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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 326 KB, 1574x1000, covid19-and-international-relations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120399 No.12120399 [Reply] [Original]

Upcoming flu season combined with covid-19 will certainly hit the world hard. What are your predictions? What precautions are you taking to stay alive until countries inevitably shut down once more?

>> No.12120412

>will certainly hit the world
You know earth has two hemispheres right?

>> No.12120453

The virus is less deadly than the flu so the same precautions I take against flu which is... not many.

If you rely on the government for your safety you don't deserve to be alive anyway.

>> No.12120479

>Just two more weeks, goy!

If antibodies only last three months, why would a vaccine be any different or fix things? Unironically?

>> No.12120493

Electroporation gene insertion. Body keeps expressing immunogenic material, immune system keeps creating immunity.

See how they do it? Get the vaxx, golmi.

>> No.12120535
File: 410 KB, 540x540, 1584814917011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you can get a vaccine every month
and you can get a test every day

>> No.12120546

>The virus is less deadly than the flu
Patently false. When did the flu kill 200k Americans in about 5 months?

>> No.12120549

When did COVID?

>> No.12120564

the flu season here in New Zealand was basically non existent because of the precautions around covid

>> No.12120565

The official numbers are garbage. I'll let someone who hasn't had this conversation 10 gazillion times explain why.

>> No.12120567

Everybody wears masks anyway, so not that hard.

>> No.12120584

Over the last 5 months
No no, you don't have to, I already know that you're a /pol/ schizo that thinks deaths caused from other comorbidities because Covid fucked people's shit up, doesn't count as a covid death and that the Jews or some other big bad is pushing this to start the new world order or some bullshit.
Come on, post the 6% CDC claim and tell me how the Jews are behind this.

>> No.12120606

Imagine thinking heart attacks, stabbings, and old age should be counted as COVID deaths. Get off this board and never come back

>> No.12120620

Lmao, I knew it. Case closed.
You are a certified moron.

>> No.12120622

The CDC fucking admitted that people who were murdered while infected were counted as COVID deaths.

>> No.12120639

Are you really trying to deny that governments are gleefully using this as an excuse to step on people?

Bootlickers and collaborators need shooting.

>> No.12120644

>Tfw sore throat and stuffy nose
I-it's just a cold, right?

>> No.12120645
File: 381 KB, 600x866, nooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason why you want to deny the amount covid deaths is because it make Ronald Gump look incompetent and you must defend your orange daddy at all times and suck his balls dry every chance you get.

>> No.12120658

>Tfw delirium, auditory/visual hallucination, extreme fatigue
>loss of smell, felt like someone was holding a candle under my nose

Heheh, lets hope I don't have permanent brain damage...

>> No.12120660

Nobody mentioned Jews or trump you psycho.

Seven months ago even admitting you thought COVID was a threat made you a racist conspiracy theorist according to the media. Yet you still listen to them, why?

>> No.12120662

>threat made you a racist conspiracy theorist according to the media
Bullshit, stop lying.

>> No.12120702

The death rate is 0.5% and only 1% of the deaths were under 40.

>> No.12120870

When did the flu kill 200k Americans in a few months?

>> No.12120893

When did COVID?

>> No.12120896

This year

>> No.12120900

>You know earth has two hemispheres right?
Only one of them matters.

>> No.12120911

>The official numbers are garbage.
200k pneumonia deaths in 7 months when the annual average is 50k. 250k excess deaths in 7 months. What's causing the rise in total deaths, and especially pneumonia deaths?

>> No.12120940

I predict that people will start getting sick and dying of the flu, but will "test positive" for coronavirus and be counted as COVID and not the flu. It will appear that there is an outbreak imminent and everything will get shut down again.

>> No.12121030

complete retard LMFAO

>> No.12122954


>> No.12122978

>What are your predictions?
Everyone loses their shit again.

Twelve people dies globally from covid, the rest from missreporting.

Rioting stops after lockdown 2 because no one can afford molotovs anymore.

>> No.12123091


neither did covid

>> No.12123096


leftist retard detected

>> No.12123100
File: 1004 KB, 2155x1763, flumedialol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



no it didnt.

>> No.12123122

Nobody here is going to view or take your /pol/ infographics seriously on /sci/. You're on the wrong board. Here, we value evidence.

>> No.12123150

That's wrong retard

>> No.12123159
File: 196 KB, 601x612, COVID-blog-1-Theresa-Tam-Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here, we value evidence.
>dismisses evidence

>> No.12124098

In all seriousness, there's less than a billion people living below the equator, and the winters are relatively mild. Cold and flu season is much more significant in the northern hemisphere in both severity and population affected. I did read that the number of diagnosed flu cases in Australia fell from an average of 80k annual cases to less than 1k this year, likely due to all the measures put in place to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.12125218

shut up onions nigger

>> No.12125334

He used the word deadly, the word you are failing to find is transmissible, ESL retard. Yes it is extremely transmissible, and yet the death rate is microscopic among those who get it.

>> No.12125358

how much longer are they going to force masks

>> No.12125427

love how this post just gets ignored. i'm generally skeptical of all normie narratives but excess deaths are hard to explain.

>> No.12126955
File: 282 KB, 603x720, 1598596084871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much longer are they going to force masks
By 2022, weaking a mask will be like putting on underwear or wearing socks. Nobody will be forced. We will be trained like the good goyim we are.

>> No.12126957

Yes it did.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftist
The final non-argument from the /pol/tard after he has been exposed.

>> No.12126964

Nobody in /sci/ is going to value your reddit /pol/ meme graphics or even view them. I literally have no idea what you're posting and I won't look at it because I know you're wrong.
Shut up basedslurping /pol/nigger

>> No.12126985

people still care about this disease?
lmao americans please go outside and stop watching CNN

>> No.12126986

this is what i was afraid of. It's going to be 2050 and they'll still be here.

>> No.12126988

holy fuck please tell me this person is trolling

>> No.12126994

>get hit by car while sneezing
>recorded as coronavirus death

>> No.12128982

That has nothing to do with excess deaths.

>> No.12128989

I don’t know man, in Chile their flu season has already started and they have only something like a few hundred cases, when they usually have 10000 by now. That could be misdiagnosed propaganda to increase Covid deaths, or sick people staying home and not being retards. Who is to say?

>> No.12128996

I think you should totally cut yourself off from society, go into an underground bunker, delete your social media and your connection to the world. And live in that coffin until you die. It’s the only way you won’t get Covid. You must do this. You fucking retard. Save us all the trouble.

>> No.12129016

false positives, anything can count as covid death and lack of tests but somehow extremely high cases.
Makes you think huh?

>> No.12129020

I think flu will have less of an impact due to existing distancing and PPE protocols in place, but for those unfortunate enough to catch the flue they're gonna end up quarantined for days until docs can confirm they "only" have the flue and not Covid, so it's going to put a huge burden on healthcare systems anyway.

>> No.12129027

I find it hard to believe that a recorded pneumonia death isn’t automatically classified as a Covid death. There is no way it isn’t. I mean if somebody dies of pneumonia in a hospital right now it has got to automatically be Covid according to the CDC. Which makes me think those numbers are bullshit.

>> No.12129054

>I find it hard to believe that a recorded pneumonia death isn’t automatically classified as a Covid death.
They're not, though likely many are. But you're missing the point. Pneumonia deaths are 4x the annual average currently. Do you not think COVID-19 is responsible for the majority of those deaths? What's more, those pneumonia deaths happened during spring and summer, when pneumonia deaths are typically very low. If it's not COVID-19, then something else is causing pneumonia at an astonishing rate.

And excess deaths don't take into account the cause of death, they're simply a number for total deaths above the expected rate. The number of excess deaths happens to be very close to the number of COVID-19 deaths. Again, something is causing deaths at an unusually high rate.

>> No.12129072

I’m saying that the fact these deaths have been recorded and not classified as Covid is suspect. Which means either of two things, a hospital doesn’t record it as a Covid death, which makes no sense because the hospitals with more Covid deaths get more government funding, that the deaths were actually caused by something else, or the numbers are bullshit. The numbers being bullshit seems to be the most logical answer.

>> No.12129076

Sorry three things.

>> No.12129113

To add, followed by something else causing the death, and finally that it was Covid but not recorded. It being Covid and not recorded is basically straight lunacy to believe.

>> No.12129133

So you believe not only are the COVID-19 death numbers bullshit, but the pneumonia numbers as well?

>> No.12129145

Logically, yes. Take that as you will.

>> No.12129159

If u have to pretend someone's a nazi in order to point fingers ur probably a bad person

>> No.12129302

why does every coronavirus thread always devolve into this?
I saw an ad selling masks like they're socks or something

>> No.12129413

Against covid? No precautions, it is harmless. Against governmental abuse? Can't do much, but will sabotage every dystopic measure and will participate in protests nearby.

>> No.12129423

A reminder that huge fraction of deaths were caused by Cuomo and friends purposely putting covid to nursing homes. You have a virus basically harmless for young population, what do you do? Right, arrest everyone and then kill the small vulnerable group.

>> No.12129424

Same, I deliberately don't wear a mask wherever I can and want to join a protest.

>> No.12129596

You mean 9600.

>> No.12129609

so my original post was about excess deaths being hard to explain, but the retort is "well they're made up". yeah? i dono, that just ventures too far into "well everything's a lie, duh" territory. you can apply that argument to explain away anything. that's where i bail on the skepticism. something is killing a lot of people. can't just be more suicides b/c of lockdowns.

>> No.12129637
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 0F5E4490-7EFD-4502-966D-A3289011485C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trump supporter
>Feel like Trump did everything he could to prevent the pandemic
>meanwhile democrats intentionally ignored the virus during impeachment and purposefully promoted BLM protests to help spread the virus further and crash the economy all to blame on trump
>have to still argue with fellow trump supporters on why the virus is real.

>> No.12129692

How do you know if it is /pol/ or not if you didn't look at it?

>> No.12129998

covid does cytokine storms, right? until it starts disproportionately affecting the young, I'll sleep

>> No.12130002

masks are pretty based desu. filter smoke and smog particles, fecal particles, fiberglass and other dust if you ever do real work

>> No.12130008

What an absolute retard.

>> No.12130017

Is it bad that I kind of like them?

>> No.12130163

I don’t think stupid boomers and fat people dying is bad at all

>> No.12131591

>tested negative 2 weeks ago
>now guillain barre like symptoms
wtf guys

>> No.12131601

Why did you get tested in the first place? Symptoms? Exposure to an infected person?

>> No.12131818

>had symptoms first days of august
>mom, dad and I tested positive
>two weeks ago get tested again
>all negative
>now I have this weird little spasms, electricity like feeling in my arms and back
>google says guillain-barre

>> No.12131942

Many of the precautions taken for corona will be effective at preventing the flu.
If people keep wearing masks and travelling less, this flu season might be the least deadly ever.

>> No.12132226
File: 89 KB, 1024x733, CDC-ILI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm expecting the Flu d'état 2.0