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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12120562 No.12120562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with /pol/ and /x/ tard problems? Scientifically speaking, can we cut out this cancer from the board or are we stuck with these tards for the foreseeable future? It seems you can't go into a single thread anymore without them shitting it up with off topic schizo shit.

>> No.12120603

Why would we want to ban them? They're a facet of this board and 4chan in general. Also modern academia has been a joke for some decades now.

>> No.12120611

They should stay on /x/ and /pol/ where they belong. This board would improve over night. Less shitty threads and discussions.

>> No.12120628

/sci/ becomes like reddit without them

>> No.12120656

>How do we deal with /pol/ and /x/ tard problems?
You ignore them, but unfortunately you're too much of a smoothbrain to grasp that concept and instead shit up every thread they post in by taking obvious bait.

>> No.12120657

Hello, /pol/ false flagger
No it doesn't. I was here before you came and watched it get shittier because of you.

>> No.12120671

/sci/ was a good quality board before /pol/ noticed it hadn’t destroyed this place yet. actually it’s because of this board that I am positive of the connection between a far right presence and a general reduction in board intelligence and quality.

/pol/ needs to be deleted and all of its users banned permanently over and over again until they get the message. if you want to really see how low IQ /pol/ is, go to /tv/. It’s the worst board/forum on the internet with the lowest IQ users, and there’s reeeeeing about jews in literally every thread.

>> No.12120680

The irony is that /pol/ reeing and blaming the Jews for everything is no different to black people blaming white people for all their problems.

>> No.12120690

Neo nazis bring in traffic and ad revenue.

>> No.12120693

Reddit makes more money than 4chan

>> No.12120695


>> No.12120704

true but there's a market for racism too. And moot/gook decided to cash in on that.

>> No.12120712

correct, it’s called horseshoe theory. Extremists behave similarly to one another even when their views are opposite.

>> No.12120725

they bring in traffic but they make ad revenue hard to come by because advertisers don't want to be associated with that shit

>> No.12120730

there must be racist advertisers with money otherwise trump wouldn't keep winning the election

>> No.12120740

>/sci/ was a good quality board

>> No.12120744

There is a reason there is a report chevron senpai

>> No.12120748

it was dickhead. at least many times better than now. this used to be a slow knowledgeable board with minimal meme spam trash

>> No.12120754

reporting doesn’t accomplish anything if you don’t want a way to make sure they stay out

>> No.12120760

We'd still have garry and EU trash spam if /pol/ wasn't a thing, at least the my bell curve is better than your bell curve threads are generally only 2 at a time.

>> No.12120765

Unless they're extremely autistic, getting banned repeatedly will deter most faggots
The only possible long term solution is tagging those that post in the trash boards for 72 hours and banning them from posting in all blue boards or something like that

>> No.12120777

we should ban posters that think anything they type is /sci/ related if they insert "scinetifically speaking" somewhere in their post

>> No.12120780

/pol/ also blames black people. How does that fit into your equation?

>> No.12120794

There are almost no mods or jannies on /sci/

>> No.12120828
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Hint-hint, gentlemen.

>> No.12120829

Shadowban and we have a deal

>> No.12120835

I think "scientifically speaking" should trigger an auto-ban. But they only get it an hour later so they can't catch on and stop outing themselves.

>> No.12120848

>this used to be a slow knowledgeable board with minimal meme spam trash
It was always lava suns, triple integrals and iq threads
The quality was better on average, but it was never minimal meme spam trash

>> No.12120971

Maybe you should stop being retarded and take a red pill or two.

>> No.12121003

they wouldn't be as obnoxious as you find them to be if they did that, you fucking retard

>> No.12121037

/pol/ is literally the new zeitgeist in the making, in 10-20 years the whole world will assume /pol/ worldview

>> No.12121042


>> No.12121103

honestly 4chan as a whole has just become more popular, with even normies often reposting memes that originated here

and as we all know, the more people the dumber a community becomes

>> No.12121129


>> No.12121162
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being on /sci/ for a while lead me realize /pol/ was right, now I poast on boff

>> No.12121200

don't worry usualy /pol/tard are not science inclined enough to stay here for long

>> No.12121229

Ask for souces when someone makes a claim.
now please give me the source that /pol/ and /x/ are a problem or the only reason our dead board gets traffic and thus remains.

>> No.12121245


>> No.12121309
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Jews can literally be shown to be the subversive elements promoting all socially destructive ideas (communism, antiracism, miscegenation, third world immigration, pornography, gangster rap, antifa, BLM, etc ad infinitum) from the 1910's onward.

>> No.12121641

/pol/ can literally be shown to be the subversive element eroding both 4chan and human civilization. You are a tumor to be excised if humans are to have any hope of long-term survival. But of course, because I'm not insane like you, excising means reasoning with and deradicalizing, not murder and terrorism.

>> No.12121657

Embarrassing post.

>> No.12121683

>no argument

>> No.12121715

>dude if arguments sound the same they basically are who cares about the merit of a claim lmao

>> No.12121723

Conservatives are afraid

What we can do is help teach them to be less afraid. When people aren't scared of black people, or gay people, or immigrants they stop being conservatives. That's how you deal with /pol/.

>> No.12121731

False equivalency.

>> No.12121893
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>ahuuw my feefees are hurt t. PhD in lesbian dance theory
Get fucked, post science you whiny shitstain

>> No.12122240

I agree. This is a board for science. If you're looking for people to cherry pick statistics to support your nazi beliefs then go back to /pol/ where such anti-scientific topics are acceptable. We need to permaban IQ and race threads. This is getting tiring and I rarely come to /sci/ because of it. I miss interesting and enjoyable conversations about relevant topics.

>> No.12122250

I can’t remember a time when this board wasn’t 50% race baiting and IQ dipshits
I doubt they’ll leave until most of them die in the upcoming civil wars/fascist coups

>> No.12122253
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>I agree. This is a board for science. If you're looking for people to cherry pick statistics to support your nazi beliefs then go back to /pol/ where such anti-scientific topics are acceptable. We need to permaban IQ and race threads. This is getting tiring and I rarely come to /sci/ because of it. I miss interesting and enjoyable conversations about relevant topics.
You can find that everywhere, all over the entire internet, where the enforced exclusivity of your lefty hugbox echochambers is maintained.

>> No.12122254
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Stop lumping in /x/ with /pol/

>> No.12122264

this, /x/ is harmless creative fiction that makes bad creepypasta for kids, /pol/ is a fascist shithole dedicated to doing active harm

>> No.12122271

>stuck with these tards for the foreseeable future
this. everyone loves "science" because it means they can tell others what to think. """Truth""" is, and always be, a tool of power. See "Christian Science" and "Scientology"

>> No.12122295
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Poast race/IQ stats and RAPM problems

>> No.12122670

They're exactly the same. Blacks think whites are keeping them down and run the world. /pol/niggers think the Jews are keeping them down and run the world.