from technology is just as scary as the void bud

>> No.12123779

If I ever get resurrected in the far future I would have my own waifu lolibot so I wouldn't complain that much

>> No.12123787

Do bacteria count as aliens though?

>> No.12123789

>someone being gang stalked

>> No.12123813

Consciousness is a novel experience and would never re-arise from being somehow simulated through technology. Only through the inner mechanations of the universe itself. Besides, whats so scary about the void anon? You existed within it for ∞ before you were born and that wasn't so bad.

This guy has his priorities straight

>> No.12123822


fuck off brainlet

>> No.12123834

If some common ancestor seeded single-cellular life on Venus, Earth, and Mars it's entirely conceivable that it could have preceded our entire solar system... some primordial lifeform that developed in the soup of organic compounds created when the first stars in our early galaxy started to pop, then diffused through interstellar space, hitching rides on flecks of ice and dust, riding along plasma filaments until by chance they run across a planetary nebulae.

>> No.12123844

If some panspermia event brought life from earth to venus, or vice versa, it wouldn't really be that "alien."
If its bacteria that emerged on Venus in the planet's own chemistry and developed seperately from that of earth's, yes.

>> No.12123849


>> No.12123854

I am glad to know they probably exist. It doesn't really surprise me there are least microbes on other planets.

>> No.12123861

No, non-intelligent alien life isn't a threat to us and intelligent alien life already likely knew that earth was inhabited millions if not billions of years ago.

>> No.12123866

>intelligent alien life already likely knew
if it exists*

>> No.12123868

dude the absolute snipe of a shot it would have to be that life originates from the same source would be insane.

I kind of hope it is that, the biggest ejaculation in history

>> No.12123879

>Consciousness is a novel experience and would never re-arise from being somehow simulated through technology. Only through the inner mechanations of the universe itself.

Get back to your crystals Wanda

>> No.12123883

Some microbes are probably able to go dormant in the vacuum of space for decently long times.
It might take some ejecta many years to go from one planet to another, but that may not be a problem given how many asteroid collisions there were in earlier days of the solar system and that you have billions of years for this process to occur.

>> No.12123900
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Life has been on this planet for 4+ billion years

Even if we discover bio signatures hundreds of light years away theres still the possibility that its shit that got flung off earth hundreds of millions of years ago

It's kinda depressing if you think about it because it still wouldn't solve whether or not there is independent life anywhere out there.

>> No.12123915

depends... give early life a galactic-sized petri dish to develop in like >>12123834 is suggesting and it could have easily diffused across a few million star systems over the course of several billion years. travelling between stars at non-relativistic speeds is only a bitch if you're concerned with getting from A to B in a human lifespan. if you're just some colony of bacteria on a piece of galactic fluff laying dormant then there's no difference between a hundred years and a hundred million.

>> No.12123931

You're consciousness literally arose through the inner mechanations of the universe after ∞ amount of time. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again after an ∞ amount of time?

Also I'm not saying technology cannot create consciousness, only the awareness you are feeling right here, right now, would be reproduced.

>> No.12123950
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What are the chances of it being some sort of proto-life?

That is, complex chemical compounds which synthesize the gas, but have no ability to reproduce or evolve. They just spontaneously get created by the exotic environment.

>> No.12123980

Finally we've found who really built the pyramids. Historians btfo

>> No.12124033

>We need to go dark worldwide and cease wireless communications
>Dark Forest
>Delay Contact
There's no point, any civilization powerful enough to glass us with an RKM already has the technology and space infrastructure to have powerful telescopes pointed at every star in the galaxy. They would already know that the earth was a rather weird planet at any due to the great oxygenation event 2 billion years ago. If there are advanced aliens looking destroy all other intelligent life, we would either be dead by now or earth would have been destroyed before we could have evolved.

>> No.12124067

So does the organism have DNA like Earth organisms?

Base pairs?

Same codons coding for the same proteins?

>> No.12124072

Venus chads win again, marsvirgins should kill themselves tbqh.

>> No.12124108

Question about Earth's atmospheric microbes.

Are they just cycled microbes? Much like the water cycle, they go from ground to sky, then they're dropped down to a new location.

Or does Earth have microbes scientists has not yet identified that live permanently in Earth's atmosphere?

This is such a narrow topic. I tried googling, but I can't find any named species of microbe that lives in the atmosphere on Earth.

>> No.12124112

All they did was detect bacteria sized particles, and phosphine gas that might be biological in origin.
You would need to get actual living samples assuming that this is life, in order to really understand their biology. They might use DNA and maybe the same big macro-molecules if there was a panspermia event linking them to life on earth, or if the biochemistry of life is the same everywhere.

Do you prefer ablation or a solar shade when it comes to dealing with the atmopshere when transforming venus?

>> No.12124113

Wouldn't they have to be at an angle identical to our solar plane to see the oxygen atmosphere through stellar occlusion though?

>> No.12124117

Is it even fuckin CARBON BASED?

Inb4 it's DNA that diverged from our own in the last billion years.

>> No.12124126

We only operate under that constraint because our space based telescopes are rather small. An advanced civilization with much of its infrastructure in space would have no problem building larger telescopes that could outright resolve planets by looking at them directly.

>> No.12124139

And here we are struggling to get James Webb int orbit when we should be building it in orbit

>> No.12124144

It's a TempleOS based organism

>> No.12124167

Easier said than done.

>> No.12124171

Guys, do you really believe it? I want to believe, but there have been so many times where big news turned out to be nothing that I can't get myself to really think that life exists now. I just think there might be a possibility. And come on isn't Venus a hottub of chemicals? It just feels to easy to end up with this simple looking molecule being around naturally.

>> No.12124179

I honestly shed a tear when I read about it, aliens on Venus would be the most important discovery in the history of astronomy

>> No.12124184

>It's microbes and shit from earth that hitched a ride on the Veneria probes
Thanks Stalin

>> No.12124189

>Easier said than done.
Pretty much, you have build all of the industrial infrastructure in orbit first, which is why going to the moon is the best place to get the materials to do so.

I'm cautiously optimistic, if there really is life there it'll be a huge boon for astrobiology and all of the related fields. But I'm well aware that they're could be a Venus specific Geological/Aphrological (?) process that we don't know about that could produce phosphine.

That would be hilarious, NPO Lavochkin could claim that they were the first to seed life on another planet.

>> No.12124199

Based and earthpilled

>> No.12124204


The dark spots were visible way before that.

>> No.12124220

>Thinking you can hide from the star gods by cutting the power

>> No.12124227
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How the fuck do we stop them then

>> No.12124240

Tech rushing and spreading to every possible place. Taking advantage of the light barrier to act on shorter, quicker timescales to rapidly move out and become much more indeterminable. Still a slim chance, but hiding is no option anymore and hasn't ever been. Devolving tech would be in error, they're already coming as is so the only reasonable course is to advance as much as possible to maybe have a chance of keeping the berserker probes at bay.

>> No.12124245


>> No.12124433

it will be some non living chemical process.
But living or not, these kind of discoveries usually results in improvements here on earth.

But probably not as Phosphine seems to just be a smelly toxic gas.

>> No.12124564

So the phosphine is their poo or their death.
What do they eat ?

>> No.12124576

We had to start with small disclosures, after all

>> No.12124600

>So what's the significance of life on Venus if you're going to die some day and the entirety of the universe will be over in an instant?

If life is common in the universe, then you might have a chance at reincarnation when you die. You are God and he made the universe so he can experience interesting things as life.

>> No.12124602

>Even if we discover bio signatures hundreds of light years away theres still the possibility that its shit that got flung off earth hundreds of millions of years ago

or the other way around.

>It's kinda depressing if you think about it because it still wouldn't solve whether or not there is independent life anywhere out there.

yeah, that's the most important thing here.

>> No.12124610

>If life is common in the universe, then you might have a chance at reincarnation when you die.


>> No.12124625

Is it possible there's life in Uranus?

>> No.12124721

This actually makes them scarier

>> No.12124726

umm sweaty so was FTL at the LHC

>> No.12124730


>> No.12124734

It is always really irritating when so many forums that hyped it up go silent when the study is inevitably retracted. See EM Drive

>> No.12124739

Or when NASA announced arsenic based life.

>> No.12124741

It's because Mars looks like Arizona so it's easy to sell to the public.

>> No.12124763

I missed that, what happened?

>> No.12124805

Back in 2010 a team of researchers discovered that some of the phosphorus atoms that make up the backbone of the DNA double helix had been replaced by arsenic in this one extremophile species of bacteria. The problem arose when NASA hailed this as important discovery in understanding extraterrestrial life and claimed that all of the phosphorus atoms instead of only some of them had been replaced in a public press talk.

>> No.12124904

This is a new field and as far as I know they are trying to answer that very question but they got very strong indications that there are in 2013. Some species were present and in greater numbers in literally every sample taken, and they ticked the boxes for something that could live permanently in the upper atmosphere

>> No.12124951

There are just way too many coincidences for it not to be real. This is not an idea that has happened overnight, there have been indicators for at least 60 years and the case has only gotten stronger with time.

This is the best evidence we have gotten yet but If you take this piece of evidence in isolation, you could have reasonable doubts. When you put it into context you get a sense that evidence is now starting to pile up. It feels like the water on mars idea that took a very long time before we actually confirmed it.

>> No.12124975


>> No.12125109

This is how you know you've drunk the Kool Aid.

>> No.12125166

yeah, just us microbes here

>> No.12125198

Thanks anon, now I know what I'm going to have nightmares about.

>> No.12125220

I hear quaking, but I'll wait until we have a duck.

The biggest benefit of life on Venus would likely be a refinement of our expectations of extraterrestrial life. Having a sample size of 2 is infinitely better than a sample size of 1, even if it's just the planet next door.

>> No.12125246

>microbes accounted for 20% of all particles
>higher than in earths near atmosphere
That's exactly what he said, retard:
>the density of microbes RELATIVE TO DUST increases with altitude

>> No.12125256

Gj watching that kurzgesagt video, I'm sure you'll provide many more well thought out insights

>> No.12125389

Turns out the MIC already has a mission ready to go.


The mission was outlined in 2013 to search for biosignatures and Includes an optical microscope as one of the instruments. Its like they already knew.

>> No.12125440
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>Thinks Nature is a scientific publication.

Nature has been overtly political for some time - it used to be all about women in science now its blacks. This study is by 3 women (plus one man to do the hard stuff provided he takes no credit at all), this is why it had an easy entry into Nature. It BS.

>> No.12125542

Astrobiologists have had viable missions for detecting the presence of life on Venus, Mars, and various outer moons for years. The obstacle is not scientific problems, it’s political will.

>> No.12125544

fuck off

>> No.12125584

This almost certainly has to have been seeded by earth sometime in the past (or we are Venusians) right?

The chance of another planet not only giving rise to life...but life that also has the same size and energy absorbing characteristics of our own local fauna...

>> No.12125587

I bet it’s earth/martian bacteria that spread there a couple billion years ago.

>> No.12125603

Life on earth has survived a lot more than a few degrees increase

>> No.12125625
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Would you believe in god, if Venus is the hell Bible is talking about?

btw found this kek

>> No.12125626

God isn't real

>> No.12125676

Fucking glow in the dark microbes.

>> No.12126005

If there were ever floating Venus colonies, then you know there'd eventually be at least one dumbass who trips and falls over a railing into the clouds below.
Imagine that fucking nightmare.

>> No.12126099

You mean instantaneous death? Happens all the time right here

>> No.12126204

the thing that makes it most credible, and also a fact that few of us have been talking about, is the fact that they took 3 years to publish this. they checked it over and over. there is phosphine on venus and they can't find an abiotic explanation for it that they can't debunk

>> No.12126207

you're welcome

>> No.12126211

You drooling fucking retard. If I gather 1 cubic metre of dust and 20% of it is microbes and in another cubic metre of dust there is 10% microbes, where are there more microbes?

>> No.12126214

>tfw we get to venus and there are pits with immortal humans being tortured on the surface
>begin the demon wars

>> No.12126220
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depends which cube has more dust

>> No.12126262

>Doom turns out to be an accurate depiction of real life, except it takes place on Venus rather than Mars.

>> No.12126277

Venus chan a my new best fwend E:

>> No.12126282

Does this solve the Unknown UV Absorber mystery?

>> No.12126327

It looks like we wasted a lot of time on Mars sama when Venus is our real senpai >:E

>> No.12126353

That would be great.

>> No.12126605

Not just that but Albedo changes in bloom and bust like growths

>> No.12126607

This was already explained with a mechanical

>> No.12126612

Nope. Even with today’s tech we could reach another star in only a few thousand years

>> No.12126624

>Nuclear power
>moon colony
Great time to be a science chad

>> No.12126643

>implying the concentration of dust is the same at all altitudes
You are literally retarded. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12126655

Bio fat here, this is by far the best evidence find life outside of earth we have ever found

>> No.12126666

Fuck off /x/

>> No.12126675

What if every planet has life?

>> No.12126718

Obsessing over popsci bullshit like great filters IS Ifuckinglovescience'ing.

>> No.12126719

>like, nothing matters maaaaan

>> No.12126723

You faggot we can't even get rid of niggers. You are thinking way too far ahead.

>> No.12126769

That would in some ways be even more interesting than full blown life.

>> No.12126791

People should be excited about this no matter what, it’s either life or novel organic chemistry.

>> No.12126966

To me the 2020s sound like the beginning of the real future

>> No.12127034

It's fun

>> No.12127049

So do they use Phosphorus as an oxidizing agent to breathe? Which organism produces phosphine gas on earth?

>> No.12127056

Ecoli I think. It can be detected on poop, sewage and rotting flesh

>> No.12127061

America will soon collapse in a civil war, it will be Chinese scientists working on this, and the results will likely be kept in secret. This is the future you chose.

>> No.12127169

This is just embarrassing.

>> No.12127188

microbes are what's currently genociding ameritards by the thousands

>> No.12127200
File: 14 KB, 250x250, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not just phosphine but it is just phosphine
what did OP mean by this

>> No.12127210

>decries popsci
>with a recommendation of a term used only popsci

I hope the aliens on venus anal probe you to death you faggot

>> No.12127240

>Fucking retards Ifuckinglovescience'ing over this shit. Hope you guys know proof of alien life will be our doom. Look up the great filter on google.

> finds only microbes everywhere
> while being a conscious, much, much more advanced life form
> hurr durr great filter
we are after it, faggot. and if this is true, don't expect any advanced life form in the proximity of earth since we are a unique phenomenon

>> No.12127244



>> No.12127303
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and then something goes haywire and you're sent careening down to the hellish surface.

>> No.12127512

having to bring it up as if to prove he's smarter than someone who didn't hear of it is retarded, especially since the only way he can think to inform someone is by telling them too google it, you google smart things not obvious things, the thing about the great filter is it's not even worth being a theory because any layman can think it up because it's base level logic to the question "are we alone"

>> No.12127521

baloons don't go haywire, they are perfect lifeforms that are sustained by the dreams of mankind

>> No.12127558

The cat has been out of the bag since that speech from Hitler was broadcasted and then all the following shit of those years.
It would be more strange if our system suddenly went dark all of a sudden to whoever or whatever might be observing us from afar.

>> No.12127575

nobody is going to intercept weak ass tv and radio signals from earth

>> No.12127640

Oh shit I completely forgot about this

>> No.12127690

>Phosphine is literally only found in the habitable zones where you expect life to exist
>Team of scientists spent years trying to find a non biological explanation before making the announcement

Then how do we make it on earth through inorganic chemistry?


>> No.12127697

While I'm on the fence whether this is life or some Venus specific geochemistry, Phoshpine being produced on venus like in industrial processes on earth would probably be a good sign of life.

>> No.12127717

Anhydrous phosporus -> phosphorus acid + shit loads of heat/pressure (e.g. venus) -> phosphoric acid + phosphine + other shit

sci-hub dot tw/10.1002/9780470132401.ch17

>> No.12127767

The highly oxidized atmosphere means the equilibrium ratio of phosphorous to phosphoric acid molecules would be about 10^-16 at best, realistically more like 10^-20. There's not enough reduced phosphorus species on Venus to spontaneously produce enough phosphine by quite a few orders of magnitude.

>> No.12127785
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The crazy thing about the UV absorber phenomenon is that it occurs near the same altitude as the recent phosphine detection. The patterns are also interesting, it's not like just a static feature on the planet, it moves and blooms.

>> No.12127866

You’re missing a few key points

>> No.12127878

Absorber peaks at 365nm, catches half the UV on the planet, exhibits irregular variation, can’t be explained by even exotic chemistry proposals - it’s fuckin life, yo. I was quietly hopeful that we’d find life in the dark clouds even before this, but now we have an unambiguous biosignature?
Life, uh, finds a way

>> No.12127931

I like this guy, has some great videos

>> No.12127956

>DOI are detected as spam

>> No.12128466
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1557074683116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally this. I always thought the media and some academics pushed the idea of mars supporting life too much, always sending missions there even though its a freezing irradiated shit hole. While poor Venus is dismissed as too hostile. Lets face it, Mars is fashionable and Venus was unfashionable. We like to think we're so objective and rational as a species but so many things go under-looked due to irrational human prejudice. It's like people have blinkers on when it comes to so many subjects. Here is some wisdom for any potential scientists on here; if you want to make actual discoveries always look in the opposite direction of everyone else.

>> No.12128634

The implications are actually calming me, knowing we're not so special, and if a cataclysmic event wipes us out, it's not the end of the world.

>> No.12128648

>Maybe only the first movers are left.
Maybe. But maybe socialites protect each other and survive better that way. Like humans did on earth.

>> No.12128703

I wonder why more science outlets aren't talking about the UV thing. The first thing I would do is see how correlated the UV bands are with phosphine detection.

>> No.12128777

Humans can live under mars' surface easily. Venus is more likely to host some form of life, but we can't make a colony there.

>> No.12128915

Don't forget China and Russia have death lasers in space now, apparently.

>> No.12128987

humans need about 1g to gestate children/not die. colonizing a planet significantly smaller than earth is impossible without genetic modification. cloud colonies in the gas giants/venus and artificially spun asteroids are the only real options.

>> No.12129098

>videos are actually better since we absorb auditory information better and we no longer have the problem of missing something someone said in a lecture since we can just rewind now

>> No.12129102

wheres the Venusian satellites then?

>> No.12129132

given the size of the universe and the fact that life can exist on several planets in just one system ill go with the assumption that it probably exists, it just seems too likely

>> No.12129202

>the fact that life can exist on several planets in just one system
That's not a fact, retard.

>> No.12129204


>> No.12129219

>life can exist on several planets in just one system
bold claim considering we don't even know if life can exist in more than one planet across the entire universe

>> No.12129338

>and doesn't sink down to the surface
Do you even realize how dense the lower atmosphere of Venus is?

>> No.12129345

what if it's one giant alien?

>> No.12129362


>> No.12129374

>Earth microbes have no problem with staying in clouds for weeks before raining down, cloud bacteria on Venus is not a far-fetched concept.

So in a few weeks they'll be extinct? Damn, good thing we noticed them before they died out.

>> No.12129380
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>We should also make sure we don't contaminate venus until we understand what is going on better.

Too late, that's probably where the bacteria there came from. Pic related, Russian balloon atmospheric probe from the 80s.

>> No.12129383

Literal retard

>> No.12129384

>All life discovered in this solar system will be from the same source.

That, or else it won't. We won't know that until we find life somewhere else in the system and study it.

>> No.12129396

>if you're just some colony of bacteria on a piece of galactic fluff laying dormant then there's no difference between a hundred years and a hundred million.

There kinda is. Even if you are a very dormant bacterium, shit breaks down over time. Lasting 100 years is not equivalent to lasting a hundred million years.

>> No.12129402

>Is it even fuckin CARBON BASED?
Petty much has to be.

>> No.12129408
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>humans need about 1g to gestate children/not die.
Oh, its another Facts Pulled Out Of Asses thread.

>> No.12129409

Doubtful. UV anomalies were observed before the russians sent probes. Plus there's no known earth bacteria that can survive that environment.

>> No.12129411

Please show you math used to estimate the likelihood.

>> No.12129414

What factor in the Venusian upper atmosphere rules out extremophile Earth bacteria.

>> No.12129416
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kys musk shill

>> No.12129427

We cannot emphasize enough that the Venusian sulfuric acid clouds are much more acidic than even the most harshly acidic conditions found on Earth—the Dallol Geothermal Area, within the Danakil Depression in Northern Afar (Ethiopia). The Dallol acidic pools are high temperature (108°C), hypersaline (NaCl supersaturated), and anoxic hydrothermal sites containing up to 150g/L of iron with the lowest environmental pH recorded to date (pH between −1.7 and 0). [...] The Dallol acidic pools, however, are not a model for Venusian clouds. The hyper-acidic environment of Dallol pools has water with sulfuric acid dissolved in them; they have the properties of water, even though they have a pH <0. In other words, the Dallol pools correspond to “only” ∼5% solution of H2SO4. By contrast, the Venusian cloud droplets are sulfuric acid with water dissolved in them. [...] The Hammett Acidity of 85% sulfuric acid is about −11.5. Acidity functions are on a log scale, so the clouds of Venus are >1011 times as acidic as the Dallol geothermal area.

>> No.12129428

why is everyone acting like the Russians were retarded? They did know how to sterilise their spacecraft

>> No.12129432

forgot to link source

>> No.12129590

I REALLY hope they actually find life on Venus. And Mars too. Not just because it'd blow the lid on everything we think we know bout life but also because it'd do a lot to make people turn away from religion too. Or at least I hope so.

Although that'd also mean that we couldn't really terraform Venus anymore without a bunch of bleeding hearts, so...

>> No.12129620

>because it'd do a lot to make people turn away from religion too.

You are so incredibly naive anon kun

Religion is baked into human stupidity and will rear itself in anyone not versed in or capable of understanding epistemology, which will be the majority of the population for a long time. Oh yes, their world views may no longer involve some ancient fantasy that took place in the desert, but you'll still be the devil.

Also bad news. Ancient religions have accepted truth by omission for a long time. Dinosaurs weren't in the bible until dinosaurs were discovered.

>> No.12129648
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>the mars virgin
>the Venus chad

>> No.12129658
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The thoughts won't go away that this is a stunt to immortalize a diversity hire in the annals of science. It's a clown world and I've just lived in it for too long.

>> No.12129670

jupiter is the worst choice of all. the radiation makes all but the farthest moons uninhabitable, and even if you live deep in caverns or under the ice on europa the gravity is too low to be healthy. artificially spun asteroids, comets, and eventually venus are the only options in our solar system. maybe some of the larger bodies in saturn’s rings too.

>> No.12129686
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>> No.12129690

Nobody in astronomy actually wants to be the one to start talking about alien life. It’s the fastest way to tank your career, even if you’re 100% validated by the science.

>> No.12129693

>Here is some wisdom for any potential scientists on here; if you want to make actual discoveries always look in the opposite direction of everyone else.

Holy fuck, an intelligent comment on /sci/! I’m shocked. Never thought we’d see this day

>> No.12129696

okay zoomer
>t. when too lazy to read

>> No.12129905

That's is not what I meant. Clouds on Earth don't last long, they eventually disperse. But Venus is completely coated by clouds, meaning bacteria can stay there indefinitely.

>> No.12129916

Try staying off /pol/ for a little while, look for a hobby. Maybe that'll help.

>> No.12129972

This has already been refuted
you have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.12130098

this is blatantly false. no wonder this board is filled with popsci retards like this

>> No.12130119

This is just BS to distract people and further feed into the "new normal" and "new era" aspect of covid.

>> No.12130140
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>one of the passages in the bible about hell mentions "fire and brimstone"
the name
>venus's orbit is observed around earth as a pentagram
>the greek name for venus is literally "lucifer"

>> No.12130145

No it isn’t retard

>> No.12130147


>> No.12130166
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It's too bad we can't capture the bacteria on there and study it for ourselves, I'd be almost curious to just spread some of the stuff around and see how it grows on Earth.

>> No.12130186
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> it's going to take 20+ years to get a definitive answer on this
> If I'm not dead by then I won't be capable of doing anything with the information beyond smiling in amusement as I slowly shuffle off this mortal coil
Life is so gay...

>> No.12130212

>russia says they have material that suggests things are moving on venus surface or could be alive

What did they mean by this

>> No.12130217

Are you a literal (60+) boomer?

>> No.12130235

why would it take that long? Venus is close in planetary terms and small missions are easier and cheaper than ever. Just send an acid-proof balloon to grab some of the dark stuff and use a microscope to look at it closely and run some chemical tests.

>> No.12130243

No, I have a degenerative nuerological disease.

Is going to have to be Europe or China that does it then, I have no hope in the United States taking an active leading role in sending probes to Venus.

>> No.12130250

Why? Rocket Lab is a Us company that's been planning venusian missions for years.

>> No.12130257

Cryonics. It's a desperate gambit but it might let you see the future.

>> No.12130283


>> No.12130291
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I dont want to sound like those fucktards of "i fucking love science" but thinking about this is really beautiful. Makes it easier for me to cope with my depression and now i have something to look forward

>> No.12130414

Life might be fairly common in the universe but that dosen't mean that intelligent life is particularly abundant.High Intelligence may just be a very rare and niche adaptation

>> No.12130434

i've been basically brain dead for the past 6 months watching time go by doing nothing

this has sparked something in me and reignited some passions

>> No.12131514

prove it